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There are 72 Bills pending in Senate Finance




SB 8Creating Creative Communities Development Pilot Program02/20/12
SB 9Relating to Economic Development Authority's loan criteria for tourism projects02/01/12
SB 16Including checkoff option on tax return for Jackson's Mill 4-H Camp01/17/12
SB 20Exempting Social Security from state personal income tax01/11/12
SB 40Creating tax credit for composting garbage, landscape waste and food01/19/12
SB 81Compensating State Police for call-back time; housing stipend01/11/12
SB 103Requiring state board establish digital learning program01/20/12
SB 104Providing procedure to determine credit for utility taxpayers with net operating loss carryovers01/17/12
SB 111Establishing minimum number of State Police troopers; increasing supplemental pay02/16/12
SB 112Allowing county boards of education reassign injured or ill service personnel; compensation01/20/12
SB 136Providing free certified copies of veteran's death certificate02/01/12
SB 138Extending discount for EZ Pass transponders to all other toll roads01/18/12
SB 152Relating to unemployment benefits for certain spouses of military personnel02/06/12
SB 157Dedicating portion of oil and gas severance tax to counties and municipalities of origin02/22/12
SB 159Relating to Division of Rehabilitation Services teacher pay rate02/10/12
SB 168Increasing compensation of certain county officials02/02/12
SB 171Creating in-home direct care workforce registry01/18/12
SB 172Creating equal pay coordinator within Division of Personnel01/19/12
SB 190Limiting amount property appraisal can increase; excepting natural resources property01/16/12
SB 194Requiring health insurers cover maternity and contraceptive services for dependents02/20/12
SB 198Requiring Medicaid dental coverage for mothers of newborns01/25/12
SB 201Creating Unintentional Pharmaceutical Drug Overdose Fatality Review Team02/22/12
SB 206Designating certain property as qualified capital addition to manufacturing facilities01/23/12
SB 207Extending moratorium on timber severance and business privilege tax02/16/12
SB 208Repealing Telecommunications Tax Act02/14/12
SB 347Rededicating excise tax paid on real property transfers to counties for regional jail support01/27/12
SB 381Creating WV Buy American Act02/23/12
SB 383Increasing supplemental pay for State Police in lieu of overtime pay01/23/12
SB 391Expanding reduced utility rates to low-income residential customers receiving SSDI02/03/12
SB 392Increasing public service district board members' salaries02/22/12
SB 413Compensating State Police for call-back time; housing stipend01/25/12
SB 419Revising high-growth business investment tax credit02/01/12
SB 422Relating generally to retirement benefits and costs of PERS, State Police Retirement System and TRS02/14/12
SB 441Exempting special motor vehicle equipment for disabled from sales and privilege taxes02/01/12
SB 443Increasing state tax exemption for PERS, TRS and military retirement income02/21/12
SB 460Providing minimum tax appraisal value of automobiles; other provisions02/20/12
SB 466Creating Alternative Coal Slurry Disposal Act02/06/12
SB 472Increasing compensation cap of family court secretary-clerks and case coordinators02/09/12
SB 475Increasing number of magistrate court deputy clerks02/16/12
SB 481Increasing compensation of attorneys appointed in child abuse and neglect proceedings02/16/12
SB 485Creating Fiscal and Policy Division under Joint Committee on Government and Finance02/14/12
SB 486Relating generally to Judges' Retirement System02/14/12
SB 522Creating WVU Shale Research, Education, Policy and Economic Development Center; other provisions02/22/12
SB 539Relating generally to WV Tourism Development Act02/15/12
SB 543Creating Prince Railroad Station Authority02/15/12
SB 545Relating to reemployment after retirement from PERS02/21/12
SB 553Providing personal income tax deduction for spaying or neutering02/09/12
SB 556Finding and declaring certain claims against state02/09/12
SB 577Adding additional circuit court judge02/21/12
SB 600Increasing number of State Police principal supervisors02/23/12
SB 620Permitting Harrison County Commission levy special district excise tax02/22/12
SB 622Facilitating certain TDCRS payment to certain employer fund 02/21/12
SB 625Reducing capital improvement original cost and new investment cost requirements for qualified capital additions to manufacturing facilities02/22/12
SB 627Increasing salaries of certain State Police forensic lab employees and certain civilian employees02/23/12
SB 629Creating Class II residential property improvements tax credit02/17/12
SB 635Relating generally to broadband middle mile infrastructure02/27/12
SB 653Creating WV Innovation and Development Act02/27/12
SB 669Making supplementary appropriation of federal funds to various accounts02/20/12
SB 674Relating generally to jobs investment trust02/22/12
HB 2046Exempting from the sales and use tax special equipment installed in a motor vehicle for the use of a person with physical disabilities03/01/12
HB 3142Increasing the allowable number of magistrate court deputy clerks by five03/05/12
HB 3157Adding an additional family court judge to the twenty-third family court district03/06/12
HB 4030Prioritizing the payment of fees, costs, bonds, fines or other sums charged or assessed in magistrate courts in civil and criminal matters03/08/12
HB 4049Requiring the Department of Environmental Protection to maintain an Office of Internal Auditing03/06/12
HB 4247Increasing the compensation of attorneys who are appointed to represent criminal defendants03/05/12
HB 4293Increasing the compensation caps for secretary-clerks and case coordinators in the family court03/01/12
HB 4392Compensating all state magistrates, magistrate assistants, magistrate court clerks equally03/02/12
HB 4426Requiring a copayment to a physical therapist and an occupational therapist be the same as a physician or osteopath03/07/12
HB 4475Reducing federal adjusted gross income for recent graduates of higher education institutions03/06/12
HB 4581Making grants from state and other funds to provide civil legal services to low income persons03/06/12
HB 4613Relating to development of broadband infrastructure and broadband deployment in this state03/05/12
HB 4636Authorizing a responsible parent pilot project03/06/12
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