H. B. 4077
(By Delegates Perdue, Hatfield, Lawrence, Marshall, Moye,
Poore, Staggers, Ferns, Ellington, J. Miller and Rowan)
[Passed March 10, 2012; in effect ninety days from passage.]
AN ACT to amend §30-4-17 of the code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended, relating to activities that may be performed by a dental hygienist without a prior exam by a dentist; requiring a Public Health Practice permit; providing for the sealants to be placed pursuant to a collaborative agreement with a supervising dentist; and requiring a referral for a dental examination within six months.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:
That §30-4-17 of the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended, be amended and reenacted to read as follows:
§30-4-17. Scope of practice; dental hygienist.
The practice of dental hygiene includes the following:
(1) Performing a complete prophylaxis, including the removal of any deposit, accretion or stain from the surface of a tooth or a restoration;
(2) Applying a medicinal agent to a tooth for a prophylactic purpose;
(3) Taking a dental X-ray;
(4) Instructing a patient on proper oral hygiene practice;
(5) Placing sealants on a patient’s teeth without a prior examination by a licensed dentist: Provided, That for this subdivision, the dental hygienist has a Public Health Practice permit issued by the West Virginia Board of Dental Examiners, and subject to a collaborative agreement with a supervising dentist and the patient is referred for a dental examination within six months of sealant application.
(6) Performing all delegated procedures of a dental hygienist specified by rule by the board; and
(7) Performing all delegated procedures of a dental assistant specified by rule by the board.