Senator Tucker moved to amend the bill by striking out the title and substituting therefor a new title, to read as follows:
Eng. Com. Sub. for Com. Sub. for Senate Bill No. 185--A Bill to amend and reenact §11-6D-1, §11-6D-2, §11-6D-3, §11-6D-4, §11-6D-5, §11-6D-6, §11-6D-7 and §11-6D-9 of the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended, all relating to the tax credit for alternative-fuel motor vehicles and qualified alternative-fuel vehicle refueling infrastructure and qualified alternative-fuel vehicle home refueling infrastructure; setting forth legislative findings; defining terms; restricting credit to purchases of and conversions to natural gas-fueled motor vehicles, liquefied petroleum gas-fueled motor vehicles and electric-fueled motor vehicles; narrowing allowance of credit for alternative-fuel motor vehicle purchases, alternative-fuel motor vehicle conversions and alternative-fuel motor vehicle refueling infrastructure; outlining eligibility for credit and cessation of eligibility for credit for specified construction, purchases, expenditures, investments, installations or conversions made on or after cessation dates or tax years as specified; requiring that not more than one tax credit be granted under said article six-d, or any combination of articles set forth in said chapter eleven for purchase of an alternative-fuel motor vehicle or for costs relating to conversion of a motor vehicle to an alternative-fuel motor vehicle, or for costs associated with alternative-fuel vehicle refueling infrastructure or for costs associated with alternative-fuel home refueling infrastructure; providing amount of credit for qualified alternative-fuel vehicle refueling infrastructure; providing limitations on credit; allowing pass-through entities to distribute credits to pass-through equity owners in any manner such equity owners see fit; providing for the termination of tax credit for alternative-fuel motor vehicles purchased after December 31, 2017; providing for the termination of tax credit for motor vehicles converted to operate on alternative fuel after December 31, 2017; providing for the termination of tax credit for construction or purchase and installation of alternative-fuel vehicle refueling infrastructure occurring after December 31, 2017; providing for the termination of tax credit for construction or purchase and installation of qualified alternative-fuel vehicle home refueling infrastructure occurring on or after April 15, 2013; providing for the termination of tax credit for purchases of motor vehicles that operate on fuels other than compressed natural gas or liquefied natural gas, or liquefied petroleum gas, occurring on or after April 15, 2013; providing for the termination of tax credit for conversions of motor vehicles to operate on fuels other than compressed natural gas, liquefied natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas or electricity occurring on or after April 15, 2013; providing limitations and restrictions of credit carryover; and providing that credit is nontransferable.