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All Bills (House | Senate) All Resolutions Subject Short Title Sponsor Date Introduced Code Affected All Same As Pending In Committee Reported From Committee Passed One Chamber Fiscal Notes Completed Legislation Actions by Governor |
Bill | Title | Date |
SB 3 | Relating to confidentiality of certain public records and information; penalty | 01/08/03 |
SB 5 | Relating to temporary appointment of retired magistrate clerks in certain counties | 01/08/03 |
SB 9 | Regulating operation of all-terrain vehicles | 01/08/03 |
SB 11 | Making multiple acts of vandalism felony in certain cases | 01/08/03 |
SB 12 | Increasing criminal penalties for intentional cemetery damage | 01/08/03 |
SB 15 | Prohibiting open nonintoxicating beer and alcoholic beverage containers in passenger areas of motor vehicles | 01/08/03 |
SB 16 | Relating to extraordinary police or security services by deputy sheriffs for public or private entities | 01/08/03 |
SB 29 | Requiring certain training for retail outlets and private club employees | 01/08/03 |
SB 30 | Requiring public hearing prior to issuance of license for private clubs | 01/08/03 |
SB 34 | Exempting certain personal property from levy, forced sale, attachment or execution | 01/08/03 |
SB 36 | Relating to notice of bona fide claim | 01/08/03 |
SB 38 | Relating to nolo contendere plea for offense of DUI of alcohol, controlled substances or drugs | 01/08/03 |
SB 41 | Changing standard of care in medical professional liability cases | 01/08/03 |
SB 43 | Creating Secret Ballot Protection Act of 2003 | 01/08/03 |
SB 44 | Creating Voters' Initiative Act | 01/08/03 |
SB 46 | Creating Regulatory Flexibility Act | 01/08/03 |
SB 50 | Relating to election of magistrates | 01/08/03 |
SB 53 | Changing time employee can file for workers' compensation benefits | 01/08/03 |
SB 54 | Increasing penalties for indecent exposure | 01/08/03 |
SB 57 | Making destruction of rental property criminal offense | 01/08/03 |
SB 59 | Providing option of filing cause of action against person's own motor vehicle insurer | 01/08/03 |
SB 60 | Relating to charitable bingo and raffles generally | 01/08/03 |
SB 65 | Relating to prohibiting local boards of health from requiring smoke-free areas in certain cases | 01/08/03 |
SB 69 | Allowing magistrates authority to perform marriages; fee | 01/08/03 |
SB 78 | Requiring overtime policies for certain health care workers in hospitals | 03/03/03 |
SB 85 | Authorizing county commissions to prohibit certain real property reevaluations | 01/09/03 |
SB 86 | Requiring law-enforcement agency hiring certain persons pay percentage of training | 01/09/03 |
SB 97 | Updating code language to conform with current usage and uniform vehicle code | 01/21/03 |
SB 115 | Providing state maintain telemarketing do-not-call list | 01/10/03 |
SB 123 | Relating to workers' compensation generally | 01/20/03 |
SB 127 | Relating to DUI of alcohol, controlled substances or drugs | 01/13/03 |
SB 128 | Regulating all-terrain vehicles | 01/21/03 |
SB 129 | Increasing penalties for use or possession of tobacco by minors | 01/13/03 |
SB 134 | Making voyeurism criminal offense; exceptions | 01/13/03 |
SB 135 | Limiting liability of physicians who care for indigent individuals | 01/13/03 |
SB 138 | Relating to arbitration cases | 01/13/03 |
SB 139 | Abolishing voting machines and electronic voting systems during certain elections; paper ballots | 01/13/03 |
SB 141 | Requiring campaign advertising disclose party affiliation; penalties | 01/13/03 |
SB 142 | Changing time for valuations and assessments of real and personal property; cap | 01/13/03 |
SB 144 | Allowing landowners to remove debris to prevent flooding | 01/13/03 |
SB 147 | Making certain confidential information subject to subpoena | 01/13/03 |
SB 148 | Relating to wireless enhanced 911 fees | 01/13/03 |
SB 158 | Creating Clean Elections Act | 01/15/03 |
SB 161 | Repealing section authorizing appeal from workers' compensation to supreme court | 01/16/03 |
SB 184 | Creating criminal offense of unlawful use of mobile telephone | 01/20/03 |
SB 194 | Relating to authority of county commissions | 01/21/03 |
