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The search returned 83 bills introduced on 02/05/24:


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HB 5436 To allow elected members of county Boards of Education to be short-term substitute teachers Pending  House Education Committee  02/05/24 
HB 5437 Relating to time limits imposed on the Division of Highways to grant a highway entrance permit Pending  Senate Transportation and Infrastructure Committee  02/29/24 
HB 5438 Exempting law enforcement and emergency vehicles from paying turnpike tolls Pending  House T&I Committee  02/05/24 
HB 5439 Provide that a person defending themselves or others while at work cannot be terminated Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/05/24 
HB 5440 Relating to county commission vacancies Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/05/24 
HB 5441 Relating to raising the threshold from $25,000 to $50,000 for the requirement of bids for municipal public works projects. Pending    1st Reading  02/16/24 
HB 5442 Free to Speak Act Pending  House Education Committee  02/05/24 
HB 5443 Clarifying that electronic data processing services are to be included in the valuation of specialized high-technology property Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/19/24 
HB 5444 Retirement credited service for West Virginia State Police Pending  House Pensions and Retirement Committee  02/05/24 
HB 5445 Revising the statute to reduce the minimum age for a cadet for the West Virginia State Police from the age of 21 to the age of 18. Pending    1st Reading  02/26/24 
HB 5446 To create the felony offense for protestors blocking passage on streets and highways. Pending  House T&I Committee  02/05/24 
HB 5447 Supplementing and amending appropriations to the State Board of Education, School Building Authority Pending  House Finance Committee  02/05/24 
HB 5448 Supplementing and amending appropriations to the West Virginia Economic Development Authority Pending  House Finance Committee  02/05/24 
HB 5449 Supplementing and amending appropriations to Health Facilities, William R. Sharpe Jr. Hospital and Mildred Mitchell-Bateman Hospital Pending    3rd Reading  03/05/24 
HB 5450 Supplementing and amending appropriations to Fairmont State University Pending  House Finance Committee  02/05/24 
HB 5451 Expiring funds to the General Revenue Surplus from Personal Income Tax Reserve Fund Pending  House Finance Committee  02/05/24 
HB 5452 Supplementing and amending appropriations to the Department of Administration, Public Defender Services Pending  House Finance Committee  02/05/24 
HB 5453 Supplementing and amending appropriations to the Division of Health, Central Office Pending    3rd Reading  03/05/24 
HB 5454 Supplementing and amending appropriations to Division of Environmental Protection Pending  House Finance Committee  02/05/24 
HB 5455 Supplementing and amending appropriations to the School Building Authority Pending    2nd Reading  03/05/24 
HB 5456 Expiring funds from the Excess Lottery Revenue Fund to the General Revenue Pending  House Finance Committee  02/05/24 
HB 5457 Supplementing and amending appropriations to the Division of Human Services Pending    3rd Reading  03/05/24 
HB 5458 Supplementing and amending appropriations to the Higher Education Policy Commission, administration, control account Pending  Senate Finance Committee  03/06/24 
HB 5459 Supplementing and amending appropriations to the Executive, Governor’s Office Pending  House Finance Committee  02/05/24 
HB 5460 Supplementing and amending appropriations to Department of Commerce, Division of Forestry and Geological Economic Survey Pending  House Finance Committee  02/05/24 
HB 5461 Supplementing and amending appropriations to Department of Veterans' Assistance Pending  House Finance Committee  02/05/24 
HB 5462 Supplementing and amending the approriations to the Division of Culture and History Pending  House Finance Committee  02/05/24 
HB 5463 Supplementing and amending appropriations to the State Department of Education Pending  House Finance Committee  02/05/24 
HB 5464 Supplementing and amending appropriations to the Department of Economic Development, Office of the Secretary Pending  House Finance Committee  02/05/24 
HB 5465 Supplementing and amending appropriations to the Department of Commerce, Office of the Secretary Pending  House Finance Committee  02/05/24 
HB 5466 Supplementing and amending the appropriation to the Department of Administration, Division of Finance Pending  House Finance Committee  02/05/24 
HB 5467 Supplementing and amending approriations to the Civil Contingent Fund Pending  House Finance Committee  02/05/24 
HB 5468 Supplementing and amending appropriations to Adjutant General Pending  House Finance Committee  02/05/24 
HB 5469 Supplementing and amending appropriations to the Higher Education Policy Commission, Administration, Control Account Pending  House Finance Committee  02/05/24 
HB 5470 Expiring funds from Lottery Net Profits to General Revenue Surplus Pending    2nd Reading  03/05/24 
HB 5471 Supplementing and amending appropriations to the Division of Administrative Services, Criminal Justice Fund Pending    3rd Reading  03/05/24 
HB 5472 Supplementing and amending appropriations to the West Virginia Office of Tax Appeals Pending  House Finance Committee  02/05/24 
HB 5473 Supplementing and appropriating appropriations to the State Board of Education - Aid for Exceptional Children Pending  House Finance Committee  02/05/24 
HB 5474 Making a supplemental appropriation to the Hospital Finance Authority Pending  House Finance Committee  02/05/24 
HB 5475 Making a supplemental appropriation to the School Building Authority – School Construction Fund Pending  House Finance Committee  02/05/24 
HB 5476 Making a supplemental appropriation to the Division of Health – Consolidated Medical Service Fund Pending  House Finance Committee  02/05/24 
HB 5477 Making supplemental appropriations to the Division of Natural Resources Pending  House Finance Committee  02/05/24 
