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All Bills (House | Senate) All Resolutions Subject Short Title Sponsor Date Introduced Code Affected All Same As Pending In Committee Reported From Committee Passed One Chamber Fiscal Notes Completed Legislation Actions by Governor |
Bill | Title | Date |
SB 2 | Exempting certain election officials from attending instructional training program | 01/09/02 |
SB 5 | Increasing expenditure limit for vocational rehabilitation | 01/09/02 |
SB 6 | Requiring campaign advertising disclose party affiliation; penalties | 01/09/02 |
SB 8 | Allowing magistrates to carry concealed weapon | 01/09/02 |
SB 10 | Authorizing landowners to remove debris to prevent flooding | 01/09/02 |
SB 11 | Creating Regulatory Flexibility Act | 01/09/02 |
SB 14 | Changing time limit employee may file for workers' compensation | 01/09/02 |
SB 17 | Eliminating landlord liability for tenant's delinquent utility accounts | 01/09/02 |
SB 19 | Providing certain emergency caregivers not liable for civil damages | 01/09/02 |
SB 24 | Providing state maintain telemarketing do-not-call list | 01/09/02 |
SB 29 | Requiring circuit court clerk provide notification to child's school when parental custody changes | 01/09/02 |
SB 30 | Authorizing counties and municipalities form aggregations to negotiate procurement of energy | 01/09/02 |
SB 34 | Creating Genetic Information Privacy Act | 01/09/02 |
SB 41 | Creating Voters' Initiative Act | 01/09/02 |
SB 43 | Limiting state court venue for certain nonresident plaintiffs | 01/09/02 |
SB 45 | Authorizing magistrates to perform marriages; fee | 01/09/02 |
SB 49 | Establishing position of victim advocate | 01/09/02 |
SB 51 | Establishing Real Property Owners' Bill of Rights | 01/09/02 |
SB 52 | Relating to ventilatory function tests | 01/09/02 |
SB 65 | Establishing new arbitration mechanism | 01/09/02 |
SB 67 | Increasing number of allowable magistrate court deputy clerks | 01/09/02 |
SB 68 | Relating to limitations on contracts affecting property taxes | 01/09/02 |
SB 71 | Increasing penalties for use or possession of tobacco by minors | 01/09/02 |
SB 79 | Regulating solicitation of credit card applications on college campuses | 01/09/02 |
SB 80 | Authorizing courts order convicted defendants to contribute to certain assistance programs | 01/09/02 |
SB 81 | Repealing prohibition against political activities of members of paid fire departments | 01/09/02 |
SB 85 | Providing immunity from liability for police officers who withdraw certain DUI charges | 01/09/02 |
SB 86 | Providing licensed wine retailers same shipping rights as nonresident retailers | 01/09/02 |
SB 94 | Using wireless enhanced 911 fees to provide service in counties without wireless coverage | 01/09/02 |
SB 103 | Exempting certain military awards for sale by state treasurer | 01/10/02 |
SB 117 | Relating to cost-of-living studies for bureau of employment programs | 01/10/02 |
SB 118 | Requiring public hearing prior to issuance of license for private clubs | 01/10/02 |
SB 126 | Prohibiting certain real property reevaluation from exceeding certain percent | 01/10/02 |
SB 130 | Relating to signs designating smoking and nonsmoking areas | 01/10/02 |
SB 132 | Expanding venue for certain suits and actions | 01/10/02 |
SB 133 | Making destruction of rental property criminal offense | 01/10/02 |
SB 136 | Requiring certain training for retail outlets and private club employees | 01/10/02 |
SB 137 | Relating to charitable raffle boards and games; penalties | 01/10/02 |
SB 138 | Relating to licensing businesses offering exotic entertainment | 01/10/02 |
SB 139 | Exempting mandatory immunizations for good cause or religious prohibition | 01/10/02 |
SB 145 | Amending definition of solid waste | 01/10/02 |
SB 151 | Creating mental retardation/development disability employee abuse register | 01/10/02 |
SB 152 | Allowing certain retail markup on sales of cigarettes and beer | 01/10/02 |
SB 157 | Relating to regulation of telemarketers | 01/10/02 |
SB 160 | Limiting liability of physicians who care for indigent individuals | 01/10/02 |
SB 167 | Authorizing parole officers to carry concealed weapons without obtaining license | 01/11/02 |
SB 168 | Relating to use or possession of tobacco or tobacco products by minors; penalty | 01/11/02 |
SB 170 | Making confidential information subject to subpoena | 01/11/02 |
SB 172 | Reporting and collection of abortion data | 01/11/02 |
SB 173 | Relating to creating medical practice protection act | 01/11/02 |
SB 174 | Establishing criminal offense of voyeurism | 01/11/02 |
SB 182 | Increasing penalties for indecent exposure | 01/11/02 |
SB 184 | Abolishing voting machines and electronic systems during certain elections; paper ballots | 01/11/02 |
SB 189 | Relating to proceeds from charitable bingo and charitable raffles | 01/14/02 |
SB 198 | Including certain amount of property damage in compensation awards | 01/14/02 |
SB 199 | Making multiple acts of vandalism felony | 01/14/02 |
SB 202 | Requiring law-enforcement agencies open certain official investigations | 01/14/02 |
SB 203 | Making state's alcohol laws conform to federal law | 01/14/02 |
SB 208 | Creating Bioterrorism Threat Reduction Act | 01/15/02 |
SB 222 | Allowing alcohol beverage control commissioner to enter into agreements with various local law-enforcement agencies to enforce laws relative to sale of alcohol | 01/16/02 |
SB 223 | Relating to involuntary hospitalization examination | 01/16/02 |
SB 225 | Limiting liability of merchants for credit card fraud over internet | 01/16/02 |
SB 242 | Increasing criminal penalties for intentional cemetery damage | 01/18/02 |
SB 248 | Relating to DUI of alcohol, controlled substances or drugs | 01/18/02 |
SB 250 | Prohibiting wireless enhanced 911 fee increases without legislative approval | 01/18/02 |
SB 257 | Relating to continuation of misdemeanor prosecutions in certain cases | 01/21/02 |
SB 258 | Exempting marital privilege in criminal cases under certain circumstances | 01/21/02 |
SB 259 | Relating to removal of required discovery obligation in criminal cases under certain circumstances | 01/21/02 |
SB 260 | Providing additional penalty for right-of-way violations under certain circumstances | 01/21/02 |
SB 262 | Permitting court or juvenile referee to detain child under certain circumstances | 01/21/02 |
SB 266 | Providing new felony offense of premeditated malicious wounding | 01/21/02 |
SB 268 | Adding to definition of robbery in first degree in certain situations | 01/21/02 |
SB 269 | Permitting enhanced offenses charged where existing charge is of record and conviction has not been finalized | 01/21/02 |
SB 270 | Relating to services of prosecuting attorney's investigator | 01/21/02 |
SB 271 | Relating to prosecuting attorney fees | 01/21/02 |
SB 272 | Providing certain misdemeanor offenses tried in circuit court | 01/21/02 |
SB 273 | Relating to jury selection in felony cases | 01/21/02 |
SB 274 | Relating to serious traffic offenses generally | 01/21/02 |
SB 275 | Relating to prosecuting attorney fees | 01/21/02 |
SB 286 | Relating to change of address form for concealed weapons carriers; fee | 01/23/02 |
SB 295 | Authorizing department of administration to promulgate legislative rule relating to state purchasing card program | 02/05/02 |
SB 296 | Authorizing consolidated public retirement board to promulgate legislative rule relating to benefit determination and appeal | 02/20/02 |
SB 297 | Authorizing division of environmental protection to promulgate legislative rule relating to ambient air quality standards for sulfur oxides and particulate matter | 02/05/02 |
SB 298 | Authorizing division of environmental protection to promulgate legislative rule relating to ambient air quality standards for carbon monoxide and ozone | 02/05/02 |
SB 299 | Authorizing division of environmental protection to promulgate legislative rule relating to emission standards for hazardous air pollutants | 02/05/02 |
SB 300 | Authorizing division of environmental protection to promulgate legislative rule relating to standard of performance for new stationary sources | 02/05/02 |
