Date Requested: January 29, 2020
Time Requested: 10:48 AM
Agency: Insurance Commission
CBD Number: Version: Bill Number: Resolution Number:
2712 Introduced SB632
CBD Subject: Workers Compensation


7152, 7162, 7164, 7165

Sources of Revenue:

Special Fund

Legislation creates:

Increases Existing Expenses

Fiscal Note Summary

Effect this measure will have on costs and revenues of state government.

Senate Bill 632, if enacted, would permit a claimant to obtain an evaluation from the Occupational Pneumoconiosis Board without any time frame limitations from the date of last exposure or date of diagnosed impairment. It is unknown at this time how many additional cases would come before the Occupational Pneumoconiosis Board or if the additional cases would result in increased claims for OP being awarded. Accordingly, the fiscal impact to the state administered Worker's Compensation related funds in unknown. The enactment of Senate Bill 632 could create a potential impact on the worker's compensation rates for employers in the specific industry classifications that have exposure to occupational pneumoconiosis claims. The Offices of the Insurance Commissioner has requested that the National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI) review Senate Bill 632 for the potential impact on workers compensation insurance rates.

Fiscal Note Detail

Effect of Proposal Fiscal Year
Fiscal Year
(Upon Full
1. Estmated Total Cost 0 0 0
Personal Services 0 0 0
Current Expenses 0 0 0
Repairs and Alterations 0 0 0
Assets 0 0 0
Other 0 0 0
2. Estimated Total Revenues 0 0 0

Explanation of above estimates (including long-range effect):

Please explain increases and decreases in personal services, current expenses, repairs and alterations, assets, other costs and revenues, including assumptions and data sources and delineation between start-up and ongoing costs. Please also include a long-range schedule of costs and revenues if fiscal impact is expected to vary in future years.


Senate Bill 632, if enacted, would permit a claimant to obtain an evaluation from the Occupational Pneumoconiosis Board without any time frame limitations from the date of last exposure or date of diagnosed impairment. It is unknown at this time how many additional cases would come before the Occupational Pneumoconiosis Board or if the additional cases would result in increased claims for OP being awarded. Accordingly, the fiscal impact to the state administered Worker's Compensation related funds in unknown.

    Person submitting Fiscal Note: Melinda Kiss
    Email Address: