H. B. 2500
(By Delegates Campbell, Kelley, Pettit, Warner, Border,
Miller and Walters)
(Originating in the Committee on Finance)
[March 11, 1997]
A BILL making a supplementary appropriation of federal funds out of
the treasury from the balance of federal moneys remaining
unappropriated for the fiscal year ending the thirtieth day of
June, one thousand nine hundred ninety-seven, to a new item of
appropriation designated to the department of military affairs
and public safety, division of corrections - correctional
units, account no. fund 8818, fiscal year 1997, organization
0608, supplementing and amending the appropriation for the
fiscal year ending the thirtieth day of June, one thousand
nine hundred ninety-seven.
Whereas, The governor has established the availability of
federal funds for expenditure in the fiscal year ending the
thirtieth day of June, one thousand nine hundred ninety-seven,
which are hereby appropriated by the terms of this supplementary
appropriation bill; therefore
Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:
That chapter eight, acts of the Legislature, regular session,
one thousand nine hundred ninety-six, known as the "Budget Bill",
be supplemented and amended by adding to title II, section five
thereof, the following:
Sec. 5. Appropriations of federal funds.
229a--Division of Corrections--
Correctional Units
(WV Code Chapters 25, 28, 49 and 62)
Account No.
Fund 8818 FY 1997 Org 0608
1Unclassified--Total096$ 50,788
The purpose of this supplementary appropriation bill is to
supplement this account in the budget act for the fiscal year
ending the thirtieth day of June, one thousand nine hundred ninety- seven, by providing for a new item of appropriation to be
established therein to appropriate federal funds in the amount of
thirty -three thousand six hundred sixty -five dollars for a boot
camp at the Anthony Center, and seventeen thousand one hundred
twenty -three dollars for the criminal alien assistance program.