H. B. 102

(By Mr. Speaker, Mr. Kiss, and Delegate Trump)

[By Request of the Executive]

[April 21, 2001; in effect from passage.]
AN ACT to amend article twenty-one, chapter eleven of the code of
West Virginia, one thousand nine hundred thirty-one, as
amended, by adding thereto a new section, designated section
twenty-one; to amend and reenact section five, article two,
chapter fifteen of said code; to amend and reenact section
eight, article nine-d, chapter eighteen of said code; to amend
and reenact sections two, two-a, three, eight and eight-a,
article four, chapter eighteen-a of said code; to amend and
reenact section thirteen-c, article twenty-three, chapter
nineteen of said code; to amend and reenact sections five and
eighteen, article twenty-two, chapter twenty-nine of said
code; to further amend said article by adding thereto a new
section, designated section eighteen-a; to amend and reenact
sections six and ten, article twenty-two-a, of said chapter;
to further amend said article by adding thereto two new
sections, designated sections ten-b and ten-c; and to amend
said chapter by adding thereto a new article, designated
article twenty-two-b, all relating generally to lottery games, and providing for the distribution of funds generated
therefrom; providing a senior citizen and certain disabled
persons tax credit for property tax paid on the first ten
thousand dollars of taxable assessed value of a homestead in
this state; providing funding from funds generated from
lottery games for the cost of the senior citizen and certain
disabled persons tax credit and for salary increases for
teachers, service personnel, members of the state police,
corrections officers and other state employees; increasing cap
on bonds which may be issued by school building authority;
authorizing lottery commission to enter into international
lottery agreements; expenditure of lottery distributions;
providing for administrative costs of state lottery
commission; creating state excess lottery revenue fund and
providing for distribution and expenditure of the monies in
the fund; expenditure of racetrack video lottery
distributions; increasing allowable wager for racetrack video
lottery; providing for distribution of amounts exceeding
actual administrative costs of state lottery commission;
providing for distribution of excess net terminal income;
imposition and use of surcharge on excess of total of net
terminal income; creating capital reinvestment fund and
providing for its expenditure; allowing video lottery games to
be played at restricted access adult-only facilities pursuant to licensure by alcohol beverage control commissioner and by
lottery commission under regulation of lottery commission;
providing short title and statements of legislative purposes,
findings and intents; providing definition of words and terms;
providing authority of lottery commission and director;
prohibiting advertising or promotional activities of limited
video lottery; providing requirements, qualification and fees
for licensure necessary to participate in limited video
lottery activities; providing for lottery commission action on
applications for licenses; providing for background
investigations of applicants for licenses; providing duties
and responsibilities of limited video lottery licensees;
providing additional duties of limited video lottery retailers
who are permittees; requiring lottery commission approval of
video lottery terminals; providing certain hardware and
software requirements for video lottery terminals; providing
for video lottery terminals to be connected to lottery
commission's central computer system; establishing conditions
for sale or lease of video lottery terminals; providing for
allocation and distribution of video lottery terminals;
limiting aggregate number of video lottery terminals that may
be located at all licensed restricted access adult-only
facilities; limiting number of video lottery terminals that
may be operated by one person; limiting number of video lottery terminals that may be placed on an authorized premises
of a limited video lottery retailer; providing for permits to
own, lease or operate video lottery terminals; providing for
reservation of authority to have video lottery terminals on a
premises for certain license applicants; providing for
allocation of certain video lottery terminals through
competitive bid; providing for reduction of number of video
lottery terminals authorized in a license; providing for
posting and dissemination of materials providing information
relating to problem gambling; providing requirements for
operating video lottery terminals; providing for placement and
transportation of video lottery terminals; requiring
registration decals; providing for maintenance and repair of
video lottery terminals; providing for calculation, collection
and distribution of gross terminal income generated from video
lottery terminals and the state's share of gross terminal
income; providing for examination of accounts, statements and
records of permittees; providing administrative procedures;
providing administrative and judicial remedies; providing
administrative and judicial due process; providing certain
civil money penalties; providing criminal penalties for
certain violations; declaring video gambling machines
contraband after specified date; providing for forfeiture,
seizure and disposition of contraband; providing for distribution of proceeds of forfeiture; limiting applicability
of certain local taxes or regulation on limited video lottery
activities regulated by the state; and establishing the timing
of implementation of the limited video lottery act provisions.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:

That article twenty-one, chapter eleven of the code of West
Virginia, one thousand nine hundred thirty-one, as amended, be
amended by adding thereto a new section, designated section
twenty-one; that section five, article two, chapter fifteen of
said code be amended and reenacted; that section eight, article
nine-d, chapter eighteen of said code be amended and reenacted;
that sections two, two-a, three, eight and eight-a, article four,
chapter eighteen-a of said code be amend and reenacted; that
section thirteen-c, article twenty-three, chapter nineteen of
said code be amended and reenacted; that sections five and
eighteen, article twenty-two, chapter twenty-nine of said code be
amended and reenacted; that said article twenty-two be further
amended by adding thereto a new section, designated section
eighteen-a; that sections six and ten, article twenty-two-a, of
said chapter be amended and reenacted; that said article twenty-
two-a be further amended by adding thereto two new sections,
designated sections ten-b and ten-c; and that said chapter
twenty-nine be further amended by adding thereto a new article,
designated article twenty-two-b, all to read as follows:
§11-21-21. Senior citizens tax credit for property tax paid on
first $10,000 of taxable assessed value of a homestead in
this state.

Allowance of credit. - A low-income person who is
allowed a twenty-thousand dollar homestead exemption from the
assessed value of his or her homestead for ad valorem property
tax purposes as provided in section three, article six-b, of this
chapter, shall be allowed a refundable credit against the taxes
imposed by this article equal to the amount of ad valorem
property taxes paid on up to the first ten thousand dollars of
taxable assessed value of the homestead for property tax years
that begin on or after the first day of January two thousand two.

Terms defined. - For purposes of this section:

(1) "Low income " means federal adjusted gross income for
the taxable year that is one hundred fifty percent or less of the
federal poverty guideline for the year in which property tax was
paid, based upon the number of individuals in the family unit
residing in the homestead, as determined annually by the United
States Secretary of Health and Human Services.

(2) "Taxes paid" means the aggregate of regular levies,
excess levies and bond levies extended against not more than ten
thousand dollars of the taxable assessed value of a homestead that are paid during the calendar year, determined after
application of any discount for early payment of taxes but before
application of any penalty or interest for late payment of
property taxes for a property tax year that begins on or after
the first day of January, two thousand two.

Legislative rule. - The tax commissioner shall propose
a legislative rule for promulgation as provided in article three,
chapter twenty-nine-a of this code to explain and implement this

Confidentiality. - The tax commissioner shall utilize
property tax information in the statewide electronic data
processing system network to the extent necessary for the purpose
of administering this section, notwithstanding any provision of
this code to the contrary.
§15-2-5. Career progression system; salaries; exclusion from
wage and hour law, with supplemental payment; bond;
leave time for members called to duty in guard or

(a) The superintendent shall establish within the West
Virginia state police a system to provide for: The promotion of
members to the supervisory ranks of sergeant, first sergeant,
second lieutenant and first lieutenant; the classification of nonsupervisory members within the field operations force to the
ranks of trooper, senior trooper, trooper first class or
corporal; the classification of members assigned to the forensic
laboratory as criminalist I-VII; and the temporary
reclassification of members assigned to administrative duties as
administrative support specialist I-VIII.

(b) The superintendent is authorized to propose legislative
rules for promulgation in accordance with article three, chapter
twenty-nine-a of this code for the purpose of ensuring
consistency, predictability and independent review of any system
developed under the provisions of this section.

(c) The superintendent shall provide to each member a
written manual governing any system established under the
provisions of this section and specific procedures shall be
identified for the evaluation and testing of members for
promotion or reclassification and the subsequent placement of any
members on a promotional eligibility or reclassification
recommendation list.

(d) Beginning on the first day of July, two thousand one,
and continuing thereafter, members shall receive annual salaries
as follows:
Cadet During Training
$2,039 Mo. $24,476
Cadet Trooper After Training

2,442 Mo. 29,312
Trooper Second Year

Trooper Third Year

Trooper Fourth & Fifth Year

Senior Trooper

Trooper First Class



First Sergeant

Second Lieutenant

First Lieutenant



Lieutenant Colonel


Each member of the West Virginia state police whose salary
is fixed and specified in this annual salary schedule is entitled
to the length of service increases set forth in subsection (f) of
this section and supplemental pay as provided in subsection (g)
of this section.

(e) Each member of the West Virginia state police whose
salary is fixed and specified pursuant to this section shall
receive, and is entitled to, an increase in salary over that set
forth in subsection (d) of this section, for grade in rank, based
on length of service, including that service served before and
after the effective date of this section with the West Virginia
state police as follows: At the end of five years of service
with the West Virginia state police, the member shall receive a
salary increase of six hundred dollars to be effective during his
or her next three years of service and a like increase at
three-year intervals thereafter, with the increases to be

(f) In applying the salary schedules set forth in this
section where salary increases are provided for length of
service, members of the West Virginia state police in service at
the time the schedules become effective shall be given credit for
prior service and shall be paid such salaries as the same length
of service entitles them to receive under the provisions of this

(g) The Legislature finds and declares that because of the
unique duties of members of the West Virginia state police, it is
not appropriate to apply the provisions of state wage and hour
laws to them. Accordingly, members of the West Virginia state
police are excluded from the provisions of state wage and hour
law. This express exclusion shall not be construed as any
indication that the members were or were not covered by the wage
and hour law prior to this exclusion.

In lieu of any overtime pay they might otherwise have
received under the wage and hour law, and in addition to their
salaries and increases for length of service, members who have
completed basic training and who are exempt from federal Fair
Labor Standards Act guidelines may receive supplemental pay as
provided in this section.

The superintendent shall, within thirty days after the
effective date of this section, propose a legislative rule for
promulgation in accordance with article three, chapter
twenty-nine-a of this code, to establish the number of hours per month which constitute the standard work month for the members of
the West Virginia state police. The rule shall further
establish, on a graduated hourly basis, the criteria for receipt
of a portion or all of supplemental payment when hours are worked
in excess of the standard work month. The superintendent shall
certify monthly to the West Virginia state police's payroll
officer the names of those members who have worked in excess of
the standard work month and the amount of their entitlement to
supplemental payment. The supplemental payment may not exceed
two hundred thirty-six dollars monthly. The superintendent and
civilian employees of the West Virginia state police are not
eligible for any supplemental payments.

(h) Each member of the West Virginia state police, except
the superintendent and civilian employees, shall execute, before
entering upon the discharge of his or her duties, a bond with
security in the sum of five thousand dollars payable to the state
of West Virginia, conditioned upon the faithful performance of
his or her duties, and the bond shall be approved as to form by
the attorney general and as to sufficiency by the governor.

(i) Any member of the West Virginia state police who is
called to perform active duty for training or inactive duty
training in the national guard or any reserve component of the
armed forces of the United States annually shall be granted, upon
request, leave time not to exceed thirty calendar days for the
purpose of performing the active duty for training or inactive duty training and the time granted may not be deducted from any
leave accumulated as a member of the West Virginia state police.
§18-9D-8. Use of proceeds of bonds; bonds exempt from taxation.

(a) The maximum aggregate face value of bonds that may be
issued by the authority, for which the moneys in the school
building debt service fund are to be pledged, is four hundred
million dollars. The issuance of revenue bonds under the
provisions of this article shall be authorized from time to time
by resolution or resolutions of the school building authority,
which shall set forth the proposed projects and provide for the
issuance of bonds in amounts sufficient, when sold as hereinafter
provided, to provide moneys considered sufficient by the
authority to pay the costs, less the amounts of any other funds
available for the costs or from any appropriation, grant or gift
for the costs:
Provided, That bond issues from which bond
revenues are to be distributed in accordance with section fifteen
of this article shall not be required to set forth the proposed
projects in the resolution. The resolution shall prescribe the
rights and duties of the bondholders and the school building
authority, and for that purpose may prescribe the form of the
trust agreement hereinafter referred to. The bonds may be issued
from time to time, in such amounts; shall be of such series; bear such date or dates; mature at such time or times not exceeding
forty years from their respective dates; bear interest at such
rate or rates; be in such denominations; be in such form, either
coupon or registered, carrying such registration, exchangeability
and interchangeability privileges; be payable in such medium of
payment and at such place or places within or without the state;
be subject to such terms of redemption at such prices not
exceeding one hundred five percent of the principal amount of the
bonds; and be entitled to such priorities on the revenues paid
into the fund pledged for repayment of the bonds as may be
provided in the resolution authorizing the issuance of the bonds
or in any trust agreement made in connection with the bonds:
Provided, however, That revenue bonds issued on or after the
first day of January, one thousand nine hundred ninety-four,
which are secured by lottery proceeds shall mature at such time
or times not exceeding ten years from their respective dates.

(b) The bonds shall be signed by the governor, and by the
president or vice president of the authority, under the great
seal of the state, attested by the secretary of state, and the
coupons attached to the bonds shall bear the facsimile signature
of the president or vice president of the authority. In case any
of the officers whose signatures appear on the bonds or coupons
cease to be officers before the delivery of the bonds, the
signatures shall nevertheless be valid and sufficient for all
purposes the same as if such officers had remained in office until such delivery. The revenue bonds shall be sold in the
manner determined by the authority to be for the best interests
of the state.

(c) Any pledge of revenues made by the school building
authority for revenue bonds issued prior to the twentieth day of
July, one thousand nine hundred ninety-three, pursuant to this
article is valid and binding between the parties from the time
the pledge is made; and the revenues pledged shall immediately be
subject to the lien of the pledge without any further physical
delivery thereof or further act. The lien of the pledge is valid
and binding against all parties having claims of any kind in
tort, contract or otherwise, irrespective of whether the parties
have notice of the lien of the pledge, and the pledge shall be a
prior and superior charge over any other use of the revenues

(d) The proceeds of any bonds shall be used solely for the
purpose or purposes as may be generally or specifically set forth
in the resolution authorizing those bonds and shall be disbursed
in the manner and with the restrictions, if any, that the
authority provides in the resolution authorizing the issuance of
the bonds or in the trust agreement hereinafter referred to
securing the same. If the proceeds of the bonds, by error in
calculations or otherwise, are less than the cost of any projects
specifically set forth in the resolution, additional bonds may in
like manner be issued to provide the amount of the deficiency; and unless otherwise provided for in the resolution or trust
agreement hereinafter mentioned, the additional bonds shall be
considered to be of the same issue, and are entitled to payment
from the same fund, without preference or priority, as the bonds
before issued for the projects. If the proceeds of bonds issued
for the projects specifically set forth in the resolution
authorizing the bonds issued by the authority exceed the cost of
the bonds, the surplus may be used for any other projects
determined by the school building authority or in any other
manner that the resolution authorizing the bonds provides. Prior
to the preparation of definitive bonds, the authority may, under
like restrictions, issue temporary bonds with or without coupons,
exchangeable for definitive bonds upon the issuance of the
definitive bonds.

(e) After the issuance of any of revenue bonds, the revenues
pledged for the revenue bonds shall not be reduced as long as any
of the revenue bonds are outstanding and unpaid except under the
terms, provisions and conditions that are contained in the
resolution, trust agreement or other proceedings under which the
revenue bonds were issued.

(f) The revenue bonds and the revenue refunding bonds, and
bonds issued for combined purposes shall, together with the
interest on the bonds, are exempt from all taxation by the state
of West Virginia, or by any county, school district, municipality
or political subdivision thereof.

(g) To meet the operational costs of the school building
authority, the school building authority may transfer to a
special revenue account in the state treasury interest on any
debt service reserve funds created within any resolution
authorizing the issue of bonds or any trust agreement made in
connection with the bonds, for expenditure in accordance with
legislative appropriation or allocation of appropriation.

(h) Any school construction bonds issued under this section
shall be issued on parity with any existing school building
authority bonds previously issued under this article.
§18A-4-2. State minimum salaries for teachers.

(a) Each teacher shall receive the amount prescribed in the
"state minimum salary schedule I" as set forth in this section,
specific additional amounts prescribed in this section or
article, and any county supplement in effect in a county pursuant
to section five-a of this article during the contract year:
Provided, That beginning on the first day of the second quarter
of the teacher's employment term in the school year two thousand
one-two thousand two, and thereafter, each teacher shall receive
the amount prescribed in "state minimum salary schedule II" as
set forth in this section, specific additional amounts prescribed
in this section or article, and any county supplement in effect in a county pursuant to section five-a of this article during the
contract year.

(b) Six hundred dollars shall be paid annually to each
classroom teacher who has at least twenty years of teaching
experience. The payments: (i) Shall be in addition to any amounts
prescribed in the applicable state minimum salary schedule; (ii)
shall be paid in equal monthly installments; and (iii) shall be
considered a part of the state minimum salaries for teachers.

(c) Effective the first day of July, two thousand one, in
addition to any amounts prescribed in the applicable state minimum
salary schedule, each professional educator shall be paid annually
the following incremental increases in accordance with their years
of experience. The payments shall be paid in equal monthly
installments and shall be considered a part of the state minimum
salaries for teachers.

Years of Experience






§18A-4-2a. State minimum salary bonus for classroom teachers with
national board certification.

(a) The Legislature hereby finds and declares that the rigorous
standards and processes for certification by the national board for
professional teaching standards (NBPTS) helps to promote the quality
of teaching and learning. Therefore, classroom teachers in the
public schools of West Virginia should be encouraged to achieve
national board certification through a reimbursement of expenses and
an additional salary bonus which reflects their additional
certification, to be paid in accordance with the provisions of this

(b) One thousand dollars shall be paid annually to each
classroom teacher who holds a valid certificate issued by the
national board of professional teaching standards for the life of
the certification, but in no event more than ten years for any one
Provided, That beginning on the first day of July,
two thousand one, in lieu of the one thousand dollars, two thousand
five hundred dollars shall be paid annually to each classroom teacher who holds a valid certificate issued by the national board
of professional teaching standards for the life of the
certification, but in no event more than ten years for any one

(c) The payments: (i) Shall be in addition to any amounts
prescribed in the applicable state minimum salary schedule; (ii)
shall be paid in equal monthly installments; and (iii) shall be
considered a part of the state minimum salaries for teachers.

(d) One thousand dollars shall be paid for reimbursement once
to each teacher who enrolls in the program for the national board
for professional teaching standards certification and one thousand
dollars shall be paid for reimbursement once to each teacher who
completes the national board for professional teaching standards
certification. Effective the first day of July, two thousand one,
in lieu of the one thousand dollar payment for reimbursements, one-
half the certification fee shall be paid for reimbursement once to
each teacher who enrolls in the program for the national board for
professional teaching standards certification and one-half the
certification fee shall be paid for reimbursement once to each
teacher who completes the national board for professional teaching
standards certification. Teachers who achieve national board for
professional teaching standards certification may be reimbursed a
maximum of six hundred dollars for expenses actually incurred while
obtaining the national board for professional teaching standards

(e) The state board shall limit the number of teachers who
receive the initial reimbursements of the certification fees set
forth in subsection (d) to one hundred teachers annually. Effective
the first day of July, two thousand one, in lieu of the limit of one
hundred teachers annually, the state board shall limit the number
of teachers who receive the initial reimbursements of the
certification fees set forth in subsection (d) to two hundred
teachers annually. The state board shall establish selection
criteria for the teachers by the legislative rule required pursuant
to subsection (g) of this section.

(f) Subject to the provisions of subsection (e) of this
section, funding for reimbursement of the certification fee and
expenses actually incurred while obtaining the national board for
professional teaching standards certifications shall be administered
by the state department of education from an appropriation
established for that purpose by the Legislature. If funds
appropriated by the Legislature to accomplish the purposes of this
subsection are insufficient, the state department shall prorate the
reimbursements for expenses and shall request of the Legislature, at
its next regular session, funds sufficient to accomplish the
purposes of this subsection, including needed retroactive payments.

(g) The state board shall promulgate legislative rules
pursuant to article three-b, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code to
implement the provisions of this section.
§18A-4-3. State minimum annual salary increments for principals and assistant principals.

In addition to any salary increments for principals and
assistant principals, in effect on the first day of January, one
thousand nine hundred ninety-six, and paid from local funds, and in
addition to the county schedule in effect for teachers, the county
board shall pay each principal, a principal's salary increment and
each assistant principal an assistant principal's salary increment
as prescribed by this section commencing on the first day of July,
one thousand nine hundred ninety-six, from state funds appropriated
for the salary increments.

State funds for this purpose shall be paid within the West
Virginia public school support plan in accordance with article nine-
a, chapter eighteen of this code.

The salary increment in this section for each principal shall
be determined by multiplying the basic salary for teachers in
accordance with the classification of certification and of training
of the principal as prescribed in this article, by the appropriate
percentage rate prescribed in this section according to the number
of teachers supervised.

No. of Teachers













58 and up


Effective the first day of July, two thousand one, in addition
to any salary increments for principals and assistant principals, in
effect on the first day of January, two thousand one, and paid from
local funds, the following schedule shall be used for calculating
the salary increment for principals and assistant principals:

No. of Teachers













58 and up


The salary increment in this section for each assistant
principal shall be determined in the same manner as that for
principals, utilizing the number of teachers supervised by the
principal under whose direction the assistant principal works,
except that the percentage rate shall be fifty percent of the rate
prescribed for the principal.

Salaries for employment beyond the minimum employment term
shall be at the same daily rate as the salaries for the minimum
employment terms.

For the purpose of determining the number of teachers
supervised by a principal, the county board shall use data for the
second school month of the prior school term and the number of
teachers shall be interpreted to mean the total number of
professional educators assigned to each school on a full-time
equivalency basis:
Provided, That if there is a change in
circumstances because of consolidation or catastrophe, the county
board shall determine what is a reasonable number of supervised
teachers in order to establish the appropriate increment percentage

No county may reduce local funds allocated for salary
increments for principals and assistant principals in effect on the
first day of January, one thousand nine hundred ninety-six, and used
in supplementing the state minimum salaries as provided for in this
article, unless forced to do so by defeat of a special levy, or a
loss in assessed values or events over which it has no control and
for which the county board has received approval from the state
board prior to making the reduction.

Nothing in this section prevents a county board from providing,
in a uniform manner, salary increments greater than those required
by this section.
§18A-4-8. Employment term and class titles of service personnel; definitions.

(a) The purpose of this section is to establish an employment
term and class titles for service personnel. The employment term
for service personnel may be no less than ten months. A month is
defined as twenty employment days:
Provided, That the county board
may contract with all or part of these service personnel for a
longer term. The beginning and closing dates of the ten-month
employment term may not exceed forty-three weeks.

(b) Service personnel employed on a yearly or twelve-month
basis may be employed by calendar months. Whenever there is a
change in job assignment during the school year, the minimum pay
scale and any county supplement are applicable.

(c) Service personnel employed in the same classification for
more than the two hundred day minimum employment term shall be paid
for additional employment at a daily rate of not less than the daily
rate paid for the two hundred day minimum employment term.

(d) No service employee, without his or her agreement, may be
required to report for work more than five days per week and no part
of any working day may be accumulated by the employer for future
work assignments, unless the employee agrees thereto.

(e) If an employee whose regular work week is scheduled from
Monday through Friday agrees to perform any work assignments on a
Saturday or Sunday, the employee shall be paid for at least one-half
day of work for each day he or she reports for work, and if the
employee works more than three and one-half hours on any Saturday or Sunday, he or she shall be paid for at least a full day of work for
each day.

(f) Custodians, aides, maintenance, office and school lunch
employees required to work a daily work schedule that is
interrupted, that is, who do not work a continuous period in one
day, shall be paid additional compensation equal to at least one
eighth of their total salary as provided by their state minimum
salary and any county pay supplement, and payable entirely from
county funds:
Provided, That when engaged in duties of transporting
students exclusively, aides shall not be regarded as working an
interrupted schedule. Maintenance personnel are defined as
personnel who hold a classification title other than in a custodial,
aide, school lunch, office or transportation category as provided in
section one, article one of this chapter.

