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There are 144 Bills pending in House Health and Human Resources




SB 126Reorganizing DHHR01/16/23
SB 195Glucagon for Schools Act02/23/23
SB 480Modifying group accident and sickness insurance requirements02/23/23
SB 646Creating emeritus physician license02/24/23
SB 650Allowing physician assistants to own practice03/01/23
SB 657WV Long-Term Care Insurance Act02/24/23
SB 676Requiring report on Medicaid fees and managed care provider reimbursements compared to PEIA, Medicare, and surrounding states02/27/23
SB 732Prohibiting insurer from imposing copayment for certain services03/01/23
HB 2028Establish quick response teams to work with drug users who are arrested01/11/23
HB 2032Relating to the Occupational Pneumoconiosis Board01/11/23
HB 2036Allow Religious Exemptions for vaccines02/22/23
HB 2046Permitting a licensed physician to grant a medical exemption from the required immunizations for a child to enter a school or a state-regulated childcare center01/11/23
HB 2051Relating to tobacco usage restrictions01/11/23
HB 2057Relating to requiring the Office of Health Facility Licensure and Certification to inspect office-based medication-assisted treatment programs at least every 24 months.01/11/23
HB 2058Relating to requiring a court to verify certain conditions are met before a child who has been removed from a home may be returned to that home.01/11/23
HB 2076To require a new written, phoned, or e-mail prescription order within 72 hours of a prescription change01/11/23
HB 2090All state buildings and rest areas within WV have sharp containers01/11/23
HB 2091Decriminalization and legalization of cannabis with a taxing mechanism to bring more revenue to the state01/11/23
HB 2100Medical Facility Protection Act01/11/23
HB 2101Relating to obtaining an appropriate gender marker for state documents01/11/23
HB 2107Relating to access of records in controlled substance monitoring01/11/23
HB 2124Removing Hepatitis B from the list of required vaccinations01/11/23
HB 2145Be Exceptional Starting Today Act01/11/23
HB 2146Workplace Violence Prevention for Health Care and Social Service Workers Act01/11/23
HB 2183Provide a state income tax credit for nurses to encourage recruitment and commitment to the profession in this state01/11/23
HB 2192Relating to health insurance for living organ donors01/11/23
HB 2217Relating to natural immunity or antibodies to any illness to be treated as equal or better to vaccine induced immunity01/11/23
HB 2219Relating to permitting medical cannabis to be dispensed in edible form01/11/23
HB 2230Ensuring that legal or biological parents have equal access to any and all copies of birth registry forms01/11/23
HB 2247Relating to reorganizing the Department of Health and Human Resources01/11/23
HB 2253Relating to controlled substance monitoring; and removing a dispensing prohibition01/11/23
HB 2262Permitting certain felons to work in licensed behavioral health facilities01/11/23
HB 2264Establishing the Minority Health Advisory Team01/11/23
HB 2267Authorizing possession and smoking of medical cannabis by approved persons01/11/23
HB 2287Requiring sharps containers in all state buildings and facilities where the public is allowed01/11/23
HB 2303Providing a tax exemption for income from a qualified retirement plan used to pay for long-term care01/11/23
HB 2304Prohibiting the use of polystyrene containers01/11/23
HB 2312Relating to abortions after detection of an unborn child’s heartbeat01/11/23
HB 2318Relating to certification of a patient’s eligibility for medical cannabis01/11/23
HB 2321Require an ultrasound prior to abortion01/11/23
HB 2326Prohibit state funding for any organization that performs abortions01/11/23
HB 2342To require all prescribers of medication to include their purpose for prescribing the medication to the patient01/11/23
HB 2348Requiring West Virginia Medicaid managed care organizations to contract with any otherwise qualified provider01/11/23
HB 2352Relating to living anatomical gift01/11/23
HB 2358Making it a misdemeanor for a person to knowingly allow a felony drug offense to be committed on his or her property01/11/23
HB 2360Collecting a tax from manufacturers and distributors of opium and opiate drugs to be used for funding addiction and prevention01/11/23
