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The search returned 48 bills introduced on 02/08/19:


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HB 2878 Relating to updating the controlled substances listed on schedule one Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  03/01/19 
HB 2915 Restricting the performance of abortions and acquiring, providing, receiving, otherwise transferring, or using fetal body parts Pending  House Health and Human Resources Committee  02/08/19 
HB 2916 Expanding the ability of hard cider manufactures to produce hard cider in this state Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/08/19 
HB 2917 Relating to classroom teachers retaining seniority Pending  House Education Committee  02/08/19 
HB 2918 Imposing an additional assessment on certain real property Pending  House Finance Committee  02/08/19 
HB 2919 Establishing an Education Employees Fund Pending  House Education Committee  02/08/19 
HB 2920 Creating state and local law-enforcement review boards Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/08/19 
HB 2921 Extending period in which county boards of education may hire certified, retired teachers in areas of critical shortages of certified teachers Pending  House Education Committee  02/08/19 
HB 2922 Relating to requirements to obtain a final order of discharge and dismissal for possession of opiates or opioids Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/08/19 
HB 2923 Reforming the practice of securing state insurance Pending  House Banking and Insurance Committee  02/08/19 
HB 2924 Permitting the West Virginia Tourism Office to decide to contract with the Division of Highways to sell advertising space on the WV511 website Pending  Senate Government Organization Committee  02/22/19 
HB 2925 Changing the title of the Commissioner of Culture and History to the Curator of Arts, Culture, and History Pending  House Government Organization Committee  02/08/19 
HB 2926 Requiring the Secretary of the Department of Veterans’ Affairs to study the housing needs of veterans Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 6, 2019)
HB 2927 Establishing a tax credit for a taxpayer family member of a child in the custody of the taxpayer due to the addiction of one or both parents Pending  House Finance Committee  02/08/19 
HB 2928 Relating to the Public Service Commission Pending  House Government Organization Committee  02/08/19 
HB 2929 Authorizing the West Virginia Tourism Office to enter into an agreement with the Division of Highways to provide staff at the welcome centers Pending  Senate Government Organization Committee  02/22/19 
HB 2930 Relating to emergency vehicles Pending  House T&I Committee  02/08/19 
HB 2931 Clarifying that the State Lottery Commission has no authority over nonlottery games Pending    3rd Reading  03/09/19 
HB 2932 Transferring regulation and licensing of charitable bingo, charitable raffles, and charitable raffle boards Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/28/19 
HB 2933 Modifying the criminal penalties imposed on a parent, guardian or custodian for child abuse resulting in injury Vetoed  Vetoed
HB 2934 West Virginia Lottery Interactive Wagering Act BL  Governor 
HB 2935 Relating to licensing of drivers utilizing bioptic telescopic devices Pending  House T&I Committee  02/08/19 
HB 2936 Relating to medical cannabis organizations Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/08/19 
HB 2937 Increasing fees for late payment of self-storage rental fees Pending  House Finance Committee  02/08/19 
HB 2938 Relating to vocational and technical education programs Pending  House Education Committee  02/08/19 
HB 2939 West Virginia Call Center Jobs Act of 2019 Pending  House SB Committee  02/08/19 
HB 2940 Relating to admissibility of evidence Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/08/19 
HB 2941 Reinstating the film investment tax credit Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/28/19 
HB 2942 Relating to the contents of driver’s license Pending  House T&I Committee  02/08/19 
HB 2943 Relating to deliveries by wine specialty shop Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/27/19 
HB 2944 Relating to paving contracts Pending  House T&I Committee  02/08/19 
HB 2945 Relating to vendors paying a single annual fee for a permit issued by a local health department Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 7, 2019)
HB 2946 Clarifying Public Service Commission jurisdiction over water and sewer utilities owned by political subdivisions Pending  House Political Subdivisions Committee  02/08/19 
HB 2947 Relating generally to telemedicine prescription practice requirements and exceptions Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 7, 2019)
HB 2948 West Virginia Agriculture Investment Fund and the West Virginia Agriculture Investment Program Pending  House ANR Committee  02/08/19 
HB 2949 Requiring applications for an instruction permit or a driver’s license desires to contain an option for contributions to the West Virginia Department of Veterans Assistance Pending  House T&I Committee  02/08/19 
HB 2950 Relating to employees of local boards of health Pending  House Finance Committee  02/08/19 
HB 2951 Placing the regulation of non-medical professions and occupations in a new chapter of the code Pending  Senate Health and Human Resources Committee  02/28/19 
HB 2991 Relating to the Ryan Brown Addiction Prevention and Recovery Fund Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/27/19 
SB 555 Relating to authority of Higher Education Policy Commission Pending  House Education Committee  02/28/19 
SB 556 Limiting liability of employers of persons whose criminal records are expunged Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/08/19 
SB 557 Allowing municipalities to contract projects without bidding Pending  Senate Government Organization Committee  02/08/19 
SB 558 Requiring state and federal elections be contested before next election Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/08/19 
SB 559 Expanding comprehensive coverage for pregnant women through Medicaid Pending  Senate Health and Human Resources Committee  02/08/19 
SB 560 Prohibiting insurance coverage from requiring prior authorization for physician-prescribed tests to stage cancer Pending  Senate Health and Human Resources Committee  02/08/19 
SB 561 Permitting Alcohol Beverage Control Administration request assistance of local law enforcement Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 7, 2019)
SB 562 Relating to State Aeronautics Commission Pending  Senate Government Organization Committee  02/08/19 
SB 563 Prohibiting sexual assault victim be subjected to certain physical examinations Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/18/19 
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