Akers 3238
The Committee on Political Subdivisions moved to amend the bill by striking out the title and substituting therefor a new title, to read as follows:
H. B. 3096 -- “A Bill to repeal §8-16-19 of the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended; to amend and reenact §16-13A-8of said code; to amend and reenact §16-13A-9 of said code; to amend and reenact §24-1-1b of said code; to amend and reenact §24-2-1, §24-2-3, §24-2-4b and §24-2-11 of said code, all relating to operation and regulation of certain water and sewer utilities owned or operated by political subdivisions of the state by deleting reference to appeals to the Public Service Commission from actions of municipal boards that are not subject to the jurisdiction of the Public Service Commission; relating to the authority of county commissions to modify proposed rates for certain water and sewer utilities and providing for complaints to be filed with the circuit courts pertaining to rates and charges enacted as proposed or as modified or rejected by the county commission and requiring the circuit court to act within 120 days of receipt of the complaint; eliminating the Public Service Commission’s authority regarding stormwater utilities; providing time limits for the filing of requests for investigation pertaining to political subdivisions of this state providing separate or combined water and/or sewer services and having at least four thousand five hundred customers and annual combined gross revenues of $3 million or more and specifying that the Commission must resolve such investigation requests within 120 days; clarifying the authority of the Public Service Commission to resolve complaints of customers of water and sewer utilities operated by a political subdivision of the state having at least four thousand five hundred customers and annual combined gross revenues of $3 million or more; clarifying the jurisdiction of the Public Service Commission relating to rates for municipal water and/or sewer utilities having less than four thousand five hundred customers or annual combined gross revenues of less than $3 million; and revising the notice and procedure provisions for construction projects for political subdivisions of this state providing separate or combined water and/or sewer services and having at least four thousand five hundred customers and annual combined gross revenues of $3 million or more.”