HB 2367Providing options to vaccinations and mask requirements as a condition to entry of schools01/11/23
HB 2368Provide for fines for hospitals that do not allow at least one visitor01/11/23
HB 2376To ensure that hospitals do not provide lesser treatment to unvaccinated individuals as opposed to vaccinated individuals01/11/23
HB 2385Creating the Prevention Through K-12 Education Act01/11/23
HB 2407Require photo identification on all EBT cards01/11/23
HB 2408Mountaineer Games Sports League01/11/23
HB 2409Provide a safe process for organic waste composting01/11/23
HB 2413Permitting pharmacists to dispense the drug ivermectin by means of a standing order01/11/23
HB 2416Prevent healthcare facilities from limiting the number of parents that are able to attend appointments for their children01/11/23
HB 2419Relating to removing the Certificate of Need moratorium on opioid treatment facilities01/11/23
HB 2426Authorizing the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Resources to develop a submission procedures manual and adopt the same as a procedural rule.01/11/23
HB 2427Establishing the status of beds when an intermediate care facility for individuals with intellectual disabilities closes01/11/23
HB 2428Relating to foster care01/11/23
HB 2429Prohibit the practice of white bagging01/11/23
HB 2430To reduce copay cap on insulin and devices01/11/23
HB 2431Relating to the Ryan Brown Fund01/11/23
HB 2437Relating to fetal body parts01/11/23
HB 2438Authorizing long term care facilities to increase their number of beds on certificate of need by 5% so long as those beds are filled by veterans01/11/23
HB 2440To Protect Newborn Genetic Privacy Rights01/11/23
HB 2446Food insecurity state wide tip line01/11/23
HB 2447Create a CARE FOR ALL line01/11/23
HB 2448Primary care physicians must inform patients about Triple Negative Breast Cancer01/11/23
HB 2454Creating WV Black Lung Program01/11/23
HB 2482Relating to social determinants of health01/11/23
HB 2490Establishing a procedure to name a kinship legal guardian01/11/23
HB 2496Requiring that any doctor performing an abortion must be board-certified in obstetrics and gynecology01/11/23
HB 2497Prohibit requiring Covid-19 vaccine or booster shot to attend in person classes at colleges and universities01/11/23
HB 2501Require hospitals with no ASL interpreter on staff provide technology for hearing or speech impaired patients to communicate01/11/23
HB 2503Requiring the Department of Health and Human resources to pay the attorney fees of an adoptive parent in a subsidized adoption01/12/23
HB 2535Relating to prior authorizations01/13/23
HB 2536Permitting physicians to provide exemption certificates relating to required immunizations01/13/23
HB 2544Make investigation and enforcement of the Patient Brokering Act the responsibility of OHFLAC01/13/23
HB 2558Permitting religious exemptions for compulsory immunizations01/16/23
HB 2559Prohibiting mask mandates by the State of West Virginia01/16/23
HB 2603Relating to vaccination and mask requirements01/17/23
HB 2631Authorizing dogs to be in certain licensed establishments01/17/23
HB 2758Relating to updating the minimum standards for nursing homes01/18/23
HB 2785Relating to PEIA reimbursement 01/18/23
HB 2798Clarifying that the time limitations provided for filing occupational pneumoconiosis claims do not apply or otherwise limit the ability of a claimant to obtain an evaluation from the Occupational Pneumoconiosis Board.01/18/23
HB 2813Provide for disclosure of potentially harmful ingredients in menstrual products01/19/23
HB 2823Allowing for Religious Exemptions of Vaccine Requirements in Primary and Secondary Schools01/19/23
HB 2825Relating to prohibiting mask mandates 01/19/23
HB 2851Relating to legalizing cannabis production, sales and adult consumption01/20/23
HB 2885Relating to life at conception 01/20/23
HB 2925Get rid of vaccine requirement for families who want to provide respite care01/23/23
HB 2936Establishing privacy regarding medical treatments01/24/23
HB 2944Relating to DNA collection requirements in abortion cases relating to rape or incest01/24/23
HB 2951Removing certain drugs from schedule one01/24/23
HB 2956Relating to access for minor children’s medical records01/24/23