SB 301 | Authorizing division of environmental protection to promulgate legislative rule relating to prevention and control of air pollution from hazardous waste treatment, storage or disposal facilities | 02/05/02 |
SB 302 | Authorizing division of environmental protection to promulgate legislative rule relating to acid rain provisions and permits | 02/05/02 |
SB 303 | Authorizing division of environmental protection to promulgate legislative rule relating to awarding West Virginia stream partners program grants | 02/05/02 |
SB 304 | Authorizing division of health to promulgate legislative rule relating to design standards for swimming pools | 02/01/02 |
SB 306 | Authorizing insurance commissioner to promulgate legislative rule relating to medical malpractice loss experience and loss expense annual reporting requirements | 01/30/02 |
SB 308 | Authorizing board of examiners for registered professional nurses to promulgate legislative rule relating to fees | 02/05/02 |
SB 310 | Authorizing board of social work examiners to promulgate legislative rule relating to fee schedule | 02/05/02 |
SB 311 | Authorizing board of accountancy to promulgate legislative rule relating to board and rules of professional conduct | 02/07/02 |
SB 312 | Authorizing department of administration to promulgate legislative rule relating to parking | 02/18/02 |
SB 313 | Authorizing commissioner of agriculture to promulgate legislative rule relating to animal disease control | 02/05/02 |
SB 314 | Authorizing commissioner of agriculture to promulgate legislative rule relating to state aid for fairs and festivals | 02/05/02 |
SB 315 | Authorizing commissioner of agriculture to promulgate legislative rule relating to schedule of charges for inspection services--fruit | 02/05/02 |
SB 316 | Authorizing commissioner of agriculture to promulgate legislative rule relating to controlled atmosphere for storage of apples | 01/31/02 |
SB 317 | Authorizing athletic commission to promulgate legislative rule relating to commission | 01/24/02 |
SB 318 | Authorizing auditor to promulgate legislative rule relating to transaction fee and rate structure | 02/07/02 |
SB 319 | Authorizing contractor licensing board to promulgate legislative rule relating to complaints | 02/18/02 |
SB 320 | Authorizing division of environmental protection to promulgate legislative rule relating to nitrogen oxide budget trading program as means of control and reduction of nitrogen oxides | 02/18/02 |
SB 321 | Authorizing division of environmental protection to promulgate legislative rule relating to prevention and control of emissions from commercial and industrial solid waste incineration units | 02/05/02 |
SB 322 | Authorizing division of environmental protection to promulgate legislative rule relating to nitrogen oxide budget trading program as means of control and reduction of nitrogen oxides from electric generating units | 02/18/02 |
SB 323 | Authorizing division of environmental protection to promulgate legislative rule relating to emission standards for hazardous air pollutants for source categories | 02/05/02 |
SB 324 | Authorizing division of environmental protection to promulgate legislative rule relating to voluntary remediation and redevelopment | 02/05/02 |
SB 325 | Authorizing division of environmental protection to promulgate legislative rule relating to surface mining and reclamation | 02/22/02 |
SB 326 | Authorizing division of environmental protection to promulgate legislative rule relating to coal-related dam safety | 02/06/02 |
SB 327 | Authorizing division of environmental protection to promulgate legislative rule relating to hazardous waste management | 02/05/02 |
SB 328 | Authorizing division of environmental protection to promulgate legislative rule relating to administrative proceedings and civil penalty assessment | 02/05/02 |
SB 329 | Authorizing division of environmental protection to promulgate legislative rule relating to state certification of activities requiring federal licenses and permits | 02/14/02 |
