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Delegate Gearheart sponsored 75 bills:


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HB 2001 Repealing portions of the Alternative and Renewable Energy Portfolio Act Signed  Effective from passage - (January 1, 0001)
HB 2004 Providing a procedure for the development of a state plan under section 111(d) of the Clean Air Act Signed  Effective from passage - (February 19, 2015)
HB 2008 Auditing the Division of Highways Signed  Effective from passage - (February 20, 2015)
HB 2039 Raising the maximum personal income tax exemption for persons over the age of sixty-five and for persons who are totally disabled Pending  House Finance Committee  01/14/15 
HB 2049 Requiring the Parkways Authority to provide free daily toll passes for veterans under certain circumstances Pending  House Veterans Affairs and Homeland Security Committee  01/14/15 
HB 2106 Relating to the Alternative and Renewable Energy Portfolio Act Pending  House ENG Committee  01/20/15 
HB 2122 Making it illegal for anyone to photograph a corpse except for certain legitimate purposes Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/20/15 
HB 2124 Relating to underground coal mines Pending  House ENG Committee  01/20/15 
HB 2125 Requiring that mining equipment being transported or trammed underground be done by qualified personnel under supervision of a certified foreman Pending  House ENG Committee  01/20/15 
HB 2126 Relating to substance abuse screening of persons certified to perform a duty in the operation of a mine Pending  House Energy, Industry and Labor, Economic Development and Small Business Committee  01/20/15 
HB 2138 Adding aircraft operations on private airstrips and farms to the definition of recreational purpose Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (May 12, 2015)
HB 2141 Relating to air pollution control Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/20/15 
HB 2146 Allowing a public school's recognition of, and education, regarding traditional winter celebrations Pending  House Education Committee  01/20/15 
HB 2147 Requiring the circuit court , when appointing counsel for alleged protected persons, to make appointments from a listing of all interested and qualified attorneys in the circuit Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/20/15 
HB 2148 Conforming the motor vehicle law of this state to the requirements of section 1405(a) of the federal Transportation Equity Act for the Twenty-first Century Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 10, 2015)
HB 2149 Exempting records of concealed weapon license applications and issuance from disclosure under the West Virginia Freedom of Information Act Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/20/15 
HB 2162 Relating to payment of employees separated from payroll before paydays Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/21/15 
HB 2168 Requiring an official declaration of war or an action to call forth the West Virginia National Guard by the United States Congress Pending  House Veterans Affairs and Homeland Security Committee  01/21/15 
HB 2186 Auditing the Division of Highways Pending  House Government Organization Committee  01/21/15 
HB 2187 Encouraging public officials to display the national motto on all public property and public buildings Vetoed  Vetoed
HB 2188 Relating to compulsory school attendance Pending  House Education Committee  01/21/15 
HB 2189 Permitting counties to adopt certain ordinances relating to dogs and cats Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/18/15 
HB 2190 Removing limitations on advertising and promotional activities by limited video lottery retailers Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/21/15 
HB 2191 Work/Incarceration Prison pilot program Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/21/15 
HB 2192 Exempting heating oil for residential use from the Motor Fuel Excise Tax Pending  House ENG Committee  01/21/15 
HB 2193 Providing the Parkways Authority with the power to issue $500 million worth of bonds Pending  House Roads and Transportation Committee  01/21/15 
HB 2194 Relating to the School Building Authority Pending  House Education Committee  01/21/15 
HB 2195 Making changes to the definition of electrical contractor Pending  House Energy, Industry and Labor, Economic Development and Small Business Committee  01/21/15 
HB 2206 Repealing the requirement of paying prevailing hourly rate of wages for construction of public improvements Pending  House Energy, Industry and Labor, Economic Development and Small Business Committee  01/22/15 
HB 2214 Permitting the resident lineal descendants of landowners to hunt, trap or fish on that resident landowner's property without a license Pending  House ANR Committee  01/22/15 
HB 2218 Creating the Budget Reform Act Pending  House Finance Committee  01/22/15 
HB 2219 Providing that West Virginia will not participate in the REAL ID Act of 2005 Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/22/15 
HB 2220 Providing a limit on consulting fees Pending  House Finance Committee  02/17/15 
HB 2225 Relating to roof-mounted off-road light bar lighting devices Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/17/15 
HB 2227 Relating to the National Coal Heritage Area Authority Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (May 12, 2015)
HB 2236 Abolishing the West Virginia Diesel Equipment Commission Pending  House ENG Committee  01/22/15 
HB 2266 Relating to the publication requirements of the administration of estates Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 12, 2015)
HB 2424 Providing a procedure for West Virginia to select delegates to an Article V convention for proposing amendments to the Constitution of the United States of America Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/27/15 
HB 2492 Repealing the requirement that an entity charging admission to view certain closed circuit telecast or subscription television events needs to obtain a permit from the State Athletic Commission Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 11, 2015)
HB 2495 Relating to the written examination of applicants for a license to operate a motor vehicle Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/03/15 
HB 2502 Possessing deadly weapons on school buses or on the premises of educational facilities Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 9, 2015)
HB 2508 Creating the West Virginia Freedom of Conscience Protection Act Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/29/15 
HB 2511 Health Care Sharing Ministries Freedom to Share Act Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/13/15 
HB 2512 Requiring the consent of the Public Service Commission before an electric utility subject to this chapter may retire or permanently shut-down an electric generating plant Pending  House ENG Committee  01/29/15 
HB 2514 Creating a Bureau of Actuarial Services within the office of the Legislative Auditor Pending  House Finance Committee  02/03/15 
HB 2526 Providing for the transfer of ownership, operation and maintenance of certain assets of the West Virginia Parkways Authority to the Division of Highways Pending  House Finance Committee  02/03/15 
HB 2542 Requiring reviews of groups of agencies on a four-year cycle Pending  House Government Organization Committee  02/02/15 
HB 2566 Coal Jobs and Safety Act of 2015 Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/06/15 
HB 2569 Relating to the Dealer Recovery Program Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/27/15 
HB 2588 Relating to the filing of financial statements with the Secretary of State Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/04/15 
HB 2620 Relating to definitions used in the Public Employees Retirement System Pending  House Pensions and Retirement Committee  02/05/15 
HB 2642 Reducing personnel employed by the West Virginia Department of Education Pending  House Education Committee  02/06/15 
HB 2684 Creating a one-day special license for charitable events to sell nonintoxicating beer and wine Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/10/15 
HB 2718 Transferring funds remaining in the Racetrack Modernization Fund to the State Road Fund and closing the Racetrack Modernization Fund Pending  Senate Finance Committee  03/04/15 
HB 2727 Exempting certain health care professionals from licensure requirements while performing charity care Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/18/15 
HB 2735 Changing the date the unemployment fund reaches a certain level to reduce the threshold wage Pending  House Finance Committee  02/13/15 
HB 2737 Prohibiting licensure board from hiring or contracting with lobbyist Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/17/15 
HB 2749 Relating to the secondary schools athletic commission Pending  House Education Committee  02/13/15 
HB 2774 Relating to public school standards and assessments Pending  House Education Committee  02/16/15 
HB 2778 State Infrastructure Fund Program Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 7, 2015)
HB 2806 Creating a methamphetamine registry Pending  House Health and Human Resources Committee  02/18/15 
HB 2808 Providing that members of the House of Delegates in districts having more than one delegate be elected from numbered divisions Pending  House Government Organization Committee  02/18/15 
HB 2822 Prohibiting the training of dogs to be used in hunting bears under certain circumstances Pending  House ANR Committee  02/19/15 
HB 2832 Reducing the motor fuel excise tax Pending  House Finance Committee  02/20/15 
HB 2841 Allowing a person to be both a limited video lottery operator and retailer Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/20/15 
HB 2855 Relating to the death penalty for first degree murder Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/20/15 
HB 2887 Prohibiting the Division of Motor Vehicles from issuing instruction permits to applicants who have not successfully passed drug tests Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/25/15 
HB 2889 Relating to regulation of transportation network companies Pending  House Roads and Transportation Committee  02/24/15 
HB 2910 Preserving employment and promoting health and safety in the coal industry Pending  House ENG Committee  02/24/15 
HB 2916 Providing limited borrowing authority to the Governor for the completion of renovations to Capitol Complex Building 3 Pending  Senate Finance Committee  03/04/15 
HB 2932 Relating to the distribution of wireless enhanced 911 fees Pending  House Finance Committee  02/24/15 
HB 2967 Providing that the appraised value of an antique motor vehicle is a maximum of $3,000 for purposes of ad valorem property taxes Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/24/15 
HB 2977 Providing that rents and royalties from leases of the minerals under the state's rivers and streams shall be expended for road paving and maintenance Pending  House Roads and Transportation Committee  02/24/15 
HB 2984 Creating a Silver Alert program for senior citizens Pending  House Senior Citizen Issues Committee  02/24/15 
HB 3006 Relating to the determination of the adjusted rate established by the Tax Commissioner for the administration of tax deficiencies Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 12, 2015)
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