Introduced Version House Bill 2854 History

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H. B. 2854

(By Delegates Douglas, Collins, Varner, Everson, J. Smith and Stalnaker)

(Originating in the Committee on Government Organization)

[February 19, 1999]

A BILL to amend and reenact section four, article two, chapter fifteen of the code of West Virginia, one thousand nine hundred thirty-one, as amended, relating to the appointments of commissioned, noncommissioned officers, other members; temporary and permanent positions of the state police.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:
That section four, article two, chapter fifteen of the code of West Virginia, one thousand nine hundred thirty-one, as amended, be amended and reenacted, to read as follows:
§15-2-4. Appointment of commissioned officers, noncommissioned officers, other members; temporary and permanent positions.

(a) The superintendent shall appoint, from the enlisted membership of the state police, a deputy superintendent who shall hold the rank of lieutenant colonel and be next in authority to the superintendent. The superintendent shall appoint, from the enlisted membership of the state police, the number of other officers and members he or she considers necessary to operate and maintain the executive offices, training school, and forensic laboratory; and to keep records relating to crimes and criminals, coordinate traffic safety activities, maintain a system of supplies and accounting and perform other necessary services.
(b) The ranks within the membership of the state police shall be colonel, lieutenant colonel, major, captain, first lieutenant, second lieutenant, first sergeant, sergeant, corporal, trooper first class, senior trooper, trooper or cadet trooper. Each member while in uniform shall wear the insignia of rank as provided by law and written state police policies. Members assigned to the forensic laboratory shall hold the title of trooper, be classified as criminalists and wear the insignia of classification as provided by written state police policies.
The superintendent may appoint from the membership of the state police fifteen seventeen principal supervisors who shall receive the compensation and hold the temporary rank of lieutenant colonel, major or captain at the will and pleasure of the superintendent. Appointments are exempt from any eligibility requirements established by the career progression system. Any person appointed to a temporary rank under the provisions of this article remains eligible for promotion or reclassification under the provisions of the career progression system if his or her permanent rank is below that of first lieutenant. Upon the termination of a temporary appointment by the superintendent, the member may not be reduced to a rank or classification below his or her permanent rank or classification, unless the reduction results from disciplinary action, and remains eligible for subsequent appointment to a temporary rank.
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