SB 330 | Authorizing division of environmental protection to promulgate legislative rule relating to underground injection control | 02/06/02 |
SB 331 | Authorizing division of environmental protection to promulgate legislative rule relating to groundwater protection standards at Dominion "Generation" steam electric generation facility at Mount Storm, West Virginia | 02/05/02 |
SB 333 | Authorizing board of licensed dietitians to promulgate legislative rule relating to licensure and renewal requirements | 02/01/02 |
SB 334 | Authorizing board of licensed dietitians to promulgate legislative rule relating to code of professional ethics | 02/01/02 |
SB 335 | Authorizing economic development authority to promulgate legislative rule relating to general administration of West Virginia capital company act; establishment of application procedures to implement act | 02/05/02 |
SB 336 | Authorizing economic development authority to promulgate legislative rule relating to general administration of West Virginia venture capital act | 02/05/02 |
SB 337 | Authorizing environmental quality board to promulgate legislative rule relating to requirements governing water quality standards | 02/05/02 |
SB 338 | Authorizing environmental quality board to promulgate legislative rule relating to requirements governing groundwater standards | 02/05/02 |
SB 340 | Authorizing governor's committee on crime, delinquency and correction to promulgate legislative rule relating to protocol for law-enforcement response to domestic violence | 01/24/02 |
SB 341 | Authorizing division of health to promulgate legislative rule relating to public water systems | 02/05/02 |
SB 342 | Authorizing division of health to promulgate legislative rule relating to public water systems operators | 02/05/02 |
SB 343 | Authorizing division of health to promulgate legislative rule relating to reportable diseases, events and conditions | 02/07/02 |
SB 344 | Authorizing division of health to promulgate legislative rule relating to recreational water facilities | 02/01/02 |
SB 346 | Authorizing board of pharmacy to enter into agreements with certain organizations | 02/22/02 |
SB 348 | Regulating practice of funerals and cremation generally | 01/24/02 |
SB 349 | Relating to discovery in cases of neglect, murder or sexual abuse of child | 01/24/02 |
SB 356 | Authorizing division of health to promulgate legislative rule relating to emergency medical services | 02/05/02 |
SB 357 | Authorizing division of health to promulgate legislative rule relating to birth score program | 02/05/02 |
SB 358 | Authorizing division of health to promulgate legislative rule relating to Alzheimer/dementia special care units and programs | 02/05/02 |
SB 359 | Authorizing human rights commission to promulgate legislative rule relating to waiver of rights under West Virginia human rights act | 01/25/02 |
SB 360 | Authorizing human rights commission to promulgate legislative rule relating to definition of employee under West Virginia human rights act | 01/25/02 |
SB 361 | Authorizing insurance commissioner to promulgate legislative rule relating to privacy of consumer financial and health information | 01/30/02 |
SB 362 | Authorizing insurance commissioner to promulgate legislative rule relating to external review of coverage denials | 01/30/02 |
SB 363 | Authorizing division of labor to promulgate legislative rule relating to steam boiler inspection | 02/05/02 |
SB 364 | Authorizing board of examiners of land surveyors to promulgate legislative rule relating to rules and minimum standards for practice of land surveying in West Virginia | 02/06/02 |
SB 365 | Authorizing board of examiners of land surveyors to promulgate legislative rule relating to mandatory continuing education for land surveyors | 02/06/02 |
SB 366 | Authorizing lottery commission to promulgate legislative rule relating to limited video lottery | 01/25/02 |
SB 367 | Authorizing division of motor vehicles to promulgate legislative rule relating to motor vehicle inspection manual | 01/31/02 |
SB 368 | Authorizing division of natural resources to promulgate legislative rule relating to commercial whitewater outfitters | 02/05/02 |
SB 369 | Authorizing division of natural resources to promulgate legislative rule relating to small arms hunting | 02/05/02 |
SB 370 | Authorizing division of natural resources to promulgate legislative rule relating to special boating | 02/05/02 |
SB 371 | Authorizing division of natural resources to promulgate legislative rule relating to public use of West Virginia state parks, state forests and state wildlife management areas under division | 02/15/02 |
SB 372 | Authorizing division of natural resources to promulgate legislative rule relating to wild boar hunting | 02/05/02 |
SB 373 | Authorizing division of natural resources to promulgate legislative rule relating to general trapping | 02/05/02 |
SB 374 | Authorizing division of natural resources to promulgate legislative rule relating to issuance of hunting, trapping and fishing licenses by telephone and other electronic methods | 02/15/02 |
SB 375 | Authorizing board of optometry to promulgate legislative rule relating to board | 02/01/02 |
SB 376 | Authorizing board of optometry to promulgate legislative rule relating to expanded prescriptive authority | 02/01/02 |
SB 377 | Authorizing board of optometry to promulgate legislative rule relating to schedule of fees | 02/05/02 |
SB 378 | Authorizing board of pharmacy to promulgate legislative rule relating to board | 02/01/02 |
SB 379 | Authorizing board of pharmacy to promulgate legislative rule relating to continuing education for licensure of pharmacists | 02/01/02 |
SB 380 | Authorizing division of protective services to promulgate legislative rule relating to qualification, training and certification requirements for members of division | 01/25/02 |
SB 381 | Authorizing division of protective services to promulgate legislative rule relating to ranks and duties of officers within membership of division | 01/25/02 |
SB 382 | Authorizing division of protective services to promulgate legislative rule relating to grievance procedure of division | 01/25/02 |
SB 383 | Authorizing radiologic technology board of examiners to promulgate legislative rule relating to board | 02/01/02 |
SB 384 | Authorizing real estate appraiser licensing and certification board to promulgate legislative rule relating to requirements for licensure and certification | 01/25/02 |
SB 385 | Authorizing real estate appraiser licensing and certification board to promulgate legislative rule relating to renewal of licensure or certification | 02/05/02 |
SB 386 | Authorizing records management and preservation board to promulgate legislative rule relating to county records management and preservation grant program | 02/18/02 |
SB 387 | Authorizing board of examiners for registered professional nurses to promulgate legislative rule relating to requirements for registration and licensure | 02/01/02 |
SB 388 | Authorizing board of risk and insurance management to promulgate legislative rule relating to mine subsidence insurance | 01/30/02 |
SB 389 | Authorizing secretary of state to promulgate legislative rule relating to use of electronic signatures by state agencies | 02/07/02 |
SB 390 | Authorizing secretary of state to promulgate legislative rule relating to registry requirements | 02/07/02 |
SB 391 | Authorizing secretary of state to promulgate legislative rule relating to uniform commercial code, revised article nine | 02/13/02 |
SB 392 | Authorizing board of social work examiners to promulgate legislative rule relating to qualifications for licensure as social worker | 02/01/02 |
SB 393 | Authorizing solid waste management board to promulgate legislative rule relating to disbursement of grants to solid waste authorities | 02/05/02 |
SB 394 | Authorizing board of examiners for speech-language pathology and audiology to promulgate legislative rule relating to licensure of speech-language pathology and audiology | 02/05/02 |
SB 395 | Authorizing state police to promulgate legislative rule relating to professional standards, investigations, employee rights, early identification system, psychological assessment and progressive discipline | 01/25/02 |
SB 396 | Authorizing state rail authority to promulgate legislative rule relating to valuation of used rolling stock and equipment | 01/31/02 |
SB 398 | Authorizing tax commissioner to promulgate legislative rule relating to payment of taxes by credit card or debit card | 01/30/02 |
SB 399 | Authorizing tax commissioner to promulgate legislative rule relating to senior citizen tax credit for property taxes paid | 01/30/02 |
SB 400 | Authorizing board of veterinary medicine to promulgate legislative rule relating to registration of veterinary technicians | 01/31/02 |
SB 401 | Authorizing board of veterinary medicine to promulgate legislative rule relating to standards of practice | 01/31/02 |
SB 402 | Authorizing manufactured housing construction and safety standards board to promulgate legislative rule relating to board | 02/06/02 |
SB 403 | Authorizing tax commissioner to promulgate legislative rule relating to tobacco products excise tax | 02/05/02 |
SB 404 | Authorizing division of environmental protection to promulgate legislative rule relating to WVNPDES rules for coal mining facilities | 02/14/02 |
SB 405 | Authorizing contractor licensing board to refile its legislative rule relating to investigation and resolution of all complaints against licensees as procedural rule | 02/06/02 |
SB 406 | Relating to charitable bingo and raffles | 01/25/02 |
SB 419 | Providing cost-of-living increases for permanent total disability payments | 01/25/02 |
SB 421 | Relating to public land corporation | 01/25/02 |
SB 427 | Providing cost-of-living salary increase for county prosecuting attorneys | 01/28/02 |
SB 430 | Relating to election of magistrates | 01/28/02 |
SB 432 | Regulating solicitation of credit card applications on college campuses | 01/28/02 |
SB 433 | Providing felony offense for drivers who injure someone while failing to obey traffic-control instructions | 01/28/02 |
SB 437 | Relating to certain painted markings for posted land | 01/29/02 |
SB 442 | Raising limitation on noneconomic loss under governmental tort claims and insurance reform act | 01/30/02 |
SB 444 | Repealing section relating to limits on noneconomic loss in medical professional liability action | 01/30/02 |
SB 455 | Relating to board of tax and revenue appeals | 01/31/02 |
SB 462 | Relating to regulation of carriers who transport passengers for hire | 01/31/02 |
SB 481 | Creating uniform trust code | 02/08/02 |
SB 491 | Permitting police officers to require reporting slips from operators of motor vehicles carrying loads | 02/04/02 |
SB 496 | Adding regular mail with post-marked certificate as option for written demand for worthless check | 02/04/02 |
SB 508 | Relating to DUI and controlled substances or drugs | 02/05/02 |
SB 522 | Allowing municipal court clerk or certain other person to serve as municipal judge under certain circumstances | 02/27/02 |
SB 528 | Prohibiting reserve officers from carrying firearms | 02/06/02 |
SB 535 | Creating notice legal action to toll statute of limitations periods | 02/07/02 |
SB 556 | Relating to secret ballot protection act of 2002 | 02/08/02 |
SB 557 | Relating to child safety devices in automobiles | 02/08/02 |
SB 559 | Relating to nolo contendere plea for offense of DUI of alcohol, controlled substances or drugs | 02/08/02 |
SB 562 | Relating to unlawful trapping of domestic animals; penalty | 02/11/02 |
SB 567 | Clarifying definition of consumer | 02/11/02 |
SB 569 | Deleting ticket numbering for charitable raffle board or game | 02/12/02 |
SB 570 | Making offense felony for false fire alarm | 02/12/02 |
SB 571 | Relating to procedures for changing public utility rates | 02/12/02 |
SB 572 | Relating to uniform durable power of attorney | 02/12/02 |
SB 590 | Providing state electoral college votes be proportionally awarded to certain presidential candidate | 02/14/02 |
SB 594 | Relating to office of consumer advocacy generally | 02/14/02 |
SB 597 | Allowing county commissions to enact ordinances; penalties | 02/15/02 |
