Introduced Version House Bill 107 History

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Key: Green = existing Code. Red = new code to be enacted
H. B. 107

(By Mr. Speaker, Mr. Chambers, and Delegate Ashley)
[By Request of the Executive]
[Introduced July 14, 1996; referred to the
Committee on Finance.]

A BILL to repeal section nine-b, article fifteen, chapter eleven of the code of West Virginia, one thousand nine hundred thirty-one, as amended; and to amend and reenact section nine-d of said article, all relating to repealing the current method for claiming exemptions, refunds of tax and credits against other taxes; providing for direct pay permits; validity of permit; promulgation of rules by the tax commissioner; filing of monthly returns by the permit holder along with remittance of the tax due; permitting quarterly or annual returns in lieu of the monthly returns; extensions of payment with interest; automatic renewal of the permit; notifying the vendor of the direct payment number; maintenance of records by the vendor; and expiration, cancellation or surrender of a direct pay permit.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:
That section nine-b, article fifteen, chapter eleven of the code of West Virginia, one thousand nine hundred thirty-one, as amended, be repealed; and that section nine-d of said article be amended and reenacted, all to read as follows:
§11-15-9d. Direct pay permits.

(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this article, the tax commissioner may, pursuant to rules promulgated by him or her in accordance with article three, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code, authorize a person (as defined in section two) that is a user, consumer, distributor or lessee to which sales or leases of tangible personal property are made or services provided, to pay any tax levied by this article or article fifteen-a of this chapter directly to the tax commissioner and waive the collection of the tax by that person's vendor. No such authority shall be granted or exercised except upon application to the tax commissioner and after issuance by the tax commissioner of a direct pay permit. Each direct pay permit granted pursuant to this section shall continue to be is valid until surrendered by the holder or canceled for cause by the commissioner. The commissioner shall prescribe by rules promulgated in accordance with article three, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code, those activities which will cause cancellation of a direct pay permit issued pursuant to this section. Upon issuance of such a direct pay permit, payment of the tax imposed or assertion of the exemptions allowed by this article or article fifteen-a of this chapter on sales and leases of tangible personal property and sales of taxable services from the vendors thereof of the personal property or services shall be made directly to the tax commissioner by the permit holder.
(b) On or before the fifteenth day of each month, every permit holder shall make and file with the tax commissioner a consumer sales and use tax direct pay permit return for the preceding month in the form prescribed by the tax commissioner showing the total value of the tangible personal property so used, the amount of taxable services purchased, the amount of consumers sales and use taxes due from the permit holder, which amount shall be paid to the tax commissioner with such the return, and such other information as the tax commissioner deems considers necessary: Provided, That if the amount of consumers sales and use taxes due averages less than one hundred dollars per month, the tax commissioner may permit the filing of quarterly returns in lieu of monthly returns and the amount of tax shown thereon on the returns to be due shall be remitted on or before the fifteenth day following the close of the calendar quarter; and if the amount due averages less than fifty dollars per calendar quarter, the tax commissioner may permit the filing of an annual direct pay permit return and the amount of tax shown thereon on the return to be due shall be remitted on or before the last day of January each year. The tax commissioner, upon written request by the permit holder, may grant a reasonable extension of time, upon such terms as the tax commissioner may require, for the making and filing of direct pay permit returns and paying the tax due. Interest on such the tax shall be chargeable on every such extended payment at the rate specified in section seventeen, article ten of this chapter.
(c) A permit issued pursuant to this section shall continue to be is valid until expiration of the taxpayers registration year under article twelve of this chapter. This permit shall automatically be renewed when the taxpayers business registration certificate is issued for the next succeeding fiscal year, unless the permit is surrendered by the holder or canceled for cause by the tax commissioner.
(d) Persons who hold a direct payment permit which has not been canceled shall not be are not required to pay the tax to the vendor as otherwise provided in this article or article fifteen-a of this chapter. Such persons They shall notify each vendor from whom tangible personal property is purchased or leased or from whom services are purchased of their direct payment permit number and that the tax is being paid directly to the tax commissioner. Upon receipt of such the notice, such the vendor shall be is absolved from all duties and liabilities imposed by this chapter for the collection and remittance of the tax with respect to sales of tangible personal property and sales of services to such the permit holder. Vendors who make sales upon which the tax is not collected by reason of the provisions of this section shall maintain records in such manner that the amount involved and identity of each such purchaser may be ascertained.
(e) Upon the expiration, cancellation or surrender of a direct payment permit, the provisions of this chapter, without regard to this section, shall thereafter apply to the person who previously held such the permit, and such that person shall promptly so notify in writing vendors from whom tangible personal property or services are purchased or leased of such the cancellation or surrender. Upon receipt of such the notice, the vendor shall be is subject to the provisions of this chapter, without regard to this section, with respect to all sales, distributions, leases or storage of tangible personal property, thereafter made to or for such that person.

NOTE: The purpose of this bill is to correct deficiencies in the title and enacting section of Enrolled Senate Bill No. 37 by making it clear that West Virginia Code, §11-15-9b, relating to methods for claiming exemptions, refunds of tax and credits against other taxes was to be repealed and that West Virginia Code, §11-15-9d, relating to direct pay permits was to not be repealed.

Strike-throughs indicate language that would be stricken from the present law, and underscoring indicates new language that would be added.

§11-15-9b has been repealed and is therefor not included in the bill.
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