H. B. 109
(By Mr. Speaker, Mr. Chambers, and Delegate Ashley)
[By Request of the Executive]
[Introduced July 16, 1996]
A BILL to amend and reenact section five, article six, chapter
twenty-four of the code of West Virginia, one thousand nine
hundred thirty-one, as amended, relating to the requirements
for an enhanced emergency telephone system; and describing the
territory which may be included in an enhanced emergency
telephone system.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:
That section five, article six, chapter twenty-four of the
code of West Virginia, one thousand nine hundred thirty-one, as
amended, be amended and reenacted to read as follows:
§24-6-5. Enhanced emergency telephone system requirements.
(a) An enhanced emergency telephone system, at a minimum,
shall provide that:
(1) All the territory in the county, including every
municipal corporation in the county, which is served by telephone
company central office equipment that will permit such a system to
be established shall be included in the system
;: Provided, That if
a portion of the county or a portion of a municipal corporation
within the county is already being served by an enhanced emergency telephone system, that portion of the county or municipality may be
excluded from the county enhanced emergency telephone system;
(2) Every emergency service provider that provides emergency
service within the territory of a county participate in the system;
(3) Each county answering point be operated constantly;
(4) Each emergency service provider participating in the
system maintain a telephone number in addition to the one provided
for in the system; and
(5) If the county answering point personnel reasonably
determine that a call is not an emergency, the personnel provide
the caller with the number of the appropriate emergency service
(b) To the extent possible, enhanced emergency telephone
systems shall be centralized.
(c) In developing an enhanced emergency telephone system, the
county commission or the
department of public safety West Virginia
State Police shall seek the advice of both the telephone companies
providing local exchange service within the county and the local
emergency providers.
(d) As a condition of continued employment, persons employed
to dispatch emergency calls shall successfully complete a forty-
hour nationally recognized training course for dispatchers within
one year of the date of their employment; except that persons
employed to dispatch emergency calls prior to the effective date of
this subsection, as a condition of continuing employment, shall
successfully complete such a course not later than the first day of
July, one thousand nine hundred ninety-five.
(e) Each county or municipality shall appoint for each
answering point an enhanced emergency telephone system advisory
board consisting of at least six members to monitor the operation
of the system. The board shall be appointed by the county or
municipality and shall include at least one member from affected
fire service providers, law-enforcement providers, emergency
medical providers and emergency services providers participating in
the system and at least one member from the county or municipality.
The board may make recommendations to the county or municipality
concerning the operation of the system.
In addition, the director of the county or municipal enhanced
telephone system shall serve as an ex officio member of the
advisory board. The initial advisory board shall serve staggered
terms of one, two and three years. The initial terms of these
appointees shall commence on the first day of July, one thousand
nine hundred ninety-four. All future appointments shall be for
terms of three years, except that an appointment to fill a vacancy
shall be for the unexpired term. All members shall serve without
compensation. The board shall adopt such policies, rules and
regulations as are necessary for its own guidance. The board shall
meet monthly on the day of each month which the board may
designate. The board may make recommendations to the county or
municipality concerning the operation of the system.
(f) Any advisory board established prior to the first day of
January, one thousand nine hundred ninety-four, shall have three
years to meet the criteria of subsection (e) of this section.
(g) Nothing herein contained shall be construed to prohibit or discourage in any way the establishment of multijurisdictional
or regional systems, or multijurisdictional or regional agreements
for the establishment of enhanced emergency telephone systems, and
any system established pursuant to this article may include the
territory of more than one public agency, or may include only a
portion of the territory of a public agency.
NOTE: The purpose of this bill is to clarify the section of
the code which establishes the requirements for enhanced emergency
telephone systems.
Strike-throughs indicate language that would be stricken from
the present law, and underscoring indicates new language that would
be added.