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All Bills (House | Senate) All Resolutions Subject Short Title Sponsor Date Introduced Code Affected All Same As Pending In Committee Reported From Committee Passed One Chamber Fiscal Notes Completed Legislation Actions by Governor |
Bill | Title | Date |
SB 38 | Removing certain tax discounts from motor fuel excise tax | 01/13/16 |
SB 45 | Tourist-Oriented Directional Sign Program | 02/03/16 |
SB 48 | Establishing Mental Health, Veteran and Service Members Court | 02/19/16 |
SB 55 | Clarifying tax map rules apply to both paper and digital maps | 01/25/16 |
SB 65 | Exempting military, National Guard and reserve income from state income taxes | 02/04/16 |
SB 82 | Increasing adjustments to gross income for military, National Guard and reserve retirement for residents | 02/04/16 |
SB 86 | Continuing personal income tax adjustment for certain retirees of terminated defined pension plans | 01/28/16 |
SB 88 | WV Water Sustainability Institute | 02/17/16 |
SB 92 | Creating annual flood zone homestead property tax exemption | 01/13/16 |
SB 126 | Increasing natural resources police officer compensation | 02/11/16 |
SB 128 | Creating WV personal income tax modification for residents who choose to spay or neuter their pets | 01/13/16 |
SB 246 | Providing certain government entities option to extend the term of tax increment financing district from 30 to 40 years | 02/05/16 |
SB 247 | Including on state personal income tax return checkoff option to donate to Cedar Lakes Foundation | 01/13/16 |
SB 286 | Creating Commission to Accelerate Statewide Coordination of Mental Health Services for Children and Adolescents | 01/29/16 |
SB 292 | Creating income tax credits for certain educational expenses | 01/14/16 |
SB 321 | Providing additional funding for exceptional children with high-cost/high-acuity special needs | 02/10/16 |
SB 325 | Developing matching grant to foster development of creative communities | 02/24/16 |
SB 332 | Entering into Interstate 73 Compact | 02/17/16 |
SB 347 | Increasing number of limited video lottery terminals at retail locations | 01/21/16 |
SB 353 | Relating to allocation of premiums for employers and employees in PEIA | 01/21/16 |
SB 354 | Updating meaning of federal taxable income | 01/21/16 |
SB 355 | Imposing consumers sales and service tax on sales of telecommunications service | 01/21/16 |
SB 373 | Granting more control of regional education service agencies to county boards | 02/08/16 |
SB 392 | Transferring Cedar Lakes Camp from Board of Education to Department of Agriculture | 02/24/16 |
SB 395 | Extending expiration date for tax rate on eligible acute-care hospitals | 01/27/16 |
SB 397 | Maintaining status quo in event bond indebtedness to Parkways Authority is eliminated | 02/11/16 |
SB 402 | Excluding law-enforcement officers and firefighters pensions from state income taxes | 01/27/16 |
SB 414 | Relating to Juvenile Justice Reform Oversight Committee | 02/25/16 |
SB 418 | Placing sales tax on sale of food | 01/28/16 |
SB 428 | Ending discretionary transfers to Licensed Racetrack Modernization Fund | 01/29/16 |
SB 432 | Relating to levies on classifications of property by Board of Public Works | 02/08/16 |
SB 441 | Supplemental appropriation from State Road Fund to DOT, Division of Highways | 02/01/16 |
SB 442 | Supplemental appropriation of federal funds to PSC, Motor Carrier Division | 02/01/16 |
SB 443 | Supplemental appropriation of federal funds to DHHR, Consolidated Medical Service Fund | 02/01/16 |
SB 444 | Supplemental appropriation of public moneys in Treasury to DHHR, Division of Health, WV Birth-to-Three Fund | 02/01/16 |
SB 446 | Supplemental appropriation of federal funds to State Board of Education, School Lunch Program | 02/01/16 |
SB 447 | Supplemental appropriation of federal funds to Department of Commerce, WorkForce West Virginia, Workforce Investment Act | 02/01/16 |
SB 448 | Supplemental appropriation of public moneys in Treasury to Department of Revenue, Tax Division, Wine Tax Administration Fund | 02/01/16 |
SB 456 | Setting maximum amount that can be collected for air-ambulance services | 02/20/16 |
SB 464 | Supplementary appropriation of public moneys in Treasury to DEP | 02/02/16 |
SB 480 | Allowing military general discharge be used as qualification for service credit toward pension | 02/02/16 |
