2024 regular session
House Bill 4171
By Delegate Pushkin
[Introduced; Referred to
the Committee on Education]
A BILL to amend and reenact §18-3-12 of the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended, relating to modifying the special community development school pilot program.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:
(a) The state superintendent shall establish a special community development school pilot program to be implemented in a neighborhood of at least five up to three elementary public schools which shall include at least one elementary and middle school for the duration of five years. The neighborhood of public schools designated by the state superintendent for the pilot shall have significant enrollments of disadvantaged, minority, and underachieving students. The designated neighborhood of public schools under the direction of the local governing board shall work in collaboration with, county board and county superintendent county boards of education, county superintendents, the State Board of Education, the State Superintendent of Schools, institutions of higher education, community organization, principals, teachers, and parents shall work in collaboration with higher education, community organizations, Center for Professional Development, local community leaders, affected classroom teachers, affected parents and the state board to develop and implement strategies that could be replicated in other public schools with significant enrollments of disadvantaged, minority, and underachieving students to improve academic achievement. For purposes of this section "neighborhood" means an area of no more than seven square miles
(b) A designated public school shall identify a public higher education teaching institution that will provide it with technical assistance in the development and implementation of detailed comprehensive education reform plan.
(c) The comprehensive education reform plan shall be submitted to the county school superintendent and county board of education for review and comment. The plan shall also be submitted to the State Superintendent of Schools and State Board of Education for review, comment and approval.
(d) A designated public school shall operate under the governing board appointed by the State Superintendent of Schools which shall consist of the following:
(1) Two parents of students attending the designated public pilot school;
(2) Two persons who reside in the community served by the designated public pilot school;
(3) Two faculty members employed at the designated public pilot school;
(4) Two persons appointed by the county board of education; and
(5) The State Superintendent of Schools or designee.
(e) The State Superintendent of Schools shall request, and the Joint Legislative Commission on Education Accountability shall grant, a designated pilot school exemptions and waivers from state and county school polices as necessary: Provided, That a designated pilot school may not be granted an exemption from a statute contained in Chapter 18A of this code, or any rules or policies implementing a statute contained in Chapter 18A of this code.
(f) On or before January 1, 2025, and each year thereafter, the state superintendent, county superintendent(s), the chairperson(s) of the local governing board(s) for the schools, and lead community-based organizations shall make status report(s) to the Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability and to the state board. The report may include any recommendations based on the progress of the demonstration pilot project that they consider either necessary for improving the operations of the demonstration project or prudent for improving student achievement in other public schools through replication of successful demonstration school(s) programs.
NOTE: The purpose of this bill is to make certain reforms to the special community development pilot program.
Strike-throughs indicate language that would be stricken from a heading or the present law and underscoring indicates new language that would be added.