HB2596 S ED AM #1 2-14

Hager  7871


The Committee on Education moved to amend the bill on page 2, section 16, line 26, by striking out all of subdivision (1) and renumbering the remaining subdivisions;


On page 4, section 16, lines 82 through 90, by striking out all of subdivision (4) and inserting in lieu thereof a new subdivision (4), to read as follows:

(4) An application may only be denied by a county board of education due to lack of grade level capacity, lack of programs or services due to areas identified in the county board critical need policy, or the commission of Level 3 or Level 4 inappropriate behavior as defined by West Virginia Board of Education Policy 4373 in the last year. The denial shall be in writing, sent to the parent or guardian of the nonresident student and the West Virginia Department of Education within three business days of the decision, and include the reason and explanation for the denial and information on appealing the denial of the application. If a nonresident student fails to fill out or submit an open enrollment application correctly, a county board shall provide an explanation of ways in which the application may be corrected and submitted for necessary approval.