SB 195 | Raising certain amount of racetrack video lottery net terminal income used for pension plan | 01/21/03 |
SB 197 | Adding magistrate court deputy clerk for Braxton County | 01/22/03 |
SB 199 | Providing maximum sentence for robbery | 01/22/03 |
SB 214 | Transferring water quality standard rule-making authority to water quality board | 01/22/03 |
SB 220 | Establishing instant lottery game to benefit paid and volunteer firefighters | 01/23/03 |
SB 221 | Changing term polygraph to psychophysiological detection of deception; licensure | 01/23/03 |
SB 223 | Authorizing department of environmental protection to promulgate legislative rule relating to nitrogen oxide budget trading program | 01/30/03 |
SB 224 | Authorizing department of environmental protection to promulgate legislative rule relating to permits for construction, modification, relocation and operation of stationary sources of air pollutants, notification requirements, administrative update, temporary permits, general permits and procedures for evaluation | 02/04/03 |
SB 225 | Authorizing department of environmental protection to promulgate legislative rule relating to standards of performance for new stationary sources | 01/30/03 |
SB 226 | Authorizing department of administration to promulgate legislative rule relating to general administration of records management and preservation | 02/12/03 |
SB 227 | Authorizing department of administration to promulgate legislative rule relating to records retention and disposal scheduling | 02/12/03 |
SB 228 | Authorizing department of administration to promulgate legislative rule relating to management of records maintained by records center | 02/12/03 |
SB 229 | Authorizing department of administration to promulgate legislative rule relating to technology access for visually impaired | 02/12/03 |
SB 230 | Authorizing department of administration to promulgate legislative rule relating to parking | 02/12/03 |
SB 231 | Authorizing department of administration to promulgate legislative rule relating to qualifications for participation | 02/04/03 |
SB 232 | Authorizing commissioner of agriculture to promulgate legislative rule relating to inspection of meat and poultry | 01/30/03 |
SB 233 | Authorizing auditor to promulgate legislative rule relating to standards for requisitions for payment issued by state officers on auditor | 02/12/03 |
SB 234 | Authorizing auditor to promulgate legislative rule relating to transaction fee and rate structure | 02/24/03 |
SB 235 | Authorizing consolidated public retirement board to promulgate legislative rule relating to benefit determination and appeal | 01/30/03 |
SB 236 | Authorizing consolidated public retirement board to promulgate legislative rule relating to teachers defined benefit plan | 01/30/03 |
SB 237 | Authorizing consolidated public retirement board to promulgate legislative rule relating to public employees retirement system | 01/30/03 |
SB 238 | Authorizing consolidated public retirement board to promulgate legislative rule relating to state police disability determination and appeal process | 01/30/03 |
SB 239 | Authorizing contractor licensing board to promulgate legislative rule relating to contractor licensing act | 01/29/03 |
SB 240 | Authorizing courthouse facilities improvement authority to promulgate legislative rule relating to authority | 01/23/03 |
SB 241 | Authorizing division of culture and history to promulgate legislative rule relating to cultural facilities and capitol resources grant program | 02/04/03 |
SB 242 | Authorizing department of environmental protection to promulgate legislative rule relating to prevention and control of air pollution from hazardous waste treatment, storage or disposal facilities | 01/30/03 |
SB 243 | Authorizing department of environmental protection to promulgate legislative rule relating to nitrogen oxide budget trading program as means of control and reduction of nitrogen oxides from electric generating units | 01/30/03 |
SB 244 | Authorizing department of environmental protection to promulgate legislative rule relating to requirements for operating permits | 01/30/03 |
SB 245 | Authorizing department of environmental protection to promulgate legislative rule relating to acid rain provisions and permits | 01/30/03 |
SB 246 | Authorizing department of environmental protection to promulgate legislative rule relating to emission standards for hazardous air pollutants for source categories | 01/30/03 |
SB 247 | Authorizing department of environmental protection to promulgate legislative rule relating to surface mining and reclamation | 01/30/03 |
SB 248 | Authorizing department of environmental protection to promulgate legislative rule relating to coal-related dam safety | 01/29/03 |
SB 249 | Authorizing department of environmental protection to promulgate legislative rule relating to oil and gas conservation commission | 02/13/03 |
SB 250 | Authorizing department of environmental protection to promulgate legislative rule relating to hazardous waste management | 01/30/03 |
SB 251 | Authorizing department of environmental protection to promulgate legislative rule relating to hazardous waste management fund certification legislative rule concerning fee assessment | 01/30/03 |
SB 252 | Authorizing department of environmental protection to promulgate legislative rules relating to standards for beneficial use of materials similar to sewage sludge | 02/20/03 |
SB 253 | Authorizing department of environmental protection to promulgate legislative rule relating to water pollution control permit fee schedules | 02/04/03 |
SB 255 | Authorizing board of dental examiners to promulgate legislative rule relating to formation and approval of dental corporations | 02/04/03 |
SB 256 | Authorizing development office to promulgate legislative rule relating to community development assessment and real property valuation procedures for office of coalfield community development | 01/28/03 |
SB 257 | Authorizing environmental quality board to promulgate legislative rule relating to requirements governing water quality standards | 01/30/03 |
SB 258 | Authorizing ethics commission to promulgate legislative rule relating to lobbying | 01/23/03 |
SB 259 | Authorizing family protection services board to promulgate legislative rule relating to operation of board | 01/23/03 |
SB 260 | Authorizing family protection services board to promulgate legislative rule relating to licensure of domestic violence and perpetrator intervention programs | 01/23/03 |
SB 261 | Authorizing family protection services board to promulgate legislative rule relating to perpetrator intervention program licensure | 01/23/03 |
SB 262 | Authorizing family protection services board to promulgate legislative rule relating to monitored visitation and exchange program certification | 01/23/03 |
SB 263 | Authorizing fire commission to promulgate legislative rule relating to state building code | 02/13/03 |
SB 264 | Authorizing fire commission to promulgate legislative rule relating to fire department rescue services | 02/13/03 |
SB 265 | Authorizing division of forestry to promulgate legislative rule relating to sediment control during commercial timber-harvesting operations--licensing | 01/30/03 |
SB 266 | Authorizing division of forestry to promulgate legislative rule relating to sediment control during commercial timber-harvesting operations-- logger certification | 01/30/03 |
SB 267 | Authorizing board of funeral service examiners to promulgate legislative rule relating to board | 02/04/03 |
SB 268 | Authorizing board of funeral service examiners to promulgate legislative rule relating to crematory requirements | 02/12/03 |
SB 269 | Authorizing governor's committee on crime, delinquency and correction to promulgate legislative rule relating to law enforcement training standards | 01/23/03 |
SB 270 | Authorizing governor's committee on crime, delinquency and correction to promulgate legislative rule relating to community corrections standards | 01/23/03 |
SB 271 | Authorizing health care authority to promulgate legislative rule relating to benchmarking and discount contracts | 01/29/03 |
SB 272 | Authorizing department of health and human resources to promulgate legislative rule relating to nurse aid abuse registry | 01/31/03 |
SB 273 | Authorizing division of health to promulgate legislative rule relating to sewage treatment and collection system design standards | 01/29/03 |
SB 274 | Authorizing division of health to promulgate legislative rule relating to medical examiner rule for postmortem inquiries | 02/05/03 |
SB 275 | Authorizing division of health to promulgate legislative rule relating to surrogates for incapacitated persons in health care facilities operated by department of health and human resources | 01/31/03 |
SB 276 | Authorizing division of health to promulgate legislative rule relating to uniform credentialing of health care practitioners | 02/05/03 |
SB 277 | Authorizing division of highways to promulgate legislative rule relating to traffic and safety | 01/28/03 |
SB 278 | Authorizing division of highways to promulgate legislative rule relating to transportation of hazardous wastes upon roads and highways | 01/28/03 |
SB 279 | Authorizing division of human services to promulgate legislative rule relating to day care centers licensing | 02/07/03 |
SB 280 | Authorizing division of human services to promulgate legislative rule relating to tel-assistance program | 02/05/03 |
SB 285 | Authorizing division of human services to promulgate legislative rule relating to family day care home registration requirements | 02/05/03 |
SB 286 | Authorizing insurance commissioner to promulgate legislative rule relating to unfair trade practices | 01/29/03 |
SB 288 | Authorizing insurance commissioner to promulgate legislative rule relating to licensing and conduct of agents, agencies and solicitors | 01/29/03 |
SB 289 | Authorizing insurance commissioner to promulgate legislative rule relating to excess line brokers | 01/29/03 |
SB 290 | Authorizing insurance commissioner to promulgate legislative rule relating to AIDS | 01/29/03 |
SB 291 | Authorizing insurance commissioner to promulgate legislative rule relating to tail insurance covering certain medical and allied health care providers | 02/05/03 |
SB 292 | Authorizing insurance commissioner to promulgate legislative rule relating to group accident and sickness insurance minimum policy coverage standards | 02/05/03 |
SB 293 | Authorizing insurance commissioner to promulgate legislative rule relating to continuing education for individual insurance producers | 02/05/03 |
SB 294 | Authorizing insurance commissioner to promulgate legislative rule relating to quality assurance | 02/05/03 |
SB 295 | Authorizing insurance commissioner to promulgate legislative rule relating to medical malpractice insurance consent to rate and guide "A" rate agreements | 02/05/03 |
SB 296 | Authorizing insurance commissioner to promulgate legislative rule relating to credit personal property insurance | 02/05/03 |
SB 297 | Authorizing insurance commissioner to promulgate legislative rule relating to standards for safeguarding consumer information | 02/05/03 |
SB 298 | Authorizing insurance commissioner to promulgate legislative rule relating to standard motor vehicle policy provisions | 02/05/03 |
SB 299 | Authorizing insurance commissioner to promulgate legislative rule relating to mental health parity | 02/04/03 |
SB 300 | Authorizing juvenile facilities standards commission to promulgate legislative rule relating to minimum standards for structure, operation and maintenance of juvenile detention and correctional facilities | 01/24/03 |
SB 301 | Authorizing division of labor to promulgate legislative rule relating to elevator safety act | 01/29/03 |
SB 302 | Authorizing division of labor to promulgate legislative rule relating to regulation of trade--weights and measures | 01/29/03 |
SB 303 | Authorizing manufactured housing construction and safety standards board to promulgate legislative rule relating to board | 02/04/03 |
SB 304 | Authorizing massage therapy licensure board to promulgate legislative rule relating to board | 01/31/03 |
SB 305 | Authorizing board of medicine to promulgate legislative rule relating to licensure, disciplinary and complaint procedures, continuing education and physician assistants | 01/29/03 |
SB 306 | Authorizing board of miner training, education and certification to promulgate legislative rule relating to standards for certification of coal mine electricians | 01/29/03 |
SB 307 | Authorizing division of motor vehicles to promulgate legislative rule relating to motor vehicle inspection manual | 02/04/03 |