(g) Upon the change in classification or upon meeting the
requirements of an advanced classification of or by any employee,
the employee's salary shall be made to comply with the requirements
of this article, and to any county salary schedule in excess of the
minimum requirements of this article, based upon the employee's
advanced classification and allowable years of employment.

(h) An employee's contract as provided in section five, article
two of this chapter shall state the appropriate monthly salary the
employee is to be paid, based on the class title as provided in this
article and any county salary schedule in excess of the minimum
requirements of this article.

(i) The column heads of the state minimum pay scale and class
titles, set forth in section eight-a of this article, are defined as

(1) "Pay grade" means the monthly salary applicable to class
titles of service personnel;

(2) "Years of employment" means the number of years which an
employee classified as service personnel has been employed by a
board in any position prior to or subsequent to the effective date
of this section and including service in the armed forces of the
United States, if the employee were employed at the time of his or
her induction. For the purpose of section eight-a of this article,
years of employment shall be limited to the number of years shown
and allowed under the state minimum pay scale as set forth in
section eight-a of this article;

(3) "Class title" means the name of the position or job held by
service personnel;

(4) "Accountant I" means personnel employed to maintain payroll
records and reports and perform one or more operations relating to
a phase of the total payroll;

(5) "Accountant II" means personnel employed to maintain
accounting records and to be responsible for the accounting process
associated with billing, budgets, purchasing and related operations;

(6) "Accountant III" means personnel who are employed in the
county board office to manage and supervise accounts payable and/or
payroll procedures;

(7) "Accounts payable supervisor" means personnel who are
employed in the county board office who have primary responsibility
for the accounts payable function, which may include the supervision
of other personnel, and who have either completed twelve college
hours of accounting courses from an accredited institution of higher
education or have at least eight years of experience performing
progressively difficult accounting tasks;

(8) "Aide I" means those personnel selected and trained for
teacher-aide classifications such as monitor aide, clerical aide,
classroom aide or general aide;

(9) "Aide II" means those personnel referred to in the "Aide I"
classification who have completed a training program approved by the
state board, or who hold a high school diploma or have received a
general educational development certificate. Only personnel
classified in an Aide II class title may be employed as an aide in
any special education program;

(10) "Aide III" means those personnel referred to in the "Aide
I" classification who hold a high school diploma or a general
educational development certificate and have completed six semester
hours of college credit at an institution of higher education or are
employed as an aide in a special education program and have one
year's experience as an aide in special education;

(11) "Aide IV" means personnel referred to in the "Aide I"
classification who hold a high school diploma or a general
educational development certificate and who have completed eighteen hours of state board-approved college credit at a regionally
accredited institution of higher education, or who have completed
fifteen hours of state board-approved college credit at a regionally
accredited institution of higher education and successfully
completed an in-service training program determined by the state
board to be the equivalent of three hours of college credit;

(12) "Audiovisual technician" means personnel employed to
perform minor maintenance on audiovisual equipment, films, supplies
and the filling of requests for equipment;

(13) "Auditor" means personnel employed to examine and verify
accounts of individual schools and to assist schools and school
personnel in maintaining complete and accurate records of their

(14) "Autism mentor" means personnel who work with autistic
students and who meet standards and experience to be determined by
the state board:
Provided, That if any employee has held or holds
an aide title and becomes employed as an autism mentor, the employee
shall hold a multiclassification status that includes aide and
autism mentor titles, in accordance with section eight-b of this

(15) "Braille or sign language specialist" means personnel
employed to provide braille and/or sign language assistance to
Provided, That if any employee has held or holds an aide
title and becomes employed as a braille or sign language specialist,
the employee shall hold a multiclassification status that includes aide and braille or sign language specialist title, in accordance
with section eight-b of this article;

(16) "Bus operator" means personnel employed to operate school
buses and other school transportation vehicles as provided by the
state board;

(17) "Buyer" means personnel employed to review and write
specifications, negotiate purchase bids and recommend purchase
agreements for materials and services that meet predetermined
specifications at the lowest available costs;

(18) "Cabinetmaker" means personnel employed to construct
cabinets, tables, bookcases and other furniture;

(19) "Cafeteria manager" means personnel employed to direct the
operation of a food services program in a school, including
assigning duties to employees, approving requisitions for supplies
and repairs, keeping inventories, inspecting areas to maintain high
standards of sanitation, preparing financial reports and keeping
records pertinent to food services of a school;

(20) "Carpenter I" means personnel classified as a carpenter's

(21) "Carpenter II" means personnel classified as a journeyman

(22) "Chief mechanic" means personnel employed to be
responsible for directing activities which ensure that student
transportation or other board-owned vehicles are properly and safely

(23) "Clerk I" means personnel employed to perform clerical

(24) "Clerk II" means personnel employed to perform general
clerical tasks, prepare reports and tabulations and operate office

(25) "Computer operator" means qualified personnel employed to
operate computers;

(26) "Cook I" means personnel employed as a cook's helper;

(27) "Cook II" means personnel employed to interpret menus, to
prepare and serve meals in a food service program of a school and
shall include personnel who have been employed as a "Cook I" for a
period of four years, if the personnel have not been elevated to
this classification within that period of time;

(28) "Cook III" means personnel employed to prepare and serve
meals, make reports, prepare requisitions for supplies, order
equipment and repairs for a food service program of a school system;

(29) "Crew leader" means personnel employed to organize the
work for a crew of maintenance employees to carry out assigned

(30) "Custodian I" means personnel employed to keep buildings
clean and free of refuse;

(31) "Custodian II" means personnel employed as a watchman or

(32) "Custodian III" means personnel employed to keep buildings
clean and free of refuse, to operate the heating or cooling systems and to make minor repairs;

(33) "Custodian IV" means personnel employed as head
custodians. In addition to providing services as defined in
"custodian III," their duties may include supervising other
custodian personnel;

(34) "Director or coordinator of services" means personnel who
are assigned to direct a department or division. Nothing in this
subdivision may prohibit professional personnel or professional
educators as defined in section one, article one of this chapter,
from holding this class title, but professional personnel may not be
defined or classified as service personnel unless the professional
personnel held a service personnel title under this section prior to
holding class title of "director or coordinator of services."
Directors or coordinators of service positions shall be classified
as either a professional personnel or service personnel position for
state aid formula funding purposes and funding for directors or
coordinators of service positions shall be based upon the employment
status of the director or coordinator either as a professional
personnel or service personnel;

(35) "Draftsman" means personnel employed to plan, design and
produce detailed architectural/engineering drawings;

(36) "Electrician I" means personnel employed as an apprentice
electrician helper or who holds an electrician helper license issued
by the state fire marshal;

(37) "Electrician II" means personnel employed as an electrician journeyman or who holds a journeyman electrician license
issued by the state fire marshal;

(38) "Electronic technician I" means personnel employed at the
apprentice level to repair and maintain electronic equipment;

(39) "Electronic technician II" means personnel employed at the
journeyman level to repair and maintain electronic equipment;

(40) "Executive secretary" means personnel employed as the
county school superintendent's secretary or as a secretary who is
assigned to a position characterized by significant administrative

(41) "Food services supervisor" means qualified personnel not
defined as professional personnel or professional educators in
section one, article one of this chapter, employed to manage and
supervise a county school system's food service program. The duties
would include preparing in-service training programs for cooks and
food service employees, instructing personnel in the areas of
quantity cooking with economy and efficiency and keeping aggregate
records and reports;

(42) "Foremen" means skilled persons employed for supervision
of personnel who work in the areas of repair and maintenance of
school property and equipment;

(43) "General maintenance" means personnel employed as helpers
to skilled maintenance employees and to perform minor repairs to
equipment and buildings of a county school system;

(44) "Glazier" means personnel employed to replace glass or other materials in windows and doors and to do minor carpentry

(45) "Graphic artist" means personnel employed to prepare
graphic illustrations;

(46) "Groundsmen" means personnel employed to perform duties
that relate to the appearance, repair and general care of school
grounds in a county school system. Additional assignments may
include the operation of a small heating plant and routine cleaning
duties in buildings;

(47) "Handyman" means personnel employed to perform routine
manual tasks in any operation of the county school system;

(48) "Heating and air conditioning mechanic I" means personnel
employed at the apprentice level to install, repair and maintain
heating and air conditioning plants and related electrical

(49) "Heating and air conditioning mechanic II" means personnel
employed at the journeyman level to install, repair and maintain
heating and air conditioning plants and related electrical

(50) "Heavy equipment operator" means personnel employed to
operate heavy equipment;

(51) "Inventory supervisor" means personnel who are employed to
supervise or maintain operations in the receipt, storage, inventory
and issuance of materials and supplies;

(52) "Key punch operator" means qualified personnel employed to operate key punch machines or verifying machines;

(53) "Locksmith" means personnel employed to repair and
maintain locks and safes;

(54) "Lubrication man" means personnel employed to lubricate
and service gasoline or diesel-powered equipment of a county school

(55) "Machinist" means personnel employed to perform machinist
tasks which include the ability to operate a lathe, planer, shaper,
threading machine and wheel press. These personnel should also
have, the ability to work from blueprints and drawings;

(56) "Mail clerk" means personnel employed to receive, sort,
dispatch, deliver or otherwise handle letters, parcels and other

(57) "Maintenance clerk" means personnel employed to maintain
and control a stocking facility to keep adequate tools and supplies
on hand for daily withdrawal for all school maintenance crafts;

(58) "Mason" means personnel employed to perform tasks
connected with brick and block laying and carpentry tasks related to
such laying;

(59) "Mechanic" means personnel employed who can independently
perform skilled duties in the maintenance and repair of automobiles,
school buses and other mechanical and mobile equipment to use in a
county school system;

(60) "Mechanic assistant" means personnel employed as a
mechanic apprentice and helper;

(61) "Multiclassification" means personnel employed to perform
tasks that involve the combination of two or more class titles in
this section. In these instances the minimum salary scale shall be
the higher pay grade of the class titles involved;

(62) "Office equipment repairman I" means personnel employed as
an office equipment repairman apprentice or helper;

(63) "Office equipment repairman II" means personnel
responsible for servicing and repairing all office machines and
equipment. Personnel are responsible for parts being purchased
necessary for the proper operation of a program of continuous
maintenance and repair;

(64) "Painter" means personnel employed to perform duties of
painting, finishing and decorating of wood, metal and concrete
surfaces of buildings, other structures, equipment, machinery and
furnishings of a county school system;

(65) "Paraprofessional" means a person certified pursuant to
section two-a, article three of this chapter to perform duties in a
support capacity including, but not limited to, facilitating in the
instruction and direct or indirect supervision of pupils under the
direction of a principal, a teacher or another designated
professional educator:
Provided, That no person employed on the
effective date of this section in the position of an aide may be
reduced in force or transferred to create a vacancy for the
employment of a paraprofessional:
Provided, however, That if any
employee has held or holds an aide title and becomes employed as a paraprofessional, the employee shall hold a multiclassification
status that includes aide and paraprofessional titles in accordance
with section eight-b of this article:
Provided further, That once
an employee who holds an aide title becomes certified as a
paraprofessional and is required to perform duties that may not be
performed by an aide without paraprofessional certification, he or
she shall receive the paraprofessional title pay grade;

(66) "Payroll supervisor" means personnel who are employed in
the county board office who have primary responsibility for the
payroll function, which may include the supervision of other
personnel, and who have either completed twelve college hours of
accounting from an accredited institution of higher education or
have at least eight years of experience performing progressively
difficult accounting tasks;

(67) "Plumber I" means personnel employed as an apprentice
plumber and helper;

(68) "Plumber II" means personnel employed as a journeyman

(69) "Printing operator" means personnel employed to operate
duplication equipment, and as required, to cut, collate, staple,
bind and shelve materials;

(70) "Printing supervisor" means personnel employed to
supervise the operation of a print shop;

(71) "Programmer" means personnel employed to design and
prepare programs for computer operation;

