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The search returned 46 bills introduced on 02/17/05:


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HB 2450 Relating to a child's right to nurse Pending    2nd Reading  04/09/05 
HB 2451 Making additional funds available for the fire and police pension system and for volunteer and part volunteer fire departments by increasing premium tax on insurance Pending  House Pensions and Retirement Committee  02/17/05 
HB 2452 Relating to county commission approval for certain municipal annexation Pending  House Judiciary Committee  03/03/05 
HB 2453 Exempting military pensions from income tax obligations Pending  House Veterans Affairs and Homeland Security Committee  02/17/05 
HB 2454 Establishing the performance based permitting act Pending  House A&N Committee  02/17/05 
HB 2455 Extending throughout the year state campsite discounts for disabled persons Pending  House A&N Committee  02/17/05 
HB 2456 Ratifying the federal National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact Pending    2nd Reading  04/09/05 
HB 2457 Limiting the basis for calculating the alternate method of annual contribution required by municipalities into the Policemen's and Firemen's Pension and Relief Fund Pending    3rd Reading  04/09/05 
HB 2458 Provide for the removal of members of boards, authorities and commissions appointed by county commissions Pending  House Political Subdivisions Committee  02/17/05 
HB 2459 Establishing a permanent statewide trail plan coordinator Pending  House Government Organization Committee  02/17/05 
HB 2460 Exempting funeral services, supplies and equipment from the consumers sales tax Pending  House Finance Committee  02/17/05 
HB 2461 Requiring county superintendents of schools to provide names and addresses of dropouts to the State Superintendent of Schools and the Director of the Mountaineer Challenge Academy Pending  House Education Committee  02/17/05 
HB 2462 Providing that the assignment and transfer of real property for research and development at institutions of higher education for economic development purposes includes housing projects Pending  House Education Committee  02/17/05 
HB 2463 Allowing the State Superintendent of Schools to designate certain geographical areas as a "School Choice Zone" Pending  House Education Committee  02/17/05 
HB 2464 Changing the paygrade of "sanitation plant operator" from "f" to "g" Pending  House Education Committee  02/17/05 
HB 2465 Providing salary supplements of $2500 and expense reimbursements to professional personnel who meet certain professional national certification standards Pending  House Finance Committee  03/25/05 
HB 2466 Eliminate provisions which created unlawful classifications based on race and to update obsolete provisions Signed    Governor  05/11/05 
HB 2467 Eliminating the set-off against unemployment compensation benefits for persons receiving social security benefits Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/17/05 
HB 2468 Requiring a public hearing and county commission approval prior to the issuance of an initial or transfer license for a private club Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/17/05 
HB 2469 Allowing an inmate to withdraw money from the mandatory 10% savings account Tabled    2nd Reading  03/31/05 
HB 2470 Adding "sexual orientation" to the categories covered by the human rights act Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/17/05 
HB 2471 Establishing a financial responsibility program for inmates Signed    Governor  05/11/05 
HB 2472 Relating to "good time" for inmates of correctional institutions Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/17/05 
HB 2473 limiting the eligibility of parole if the person has violated the terms and conditions of probation or home incarceration Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/17/05 
HB 2474 Preventing the recordation of fraudulent deeds and notification by the clerk of the county commission Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/17/05 
HB 2475 Requiring the superintendent or owner of a mine to sign the fire boss record book daily Pending  House Energy, Industry and Labor, Economic Development and Small Business Committee  02/17/05 
HB 2476 Relating generally to parole and parole proceedings Signed    Governor  05/11/05 
HB 2477 Relating to exemptions from execution or other judicial process in consumer credit transaction or consumer leases Signed    Governor  05/11/05 
HB 2478 Relating to removing the prohibition against brewers of nonintoxicating beer requiring distributors to submit certain financial documents Signed    Governor  05/11/05 
HB 2479 Simplifying the reciprocity process between states regarding concealed handgun permits Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/17/05 
HB 2480 Prohibiting account wagering and electronic betting Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/17/05 
HB 2481 Encouraging state and local government entities to display the national motto, "In God We Trust" Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/17/05 
HB 2482 Relating to including jails within the context of certain criminal acts by incarcerated persons Signed    Governor  05/11/05 
HB 2483 Repeal the section of the West Virginia Code relating to escape of convicts and rewards Signed    Governor  05/11/05 
HB 2484 Relating to notification of parole hearings Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  03/08/05 
HB 2485 Relating to regulating elections Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/17/05 
HB 2486 Creating a system for public funding of election campaigns Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/24/05 
HB 2534 Continuation of the Tourism Commission Signed    Governor  05/11/05 
SB 208 Establishing marriage license discount if applicants complete premarital counseling Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/22/05 
SB 209 Prohibiting automated teller machines in establishments that contain video lottery terminals Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/17/05 
SB 210 Authorizing Regional Jail and Correctional Facility Authority establish inmate furlough program Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/17/05 
SB 211 Providing for issuance of special Lions International license plates Pending  Senate Transportation and Infrastructure Committee  02/17/05 
SB 212 Relating to annual experience incremental pay for certain faculty members of higher education Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/23/05 
SB 213 Continuing Oral Health Program Signed    Governor  05/11/05 
SB 214 Continuing Acupuncture Board Signed    Governor  05/11/05 
SB 215 Continuing Board of Accountancy Signed    Governor  05/11/05 
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