SB 308 | Authorizing division of motor vehicles to promulgate legislative rule relating to examination and issuance of driver's licenses | 02/12/03 |
SB 309 | Authorizing division of motor vehicles to promulgate legislative rule relating to denial, suspension, revocation or nonrenewal of driving privileges | 02/04/03 |
SB 310 | Authorizing division of motor vehicles to promulgate legislative rule relating to motor vehicle dealers, wrecker/dismantler/rebuilders and license services, automobile auctions, vehicle leasing companies, daily passenger rental car businesses and administrative due process | 02/04/03 |
SB 311 | Authorizing division of motor vehicles to promulgate legislative rule relating to motor vehicle test and lock program | 02/11/03 |
SB 312 | Authorizing division of natural resources to promulgate legislative rule relating to revocation of hunting and fishing licenses | 01/30/03 |
SB 313 | Authorizing division of natural resources to promulgate legislative rule relating to special boating | 01/30/03 |
SB 314 | Authorizing division of natural resources to promulgate legislative rule relating to prohibitions when hunting and trapping | 01/30/03 |
SB 315 | Authorizing division of natural resources to promulgate legislative rule relating to deer hunting | 01/30/03 |
SB 317 | Authorizing nursing home administrators licensing board to promulgate legislative rule relating to nursing home administrators | 02/12/03 |
SB 318 | Authorizing board of optometry to promulgate legislative rule relating to licensure by endorsement | 01/29/03 |
SB 319 | Authorizing division of personnel to promulgate legislative rule relating to division | 02/04/03 |
SB 320 | Authorizing board of pharmacy to promulgate legislative rule relating to pharmacist recovery networks | 01/31/03 |
SB 321 | Authorizing board of pharmacy to promulgate legislative rule relating to fees for pharmacist recovery networks | 02/05/03 |
SB 322 | Authorizing board of pharmacy to promulgate legislative rule relating to controlled substances monitoring | 01/31/03 |
SB 323 | Authorizing radiologic technology board of examiners to promulgate legislative rule relating to board | 01/31/03 |
SB 324 | Authorizing real estate appraiser licensing and certification board to promulgate legislative rule relating to requirements for licensure and certification | 01/28/03 |
SB 325 | Authorizing real estate appraiser licensing and certification board to promulgate legislative rule relating to renewal of licensure and certification | 01/24/03 |
SB 326 | Authorizing real estate commission to promulgate legislative rule relating to requirements in licensing real estate brokers, associate brokers and salespersons and conduct of brokerage businesses | 01/24/03 |
SB 327 | Authorizing real estate commission to promulgate legislative rule relating to schedule of fees | 01/28/03 |
SB 328 | Authorizing real estate commission to promulgate legislative rule relating to requirements in approval and registration of real estate courses, course providers and instructors | 01/24/03 |
SB 330 | Authorizing state police to promulgate legislative rule relating to state police career progression system | 01/24/03 |
SB 331 | Authorizing tax commissioner to promulgate legislative rule relating to payment of taxes by electronic funds transfer | 01/28/03 |
SB 332 | Authorizing tax commissioner to promulgate legislative rule relating to tax credit for medical malpractice insurance premiums | 01/28/03 |
SB 333 | Authorizing board of veterinary medicine to promulgate legislative rule relating to standards of practice | 02/04/03 |
SB 334 | Authorizing board of veterinary medicine to promulgate legislative rule relating to schedule of fees | 02/12/03 |
SB 345 | Changing voting dates for early in-person voting; notice | 01/24/03 |
SB 346 | Eliminating special in-person voting and expanding no excuse voting time | 01/24/03 |
SB 347 | Changing ballot publishing dates before primary and general elections | 01/24/03 |
SB 348 | Changing absentee ballot signature requirements | 01/24/03 |
SB 349 | Dedicating portion of pari-mutuel proceeds to pension fund for race track employees | 01/24/03 |