(72) "Roofing/sheet metal mechanic" means personnel employed to
install, repair, fabricate and maintain roofs, gutters, flashing and
duct work for heating and ventilation;

(73) "Sanitation plant operator" means personnel employed to
operate and maintain a water or sewage treatment plant to ensure the
safety of the plant's effluent for human consumption or
environmental protection;

(74) "School bus supervisor" means qualified personnel employed
to assist in selecting school bus operators and routing and
scheduling of school buses, operate a bus when needed, relay
instructions to bus operators, plan emergency routing of buses and
promoting good relationships with parents, pupils, bus operators and
other employees;

(75) "Secretary I" means personnel employed to transcribe from
notes or mechanical equipment, receive callers, perform clerical
tasks, prepare reports and operate office machines;

(76) "Secretary II" means personnel employed in any elementary,
secondary, kindergarten, nursery, special education, vocational or
any other school as a secretary. The duties may include performing
general clerical tasks, transcribing from notes or stenotype or
mechanical equipment or a sound-producing machine, preparing
reports, receiving callers and referring them to proper persons,
operating office machines, keeping records and handling routine
correspondence. There is nothing implied in this subdivision that
would prevent the employees from holding or being elevated to a higher classification;

(77) "Secretary III" means personnel assigned to the county
board office administrators in charge of various instructional,
maintenance, transportation, food services, operations and health
departments, federal programs or departments with particular
responsibilities of purchasing and financial control or any
personnel who have served in a position which meets the definition
of "secretary II" or "secretary III" in this section for eight

(78) "Supervisor of maintenance" means skilled personnel not
defined as professional personnel or professional educators as in
section one, article one of this chapter. The responsibilities
would include directing the upkeep of buildings and shops, issuing
instructions to subordinates relating to cleaning, repairs and
maintenance of all structures and mechanical and electrical
equipment of a board;

(79) "Supervisor of transportation" means qualified personnel
employed to direct school transportation activities, properly and
safely, and to supervise the maintenance and repair of vehicles,
buses and other mechanical and mobile equipment used by the county
school system;

(80) "Switchboard operator-receptionist" means personnel
employed to refer incoming calls, to assume contact with the public,
to direct and to give instructions as necessary, to operate
switchboard equipment and to provide clerical assistance;

(81) "Truck driver" means personnel employed to operate light
or heavy duty gasoline and diesel-powered vehicles;

(82) "Warehouse clerk" means personnel employed to be
responsible for receiving, storing, packing and shipping goods;

(83) "Watchman" means personnel employed to protect school
property against damage or theft. Additional assignments may
include operation of a small heating plant and routine cleaning
duties; and

(84) "Welder" means personnel employed to provide acetylene or
electric welding services for a school system.

(j) In addition to the compensation provided for in section
eight-a of this article, for service personnel, each service
employee is, notwithstanding any provisions in this code to the
contrary, entitled to all service personnel employee rights,
privileges and benefits provided under this or any other chapter of
this code without regard to the employee's hours of employment or
the methods or sources of compensation.

(k) Service personnel whose years of employment exceed the
number of years shown and provided for under the state minimum pay
scale set forth in section eight-a of this article may not be paid
less than the amount shown for the maximum years of employment shown
and provided for in the classification in which he or she is

(l) The county boards shall review each service personnel
employee job classification annually and shall reclassify all service employees as required by the job classifications. The state
superintendent of schools may withhold state funds appropriated
pursuant to this article for salaries for service personnel who are
improperly classified by the county boards. Further, the state
superintendent shall order county boards to correct immediately any
improper classification matter and with the assistance of the
attorney general shall take any legal action necessary against any
county board to enforce the order.

(m) No service employee, without his or her written consent,
may be reclassified by class title, nor may a service employee,
without his or her written consent, be relegated to any condition of
employment which would result in a reduction of his or her salary,
rate of pay, compensation or benefits earned during the current
fiscal year or which would result in a reduction of his or her
salary, rate of pay, compensation or benefits for which he or she
would qualify by continuing in the same job position and
classification held during that fiscal year and subsequent years.

(n) Any board failing to comply with the provisions of this
article may be compelled to do so by mandamus, and is liable to any
party prevailing against the board for court costs and the
prevailing party's reasonable attorney fee, as determined and
established by the court.

(o) Notwithstanding any provisions in this code to the
contrary, service personnel who hold a continuing contract in a
specific job classification and who are physically unable to perform the job's duties as confirmed by a physician chosen by the employee
shall be given priority status over any employee not holding a
continuing contract in filling other service personnel job vacancies
if qualified as provided in section eight-e of this article.
§18A-4-8a. Service personnel minimum monthly salaries.

(1) The minimum monthly pay for each service employee whose
employment is for a period of more than three and one-half hours a
day shall be at least the amounts indicated in the "state minimum
pay scale pay grade I" and the minimum monthly pay for each service
employee whose employment is for a period of three and one-half
hours or less a day shall be at least one-half the amount indicated
in the "state minimum pay scale pay grade I" set forth in this
Provided, That beginning the first day of the second
quarter of the employment term in the school year two thousand one-
two thousand two the minimum monthly pay for each service employee
whose employment is for a period of more than three and one-half
hours a day shall be at least the amounts indicated in the "state
minimum pay scale pay grade II" and the minimum monthly pay for each
service employee whose employment is for a period of three and one-
half hours or less a day shall be at least one-half the amount
indicated in the "state minimum pay scale pay grade II" set forth in
this section.

Years of

Pay Grade












































Years of


Pay Grade

Accountant I

Accountant II

Accountant III

Accounts Payable Supervisor

Aide I

Aide II

Aide III

Aide IV

Audiovisual Technician


Autism Mentor

Braille or Sign Language Specialist

Bus Operator



Cafeteria Manager

Carpenter I

Carpenter II

Chief Mechanic

Clerk I

Clerk II

Computer Operator

Cook I

Cook II

Cook III

Crew Leader

Custodian I

Custodian II

Custodian III

Custodian IV

Director or Coordinator of Services


Electrician I

Electrician II

Electronic Technician I

Electronic Technician II

Executive Secretary

Food Services Supervisor


General Maintenance


Graphic Artist



Heating and Air Conditioning Mechanic I

Heating and Air Conditioning Mechanic II

Heavy Equipment Operator

Inventory Supervisor

Key Punch Operator


Lubrication Man


Mail Clerk

Maintenance Clerk



Mechanic Assistant

Office Equipment Repairman I

Office Equipment Repairman II



Payroll Supervisor

Plumber I

Plumber II

Printing Operator

Printing Supervisor


Roofing/Sheet Metal Mechanic

Sanitation Plant Operator

School Bus Supervisor

Secretary I

Secretary II

Secretary III

Supervisor of Maintenance

Supervisor of Transportation

Switchboard Operator-Receptionist

Truck Driver

Warehouse Clerk




(2) An additional ten dollars per month shall be added to the
minimum monthly pay of each service employee who holds a high school
diploma or its equivalent:
Provided, That effective the first day
of July, two thousand one, an additional twelve dollars per month
shall be added to the minimum monthly pay of each service employee
who holds a high school diploma or its equivalent.

(3) An additional ten dollars per month also shall be added to
the minimum monthly pay of each service employee for each of the

(A) A service employee who holds twelve college hours or comparable credit obtained in a trade or vocational school as
approved by the state board;

(B) A service employee who holds twenty-four college hours or
comparable credit obtained in a trade or vocational school as
approved by the state board;

(C) A service employee who holds thirty-six college hours or
comparable credit obtained in a trade or vocational school as
approved by the state board;

(D) A service employee who holds forty-eight college hours or
comparable credit obtained in a trade or vocational school as
approved by the state board;

(E) A service employee who holds sixty college hours or
comparable credit obtained in a trade or vocational school as
approved by the state board;

(F) A service employee who holds seventy-two college hours or
comparable credit obtained in a trade or vocational school as
approved by the state board;

(G) Effective the first day of July, two thousand one, a
service employee who holds eighty-four college hours or comparable
credit obtained in a trade or vocational school as approved by the
state board;

(H) Effective the first day of July, two thousand one, a
service employee who holds ninety-six college hours or comparable
credit obtained in a trade or vocational school as approved by the
state board;

(I) Effective the first day of July, two thousand one, a
service employee who holds one hundred eight college hours or
comparable credit obtained in a trade or vocational school as
approved by the state board;

(J) Effective the first day of July, two thousand one, a
service employee who holds one hundred twenty college hours or
comparable credit obtained in a trade or vocational school as
approved by the state board;

(K) Effective the first day of July, two thousand one, a
service employee who holds a bachelor's degree; and

(L) Effective the first day of July, two thousand one, a
service employee who holds a master's degree.

(4) When any part of a school service employee's daily shift of
work is performed between the hours of six o'clock p.m. and five
o'clock a.m. the following day, the employee shall be paid no less
than an additional ten dollars per month and one half of the pay
shall be paid with local funds.

(5) Any service employee required to work on any legal school
holiday shall be paid at a rate one and one-half times the
employee's usual hourly rate.

(6) Any full-time service personnel required to work in excess
of their normal working day during any week which contains a school
holiday for which they are paid shall be paid for the additional
hours or fraction of the additional hours at a rate of one and
one-half times their usual hourly rate and paid entirely from county board funds.

(7) No service employee may have his or her daily work schedule
changed during the school year without the employee's written
consent and the employee's required daily work hours may not be
changed to prevent the payment of time and one-half wages or the
employment of another employee.

(8) The minimum hourly rate of pay for extra duty assignments
as defined in section eight-b of this article shall be no less than
one seventh of the employee's daily total salary for each hour the
employee is involved in performing the assignment and paid entirely
from local funds:
Provided, That an alternative minimum hourly rate
of pay for performing extra duty assignments within a particular
category of employment may be utilized if the alternate hourly rate
of pay is approved both by the county board and by the affirmative
vote of a two-thirds majority of the regular full-time employees
within that classification category of employment within that
Provided, however, That the vote shall be by secret ballot
if requested by a service personnel employee within that
classification category within that county. The salary for any
fraction of an hour the employee is involved in performing the
assignment shall be prorated accordingly. When performing extra
duty assignments, employees who are regularly employed on a one-half
day salary basis shall receive the same hourly extra duty assignment
pay computed as though the employee were employed on a full-day
salary basis.

(9) The minimum pay for any service personnel employees engaged
in the removal of asbestos material or related duties required for
asbestos removal shall be their regular total daily rate of pay and
no less than an additional three dollars per hour or no less than
five dollars per hour for service personnel supervising asbestos
removal responsibilities for each hour these employees are involved
in asbestos related duties. Related duties required for asbestos
removal include, but are not limited to, travel, preparation of the
work site, removal of asbestos decontamination of the work site,
placing and removal of equipment and removal of structures from the
site. If any member of an asbestos crew is engaged in asbestos
related duties outside of the employee's regular employment county,
the daily rate of pay shall be no less than the minimum amount as
established in the employee's regular employment county for asbestos
removal and an additional thirty dollars per each day the employee
is engaged in asbestos removal and related duties. The additional
pay for asbestos removal and related duties shall be payable
entirely from county funds. Before service personnel employees may
be utilized in the removal of asbestos material or related duties,
they shall have completed a federal Environmental Protection Act
approved training program and be licensed. The employer shall
provide all necessary protective equipment and maintain all records
required by the Environmental Protection Act.

(10) For the purpose of qualifying for additional pay as
provided in section eight, article five of this chapter, an aide shall be considered to be exercising the authority of a supervisory
aide and control over pupils if the aide is required to supervise,
control, direct, monitor, escort or render service to a child or
children when not under the direct supervision of certificated
professional personnel within the classroom, library, hallway,
lunchroom, gymnasium, school building, school grounds or wherever
supervision is required. For purposes of this section, "under the
direct supervision of certificated professional personnel" means
that certificated professional personnel is present, with and
accompanying the aide.
§19-23-13c. Expenditure of racetrack video lottery distribution.

