Graham 4841
The Committee on the Judiciary moved to amend the bill by striking out the title and substituting therefor a new title, to read as follows:
Eng. Com. Sub. for Senate Bill 432--A Bill to amend and reenact §8-1-5a of the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended, relating to municipal home rule; making legislative findings; establishing the Municipal Home Rule Pilot Program as a permanent program identified as the Municipal Home Rule Program; providing for continuation of plans and amendments approved during Municipal Home Rule Pilot Program; providing that any ordinance, act, resolution, rule, or regulation enacted pursuant to the Municipal Home Rule Pilot Program shall continue until repealed; expanding eligibility to participate in home rule to additional municipalities; establishing annual assessment for participants in Municipal Home Rule Program; establishing penalty for failing to timely pay annual assessment; creating special revenue account for Municipal Home Rule Board; authorizing certain expenditures from special revenue fund subject to appropriation by the Legislature and providing an exception; providing suspension of annual assessment when certain conditions are met; clarifying the authority of the Municipal Home Rule Board; requiring Municipal Home Rule Board to reject any application or amendment that does not reasonably demonstrate municipality’s ability to manage related costs or liabilities; requiring publication of administrative rules of Municipal Home Rule Board on its website and made available to the public in print upon request; clarifying procedures related to submitting amendment to approved plan; requiring certain notice prior to proposing or amending a plan; requiring a copy of the notice be sent to the board and cabinet secretary of every state department; requiring public hearing and notice of hearing prior to municipality proposing a plan or amendment; amending certain prohibitions on the powers and duties of municipalities under home rule; prohibiting municipalities participating in the Municipal Home Rule Program from passing an ordinance, act, resolution, rule, or regulation contrary to laws governing professional licensing or certification of employees; prohibiting municipalities participating in the Municipal Home Rule Program from passing an ordinance, act, resolution, rule, or regulation contrary to laws, rules, or regulations governing enforcement of building codes or fire codes; prohibiting municipalities participating in the Municipal Home Rule Program from passing an ordinance, act, resolution, rule, or regulation contrary to West Virginia Workplace Freedom Act and Labor-Management Relations Act; prohibiting municipalities participating in the Municipal Home Rule Program from passing an ordinance, act, resolution, rule, or regulation contrary to federal laws, regulations, or standards related to transportation that would affect state’s required compliance or jeopardize federal funding; prohibiting municipalities from enacting any ordinance, act, resolution, rule, or regulation that imposes duties on another governmental entity; providing certain exceptions to that prohibition; modifying reporting requirements; eliminating automatic termination of the Municipal Home Rule Pilot Program on July 1, 2019; and redefining the term “distribute”.