HB 2972To prohibit public university names for gender affirming care01/24/23
HB 2978Eliminating the food handler examination and card01/24/23
HB 2987To update the requirements of the state director of health to quarantine and enforce regulations in a specific place 01/24/23
HB 2988Relating to wholesale importation of prescription drugs01/24/23
HB 2994Relating to expired date of an optometrist’s prescription01/24/23
HB 3000Universities must accept religious, medical, or right of conscience exemptions to taking vaccinations01/24/23
HB 3002To create a crime to send someone abortion pills through the U.S. mail01/24/23
HB 3003Stop practice of medicine by telehealth for abortion prescriptions01/24/23
HB 3017Establish Food Waste Task Force01/25/23
HB 3022Relating to childcare subsidies within DHHR, paid based on monthly enrollment01/25/23
HB 3069Require that all injuries and side effects from vaccines be reported by medical professional to the Bureau for Public Health01/26/23
HB 3080To mandate sharp containers, AED monitors, and first aid kits at WV rest areas01/26/23
HB 3086Men’s Equality Act01/26/23
HB 3097Banning Medicaid and CHIP from paying for child and adult transgender surgeries01/27/23
HB 3115To allow the development of a specialized intermediate care facility for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities01/27/23
HB 3116Creating the No Patient Left Alone Act01/27/23
HB 3128Requiring open captions in movie theaters within the State of West Virginia to accommodate the deaf and hard of hearing01/27/23
HB 3143Allow for religious exemptions for getting vaccinations01/30/23
HB 3160Providing that records of Department of Health and Human Services of sustained and non-sustained allegations of child abuse or neglect are preserved01/31/23
HB 3182Relating generally to mental health treatment01/31/23
HB 3184WV Medical Information Confidentiality and Anti-Discrimination Act01/31/23
HB 3204Mobile Food-Vendor Freedom Act02/02/23
HB 3205Eliminating the certificate of need program02/02/23
HB 3229Increase age to 21 for tobacco and vape sales to align with federal law02/02/23
HB 3257Relating to infant and maternity mortality02/03/23
HB 3288Adding medical doctors and doctors of osteopathy to the category of medical professionals who are subject to the prohibition against therapeutic deception.02/03/23
HB 3297To allow patients to refuse residents and medical students from observing or performing medical care on patients02/06/23
HB 3309Establishing the Child Support from Conception Act02/07/23
HB 3325Requiring a pharmacist to fill a prescription for individuals who have a valid prescription unless belief that prescription is fraudulent02/07/23
HB 3346Mental Hygiene Reform Act02/08/23
HB 3356Require Medicaid to submit all state plan amendments, waiver submissions and policy changes to the Legislature for rulemaking approval02/10/23
HB 3383Youth Mental Health Protection Act02/13/23
HB 3388Creating the health care professionals preceptor tax credit02/13/23
HB 3415Maternal Health and Family Support Act 02/13/23
HB 3419Relating to wages of persons with disabilities02/13/23
HB 3422To add nurses working in a nursing home to the overtime limitation02/13/23
HB 3433Create a division of forensic social work services in DHHR02/13/23
HB 3455Relating to a patient’s right to choose physician02/14/23
HB 3458To create the Behavioral Health Reform and Innovation Council02/14/23
HB 3472Returning a woman’s right to choose02/14/23
HB 3485Relating to Medicaid Waiver Package 02/14/23
HB 3496To create the Responsible Fatherhood Act02/14/23
HB 3506Relating to infant and maternity mortality02/14/23
HB 3507Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders Insurance Coverage Protection Act02/14/23
HB 3508To create the Core State Behavioral Health Crisis Services System02/14/23
HB 3533Granting jurisdiction to supervise youth sport league events to county boards of education and the West Virginia Athletic Trainers Association02/14/23
HB 3534Relating to insurance copayments for certain services02/14/23
HB 3536Relating to annual suicide prevention training and dissemination of resources for school staff02/14/23
HB 3540Requiring regular reporting of recommended reimbursement rates for IDD providers02/14/23
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