Introduced Version Senate Bill 282 History

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Senate Bill No. 282

(By Senator Anderson)


[Introduced February 1, 1996; referred to the Committee on Pensions; and then to the Committee on Finance.]

A BILL to amend and reenact section three, article five, chapter
five of the code of West Virginia, one thousand nine hundred thirty-one, as amended; and to amend and reenact section twenty-two, article ten of said chapter, all relating to the West Virginia public employees retirement act; retirement annuity; providing various options for members in calculating the method of payment of the retirement annuity and lump sum payments of unused annual leave and sick leave; and eliminating obsolete language.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:
That section three, article five, chapter five of the code of West Virginia, one thousand nine hundred thirty-one, as amended, be amended and reenacted; and that section twenty-two, article ten of said chapter be amended and reenacted, all to read as follows:

§5-5-3. Optional payment to employee in lump sum amount for accrued and unused annual leave at termination of employment; no withholding of any employee contribution deduction; exception.

Every eligible employee, as defined in section one of this article, at the time his or her active employment ends due to resignation, death, retirement or otherwise, may be paid in a lump sum amount, at his or her option, for accrued and unused annual leave at the employee's usual rate of pay at such time. The lump sum payment shall be made by the time of what would have been the employee's next regular payday had his or her employment continued. In determining the amount of annual leave entitlement, weekends, holidays or other periods of normal, noncountable time shall be excluded, and no deductions may be made for contributions toward retirement from lump sum payments for unused, accrued annual leave, since no period of service credit is granted in relation thereto; however, such lump sum payment may not be a part of final average salary computation; and where any such deduction of employee contribution may have been heretofore made, a refund of such shall be granted the former employee and made by the head of the respective former employer spending unit: Provided, That the superintendent of the department of public safety West Virginia state police shall make deductions for retirement contributions of members of the department, since retirement benefits are based on cumulative earnings rather than period of service.
An employee, at the time of retirement, may choose to postpone the election of the use of annual and sick leave until a future date. Once an election is made relating to the use of sick and annual leave, it will be effective from the date of election and may not be used to create retroactive benefits. A beneficiary may select this option in the event of the death of the employee before an election is otherwise made. An employee, at the time of retirement, may choose to use the annual and sick leave to add tenure or purchase health insurance coverage or split and use as a combination.

§5-10-22. Retirement annuity.

Upon a member's retirement, as provided in this article, he or she shall receive a straight life annuity equal to one and five-tenths percent of his or her final average salary multiplied by the number of years, and fraction of a year, of his or her credited service in force at the time of his or her retirement: Provided, That after March one, one thousand nine hundred seventy, all members retired and all members retiring shall receive a straight life annuity equal to two percent of his or her final average salary multiplied by the number of years, and fraction of a year, of his or her credited service in force at the time of his or her retirement: Provided, however, That after the first day of July, one thousand nine hundred ninety-six, all members retiring with a minimum of thirty years of contributing service shall receive a straight life annuity equal to two and two-tenths percent of his or her final average salary multiplied by the number of years, and fraction of a year, of his or her credited service in force at the time of his or her retirement; all members retiring with a minimum of thirty-five years of contributing service shall receive a straight life annuity equal to two and five-tenths percent of his or her final average salary multiplied by the number of years, and fraction of a year, of his or her credited service in force at the time of his or her retirement; and, all members retiring with a minimum of forty years of contributing service shall receive a straight life annuity equal to two and eight-tenths percent of his or her final average salary multiplied by the number of years, and fraction of a year, of his or her credited service in force at the time of his or her retirement. In either event, upon his retirement he or she shall have the right to elect an option provided for in section twenty-four of this article. All annuity payments shall commence effective the first of the month following the month in which a member retires or a member dies leaving a beneficiary entitled to benefits and shall continue to the end of the month in which said retirant or beneficiary dies, and said annuity payments shall not be prorated for any portion of a month in which a member retires or retirant or beneficiary dies.
The annuity of any member of the Legislature who participates in the retirement system as a member of the Legislature and who retires under this article or of any former member of the Legislature who has retired under this article (including any former member of the Legislature who has retired under this article and whose annuity was readjusted as of March one, one thousand nine hundred seventy, under the former provisions of this section) shall be increased from time to time during the period of his retirement when and if the legislative compensation paid under section two, article two-a, chapter four of this code to a member of the Legislature shall be increased to the point where a higher annuity would be payable to the retirant if he were retiring as of the effective date of the latest increase in such legislative compensation, but one the basis of his years of credited service to the date of his actual retirement.

NOTE: The purpose of this bill is to provide certain options for retired or retiring members of the Public Employees Retirement System relating to the multiplier used to determine the retirement annuity. It also gives retirees options to receive lump sums for accrued annual and sick leave, or have payment of those sums postponed to a date determined by the retiree. The bill deletes language declared void in Campbell v. Kelly, 157 W. Va. 453(1974).

Strike-throughs indicate language that would be stricken from the present law, and underscoring indicates new language that would be added.
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