(a) Funds received by the racing commission pursuant to
subdivision (6), subsection (c), section ten, article twenty-two-a,
chapter twenty-nine of this code, and subdivision (5), subsection
(a), section 10b, article twenty-two-a, chapter twenty-nine of this
code, after the effective date of this section together with the
balance in the bank account previously established by the commission
to receive those funds shall be deposited in a banking institution
of its choice in a special account to be known as "West Virginia
Racing Commission Racetrack Video Lottery Account." Notice of the
amount, date and place of each deposit shall be given by the racing
commission, in writing, to the state treasurer.

(b) Funds in this account shall be allocated and expended as follows:

(1) For each fiscal year, the first eight hundred thousand
dollars deposited in the separate account plus the amount then
remaining of the June thirtieth, one thousand nine hundred
ninety-seven, balance in the separate account previously established
for the West Virginia breeders classic under section thirteen of
this article, shall be used by the commission for promotional
activities, advertising, administrative costs and purses for the
West Virginia thoroughbred breeders classic, which shall give equal
consideration to all horses qualifying under the West Virginia
breeders program for each stake race, based solely on the horses'
sex, age and earnings.

(2) For each fiscal year, the next two hundred thousand dollars
deposited into the separate account shall be used by the commission
for promotional activities and purses for open stake races for a
race event to be known as the West Virginia derby to be held at a
thoroughbred racetrack which does not participate in the West
Virginia thoroughbred development fund.

(3) For each fiscal year, once the amounts provided in
subdivisions (1) and (2) of this subsection (b) have been deposited
into separate bank accounts for use in connection with the West
Virginia thoroughbred breeders classics and the West Virginia derby,
the commission shall return to each racetrack all additional amounts
deposited which originate during that fiscal year from each
respective racetrack pursuant to subdivision (6), subsection (c), section ten, article twenty-two-a, chapter twenty-nine of this code,
which returned excess funds shall be used as follows:

(A) For each dog racetrack, one half of the returned excess
funds shall be used for capital improvements at the racetrack and
one half of the returned excess funds shall be deposited into the
West Virginia racing commission special account - West Virginia
greyhound breeding development fund.

(B) At those thoroughbred racetracks that have participated in
the West Virginia thoroughbred development fund for a period of more
than four consecutive calendar years prior to the thirty-first day
of December, one thousand nine hundred ninety-two, one half of the
returned excess funds shall be used for capital improvements at the
licensee's racetrack and one half of the returned excess funds shall
be equally divided between the West Virginia thoroughbred breeders
classic and the West Virginia thoroughbred development fund.

(C) At those thoroughbred horse racetracks which do not
participate in the West Virginia thoroughbred development fund, one
half of the returned excess funds shall be used for capital
improvements at the licensee's racetrack and one half of the
returned excess funds shall be used for purses for the open stakes
race event known as the West Virginia derby.

(c) All expenditures that are funded under this section must be
approved in writing by the West Virginia racing commission before
the funds are expended for any of the purposes authorized by this
§29-22-5. State lottery commission; powers and duties; cooperation
of other agencies.

(a) The commission has the authority to:

(1) Promulgate rules in accordance with chapter twenty-nine-a
of this code:
Provided, That those rules promulgated by the
commission that are necessary to begin the lottery games selected
shall be exempted from the provisions of chapter twenty-nine-a of
this code in order that the selected games may commence as soon as

(2) Establish rules for conducting lottery games, a manner of
selecting the winning tickets and manner of payment of prizes to the
holders of winning tickets;

(3) Select the type and number of public gaming systems or
games, to be played in accordance with the provisions of this

(4) Contract, if deemed desirable, with the educational
broadcasting authority to provide services through its microwave
interconnection system to make available to public broadcasting
stations servicing this state and, at no charge, for rebroadcast to
commercial broadcasting stations within this state, any public
gaming system or games drawing;

(5) Enter into interstate and international lottery agreements with other states or foreign countries, or any combination of one or
more states and one or more foreign countries;

(6) Adopt an official seal;

(7) Maintain a principal office and, if necessary, regional
suboffices at locations properly designated or provided;

(8) Prescribe a schedule of fees and charges;

(9) Sue and be sued;

(10) Lease, rent, acquire, purchase, own, hold, construct,
equip, maintain, operate, sell, encumber and assign rights of any
property, real or personal, consistent with the objectives of the
commission as set forth in this article;

(11) Designate one of the deputy directors to serve as acting
director during the absence of the director;

(12) Hold hearings on any matter of concern to the commission
relating to the lottery, subpoena witnesses, administer oaths, take
testimony, require the production of evidence and documentary
evidence and designate hearing examiners and employees to so act;

(13) To make and enter into all agreements and do all acts
necessary or incidental to the performance of its duties and the
exercise of its powers under this article.

(b) Departments, boards, commissions or other agencies of this
state shall provide assistance to the state lottery office upon the
request of the director.

(c) Upon the request of the deputy director for the security and licensing division in conjunction with the director, the
attorney general, department of public safety and all other law-
enforcement agencies shall furnish to the director and the deputy
director such information as may tend to assure the security,
honesty, fairness and integrity in the operation and administration
of the lottery as they may have in their possession, including, but
not limited to, manual or computerized information and data. The
director is to designate such employees of the security and
licensing division as may be necessary to act as enforcement agents.
Such agents are authorized to investigate complaints made to the
commission or the state lottery office concerning possible violation
of the provisions of this article and determine whether to recommend
criminal prosecution. If it is determined that action is necessary,
an agent, after approval of the director, is to make such
recommendation to the prosecuting attorney in the county wherein the
violation occurred or to any appropriate law-enforcement agency.
§29-22-18. State lottery fund; appropriations and deposits; not
part of general revenue; no transfer of state funds after
initial appropriation; use and repayment of initial
appropriation; allocation of fund for prizes, net profit and
expenses; surplus; state lottery education fund; state lottery
senior citizens fund; allocation and appropriation of net

(a) There is hereby continued a special revenue fund in the state treasury which shall be designated and known as the "state
lottery fund". The fund consists of all appropriations to the fund
and all interest earned from investment of the fund and any gifts,
grants or contributions received by the fund. All revenues received
from the sale of lottery tickets, materials and games shall be
deposited with the state treasurer and placed into the "state
lottery fund". The revenue shall be disbursed in the manner
provided in this section for the purposes stated in this section and
shall not be treated by the auditor and treasurer as part of the
general revenue of the state.

(b) No appropriation, loan or other transfer of state funds may
be made to the commission or lottery fund after the initial

(c) A minimum annual average of forty-five percent of the gross
amount received from each lottery shall be allocated and disbursed
as prizes.

(d) Not more than fifteen percent of the gross amount received
from each lottery may be allocated to and may be disbursed as
necessary for fund operation and administration expenses:
That for the period beginning the first day of January, two thousand
two, through the thirtieth day of June, two thousand three, not more
than seventeen percent of the gross amount received from each
lottery shall be allocated to and may be disbursed as necessary for
fund operation and administration expenses.

(e) The excess of the aggregate of the gross amount received from all lotteries over the sum of the amounts allocated by
subsections (c) and (d) of this section shall be allocated as net
profit. In the event that the percentage allotted for operations
and administration generates a surplus, the surplus shall be allowed
to accumulate to an amount not to exceed two hundred fifty thousand
dollars. On a monthly basis, the director shall report to the joint
committee on government and finance of the Legislature any surplus
in excess of two hundred fifty thousand dollars and remit to the
state treasurer the entire amount of those surplus funds in excess
of two hundred fifty thousand dollars which shall be allocated as
net profit.

(f) After first satisfying the requirements for funds dedicated
to the school building debt service fund in subsection (h) of this
section to retire the ten-year bonds authorized to be issued
pursuant to section eight, article nine-d, chapter eighteen of this
code, and then satisfying the requirements for funds dedicated to
the education, arts, sciences and tourism debt service fund in
subsection (i) of this section to retire the bonds authorized to be
issued pursuant to section eleven-a, article six, chapter five of
this code, the Legislature shall annually appropriate all of the
remaining amounts allocated as net profits in subsection (e) of this
section, in such proportions as it considers beneficial to the
citizens of this state, to: (1) The lottery education fund created
in subsection (g) of this section; (2) the school construction fund
created in section six, article nine-d, chapter eighteen of this code; (3) the lottery senior citizens fund created in subsection (j)
of this section; and (4) the division of natural resources created
in section three, article one, chapter twenty of this code and the
West Virginia development office as created in section one, article
two, chapter five-b of this code, in accordance with subsection (k)
of this section. No transfer to any account other than the school
building debt service account and the education, arts, sciences and
tourism debt service fund may be made in any period of time in which
a default exists in respect to debt service on bonds issued by the
school building authority and the state building commission which
are secured by lottery proceeds. No additional transfer may be made
to any account other than the school building debt service account
and the education, arts, sciences and tourism debt service fund when
net profits for the preceding twelve months are not at least equal
to one hundred fifty percent of debt service on bonds issued by the
school building authority and the state building commission which
are secured by net profits.

(g) There is hereby continued a special revenue fund in the
state treasury which shall be designated and known as the "lottery
education fund." The fund shall consist of the amounts allocated
pursuant to subsection (f) of this section, which shall be deposited
into the lottery education fund by the state treasurer. The lottery
education fund shall also consist of all interest earned from
investment of the lottery education fund and any other
appropriations, gifts, grants, contributions or moneys received by the lottery education fund from any source. The revenues received
or earned by the lottery education fund shall be disbursed in the
manner provided below and may not be treated by the auditor and
treasurer as part of the general revenue of the state. Annually,
the Legislature shall appropriate the revenues received or earned by
the lottery education fund to the state system of public and higher
education for these educational programs it considers beneficial to
the citizens of this state.

(h) On or before the twenty-eighth day of each month through
the twentieth day of June, two thousand five, the lottery director
shall allocate to the school building debt service fund created
pursuant to the provisions of section six, article nine-d, chapter
eighteen of this code, as a first priority from the net profits of
the lottery for the preceding month, an amount equal to one tenth of
the projected annual principal, interest and coverage ratio
requirements on any and all revenue bonds and refunding bonds
issued, or to be issued, on or after the first day of April, one
thousand nine hundred ninety-four, as certified to the lottery
director in accordance with the provisions of section six, article
nine-d, chapter eighteen of this code. In no event shall the
monthly amount allocated exceed one million eight hundred thousand
dollars, nor may the total allocation of the net profits to be paid
into the school building debt service fund, as provided in this
section, in any fiscal year exceed the lesser of the principal and
interest requirements certified to the lottery director or eighteen million dollars. In the event there are insufficient funds
available in any month to transfer the amount required to be
transferred pursuant to this subsection to the school debt service
fund, the deficiency shall be added to the amount transferred in the
next succeeding month in which revenues are available to transfer
the deficiency. A lien on the proceeds of the state lottery fund up
to a maximum amount equal to the projected annual principal,
interest and coverage ratio requirements, not to exceed twenty-seven
million dollars annually, may be granted by the school building
authority in favor of the bonds it issues which are secured by the
net lottery profits.

When the school improvement bonds, secured by profits from the
lottery and deposited in the school debt service fund, mature, the
profits shall become available for debt service on additional school
improvement bonds or may at the discretion of the authority be
placed into the school construction fund created pursuant to the
provisions of section six, article nine-d, chapter eighteen of this

(i) Beginning on or before the twenty-eighth day of July, one
thousand nine hundred ninety-six, and continuing on or before the
twenty-eighth day of each succeeding month thereafter through the
twenty-eighth day of June, two thousand twenty-one, the lottery
director shall allocate to the education, arts, sciences and tourism
debt service fund created pursuant to the provisions of section
eleven-a, article six, chapter five of this code, as a second priority from the net profits of the lottery for the preceding
month, an amount equal to one tenth of the projected annual
principal, interest and coverage ratio requirements on any and all
revenue bonds and refunding bonds issued, or to be issued, on or
after the first day of April, one thousand nine hundred ninety-six,
as certified to the lottery director in accordance with the
provisions of that section. In no event may the monthly amount
allocated exceed one million dollars nor may the total allocation
paid into the education, arts, sciences and tourism debt service
fund, as provided in this section, in any fiscal year exceed the
lesser of the principal and interest requirements certified to the
lottery director or ten million dollars. In the event there are
insufficient funds available in any month to transfer the amount
required pursuant to this subsection to the education, arts,
sciences and tourism debt service fund, the deficiency shall be
added to the amount transferred in the next succeeding month in
which revenues are available to transfer the deficiency. A
second-in-priority lien on the proceeds of the state lottery fund up
to a maximum amount equal to the projected annual principal,
interest and coverage ratio requirements, not to exceed fifteen
million dollars annually, may be granted by the state building
commission in favor of the bonds it issues which are secured by the
net lottery profits.