SB 350 | Authorizing counties using paper ballots to count absentee ballots during election period | 01/24/03 |
SB 351 | Allowing counties with electronic voting systems count absentee ballots prior to poll closure | 01/24/03 |
SB 363 | Providing criminal offense for falsely reporting child abuse | 01/27/03 |
SB 366 | Authorizing police to obtain warrant to secure blood sample from person suspected of DUI | 01/27/03 |
SB 367 | Providing posting of bond for expenses incurred for impoundment of animals | 01/27/03 |
SB 379 | Establishing panel to review procedures of child protective services | 01/28/03 |
SB 382 | Relating to applications for private club licenses generally | 01/28/03 |
SB 393 | Limiting liability of driver's licensing advisory board | 01/29/03 |
SB 402 | Prohibiting participation in cloning of humans and embryos; penalties | 01/30/03 |
SB 409 | Relating to compromise and settlement of claims for death by wrongful act | 01/30/03 |
SB 420 | Relating to refund of sheriff's tax on sale of certain real estate; other provisions | 01/31/03 |
SB 442 | Making prosecuting attorney in Mingo County part-time | 02/04/03 |
SB 445 | Creating legislative oversight commission on health care professionals | 03/03/03 |
SB 451 | Relating to jurisdiction of public service commission over construction of certain electric- generating facilities | 02/05/03 |
SB 463 | Relating to absentee voting generally | 02/06/03 |
SB 472 | Redefining certain terms relating to sale and distribution of wine | 02/07/03 |
SB 487 | Adding to definition of "review organization" health maintenance organization review committee | 02/25/03 |
SB 490 | Relating to prosecuting attorneys' qualifications | 02/11/03 |
SB 491 | Authorizing bureau for child support enforcement to reduce monthly support payments when overpaid | 02/11/03 |
SB 495 | Expanding definition of political party to increase ballot access | 02/12/03 |
SB 504 | Relating to exemptions of property in bankruptcy proceedings | 02/12/03 |
SB 511 | Eliminating requirement estate representative must appear in court to be named administrator | 02/13/03 |
SB 514 | Prohibiting cloning of humans and embryos; penalty | 02/13/03 |
SB 526 | Relating to transporting minors across state lines for abortion without parental consent; penalty | 02/13/03 |
SB 528 | Relating to self-service storage lien act | 02/13/03 |
SB 536 | Relating to fee charged by fiduciary commissioners in settling estates | 02/14/03 |
SB 537 | Relating to plea bargains by young adult offenders | 02/14/03 |
SB 540 | Relating to reporting unauthorized workers employed in state | 02/26/03 |
SB 541 | Creating Covenant Marriage Act | 02/14/03 |
SB 542 | Establishing marriage license discount for applicants who complete premarital counseling | 02/14/03 |
SB 544 | Relating to annexation by municipalities and hotel occupancy tax | 02/14/03 |
SB 546 | Creating rebuttable presumption that assessed value of property is correct; exception | 02/14/03 |
SB 548 | Promulgating rule relating to computer and technology donation program | 02/14/03 |
SB 549 | Relating to exotic entertainment | 02/14/03 |
SB 560 | Relating to prejudgment and post-judgment interest | 02/17/03 |
SB 562 | Relating to certain painted markings for posted land | 02/17/03 |
SB 563 | Increasing fine for trespassing | 02/17/03 |
SB 564 | Allowing player-operated on-line ticket dispensing devices for certain lottery games | 02/17/03 |
SB 568 | Transferring duty of appointing guardians for minors to circuit court; exception | 02/17/03 |
SB 572 | Relating to racial profiling by police during traffic stop | 02/17/03 |
SB 574 | Relating to publication of notice of administration of estate by county clerk | 02/17/03 |
SB 575 | Requiring disclosure of known defects for sellers of real property | 02/17/03 |
SB 577 | Relating to allowable blood alcohol content for DUI | 02/17/03 |
SB 579 | Relating to petitions for changes of temporary child custody | 02/17/03 |
SB 584 | Authorizing voter "checkers" to be appointed by recognized political parties | 02/17/03 |
SB 586 | Providing certain public governing bodies need not require second to motion | 02/17/03 |
SB 587 | Allowing state police to engage in political activities in certain cases | 02/17/03 |
