HB4447 SFAT Boso 3-9
Gaskins 4483
Senator Gaunch moved to amend the bill by striking out the title and substituting therefor a new title, to read as follows:
Eng. House Bill No. 4447 -- H. B. 4447 -- A BILL to amend the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended, by adding thereto a new article, designated §17-2E-1, §17-2E-2, §17-2E-3, §17-2E-4, §17-2E-5, §17-2E-6, §17-2E-7, §17-2E-8, §17-2E-9, and §17-2E-10, all relating to providing a uniform and efficient system of broadband conduit installation coinciding with the construction, maintenance, or improvement of highways and rights-of-way under the oversight of the Division of Highways; making legislative findings; defining terms; providing procedures for broadband conduit installation in rights-of-way; providing for highway safety guidelines; establishing a procedure for joint use between telecommunications carriers; setting forth a procedure for monetary and in-kind compensation; providing a method for Division of Highways to offer excess conduit to a telecommunications carrier; setting forth standards to be utilized in agreements entered into by the Division of Highways and two or more telecommunications carriers in a single trench; and providing that existing rules, policies, and procedures of the Division of Highways and United States Code shall control; and providing for joint promulgation of rules by the Broadband Enhancement Council and the Commissioner of the Division of Highways.