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Bill Status - 2004 Regular Session

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There are 26 Bills pending in Senate Pensions




SB 11Establishing Emergency Medical Services Retirement System Act01/14/04
SB 18Creating Division of Corrections Retirement System Act01/14/04
SB 27Reducing retired teachers' service time to qualify for pension increase01/14/04
SB 55Providing cost-of-living increase to certain annuitants under teachers retirement system01/14/04
SB 88Increasing multiplier for retirement annuity for public employees01/14/04
SB 97Including disability retirees within eligibility rules for minimum retirement benefits01/14/04
SB 127Allowing certain teachers option to transfer to teachers retirement system01/14/04
SB 159Lowering retirement age for state police01/14/04
SB 175Relating to benefits for members of state police retirement system for service-related disability or death 01/15/04
SB 217Lowering retirement age for certain state troopers01/19/04
SB 283Relating to disabled retirement benefits upon reaching certain age01/26/04
SB 299Increasing supplemental benefits to certain teacher retirement annuitants01/28/04
SB 497Enacting retirement system for emergency medical services personnel02/10/04
SB 599Increasing supplemental benefits to certain teacher retirement annuitants02/20/04
SB 604Increasing contribution to deputy sheriff retirement fund02/20/04
SB 611Allowing employees of nonstate public employers to use deferred compensation plans02/23/04
SB 670Creating Municipal Pension Plan Funding Standard and Recovery Act02/23/04
HB 2132Providing retirement service credit to teachers at private colleges and universities03/03/04
HB 2912Providing that certain education personnel who are former state employees may exercise the option to transfer from the public employees retirement system to the state teachers retirement system03/04/04
HB 4003Adjusting the age for members of the West Virginia state police retirement system03/04/04
HB 4252Allowing the purchase of up to four years of CETA time in the teachers retirement system03/01/04
HB 4545Teachers' Retirement Equity Act03/04/04
HB 4562Relating to the rights of members of the teachers' defined contribution retirement system to make a technical correction to clarify membership03/04/04
HB 4563Relating to the public employees retirement system03/05/04
HB 4596Allowing municipal police and fire pension plans to use the actuarial examination by the State in lieu of obtaining its own actuary03/03/04
HB 4668Providing a supplemental pension benefit to certain retired members of the public employees retirement system and the teachers retirement system03/03/04
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