SB375 SFAT Sypolt 2-13
Fisher 7874
Senator Sypolt moved to amend the bill by striking out the title and substituting therefor a new title, to read as follows:
Eng. Com. Sub. for Senate Bill 375--A Bill to amend and reenact §19-35-2, §19-35-3, and §19-35-4 of the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended; and to amend said code by adding thereto a new section, designated §19-35-5, all relating to farmers markets; removing local health departments from farmers market vendor permit process; transferring rules and regulations for farmers markets, cottage foods, acidified foods, nonpotentially hazardous foods, and exempted foods from Department of Health and Human Resources to Department of Agriculture; requiring rules to set forth quantity limitations for cottage foods; clarifying consignment farmers markets; defining terms; requiring registration of farmers markets; expanding farmers market vendor permit to permit the sale of cottage foods; establishing fees for farmers market vendor permits; clarifying certain farm and food products require other permits; permitting local health departments to inspect and suspend food establishment permits in certain circumstances; permitting the Department of Agriculture to establish regulations permitting the sampling of certain farm and food products; permitting local health departments to sample and inspect farmers market vendors in certain circumstances; permitting local health departments to invoke cessation of production in certain circumstances; clarifying scope, labeling, and sources of cottage foods; requiring online farmers market sales be delivered in person; permitting home, farm, community, or commercial kitchen to be used by cottage foods vendor as determined by the Department of Agriculture; and clarifying that a farmers market vendor permit is not required to sell nonpotentially hazardous foods and exempted foods.