SB 600 | Relating to private attorney retention act | 02/15/02 |
SB 603 | Adding magistrate court deputy clerk in Braxton County | 02/15/02 |
SB 606 | Providing for criminal offense of felonious battery; penalty | 02/15/02 |
SB 617 | Adding oxycodone to Schedule I of uniformed controlled substances act | 02/18/02 |
SB 619 | Providing compensation award to prosecutor on behalf of murder victim | 02/18/02 |
SB 621 | Creating Joint Mineral Owners Trust and Mineral Conservation Act | 02/18/02 |
SB 624 | Relating to expungement of drug-related felony conviction for certain persons | 02/18/02 |
SB 625 | Relating to medical professional liability | 02/18/02 |
SB 628 | Creating crime of feticide | 02/18/02 |
SB 629 | Relating to notice to connect to municipal sewer systems | 02/18/02 |
SB 630 | Changing standard of care in medical professional liability case to conform with practice guidelines | 02/18/02 |
SB 632 | Redefining term "wine" | 02/18/02 |
SB 642 | Exempting certain property in bankruptcy proceedings | 02/18/02 |
SB 643 | Relating to worthless check writing; penalty | 02/18/02 |
SB 645 | Relating to white cane law | 02/18/02 |
SB 646 | Exempting certain personal property from levy, forced sale, attachment or execution | 02/18/02 |
SB 654 | Establishing Clean Elections Act | 02/18/02 |
SB 669 | Relating to use of elected public official's name | 02/18/02 |
SB 670 | Prohibiting telemarketing solicitations on certain holidays | 02/18/02 |
SB 674 | Authorizing incapacitated county clerks to appoint fiduciary commissioner for estates | 02/18/02 |
SB 676 | Prohibiting abortions at educational institutions; exceptions; penalty | 02/18/02 |
SB 681 | Providing personal immunity for government employees | 02/18/02 |
SB 683 | Relating to suspension of driving privileges; exceptions | 02/18/02 |
SB 684 | Requiring publicly funded computers to have devices to screen out pornographic material | 02/18/02 |
SB 687 | Creating independent redistricting commission | 02/18/02 |
SB 689 | Creating charitable gaming commission in department of administration | 02/18/02 |
SB 693 | Limiting state court venue for certain nonresident plaintiffs | 02/18/02 |
SB 694 | Requiring court to revoke nonappearing criminal defendant's bond | 02/18/02 |
SB 699 | Relating to ethical standards for elected and appointed officials and public employees | 02/18/02 |
SB 708 | Authorizing rules of development office relating to workforce development initiative | 02/20/02 |
HB 2162 | Distribution of revenues of video lottery net terminal income to the thoroughbred development fund | 03/04/02 |
HB 2169 | Authorizing courts to order defendants to contribute monetarily or through hours of service to local crime victim's assistance programs | 01/22/02 |
HB 2255 | Requiring county clerks to record a disclaimer of unenforceable restrictive covenants based on race, color, religion, ancestry, sex, familial status, blindness, handicap or national origin | 01/16/02 |
HB 4075 | Providing for commitment to state institutions of certain persons suffering from tuberculosis that is not in a communicable stage | 03/05/02 |
HB 4091 | Allowing municipalities to establish a procedure for run-off elections in cases of tie votes in municipal elections | 02/04/02 |
HB 4127 | Providing that certain marriages are void without the necessity of a judicial determination | 03/04/02 |
HB 4323 | Allowing the use of clearly visible painted markings to designate or post land on which trespassing is prohibited | 03/04/02 |
HB 4328 | Amending the Health Care Decisions Act and the Do Not Resuscitate Act | 03/04/02 |
HB 4376 | Authorizing the fire marshal to confiscate materials, to assist other law-enforcement officers and to enter property or dwellings to conduct inspections | 03/04/02 |
HB 4398 | Relating generally to the office of the state fire marshal | 03/04/02 |
HB 4459 | Creating an underage tobacco prevention program for tobacco retailers | 02/28/02 |
HB 4491 | Relating to historic preservation and the use of certain state and county funds | 02/22/02 |