Date Requested: February 07, 2023
Time Requested: 12:54 PM
Agency: Adjutant General
CBD Number: Version: Bill Number: Resolution Number:
3474 Introduced HB3315
CBD Subject: Public Safety


Adjutant General - State Militia

Sources of Revenue:

General Fund

Legislation creates:

Increases Revenue From Existing Sources, Increases Existing Expenses

Fiscal Note Summary

Effect this measure will have on costs and revenues of state government.

Summarize in a clear and concise manner what impact this measure will have on costs and revenues of state government. The purpose of this bill is to create an enlistment enhancement program to improve recruitment and retention in the West Virginia National Guard. State funds are needed to cover the cost of this enlistment bonus.

Fiscal Note Detail

Effect of Proposal Fiscal Year
Fiscal Year
(Upon Full
1. Estmated Total Cost 0 50,000 50,000
Personal Services 0 50,000 50,000
Current Expenses 0 0 0
Repairs and Alterations 0 0 0
Assets 0 0 0
Other 0 0 0
2. Estimated Total Revenues 0 50,000 50,000

Explanation of above estimates (including long-range effect):

Please explain increases and decreases in personal services, current expenses, repairs and alterations, assets, other costs and revenues, including assumptions and data sources and delineation between start-up and ongoing costs. Please also include a long-range schedule of costs and revenues if fiscal impact is expected to vary in future years. This enlistment bonus will help maintain current members and add new members to meet or exceed the readiness of the West Virginia National Guard. We have estimated 25 members at $2,000 per member for a total of $50,000 state funding needed in our General Revenue Fund 0433 74800.


Please identify any areas of vagueness, technical defects, reasons a bill would not have a fiscal impact, and/or any special issues not captured elsewhere on this form.

    Person submitting Fiscal Note: Rhonda Wick
    Email Address: