WEST virginia legislature
2019 regular session
Senate Bill 153
By Senators Jeffries, Stollings, Lindsay, Clements, Smith, Baldwin, Plymale, Ihlenfeld, Hamilton, and Boso
[Introduced January
10, 2019; Referred
to the Committee on Economic Development; and then to the Committee on Finance]
A BILL to amend and reenact §31-15A-10 of the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended, relating to the West Virginia Infrastructure and Jobs Development Council; increasing the percentage of the infrastructure fund that may be used for grants; providing authority to transfer additional funds designated to loans on to the grant program under certain circumstances; clarifying how funding assistance may be spent; and increasing the cap on annual spending that may be made on the preapplication process to project sponsors.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:
Article 15A. West Virginia Infrastructure and Jobs Development Council.
§31-15A-10. Recommendations by council for expenditures of funds by loan, grant, or for engineering assistance.
(a) To further accomplish
the purpose and intent of this article, the Water Development Authority shall
use the moneys in the Infrastructure Fund created pursuant to section nine
of this article §31-15A-9 of this code, upon receipt of one or more
recommendations from the council pursuant to section five of this article
§31-15A-5 of this code, to make loans, with or without interest, loan
guarantees, or grants and to provide other assistance, financial, technical, or
otherwise, to finance all or part of the costs of infrastructure projects or
projects to be undertaken by a project sponsor: Provided, That any
moneys disbursed from the Infrastructure Fund in the form of grants shall not
exceed twenty 25 percent of the total funds available for the
funding of projects: Provided, however, That if on January 1
of any year, the amount available for grants in any congressional district is
below $150,000, the council may convert up to 30 percent of the funds available
for loans in that congressional district to be used for grants within the congressional
district, if and when needed to make an award. No loan, loan guarantee,
grant, or other assistance shall be made or provided except upon a
determination by the council that the loan, loan guarantee, grant, or other
assistance and the manner in which it will be provided are necessary or
appropriate to accomplish the purposes and intent of this article, based upon
an application submitted to the council: Provided further, That no grant
shall be made to a project sponsor that is not a governmental agency or a not-for-profit
corporation under the provisions of Section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code
of 1986, as amended. Applications for loans, loan guarantees, grants, or other
assistance may be submitted by a project sponsor for one or more infrastructure
projects on preliminary application forms prepared by the council pursuant to §31-15A-4
of this code. Any recommendation of the council approving a loan, loan
guarantee, grant, or other assistance shall include a finding and determination
by the council that the requirements of this section have been met. The council
shall base any decisions to loan money for projects to project sponsors
pursuant to this article solely on the need of the project sponsors.
(b) The council has the authority in its sole discretion to make grants to project sponsors if it finds that: (1) The level of rates for the users would otherwise be an unreasonable burden given the users’ likely ability to pay; or (2) the absence of a sufficient number of users prevents funding of the project except through grants: Provided, That no project sponsor shall receive infrastructure grant money in an amount in excess of 50 percent of the total cost of the project. Therefore, the council may consider the economic or financial conditions of the area to be served. As a condition for receipt of a grant under this subsection, the council may require, in addition to any other conditions, that the applicant pursue other state or federal grant or loan programs. Upon a recommendation by the council, the Water Development Authority shall provide the grant in accordance with the recommendation. The council shall develop criteria to be considered in making grants to project sponsors which shall require consideration of the economic or financial conditions of the area to be served and the availability of other funding sources. The council shall adopt procedural rules regarding the manner in which grants will be awarded in conformity with this section. The procedural rules shall be adopted pursuant to §29A-3-1 et seq. of this code.
(c) Notwithstanding any
other provision of this article to the contrary, the council shall apply a
mandatory minimum end user utility rate that must be met by the project sponsor
before funding assistance may be awarded. The mandatory minimum end utility rate
shall be based upon a uniform statewide percentage of the median household
income in a particular geographic area and said rate shall not exceed six
tenths of one percent. Provided, That funding Funding
assistance made from the proceeds of any general obligation bonds and
revenue bonds issued after March 15, 1998 Infrastructure Fund for loans
and grants to projects, after transfers required to make the state match
for the water and wastewater revolving loan programs pursuant to article
two, chapter twenty-two-c and article thirteen-c, chapter sixteen §22C-2-1,
et seq. and §16-13C-1, et seq., of this code, shall be
provided by the council on a pro rata basis divided equally among the
congressional districts of this state as delineated in accordance with section
three, article two, chapter one §1-2-3 of this code: Provided, however,
That infrastructure projects as defined in subsection (l), section two of
this article §31-15A-2(l) of this code shall not be subject to pro
rata distribution. When determining median household income of a geographic
area of the project to be served, the council shall consider any surveys of the
income of the households that will be served by the project.
(d) No loan or grant funds may be made available for a project if the project to be funded will provide subsidized services to certain users in the service area of the project.
(e) Notwithstanding any
other provision of this article to the contrary, engineering studies and
requirements imposed by the council for preliminary applications shall not
exceed those engineering studies and requirements which are necessary for the
council to determine the economic feasibility of the project. If the council
determines that the engineering studies and requirements for the preapplication
would impose an undue hardship on any project sponsor, the council may provide
funding assistance to project sponsors to defray the expenses of the
preapplication process from moneys available in the Infrastructure Fund for
making loans: Provided, That the council may only provide funding
assistance in an amount equal to $5,000 or 50 percent of the total
preapplication cost of the project, whichever amount is greater. If the project
is ultimately approved for a loan by the council, the amount of funding
assistance provided to the project sponsor for the preapplication process shall
be included in the total amount of the loan to be repaid by the project
sponsor. If the project is not ultimately approved by the council, then the
amount of funding assistance provided to the project sponsor will be considered
a grant by the council and the total amount of the assistance shall be
forgiven. In no event may the amount of funding assistance provided to all
project sponsors exceed, in the aggregate, $100,000 $500,000 annually.
(f) The council shall report to the Governor, the Speaker of the House of Delegates, and the President of the Senate during each regular and interim session of the Legislature, on its activities and decisions relating to distribution or planned distribution of grants and loans under the criteria to be developed pursuant to this article.
NOTE: The purpose of this bill is to provide greater flexibility for making grants to infrastructure projects.
Strike-throughs indicate language that would be stricken from a heading or the present law and underscoring indicates new language that would be added.