(j) There is hereby continued a special
revenue fund in the state treasury which shall be designated and
known as the "lottery senior citizens fund." The fund shall consist of the amounts allocated pursuant to subsection (f) of this section,
which amounts shall be deposited into the lottery senior citizens
fund by the state treasurer. The lottery senior citizens fund shall
also consist of all interest earned from investment of the lottery
senior citizens fund and any other appropriations, gifts, grants,
contributions or moneys received by the lottery senior citizens fund
from any source. The revenues received or earned by the lottery
senior citizens fund shall be distributed in the manner provided
below and may not be treated by the auditor or treasurer as part of
the general revenue of the state. Annually, the Legislature shall
appropriate the revenues received or earned by the lottery senior
citizens fund to such senior citizens medical care and other
programs as it considers beneficial to the citizens of this state.

(k) The division of natural resources and the West Virginia
development office, as appropriated by the Legislature, may use the
amounts allocated to them pursuant to subsection (f) of this section
for one or more of the following purposes: (1) The payment of any
or all of the costs incurred in the development, construction,
reconstruction, maintenance or repair of any project or recreational
facility, as these terms are defined in section four, article five,
chapter twenty of this code, pursuant to the authority granted to it
under article five, chapter twenty of this code; (2) the payment,
funding or refunding of the principal of, interest on or redemption
premiums on any bonds, security interests or notes issued by the
parks and recreation section of the division of natural resources under article five, chapter twenty of this code; or (3) the payment
of any advertising and marketing expenses for the promotion and
development of tourism or any tourist facility or attraction in this
§29-22-18a. State excess lottery revenue fund.

(a) There is hereby created a special revenue fund within the
state lottery fund in the state treasury which shall be designated
and known as the "state excess lottery revenue fund". The fund
shall consist of all appropriations to the fund and all interest
earned from investment of the fund and any gifts, grants or
contributions received by the fund. All revenues received under the
provisions of sections ten-b and ten-c, article twenty-two-a of this
chapter and under article twenty-two-b of this chapter, except the
amounts due the commission under section 29-22B-1408(a)(1) of this
article, shall be deposited in the state treasury and placed into
the "state excess lottery revenue fund". The revenue shall be
disbursed in the manner provided in this section for the purposes
stated in this section and shall not be treated by the auditor and
the state treasurer as part of the general revenue of the state.

(b) For the fiscal year beginning the first day of July, two
thousand one, the moneys of the fund established in this section
shall be used for the purpose of subsidizing salary increases and
associated employee benefits paid from the state general revenue
fund as determined by the secretary of administration effective the
first day of July, two thousand one or thereafter, including but not limited to the salary increase for teachers provided in section two,
article four, chapter eighteen-a of this code, by enactment of the
Legislature in two thousand one; the salary increase for members of
the state police provided in section five, article two, chapter
fifteen of this code by enactment of the Legislature in two thousand
one; and general salary increases for state employees:
That effective the first day of October, two thousand one, the full
year salary increases for state employees other than correctional
officers and members of the state police equal seven hundred fifty-
six dollars for each full-time employee:
Provided, however, That
effective the first day of July, two thousand one, the full year
salary increases for uniformed correctional officers equal two
thousand dollars for each full-time employee; and that the full year
salary increases for non-uniformed correctional staff, whose core
duties include contact with inmates or juvenile detainees on a
regular and frequent basis, equal one thousand two hundred fifty
dollars for each full-time employee; but that for all other division
of correction and division of juvenile services employees, the full
year salary increase equals seven hundred fifty-six dollars for each
full-time employee. Until the thirtieth day of June, two thousand
two, the lottery commission shall, upon direction from the governor,
transfer the moneys of the account to the state general revenue fund
in the amounts specified in the governor's official revenue
estimates to subsidize the funding of the salary increases described
in this subsection. Beginning the first day of July, two thousand two, and thereafter, the transfer authority granted by this
subsection is terminated. After first satisfying the funding
requirements directed by this subsection, the monies remaining in
the fund shall be disbursed in the manner provided by subsection (c)
of this section.

(c) For the fiscal year beginning the first day of July, two
thousand one, the commission shall deposit: (1) Five million five
hundred thousand dollars into the account hereby created in the
state treasury to be known as the "education improvement fund" for
appropriation by the Legislature to the "promise scholarship fund"
created in section seven, article seven, chapter eighteen-c of this
code; (2) twenty-five million dollars to the school building debt
service fund created in section six, article nine-d, chapter
eighteen of this code for the issuance of revenue bonds; (3) twenty-
five million dollars in the West Virginia infrastructure fund
created in section nine, article fifteen-a, chapter thirty-one of
this code to be spent in accordance with the provisions of that
article; (4) ten million dollars into a separate account within the
state lottery fund to be known as the higher education improvement
fund for higher education; and (5) nine million dollars into a
separate account within the state lottery fund to be known as the
state park improvement fund for park improvements. For the fiscal
year beginning the first day of July, two thousand two, the
commission shall deposit: (1) Sixty-five million dollars into the
subaccount of the state excess lottery revenue fund hereby created in the state treasury to be known as the "general purpose account"
to be expended pursuant to appropriation of the Legislature; (2) ten
million dollars into the education improvement fund for
appropriation by the Legislature to the "promise scholarship fund"
created in section seven, article seven, chapter eighteen-c of this
code; (3) twenty-five million dollars to the school building debt
service fund created in section six, article nine-d, chapter
eighteen of this code for the issuance of revenue bonds; (4) fifty
million dollars in the West Virginia infrastructure fund created in
section nine, article fifteen-a, chapter thirty-one of this code to
be spent in accordance with the provisions of that article; (5) ten
million dollars into the higher education improvement fund for
higher education; and (6) nine million dollars into the state park
improvement fund for park improvements. For the fiscal year
beginning the first day of July, two thousand three, the commission
shall deposit: (1) Sixty-five million dollars into the general
purpose account to be expended pursuant to appropriation of the
Legislature; (2) seventeen million dollars into the education
improvement fund for appropriation by the Legislature to the
"promise scholarship fund" created in section seven, article seven,
chapter eighteen-c of this code; (3) twenty-five million dollars to
the school building debt service fund created in section six,
article nine-d, chapter eighteen of this code for the issuance of
revenue bonds; (4) fifty million dollars in the West Virginia
infrastructure fund created in section nine, article fifteen-a, chapter thirty-one of this code to be spent in accordance with the
provisions of that article; (5) ten million dollars into the higher
education improvement fund for higher education; and (6) nine
million dollars into the state park improvement fund for park
improvements. For the fiscal year beginning the first day of July,
two thousand four, and subsequent fiscal years, the commission shall
deposit: (1) Sixty-five million dollars into the general purpose
account to be expended pursuant to appropriation of the Legislature;
(2) twenty-seven million dollars into the education improvement fund
for appropriation by the Legislature to the "promise scholarship
fund" created in section seven, article seven, chapter eighteen-c of
this code; (3) twenty-five million dollars to the school building
debt service fund created in section six, article nine-d, chapter
eighteen of this code for the issuance of revenue bonds; (4) fifty
million dollars in the West Virginia infrastructure fund created in
section nine, article fifteen-a, chapter thirty-one of this code to
be spent in accordance with the provisions of that article; (5) ten
million dollars into the higher education improvement fund for
higher education; and (6) nine million dollars into the state park
improvement fund for park improvements.

(d) If the commission receives revenues in an amount that is
not sufficient to fully comply with the requirements of subsection
(c) of this section, the commission shall, after providing for the
distribution to the education improvement fund for appropriation by
the Legislature to the promise scholarship fund, distribute the revenue on a pro rata basis.

(e) For the fiscal year beginning on the first day of July, two
thousand two, and each fiscal year thereafter, the commission shall,
after meeting the requirements of subsections (c) and (h) of this
section, deposit fifty percent of the amount by which annual gross
revenue deposited in the state excess lottery revenue fund exceeds
two hundred twenty-five million dollars in a fiscal year in a
separate account in the state lottery fund to be available for
appropriation by the Legislature.

(f) When bonds are issued for the infrastructure, higher
education or park improvement purposes described in this section
that are secured by profits from lotteries deposited in the state
excess lottery revenue fund, the lottery director shall allocate to
the debt service fund created for that purpose, as a third priority
from the net profits of the lottery under this section and section
eighteen of this article for the preceding month, an amount equal to
one-tenth of the projected annual principal, interest and coverage
requirements on any and all revenue bonds issued, or to be issued,
on or after the first day of April, two thousand two, as certified
to the lottery director in accordance with legislation authorizing
issuance of the bonds. In the event there are insufficient funds
available in any month to transfer the amount required pursuant to
this subsection, the deficiency shall be added to the amount
transferred in the next succeeding month in which revenues are
available to transfer the deficiency. A third-in-priority lien on the proceeds of the state lottery fund and the state excess lottery
revenue fund up to a maximum amount equal to the projected annual
principle, interest and coverage ratio requirements, not to exceed
an annual amount specified in legislation authorizing issuance of
the bonds, may be granted by the state in favor of the bonds it
issues which are secured by net lottery profits and state excess
lottery revenue.

(g) No portion of the distributions made as provided in
subsection (c) of this section may be used to pay debt service on
bonded indebtedness until after the Legislature expressly authorizes
issuance of the bonds and payment of debt service on the bonds
through statutory enactment or the passage of a concurrent
resolution by both houses of the Legislature. Until subsequent
legislative enactment or adoption of a resolution that expressly
authorizes issuance of the bonds and payment of debt service on the
bonds with funds distributed under subsection (c) of this section,
the distributions may be used only to fund capital improvements
that are not financed by bonds and only pursuant to appropriation of
the Legislature.

(h) In fiscal year two thousand four, and thereafter, prior to
the distributions provided in subsection (c) of this section, the
lottery commission shall deposit into the general revenue fund
amounts necessary to provide reimbursement for the refundable credit
allowable under section twenty-one, article twenty-one, chapter
eleven of this code.

(i)(1) The Legislature considers the following as priorities in
the expenditure of any surplus revenue funds:

(A) Providing salary and/or increment increases for
professional educators and public employees;

(B) Providing adequate funding for the public employees
insurance agency; and

(C) Providing funding to help address the shortage of qualified
teachers and substitutes in areas of need, both in number of
teachers and in subject matters areas.

(2) The provisions of this subsection may not be construed by
any court to require any appropriation or any specific appropriation
or level of funding for the purposes set forth in this subsection.

(j) The Legislature further directs the Governor to focus
resources on the creation of a prescription drug program for senior
citizens by pursuing a medicaid waiver to offer prescription drug
services to senior citizens; by investigating the establishment of
purchasing agreements with other entities to reduce costs; by
providing discount prices or rebate programs for seniors; by
coordinating programs offered by pharmaceutical manufacturers that
provide reduced cost or free drugs; by coordinating a collaborative
effort among all state agencies to ensure the most efficient and
cost effective program possible for the senior citizens of this
state; and by working closely with the state's congressional
delegation to ensure that a national program is implemented. The
Legislature further directs that the Governor report his progress back to the joint committee on government and finance on an annual
basis beginning in November of the year two thousand one, until a
comprehensive program has been fully implemented.
§29-22A-6. Video lottery terminal hardware and software
requirements; hardware specifications; software
requirements for randomness testing; software
requirements for percentage payout; software
requirements for continuation of video lottery game
after malfunction; software requirements for play
transaction records.

