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There are 72 Bills pending in House Government Organization




SB 32Authorizing Legislative Auditor to collect sunrise application review fees02/05/14
HB 2042Providing for removal and election of Public Service Commissioners01/09/14
HB 2052Prohibiting the naming of a publicly funded building, road, structure or project for a living elected public official01/09/14
HB 2068Adding a special memorial day to celebrate the victory of democracy in the Cold War01/09/14
HB 2095Increasing salaries for state police forensic lab employees01/09/14
HB 2097Providing for career development and establishing a pay scale for Alcohol Beverage Commission inspectors, enforcement agents and supervisors01/09/14
HB 2132Permitting the racing commission to regulate charity racing events01/09/14
HB 2161Continuing education requirement of building code inspectors01/09/14
HB 2170Clarifying the law governing the duties of professional licensing boards01/09/14
HB 2178Authorizing licensing boards to require applicants to submit to criminal background checks01/09/14
HB 2218Restricting certain aid to the Armed Forces of the United States by West Virginia agencies01/09/14
HB 2252Authorizing the equal pay commission to study the "glass ceiling" concept01/09/14
HB 2290Requiring reports to the Governor from state agencies to be made available electronically via the internet01/09/14
HB 2295Prohibiting project labor agreements on state-funded construction contracts01/09/14
HB 2319Allowing state employees to take paid leave to attend parent-teacher conference for their children01/09/14
HB 2332Relating to confidential records01/09/14
HB 2367Establishing a West Virginia State Trooper's Association leave donation program01/09/14
HB 2385Relating to the requirements for and scope of practice for registered veterinary technicians01/09/14
HB 2392Creating an equal pay coordinator within the Division of Personnel01/09/14
HB 2394Removing the statutory reference to the salary of the Executive Director of the Women's Commission01/09/14
HB 2408Requiring all state boards, commissions, committees or councils to be gender balanced and to have proportionate representation of minorities01/09/14
HB 2476Encouraging public officials to display the national motto on all public property and public buildings01/09/14
HB 2578Creating the Good Jobs Internet Reporting Act01/09/14
HB 2584Relating to licensing board accounts01/09/14
HB 2775Abolishing the Board of Barbers and Cosmetologists01/09/14
HB 2790Relating to public service district board members01/09/14
HB 2813Relating generally to the purchasing division01/09/14
HB 2821Relating to the Board of Barbers and Cosmetologists01/09/14
HB 2900Requiring regional airport authority board members to include persons of area expertise01/09/14
HB 2904Creating a State Employee Ombudsman01/09/14
HB 2999Prohibiting members of the state Athletic Commission from judging or refereeing any professional boxing, full contact boxing or mixed martial arts match01/09/14
HB 3008Requiring the three commissioners of the Public Service Commission be elected from the three congressional districts for six-year terms01/09/14
HB 3016Restroom Access Act01/09/14
HB 3017Requiring the State Fire Marshal to propose rules for legislative approval to set standards for minimum acceptable fire company on-duty staffing levels01/09/14
HB 3082Providing a limit on consulting fees01/09/14
HB 3085Requiring persons engaged in natural gas horizontal well drilling activities to annually submit a report to the Department of Labor identifying the state of residency01/09/14
HB 3090Relating to duties of the Chief Technology Officer with regard to security of government information01/09/14
HB 3129Creating of the Verifiable Science Act01/09/14
HB 3144Relating to supervision of works by a sanitary board01/09/14
HB 3149Requiring the Commissioner of Corrections to keep a record of repeat offenses committed by persons convicted of sexual offenses against children01/09/14
HB 3150Relating generally to purchasing01/09/14
HB 4119Reducing compensation of state legislators01/09/14
HB 4121Requiring that the chairperson of the Public Service Commission be elected on a nonpartisan ballot01/09/14
HB 4124Relating to required orientation sessions for state licensing boards01/14/14
HB 4127Relating to appointment of Public Service Commissioners01/14/14
HB 4128Requiring boards of examination or registration to maintain a list of disciplinary actions on a public access website01/14/14
HB 4131Requiring certain boards of examination or registration to conduct a nationwide criminal background check on all applicants01/14/14
HB 4153Providing that the State Fire Marshal shall serve at the will and pleasure of the fire commission01/14/14
HB 4164Relating to professional licensure, certification or registration of persons and spouses of persons on military active duty outside this state01/14/14
HB 4185Implementing purchasing reforms01/15/14
HB 4199Allowing the mandatory federal background check of registered professional nurses to be done by a name search01/16/14
HB 4215Requiring the Director of the Purchasing Division's direct purchases be consistent with the other requirements of the purchasing process and best value contracting01/17/14
HB 4219Auditing the Division of Highways01/17/14
HB 4235Creating new code sections which separate the executive departments01/20/14
HB 4260Eliminating unnecessary boards01/22/14
HB 4280Relating to the Department of Health and Human Resources02/06/14
HB 4308Relating to the Municipal Home Rule Pilot Program01/24/14
HB 4317Relating to state procurement01/24/14
HB 4341Relating to cable television01/27/14
HB 4361Allowing members of the Legislature who are away serving in the Armed Forces to participate and vote via electronic teleconferencing01/28/14
HB 4374Permitting purchases up to $100,000 without competitive bids01/30/14
HB 4413Requiring that athletic trainers be licensed02/05/14
HB 4426Relating to contested cases02/06/14
HB 4427Relating to hearings before the Office of Administrative Hearings02/06/14
HB 4448Changing the composition of the State Athletic Commission02/10/14
HB 4467Relating to exempting individuals employed by a county board of education from plumbing licensing requirements while performing plumbing work on board of education property02/11/14
HB 4477Relating to the practice of psychology02/12/14
HB 4540Relating to embalmer licenses02/14/14
HB 4542Changing certain dates related to requirements for funeral service licenses02/14/14
HB 4543Relating to the board of Funeral Service Examiners02/14/14
HB 4544Requiring the Board of Funeral Service Examiners to post notice on its website of any disciplinary action resulting in sanctions against a licensee02/14/14
HB 4589Relating to the West Virginia Diesel Equipment Commission02/17/14
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