SB468 SFA Rucker #1 2-26
Osgood 7820
Senator Rucker moved to amend the bill on page 3, section 9, lines 60 through 66, by striking out all of paragraphs (A) and (B) and inserting in lieu thereof the following:
A high-definition ultrasound video that is a medically accurate, animated glimpse of human life from the moment of fertilization. The video shall detail growth and progress from fertilization, to implantation, to the fetal stage, and finally to birth. The video must include the following depictions:
(i) When the gender, ethnicity, hair color are determined.
(ii) When the embryo is implanted.
(iii) When the heartbeat can be detected.
(iv) When fetus can swallow, grasp, stretch.
(v) When taste buds have matured.
(vi) When the fetus can survive outside womb.
(vii) When babies can respond to parent’s voices and to light.