Hager 7871
Senator Rucker moved to amend the bill by striking out the title and substituting therefor a new title, to read as follows:
Eng. Com. Sub. for Senate Bill 18--A Bill to amend and reenact §18-2E-5 of the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended, relating to modifying finding to declare that it is clearly within the Legislature’s authority to mandate, at any level of specificity, appropriate academic standards to be adopted by the West Virginia Board of Education; prohibiting the state board from adopting any national or regional testing program or academic curriculum standards tied to federal funding without approval granted by Act of the Legislature; adding digital literacy skills to the list of areas the state board is required to adopt certain high-quality education standards in; requiring the state board to use a new comprehensive statewide student assessment program beginning with the 2017-2018 school year; setting forth requirements for the new assessment program; removing authorization to require student proficiencies be measured through the ACT EXPLORE and the ACT PLAN assessments or other comparable assessments; allowing state board to waive certain requirements for the new assessment program if less than two vendors submit bids; clarifying that state board may issue more than one request for proposals and contract with more than one vendor; prohibiting the Smarter Balance Assessment System, the PARCC Assessment System or certain other assessments from being used; requiring the state board to include in its rule accountability measures for students taking the comprehensive statewide assessment; prohibiting certain summative assessments from taking more than two percent of a student’s instructional time; prohibiting a student from being required to complete a greater number of summative assessments than is required by the Every Student Succeeds Act; providing exception; prohibiting collection of personal data as part of the assessment process except for what is necessary for the students’ instruction, academic and college and career search needs; and requiring the state board to provide online assessment preparation for any online assessment.