SB18 SFA RUCKER 3-22 #1
Hager 7871
Senator Rucker moved to amend the bill on page two, section five, lines seventeen through twenty-two, by striking out all of subdivision (2) and inserting in lieu thereof a new subdivision, designated subdivision (2), to read as follows:
“(2) The Constitution of the State of West Virginia, section one, article twelve thereof, states: “The Legislature shall provide, by general law, for a thorough and efficient system of free schools.” Furthermore, section two, article twelve of the Constitution states: “The general supervision of the free schools of the State shall be vested in the West Virginia board of education which shall perform such duties as may be prescribed by law.” Therefore, because the Legislature is empowered to identify “such duties as may be prescribed by law” to the West Virginia Board of Education, it is clearly within the Legislature’s authority to mandate, at any level of specificity, appropriate academic standards to be adopted by the state board;”;
On page three, section five, line thirty-four, by striking out the word “and”;
On page three, section five, line forty-one, by changing the period to a semicolon and adding the following: and
(6) The state board shall not adopt any national or regional testing program or academic curriculum standards tied to federal funding without approval granted by Act of the Legislature.;
On page four, section five, after line sixty-seven, by inserting a new subdivision, designated subdivision (2), to read as follows:
“(2) Digital literacy skills;”
And by renumbering the remaining subdivisions;
On page six, section five, lines one hundred twenty-two and one hundred twenty-three, by striking out all of subdivision (7) and inserting in lieu thereof a new subdivision, designated subdivision (7), to read as follows:
(7) Neither the Smarter Balance Assessment System, the PARCC Assessment System nor any other assessment based on Common Core, Next Generation or College and Career Readiness standards may be used as the statewide assessment program.;
On page six, section five, after line one hundred thirty-three, by adding a new subdivision, designated subdivision (12), to read as follows:
(12) For any online assessment, the state board shall provide online assessment preparation to ensure that students have the requisite digital literacy skills necessary to be successful on the assessment.