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Delegate Hall sponsored 42 bills:


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HB 2372 Clarifying the manner in which moneys reserved for the payment of income tax refunds are to be managed Signed    Governor  04/22/02 
HB 2476 Providing teacher retirement eligibility when age plus years of service equals or exceeds eighty-five Pending  House Pensions and Retirement Committee  01/09/02 
HB 2560 Consumers sales tax exemption for purchases intended to counteract negative effects in physical appearance due to cancer or cancer treatment Pending  House Finance Committee  01/09/02 
HB 2561 Graduated elimination of the consumers sales tax on food Pending  House Finance Committee  01/09/02 
HB 2563 Creating a permit to allow medically incapacitated hunters to use all-terrain vehicles to hunt Pending  House A&N Committee  01/09/02 
HB 2564 Relating to offering guidance and methods to protect students from harassment or threatening behavior of other students Pending  House Education Committee  01/09/02 
HB 2729 Relating generally to legal advertising rates Pending  House Political Subdivisions Committee  01/09/02 
HB 2754 Relating to the criminal offense of breaking and entering Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/09/02 
HB 2930 Sales tax exemption for commissions paid to resident travel agents by out-of-state vendors Pending  House Finance Committee  01/09/02 
HB 2990 Prohibiting the department of health and human resources from collecting from an estate certain amounts expended for assistance Pending  House Health and Human Resources Committee  01/09/02 
HB 3106 Election of magistrates in certain counties Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/09/02 
HB 3182 Regulation of sexually oriented businesses Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/09/02 
HB 3185 Requiring emergency dispatch centers to refer emergencies to the closest appropriate and available public safety unit Pending  House Political Subdivisions Committee  01/09/02 
HB 3244 Municipal Pension Plan Funding Standard and Recovery Act Pending  House Pensions and Retirement Committee  01/09/02 
HB 4128 Adding a fifty-ninth delegate district consisting of portions of Mason and Putnam counties Pending  House Select Committee on Redistricting Committee  01/23/02 
HB 4132 Providing for a gender-based pay equity salary adjustment for state employees Pending  Senate Finance Committee  03/04/02 
HB 4292 Increasing teacher salaries Pending  House Education Committee  01/29/02 
HB 4300 Requiring the state treasurer to retain an actuary to review and evaluate all municipal police and firefighters' pension plans Pending  House Pensions and Retirement Committee  01/30/02 
HB 4374 Relating to legal advertising Pending  House Political Subdivisions Committee  02/04/02 
HB 4388 Relating to municipal police and firemen's pension and relief funds Signed    Governor  04/22/02 
HB 4389 Relating to personal income taxes and exemptions Pending  House Finance Committee  02/04/02 
HB 4390 Exempting funeral services, supplies and equipment from the consumers sales tax Pending  House Finance Committee  02/04/02 
HB 4409 Claims against the state and its agencies Signed    Governor  04/22/02 
HB 4598 Providing an exemption from standardized testing requirements for church schools or schools of a religious order Pending  Senate Education Committee  03/04/02 
HB 4613 Requiring that a woman contemplating an abortion be given relevant information about any possible increased risk of breast cancer Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/22/02 
HB 4614 Creating the crime of feticide Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/22/02 
HB 4638 Prohibiting discrimination against a person who in conscience refuses to participate in the performance of an abortion Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/22/02 
HB 4642 Creating a criminal penalty for persons employed by any state institution of higher education, etc., who assist in or perform abortions Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/22/02 
HB 4646 Requiring the reporting and collection of abortion data Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/22/02 
HB 4647 Prohibiting the recommendation, administering or sale of the abortifacient RU-486 at educational institutions Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/22/02 
HB 4648 Abortion of fetus older than twelve weeks prohibited unless anesthesia administered to fetus Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/22/02 
HB 4649 Reporting requirements of abortions because of handicap or deformity Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/22/02 
HB 4650 Women's Right To Know Act Pending  House Finance Committee  02/22/02 
HB 4651 Requiring notice of an abortion to be provided the father of the unborn child Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/22/02 
HB 4652 Criminal offense for any employee of the Department of Health and Human Resources to expend, in any way, the resources of the division to aid in the performance of an abortion Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/22/02 
HB 4661 Providing eligibility for higher education financial aid, grants or scholarships to students who attended a private high school outside the state Signed    Governor  04/22/02 
HB 4663 Reducing the total tax credits available under the Capital Company Act Signed    Governor  04/22/02 
HB 4668 Creating the West Virginia Birth to Three Fund Tabled    3rd Reading  03/04/02 
HB 4671 Relating to compensation, expenses, employees and office location of the insurance commissioner Pending  Senate Finance Committee  03/06/02 
HB 4675 Supplemental appropriation to the department of tax and revenue, special audit and investigative unit Signed    Governor  04/22/02 
HB 4677 Supplemental appropriation to the department of education and the arts, division of rehabilitation services Signed    Governor  04/22/02 
HB 4678 Supplemental appropriation to the department of health and human resources, board of medicine Signed    Governor  04/22/02 
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