SB 487 | Exempting social security benefits from personal income tax | 02/03/16 |
SB 489 | Establishing tax credit for physicians who locate in WV | 02/03/16 |
SB 492 | Allowing Superintendent of State Police establish fee schedule for forensic services | 02/08/16 |
SB 502 | Changing qualifier for low income | 02/03/16 |
SB 503 | Exempting from sales and service tax homeowner association fees | 02/03/16 |
SB 531 | Providing for court-appointed special advocate in each judicial circuit | 02/22/16 |
SB 533 | Changing distribution of net terminal income from racetrack video lottery | 02/06/16 |
SB 548 | Relating to number of magistrates in certain counties | 02/19/16 |
SB 554 | Issuing tax credits for land conservation | 02/08/16 |
SB 559 | Supplemental appropriation to Greater Weirton Area Senior Center | 02/09/16 |
SB 562 | Providing for licensing of advance deposit wagering | 02/10/16 |
SB 568 | Providing for licensing of out-of-state simulcast facilities | 02/10/16 |
SB 574 | Requiring state personal income tax return include short survey | 02/10/16 |
SB 598 | Transferring all funds in Greyhound Breeding Development Fund to Excess Lottery Revenue Fund | 02/12/16 |
SB 604 | Increasing excise tax on bottled soft drinks, syrups and dry mixtures | 02/16/16 |
SB 605 | Continuing personal income tax adjustment to certain retirees | 02/15/16 |
SB 607 | Relating to increasing tax rate on cigarettes and tobacco products | 02/15/16 |
SB 610 | Relating to generating and maintaining revenue for maintenance of roads and infrastructure | 02/16/16 |
SB 616 | Defining professional firefighter for purposes of workers' compensation disability and death benefits | 02/23/16 |
SB 617 | Returning all salaried and hourly state employees to semimonthly payment schedule for wages | 02/19/16 |
SB 636 | Increasing salaries for teachers through fiscal year 2020 | 02/19/16 |
SB 642 | Relating to temporary higher education classified employees annual salary schedule | 02/24/16 |
SB 654 | Lowering severance tax on extracting coal | 02/20/16 |
SB 655 | Reducing severance tax on coal to 4 percent | 02/20/16 |
SB 661 | Authorizing Division of Justice and Community Services make grants providing civil legal services to low income persons | 02/20/16 |
SB 663 | Authorizing Commissioner of Highways permit DOH participate in construction or maintenance of publicly funded highway jobs | 02/22/16 |
SB 668 | Increasing excise tax on bottled soft drinks, syrups and dry mixtures | 02/22/16 |
SB 672 | Clarifying lottery prize is WV source income for nonresident | 02/22/16 |
SB 673 | Providing safe harbor valuation for measure of tax on limestone and sandstone | 02/22/16 |
SB 674 | Relating to taxes on alcohol | 02/22/16 |
SB 675 | Providing safe harbor valuation for measure of tax on limestone and sandstone | 02/22/16 |
SB 679 | Establishing specific valuation for timberland for ad valorem property tax purposes | 02/22/16 |
SB 684 | Authorizing Director of DNR lease unused or abandoned railway routes to operate tourist excursions | 02/22/16 |
SB 689 | Seeking funding for completing construction of I-73 and I-74 | 02/22/16 |
SB 693 | Seeking funding for completing construction of Coalfields Expressway | 02/22/16 |
HB 2202 | Relating to more equitable disbursement of funds to county boards | 03/08/16 |
HB 2849 | Creating the West Virginia Sentencing Commission | 03/10/16 |
HB 4147 | Making the West Virginia Schools for the Deaf and Blind eligible to participate in any and all funding administered or distributed by the West Virginia School Building Authority | 02/15/16 |
HB 4239 | Relating to construction of a modern highway from Pikeville, Kentucky to Beckley, West Virginia | 03/08/16 |
HB 4299 | Increasing the amount volunteer fire companies or paid fire departments may charge for reimbursement | 03/10/16 |
HB 4319 | Including in the definition of “veteran” active members of the Guard and Reserve in order to exempt them from fees charged by the Secretary of State | 03/05/16 |
HB 4625 | Redirecting certain racing and gaming revenues from greyhound development funds to the State Road Fund | 03/02/16 |
HB 4741 | Expiring funds to the Division of Human Resources, Medical Services Trust Fund | 03/12/16 |
HB 4742 | Expiring funds to the Division of Human Resources, Medical Services Trust Fund from various accounts | 03/12/16 |