(a) Video lottery terminals licensed for placement in this
state shall meet the following hardware specifications:

(1) Electrical and mechanical parts and design principles may
not subject a player to physical hazards or injury.

(2) A surge protector shall be installed on the electrical
power supply line to each video lottery terminal. A battery or
equivalent power back-up for the electronic meters shall be capable
of maintaining accuracy of all accounting records and terminal
status reports for a period of one hundred eighty days after power
is disconnected from the terminal. The power back-up device shall
be located within the locked logic board compartment of the video
lottery terminal.

(3) An on/off switch which controls the electrical current used in the operation of the terminal shall be located in an accessible
place within the interior of the video lottery terminal.

(4) The operation of each video lottery terminal may not be
adversely affected by any static discharge or other electromagnetic

(5) A minimum of one electronic or mechanical coin acceptor or
other means accurately and efficiently to establish credits shall be
installed on each video lottery terminal. Each video lottery
terminal may also contain bill acceptors for one or more of the
following: One dollar bills, five dollar bills, ten dollar bills
and twenty dollar bills. All coin and bill acceptors shall be
approved by the commission prior to use on any video lottery
terminal in this state.

(6) Access to the interior of video lottery terminal shall be
controlled through a series of locks and seals.

(7) The main logic boards and all erasable programmable read-
only memory chips (EPROMS) are considered to be owned by the
commission and shall be located in a separate locked and sealed area
within the video lottery terminal.

(8) The cash compartment shall be located in a separate locked
area within or attached to the video lottery terminal.

(9) No hardware switches, jumpers, wire posts or any other
means of manipulation may be installed which alter the pay tables or
payout percentages in the operation of a game. Hardware switches on
a video lottery terminal to control the terminal's graphic routines, speed of play, sound and other purely cosmetic features may be
approved by the commission.

(10) Each video lottery terminal shall contain a single
printing mechanism capable of printing an original ticket and
retaining an exact legible copy within the video lottery terminal or
other means of capturing and retaining an electronic copy of the
ticket data as approved by the commission. The following
information shall be recorded on the ticket when credits accrued on
a video lottery terminal are redeemed for cash:

(i) The number of credits accrued;

(ii) Value of the credits in dollars and cents displayed in
both numeric and written form;

(iii) Time of day and date;

(iv) Validation number; and

(v) Any other information required by the commission.

(11) A permanently installed and affixed identification plate
shall appear on the exterior of each video lottery terminal and the
following information shall be on the plate:

(i) Manufacturer of the video lottery terminal;

(ii) Serial number of the terminal; and

(iii) Model number of the terminal.

(12) The rules of play for each game shall be displayed on the
video lottery terminal face or screen. The commission may reject
any rules of play which are incomplete, confusing, misleading or
inconsistent with game rules approved by the commission. For each video lottery game, there shall be a display detailing the credits
awarded for the occurrence of each possible winning combination of
numbers or symbols. A video lottery terminal may allow up to five
dollars to be wagered on a single game. All information required by
this subdivision shall be displayed under glass or another
transparent substance. No stickers or other removable devices shall
be placed on the video lottery terminal screen or face without the
prior approval of the commission.

(13) Communication equipment and devices shall be installed to
enable each video lottery terminal to communicate with the
commission's central computer system by use of a communications
protocol provided by the commission to each permitted manufacturer,
which shall include information retrieval and terminal activation
and disable programs, and the commission may require each licensed
racetrack to pay the cost of a central site computer as a part of
the licensing requirement.

(14) All video lottery terminals shall have a security system
which temporarily disables the gaming function of the terminal while

(b) Each video lottery terminal shall have a random number
generator to determine randomly the occurrence of each specific
symbol or number used in video lottery games. A selection process
is random if it meets the following statistical criteria:

(1) Chi-square test. Each symbol or number shall satisfy the
ninety-nine percent confidence limit using the standard chi-square statistical analysis of the difference between the expected result
and the observed result.

(2) Runs test. Each symbol or number may not produce a
significant statistic with regard to producing patterns of
occurrences. Each symbol or number is random if it meets the
ninety-nine percent confidence level with regard to the "runs test"
for the existence of recurring patterns within a set of data.

(3) Correlation test. Each pair of symbols or numbers is
random if it meets the ninety-nine percent confidence level using
standard correlation analysis to determine whether each symbol or
number is independently chosen without regard to another symbol or
number within a single game play.

(4) Serial correlation test. Each symbol or number is random
if it meets the ninety-nine percent confidence level using standard
serial correlation analysis to determine whether each symbol or
number is independently chosen without reference to the same symbol
or number in a previous game.

(c) Each video lottery terminal shall meet the following
maximum and minimum theoretical percentage payout during the
expected lifetime of the terminal:

(1) Video lottery games shall pay out no less than eighty
percent and no more than ninety-five percent of the amount wagered.
The theoretical payout percentage will be determined using standard
methods of probability theory.

(2) Manufacturers must file a request and receive approval from the commission prior to manufacturing for placement in this state
video lottery terminals programmed for a payout greater than ninety-
two percent of the amount wagered. Commission approval shall be
obtained prior to applying for testing of the high payout terminals.

(3) Each terminal shall have a probability greater than one in
seventeen million of obtaining the maximum payout for each play.

(d) Each video lottery terminal shall be capable of continuing
the current game with all current game features after a video
lottery terminal malfunction is cleared. If a video lottery
terminal is rendered totally inoperable during game play, the
current wager and all credits appearing on the video lottery
terminal screen prior to the malfunction shall be returned to the

(e) Each video lottery terminal shall at all times maintain
electronic accounting regardless of whether the terminal is being
supplied with electrical power. Each meter shall be capable of
maintaining a total of no less than eight digits in length for each
type of data required. The electronic meters shall record the
following information:

(1) Number of coins inserted by players or the coin equivalent
if a bill acceptor is being used or tokens or vouchers are used;

(2) Number of credits wagered;

(3) Number of total credits, coins and tokens won;

(4) Number of credits paid out by a printed ticket;

(5) Number of coins or tokens won, if applicable;

(6) Number of times the logic area was accessed;

(7) Number of times the cash door was accessed;

(8) Number of credits wagered in the current game;

(9) Number of credits won in the last complete video lottery
game; and

(10) Number of cumulative credits representing money inserted
by a player and credits for video lottery games won but not

(f) No video lottery terminal may have any mechanism which
would allow the electronic accounting meters to clear automatically.
Electronic accounting meters may not be cleared without the prior
approval of the commission. Both before and after any electronic
accounting meter is cleared, all meter readings shall be recorded in
the presence of a commission employee.

(g) The primary responsibility for the control and regulation
of any video lottery games and video lottery terminals operated
pursuant to this article rests with the commission.

(h) The commission shall directly or through a contract with a
third party vendor other than the video lottery licensee, maintain
a central site system of monitoring the lottery terminals, utilizing
an on-line or dial-up inquiry. The central site system shall be
capable of monitoring the operation of each video lottery game or
video lottery terminal operating pursuant to this article and, at
the direction of the director, immediately disable and cause not to
operate, any video lottery game and video lottery terminal. As provided in this section, the commission may require the licensed
racetrack to pay the cost of a central site computer as part of the
licensing requirement.
§29-22A-10. Accounting and reporting; commission to provide
communications protocol data; distribution of net
terminal income; remittance through electronic transfer
of funds; establishment of accounts and nonpayment
penalties; commission control of accounting for net
terminal income; settlement of accounts; manual
reporting and payment may be required; request for
reports; examination of accounts and records.

(a) The commission shall provide to manufacturers, or
applicants applying for a manufacturer's permit, the protocol
documentation data necessary to enable the respective manufacturer's
video lottery terminals to communicate with the commission's central
computer for transmitting auditing program information and for
activation and disabling of video lottery terminals.

(b) The gross terminal income of a licensed racetrack shall be
remitted to the commission through the electronic transfer of funds.
Licensed racetracks shall furnish to the commission all information
and bank authorizations required to facilitate the timely transfer
of moneys to the commission. Licensed racetracks must provide the
commission thirty days' advance notice of any proposed account
changes in order to assure the uninterrupted electronic transfer of funds. From the gross terminal income remitted by the licensee to
the commission, the commission shall deduct an amount sufficient to
reimburse the commission for its actual costs and expenses incurred
in administering racetrack video lottery at the licensed racetrack,
and the resulting amount after the deduction is the net terminal
income. The amount deducted for administrative costs and expenses
of the commission may not exceed four percent of gross terminal
Provided, That any amounts deducted by the commission for
its actual costs and expenses that exceeds its actual costs and
expenses shall be deposited into the state lottery fund. For all
fiscal years beginning on or after the first day of July, two
thousand one, the commission shall not receive an amount of gross
terminal income in excess of the amount of gross terminal income
received during the fiscal year ending on the thirtieth day of June,
two thousand one, but four percent of any amount of gross terminal
income received in excess of the amount of gross terminal income
received during the fiscal year ending on the thirtieth day of June,
two thousand one, shall be deposited into the fund established in
section eighteen-a, article twenty-two of this chapter.

(c) Net terminal income shall be divided as set out in this
subsection. For all fiscal years beginning on or after the first
day of July, two thousand one, any amount of net terminal income
received in excess of the amount of net terminal income received
during the fiscal year ending on the thirtieth day of June, two
thousand one, shall be divided as set out in section ten-b of this article. The licensed racetrack's share is in lieu of all lottery
agent commissions and is considered to cover all costs and expenses
required to be expended by the licensed racetrack in connection with
video lottery operations. The division shall be made as follows:

(1) The commission shall receive thirty percent of net terminal
income, which shall be paid into the state lottery fund as provided
in section ten-a of this article.

(2) Fourteen percent of net terminal income at a licensed
racetrack shall be deposited in the special fund established by the
licensee, and used for payment of regular purses in addition to
other amounts provided for in article twenty-three, chapter nineteen
of this code;

(3) The county where the video lottery terminals are located
shall receive two percent of the net terminal income:

(A) Beginning the first day of July, one thousand nine hundred
ninety-nine, and thereafter, any amount in excess of the two percent
received during fiscal year one thousand nine hundred ninety-nine by
a county in which a racetrack is located that has participated in
the West Virginia thoroughbred development fund since on or before
the first day of January, one thousand nine hundred ninety-nine,
shall be divided as follows:

(i) The county shall receive fifty percent of the excess
amount; and

(ii) The municipalities of the county shall receive fifty percent of the excess amount, the fifty percent to be divided among
the municipalities on a per capita basis as determined by the most
recent decennial United States census of population; and

(B) Beginning the first day of July, one thousand nine hundred
ninety-nine, and thereafter, any amount in excess of the two percent
received during fiscal year one thousand nine hundred ninety-nine by
a county in which a racetrack other than a racetrack described in
paragraph (A) of this proviso is located and where the racetrack has
been located in a municipality within the county since on or before
the first day of January, one thousand nine hundred ninety-nine,
shall be divided, if applicable, as follows:

(i) The county shall receive fifty percent of the excess
amount; and

(ii) The municipality shall receive fifty percent of the excess
amount; and

(C) This proviso shall not affect the amount to be received
under this subdivision by any county other than a county described
in paragraph (A) or (B) of this proviso;

(4) One half of one percent of net terminal income shall be
paid for and on behalf of all employees of the licensed racing
association by making a deposit into a special fund to be
established by the racing commission to be used for payment into the
pension plan for all employees of the licensed racing association;

(5) The West Virginia thoroughbred development fund created
under section thirteen-b, article twenty-three, chapter nineteen of this code and the West Virginia greyhound breeding development fund
created under section ten, article twenty-three, chapter nineteen of
this code shall receive an equal share of a total of not less than
one and one-half percent of the net terminal income:
Provided, That
for any racetrack which does not have a breeder's program supported
by the thoroughbred development fund or the greyhound breeding
development fund, the one and one-half percent provided for in this
subdivision shall be deposited in the special fund established by
the licensee and used for payment of regular purses, in addition to
other amounts provided for in subdivision (2) of this subsection and
article twenty-three, chapter nineteen of this code;