HB 5478 Making supplemental appropriations of federal funds to the Division of Human Services Pending  House Finance Committee  02/05/24 
HB 5479 Making a supplementary appropriation to the Division of Human Services Pending  House Finance Committee  02/05/24 
HB 5480 Making a supplental appropration to the Division of Human Services - Child Support Enforcement Fund Pending  House Finance Committee  02/05/24 
SB 629 Requiring builders to follow State Building Code when local inspection and enforcement not provided Pending  House Government Organization Committee  02/15/24 
SB 630 Defining protections for election officials and election workers Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/22/24 
SB 631 Prohibiting municipalities from disconnecting water service for nonpayment of stormwater fees Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 7, 2024)
SB 632 Relating to Dangerousness Assessment Advisory Board multi-disciplinary study group Signed  Effective from passage - (March 9, 2024)
SB 633 Requiring training and administration of brain injury screening for incarcerated individuals Pending  Senate Health and Human Resources Committee  02/05/24 
SB 634 Authorizing State Fire Marshal to regulate electrician licensing Pending  Senate Government Organization Committee  02/05/24 
SB 635 Modifying rules regarding liquidation of property Pending  House Government Organization Committee  02/19/24 
SB 636 Prohibiting acceptance of illegal ballots cast in any election Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/05/24 
SB 637 Prohibiting public disclosure of personal information on internet Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/21/24 
SB 638 Creating community solar pilot program Pending  Senate Economic Development Committee  02/05/24 
SB 639 Supplementing and amending appropriations to Department of Commerce, Office of Secretary Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/05/24 
SB 640 Supplementing and amending appropriations to Department of Economic Development, Office of Secretary Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/05/24 
SB 641 Supplementing and amending appropriations to Department of Education, Aid for Exceptional Children Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/05/24 
SB 642 Supplementing and amending appropriations to Department of Veterans' Assistance Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/05/24 
SB 643 Supplementing and amending appropriations to Department of Education, School Building Authority Signed  Effective from passage - (March 7, 2024)
SB 644 Supplementing and amending appropriations to Department of Commerce, Division of Forestry, and Geological and Economic Survey Signed  Effective from passage - (March 8, 2024)
SB 645 Supplementing and amending appropriations to Department of Administration, Division of Finance Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/05/24 
SB 646 Supplementing and amending appropriations to Department of Education, State Board of Education Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/05/24 
SB 647 Supplementing and amending appropriations to Governor's Office, Civil Contingent Fund Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/05/24 
SB 648 Supplementing and amending appropriations to Adjutant General, State Militia Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/05/24 
SB 649 Clarifying per diem compensation for certain judges recalled to service Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 5, 2024)
SB 650 Supplementing and amending appropriations to Higher Education Policy Commission, Fairmont State University Signed  Effective from passage - (March 5, 2024)
SB 651 Supplementing and amending appropriations to WV Economic Development Authority Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/05/24 
SB 652 Supplementing and amending appropriations to DHHR, Health Facilities Signed  Effective from passage - (March 7, 2024)
SB 653 Supplementing and amending appropriations to School Building Authority, School Construction Fund Signed  Effective from passage - (March 6, 2024)
SB 654 Supplementing and amending appropriations to Executive, Governor's Office Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/05/24 
SB 655 Supplementing and amending appropriations to Higher Education Policy Commission, Control Account Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/05/24 
SB 656 Supplementing and amending appropriations to DHHR, Division of Human Services Signed  Effective from passage - (March 8, 2024)
SB 657 Expiring funds from Excess Lottery Revenue Fund to General Revenue Signed  Effective from passage - (March 6, 2024)
SB 658 Supplementing and amending appropriations to Department of Administration, Public Defender Services Signed  Effective from passage - (February 23, 2024)
SB 659 Increasing minimum benefit for certain annuitants Pending  Senate Pensions Committee  02/05/24 
SB 660 Expiring funds to General Revenue Surplus from Personal Income Tax Reserve Fund Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/05/24 
SB 661 Expiring funds from Lottery Net Profits to General Revenue Surplus Signed  Effective from passage - (March 7, 2024)
SB 662 Supplementing and amending appropriations to Higher Education Policy Commission, Administration Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/05/24 
SB 663 Supplementing and amending appropriations to Division of Administrative Services, Criminal Justice Fund Signed  Effective from passage - (March 7, 2024)
SB 664 Supplementing and amending appropriations to Department of Revenue, Office of Tax Appeals Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/05/24 
SB 665 Supplementing and amending appropriations to DHHR, Division of Health Signed  Effective from passage - (March 8, 2024)
SB 666 Supplementing and amending appropriations to DEP, Division of Environmental Protection Pending  Senate Finance Committee  02/05/24 
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