SB 595 | Prohibiting law-enforcement surveillance of constitutionally protected conduct | 02/17/03 |
SB 598 | Providing that arresting agency pay cost for certain inmate incarceration | 02/17/03 |
SB 609 | Increasing amount individual may contribute to election campaign | 02/17/03 |
SB 619 | Mandating apprentice fireman be terminated in certain cases | 02/17/03 |
SB 621 | Improving involuntary commitment process | 02/17/03 |
SB 622 | Prohibiting convicted felon from being employee or board member of regional jail and correctional facility authority | 02/17/03 |
SB 623 | Providing record notice of death by filing death certificate or will | 02/17/03 |
SB 625 | Reducing allowable blood alcohol content for DUI | 02/17/03 |
SB 630 | Prohibiting selling or offering to sell products made by inmates; penalty | 02/17/03 |
SB 656 | Requiring persons under certain age to wear helmets while operating or riding all-terrain vehicles | 03/03/03 |
HB 2008 | Providing good-faith background checks for law-enforcement personnel | 02/11/03 |
HB 2054 | Requiring county clerks to record a disclaimer of unenforceable restrictive covenants based on race, color, religion, ancestry, sex, familial status, blindness, handicap or national origin | 01/21/03 |
HB 2090 | Requiring the Ethics Commission to establish a code of conduct for state administrative law judges | 01/27/03 |
HB 2266 | Providing authority for state fire marshals to cooperate with and assist other law-enforcement agencies | 02/12/03 |
HB 2386 | Providing for a panel of senior magistrate court clerks to serve in substitution for magistrate court clerks who are on authorized leave | 03/03/03 |
HB 2436 | Making the state's criminal and penalty laws applying to the use and display of beer and alcoholic beverages in motor vehicles to conform to federal law | 03/03/03 |
HB 2456 | Creating civil immunity for persons resisting criminal activities | 03/03/03 |
HB 2505 | Allowing municipalities to establish a procedure for run-off elections in cases of tie votes in municipal elections | 03/06/03 |
HB 2678 | Changing ballot publishing dates before primary and general elections | 02/19/03 |
HB 2693 | Providing the ability to define and draw DNA samples from convicted felons for maintaining a DNA database | 03/06/03 |
HB 2704 | Relating to the supervision and return of juvenile offenders, runaways and other juveniles | 03/07/03 |
HB 2760 | Authorizing motor carrier inspectors designated by the PSC to enforce all traffic laws and rules of the road with respect to commercial motor vehicles | 03/08/03 |
HB 2781 | Relating to the transfer, retirement or disposal of state police canines | 02/06/03 |
HB 2793 | Relating to the West Virginia real estate commission and limiting certain reciprocity provisions | 02/21/03 |
HB 2800 | Relating to compromise and settlement of claims for death by wrongful act | 03/03/03 |
HB 2805 | Allowing law-enforcement officers of municipalities that cover more than one county to administer tests for determining alcoholic content in a driver's blood, breath or urine in the counties which the municipality lies | 03/03/03 |
HB 2843 | Enacting the federally required provisions of the "Help America Vote Act of 2002" | 02/17/03 |
HB 2846 | Adding professional surveyors to the list of professionals who may organize professional limited liability companies | 02/21/03 |
HB 2933 | Relating to qualifications, duties and obligations of executors or administrators | 02/17/03 |
HB 3006 | Allowing the use of photostatic copies of uncertified documents to establish the full performance of a preneed burial contract | 03/03/03 |
HB 3010 | Exempting from the governmental meetings act discussions by a governmental body of certain activities relating to homeland security terrorist threats | 02/26/03 |
HB 3052 | Retitling the "Clerk of the Circuit Court" as the "Clerk of the Circuit and Family Court" | 03/03/03 |
HB 3105 | Eliminating the interest payment on any untimely provider paid claims for health care services if the amount of interest is less than one dollar | 03/06/03 |
HB 3197 | Relating to the use of federal funds for youth in the custody of the division of juvenile services | 03/03/03 |