Date Requested: March 11, 2021
Time Requested: 11:25 AM
Agency: Motor Vehicles, WV Division of
CBD Number: Version: Bill Number: Resolution Number:
1592 Introduced HB3061
CBD Subject: Motor Vehicles


Road Fund

Sources of Revenue:

Special Fund

Legislation creates:

Decreases Existing Revenue, Increases Existing Expenses

Fiscal Note Summary

Effect this measure will have on costs and revenues of state government.

The purpose of this bill is to exempt disabled veterans with any percentage of disability from the payment of registration fees under the provisions of this chapter. There are approximately 30,000 armed forces veterans with less than a 100% disability. The Division estimates that all 30,000 will want to participate in the program with each veteran registering an average of 1.5 vehicles for a total of 45,000 (30,000 veterans X 1.5 vehicles per veteran). The Disabled veterans plate costs the Division $4.40 ($6.80 DV Plate - $2.40 class “A” plate). Total increase plate cost to the Division in the first year would be $198,000 (45,000 vehicles x $4.40 per plate). The Division anticipates the number of participants to remain consistent with 1,500 vehicles leaving the program annually and being replaced with 1,500 new vehicles. Therefore, after full implementation the Division expects increased annual plate costs of $6,600 (1,500 vehicles x $4.40). The 45,000 vehicles taking advantage of the reduced fees will not be renewing at their current rate of $51.50 per year producing an annual reduction of revenue of $2,317,500 (45,000 vehicle x $51.50). For each new registration plate the Division collects a $10 one-time fee. Total projected one-time fee for year 1 would be $450,000 ($10 x 45,000 vehicles registered). The one-time fee would generate $15,000 ($10 x 1,500 vehicles) annually thereafter. Other fees associated with each plate are the $1 litter fee and the $0.50 insurance verification fee. These fees are collected for each registration year issued. The Disabled Veterans plate is issued for a period of ten years with seven years remaining in its current cycle. Anticipated revenue in the first year from these fees is $472,500 (($1 + $0.50) x 7 years x 45,000 vehicles). Anticipated revenue from these fees in subsequent years is $11,250 (($1 + $0.50) x 5 years(average) x 1,500 vehicles). Net reduction of revenue for the first year $1,395,000 ($2,317,500 - $450,000 - $472,500). Net reduction of revenue in subsequent years is $2,291,250 ($2,317,500 - $15,000 - $11,250).

Fiscal Note Detail

Effect of Proposal Fiscal Year
Fiscal Year
(Upon Full
1. Estmated Total Cost 0 198,000 6,600
Personal Services 0 0 0
Current Expenses 0 198 6,600
Repairs and Alterations 0 0 0
Assets 0 0 0
Other 0 0 0
2. Estimated Total Revenues 0 -1,395,000 -2,291,250

Explanation of above estimates (including long-range effect):

$6.80 Cost of Veterans Plate $2.40 Cost of Class A Plate $4.40 Increased Cost Per Plate 45,000 New Plate $189,000 Total Current Expense 30,000 Honorable Discharged Veterans 1.5 Cars Per Veteran 45,000 Estimated Total Vehicles ($51.50) Per Item Revenue Reduction ($2,317,500) Revenue Reduction 45,000 Estimated Total Vehicles/Plates $10 Plate Fee $450,000 One-Time Plate Fee Generated $1.50 Annual Litter and Ins. Fee 7 Years Remaining In 10 Yr. Cycle $10.50 45,000 Estimated Total Vehicles/Plates $472,500 Total Litter and Ins. Fee ($1,395,000) Net Revenue Change $6.80 Cost of Veterans Plate $2.40 Cost of Class A Plate $4.40 Increased Cost Per Plate 1,500 New Plate $6,600 Total Current Expense 30,000 Honorable Discharged Veterans 1.5 Cars Per Veteran 45,000 Estimated Total Vehicles ($51.50) Per Item Revenue Reduction ($2,317,500) Revenue Reduction 1,000 Honorable Discharged Veterans 1.5 Cars Per Veteran 1,500 Est. Of New Plates Sold Annually $10 Plate Fee $15,000 Revenue Generated $1.50 Annual Litter and Ins. Fee 5 Years Remaining In 10 Yr. Cycle $7.50 1,500 Est. Of New Plates Sold Annually $11,250 Total Litter and Ins. Fee ($2,291,250) Net Revenue Change


    Person submitting Fiscal Note: Raeann Kriner
    Email Address: