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The search returned 42 bills introduced on 03/15/05:


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HB 3025 Providing that County and Regional Solid Waste Authorities may designate certain common carriers of recyclable materials to be exempt from certificate of convenience requirements Pending  House Judiciary Committee  03/15/05 
HB 3026 Providing that County and Regional Solid Waste Authorities may designate certain common carriers of solid waste to be exempt from certificate of convenience Pending  House Judiciary Committee  03/15/05 
HB 3027 Redefining "Registered Greyhound Owner" for purposes of dog racing Pending  House Finance Committee  03/28/05 
HB 3028 Prohibiting the performance of any abortion by any person who has admitted to or who has been adjudicated to have committed medical malpractice Pending  House Judiciary Committee  03/15/05 
HB 3029 Allowing citizens of West Virginia that work out of state for public employment to accrue credited service towards eligibility or vesting in the retirement system Pending  House Pensions and Retirement Committee  03/15/05 
HB 3030 Providing that health care providers, health care institutions, or health care payers are not required to participate in abortion procedures that violate their respective consciences Pending  House Health and Human Resources Committee  03/15/05 
HB 3031 Fee increase for practice of landscape architecture Signed    Governor  05/11/05 
HB 3032 Creating an insurance advocacy unit in the office of the Attorney General Pending  House Banking and Insurance Committee  03/15/05 
HB 3033 Extending the temporary special reclamation tax for an additional twenty-four months Signed    Governor  05/11/05 
HB 3034 Adding Public Service Commission motor carrier inspectors as law-enforcement officers who may be victims of the crimes of malicious assault, unlawful assault, battery and simple assault upon a law-enforcement officer Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  03/31/05 
HB 3035 Establishing a time frame for maintaining campaign records and receipts Pending  House Judiciary Committee  03/15/05 
HB 3036 Providing for certain judicial standards and procedures for personal injury and wrongful death claims arising out of asbestos or silica exposure Pending  House Judiciary Committee  03/15/05 
HB 3037 Providing for judicial procedures for suspension and revocation of licenses for driving under the influence of alcohol, controlled substances or drugs Pending  House Judiciary Committee  03/15/05 
HB 3038 Increasing the salaries of magistrates, magistrate clerks, magistrate assistants and deputy magistrate clerks, Supreme Court Justices, circuit court judges and family court judges Pending  House Judiciary Committee  03/15/05 
HB 3039 Providing a tax credit to medical providers in an amount equal to their investment in electronic medical record technology Pending  House Finance Committee  03/15/05 
HB 3040 Providing maximum time limits for one-way bus transportation for any new bus route created to transport students in the wake of the closure or consolidation of an existing school facility Pending  Senate Education Committee  03/31/05 
HB 3041 Relating to restoring ten full faculty senate days during instructional days, one each month Pending  House Education Committee  03/15/05 
HB 3042 Clarifying the Legislature's goals with respect to financing higher education Pending  House Education Committee  03/15/05 
HB 3043 Requiring that abortion procedures after the first trimester be performed only at an ambulatory surgical facility or hospital licensed to perform that service and that abortion facilities not be located within fifteen hundred feet from the property on which any church, school or kindergarten is located Pending  House Health and Human Resources Committee  03/15/05 
HB 3044 Prohibiting the remanufacturing, retrofitting, selling, contracting to sell or reselling, leasing, or otherwise, unsafe children's products Pending  House Health and Human Resources Committee  03/15/05 
HB 3045 Relating to the creation and modification of public service districts Signed    Governor  05/11/05 
HB 3046 Continuation of the Board of Veterinary Medicine Signed    Governor  05/11/05 
HB 3047 Expanding the statute governing manufacturing, compounding, producing, processing or preparing methamphetamine and providing penalties Pending  House Judiciary Committee  03/28/05 
HB 3048 Relating to restructuring of the hunting and fishing license system Signed    Governor  05/11/05 
HB 3049 Creating a new crime of wanton endangerment involving the use of fire and imposing a criminal penalty for such crime Signed    Governor  05/11/05 
SB 541 Authorizing crossbow hunting for disabled persons Pending  Senate Natural Resources Committee  03/15/05 
SB 542 Relating to venue for suits against state involving motor accidents Pending  House Judiciary Committee  03/31/05 
SB 543 Providing tax incentives to nonresidential owners of managed timberland to allow recreational use Pending  Senate Natural Resources Committee  03/15/05 
SB 544 Creating Permitting Information Act Pending  Senate Government Organization Committee  03/15/05 
SB 545 Creating Insurance Advocacy Unit Pending  Senate Banking and Insurance Committee  03/15/05 
SB 546 Equalizing interest rate for both prejudgment and post-judgment interest in court cases Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  03/15/05 
SB 547 Authorizing special sport compact license plate Pending  Senate Transportation and Infrastructure Committee  03/15/05 
SB 548 Relating to crime of assault and battery upon Public Service Commission motor carrier inspectors Signed    Governor  05/11/05 
SB 549 Relating to monthly reports by judgment debtors Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  03/15/05 
SB 550 Relating to designation of rural hospitals for purposes of Critical Access Hospital Program Signed    Governor  05/11/05 
SB 551 Relating to administration of anesthesia by dentists Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  03/15/05 
SB 552 Making crime to knowingly sell unstable horse Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  03/15/05 
SB 553 Prohibiting local ordinances to discriminate against factory-built housing Pending  Senate Government Organization Committee  03/15/05 
SB 554 Relating to attendance at meetings of governing bodies and committees of municipalities Pending  Senate Government Organization Committee  03/15/05 
SB 555 Providing public agencies need not have second to motion in certain cases Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  03/15/05 
SB 556 Providing coverage for municipal firefighters under Occupational Safety and Health Act Pending  Senate Energy, Industry and Mining Committee  03/15/05 
SB 557 Providing maximum time limits for certain one-way bus transportation for students; waiver Pending  Senate Education Committee  03/15/05 
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