The West Virginia Capitol: A Commemorative History
Produced by: Senate Clerk's Office
phone: (304) 357-7800
On the web: Capitol History
Download: Capitol History [PDF]
First printed in 1982 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Capitol's dedication, this publication contains archival pictures, photographs and detailed accounts of the Statehouse's history - from its early locations and a devastating fire to Cass Gilbert's vision, its awe-inspiring construction in Charleston and the intricate details that citizens continue to enjoy today. The book also includes information on the Governor's Mansion and a summary of statistical figures concerning the Capitol.
Page Program Book
Created as a guide for students participating in the Legislature's Page Program, this book provides valuable information on the members of the Senate and House of Delegates, including their photographs and seating charts. It also details students' responsibilities while serving as pages and important rules to follow while in the Chambers. In addition, the book includes Capitol maps, an explanation of the legislative process and historical information on West Virginia.
Senate Topical Index & Bill History
Produced by: Senate Clerk's Office
Legislative Duplicating
phone: (304) 347-4811
On the web: Legislature's Bulletin Board
Printed daily, the Senate Topical Index contains a list of all bills introduced by subject and includes short titles of each measure. The Senate Bill History, also printed daily, is a numerical listing of all bills introduced, including short titles, sponsor(s), notation of companion House bills and an updated history of Senate and House action from introduction through approval or veto by the governor. These publications are available online.