(6) The West Virginia racing commission shall receive one
percent of the net terminal income which shall be deposited and used
as provided in section thirteen-c, article twenty-three, chapter
nineteen of this code;

(7) A licensee shall receive forty-seven percent of net
terminal income;

(8) The tourism promotion fund established in section twelve,
article two, chapter five-b of this code shall receive three percent
of the net terminal income; and

(9) The veterans memorial program shall receive one percent of
the net terminal income until sufficient moneys have been received
to complete the veterans memorial on the grounds of the state
capitol complex in Charleston, West Virginia. The moneys shall be
deposited in the state treasury in the division of culture and history special fund created under section three, article one-i,
chapter twenty-nine of this code:
Provided, That only after
sufficient moneys have been deposited in the fund to complete the
veterans memorial and to pay in full the annual bonded indebtedness
on the veterans memorial, not more than twenty thousand dollars of
the one percent of net terminal income provided for in this
subdivision shall be deposited into a special revenue fund in the
state treasury, to be known as the "John F. 'Jack' Bennett Fund."
The moneys in this fund shall be expended by the division of
veterans affairs to provide for the placement of markers for the
graves of veterans in perpetual cemeteries in this state. The
division of veterans affairs shall promulgate legislative rules
pursuant to the provisions of article three, chapter twenty-nine-a
of this code specifying the manner in which the funds are spent,
determine the ability of the surviving spouse to pay for the
placement of the marker, and setting forth the standards to be used
to determine the priority in which the veterans grave markers will
be placed in the event that there are not sufficient funds to
complete the placement of veterans grave markers in any one year, or
at all. Upon payment in full of the bonded indebtedness on the
veterans memorial, one hundred thousand dollars of the one percent
of net terminal income provided for in this subdivision shall be
deposited in the special fund in the division of culture and history
created under section three, article one-i, chapter twenty-nine of
this code and be expended by the division of culture and history to establish a West Virginia veterans memorial archives within the
cultural center to serve as a repository for the documents and
records pertaining to the veterans memorial, to restore and maintain
the monuments and memorial on the capitol grounds:
however, That five hundred thousand dollars of the one percent of
net terminal income shall be deposited in the state treasury in a
special fund of the department of administration, created under
section five, article four, chapter five-a of this code to be used
for construction and maintenance of a parking garage on the state
capitol complex:
Provided further, That the remainder of the one
percent of net terminal income shall be deposited in equal amounts
in the capitol dome and improvements fund created under section two,
article four, chapter five-a of this code and cultural facilities
and capitol resources matching grant program fund created under
section three, article one of this chapter.

(d) Each licensed racetrack shall maintain in its account an
amount equal to or greater than the gross terminal income from its
operation of video lottery machines, to be electronically
transferred by the commission on dates established by the
commission. Upon a licensed racetrack's failure to maintain this
balance, the commission may disable all of a licensed racetrack's
video lottery terminals until full payment of all amounts due is
made. Interest shall accrue on any unpaid balance at a rate
consistent with the amount charged for state income tax delinquency
under chapter eleven of this code. The interest shall begin to accrue on the date payment is due to the commission.

(e) The commission's central control computer shall keep
accurate records of all income generated by each video lottery
terminal. The commission shall prepare and mail to the licensed
racetrack a statement reflecting the gross terminal income generated
by the licensee's video lottery terminals. Each licensed racetrack
shall report to the commission any discrepancies between the
commission's statement and each terminal's mechanical and electronic
meter readings. The licensed racetrack is solely responsible for
resolving income discrepancies between actual money collected and
the amount shown on the accounting meters or on the commission's
billing statement.

(f) Until an accounting discrepancy is resolved in favor of the
licensed racetrack, the commission may make no credit adjustments.
For any video lottery terminal reflecting a discrepancy, the
licensed racetrack shall submit to the commission the maintenance
log which includes current mechanical meter readings and the audit
ticket which contains electronic meter readings generated by the
terminal's software. If the meter readings and the commission's
records cannot be reconciled, final disposition of the matter shall
be determined by the commission. Any accounting discrepancies which
cannot be otherwise resolved shall be resolved in favor of the

(g) Licensed racetracks shall remit payment by mail if the
electronic transfer of funds is not operational or the commission notifies licensed racetracks that remittance by this method is
required. The licensed racetracks shall report an amount equal to
the total amount of cash inserted into each video lottery terminal
operated by a licensee, minus the total value of game credits which
are cleared from the video lottery terminal in exchange for winning
redemption tickets, and remit the amount as generated from its
terminals during the reporting period. The remittance shall be
sealed in a properly addressed and stamped envelope and deposited in
the United States mail no later than noon on the day when the
payment would otherwise be completed through electronic funds

(h) Licensed racetracks may, upon request, receive additional
reports of play transactions for their respective video lottery
terminals and other marketing information not considered
confidential by the commission. The commission may charge a
reasonable fee for the cost of producing and mailing any report
other than the billing statements.

(i) The commission has the right to examine all accounts, bank
accounts, financial statements and records in a licensed racetrack's
possession, under its control or in which it has an interest and the
licensed racetrack shall authorize all third parties in possession
or in control of the accounts or records to allow examination of any
of those accounts or records by the commission.
§29-22A-10b. Distribution of excess net terminal income.

(a) For all years beginning on or after the first day of July, two thousand one, any amount of net terminal income generated
annually by a licensed racetrack in excess of the amount of net
terminal income generated by that licensed racetrack during the
fiscal year ending on the thirtieth day of June, two thousand one,
shall be divided as follows:

(1) The commission shall receive forty-one percent of net
terminal income, which the commission shall deposit in the state
excess lottery revenue fund created in section eighteen-a, article
twenty-two of this chapter;

(2) Eight percent of net terminal income at a licensed
racetrack shall be deposited in the special fund established by the
licensee, and used for payment of regular purses in addition to
other amounts provided for in article twenty-three, chapter nineteen
of this code;

(3) The county where the video lottery terminals are located
shall receive two percent of the net terminal income:

(A) Any amount by which the total amount under this section and
subdivision three, subsection c, section ten of this article is in
excess of the two percent received during fiscal year one thousand
nine hundred ninety-nine by a county in which a racetrack is located
that has participated in the West Virginia thoroughbred development
fund since on or before the first day of January, one thousand nine
hundred ninety-nine, shall be divided as follows:

(i) The county shall receive fifty percent of the excess amount; and

(ii) The municipalities of the county shall receive fifty
percent of the excess amount, the fifty percent to be divided among
the municipalities on a per capita basis as determined by the most
recent decennial United States census of population; and

(B) Any amount by which the total amount under this section and
subdivision three, subsection c, section ten of this article is in
excess of the two percent received during fiscal year one thousand
nine hundred ninety-nine by a county in which a racetrack other than
a racetrack described in paragraph (A) of this proviso is located
and where the racetrack has been located in a municipality within
the county since on or before the first day of January, one thousand
nine hundred ninety-nine, shall be divided, if applicable, as

(i) The county shall receive fifty percent of the excess
amount; and

(ii) The municipality shall receive fifty percent of the excess
amount; and

(C) This proviso shall not affect the amount to be received
under this subdivision by any county other than a county described
in paragraph (A) or (B) of this proviso;

(4) One half of one percent of net terminal income shall be
paid for and on behalf of all employees of the licensed racing
association by making a deposit into a special fund to be
established by the racing commission to be used for payment into the pension plan for all employees of the licensed racing association;

(5) The West Virginia thoroughbred development fund created
under section thirteen-b, article twenty-three, chapter nineteen of
this code and the West Virginia greyhound breeding development fund
created under section ten, article twenty-three, chapter nineteen of
this code shall receive an equal share of a total of not less than
one and one-half percent of the net terminal income:
Provided, That
for any racetrack which does not have a breeder's program supported
by the thoroughbred development fund or the greyhound breeding
development fund, the one and one-half percent provided for in this
subdivision shall be deposited in the special fund established by
the licensee and used for payment of regular purses, in addition to
other amounts provided for in subdivision (2) of this subsection and
article twenty-three, chapter nineteen of this code;

(6) The West Virginia racing commission shall receive one
percent of the net terminal income which shall be deposited and used
as provided in section thirteen-c, article twenty-three, chapter
nineteen of this code;

(7) A licensee shall receive forty-two percent of net terminal

(8) The tourism promotion fund established in section twelve,
article two, chapter five-b of this code shall receive three percent
of the net terminal income; and

(9) One percent of the net terminal income shall be deposited
in equal amounts in the capitol dome and improvements fund created under section two, article four, chapter five-a of this code and
cultural facilities and capitol resources matching grant program
fund created under section three, article one of this chapter.

(b) The commission may establish orderly and effective
procedures for the collection and distribution of funds under this
section in accordance with the provisions of this section and
section ten of this article.
§29-22A-10c. Surcharge; capital reinvestment fund.

(a) For all fiscal years beginning on or after the first day of
July, two thousand one, there shall be imposed a surcharge of ten
percent against the excess of total net terminal income generated
from a licensed racetrack for that fiscal year over total net
terminal income from that licensed racetrack for the fiscal year
ending the thirtieth day of June two thousand one.

(b) A capital reinvestment fund is hereby created within the
lottery fund. Forty-two percent of the surcharge amount
attributable to each racetrack shall be retained by the commission
and deposited into a separate capital reinvestment account for that
licensed racetrack. For each dollar expended by a licensed
racetrack for capital improvements at the racetrack and adjacent
facilities owned by the licensee having a useful life of fifteen or
more years and placed in service after the first day of April, two
thousand one, the licensed racetrack shall receive one dollar in
recoupment from its capital reinvestment fund account:
That in the case of thoroughbred horse tracks, four cents of every dollar in recoupment shall be spent on capital improvements and
upgrading in the barn area or other areas at the track approved by
the horsemen's benevolent and protective association acting on
behalf of the horsemen:
Provided, however, That in the case of
greyhound race tracks, four cents of every dollar in recoupment
shall be spent on capital improvements and upgrading in the kennel
area or other areas at the track approved by the racing commission.
If a licensed racetrack's unrecouped capital improvements exceed its
capital reinvestment fund account at the end of any fiscal year, the
excess improvements may be carried forward to three subsequent
fiscal years.

(c) Fifty-eight percent of the surcharge amount plus any moneys
remaining in a racetrack's capital reinvestment fund account at the
end of any fiscal year shall be deposited in the state excess
lottery revenue fund created in section eighteen-a, article twenty-
two of this chapter.
Part 1. General Provisions.
§29-22B-101. Short title.

This article shall be known and may be cited as the "Limited
Video Lottery Act".
§29-22B-102. Authorization for limited video lottery; regulation by
lottery commission.

Limited video lottery is hereby authorized and may be operated and maintained subject to the provisions of this article. The
limited video lottery authorized by this article, being a lottery,
is subject to regulation by the West Virginia lottery commission.
§29-22B-103. Exceptions.

(a) Nothing in this article shall be construed in any way to
modify, amend, or otherwise affect the validity of any provisions
regulating charitable bingo and raffles as set forth in articles 47-
et seq., and 47-21-1,
et seq., of this code.

(b) Nothing contained in this article shall be construed to
modify, amend, or otherwise affect the validity of any provisions
regulating racetrack video lottery as set forth in article 22A of
this chapter.
Part 2. Legislative Findings.
§29-22B-201. Legislative finding; constitutional authority; limited
video lottery is a lottery.

The Legislature finds and declares that:

(1) The Constitution grants to the Legislature the authority to
establish, by general law, lotteries which are regulated,
controlled, owned and operated by the state of West Virginia; and

(2) The limited video lottery authorized by this article is a
"lottery" as that term is commonly understood and as that term is
used in the West Virginia Constitution, article 6, section 36. The
limited video lottery authorized as video lottery games in this
article is a system of lottery games that utilize advanced computer technology.
§29-22B-202. Legislative finding; state ownership of video lottery
through outright ownership or possession of a
proprietary interest in computer hardware and software.

The Legislature further finds and declares that:

(1) The state can control, own and operate a video lottery by
possessing a proprietary interest in the main logic boards, all
erasable, programmable read-only memory chips used in any video
lottery equipment or games, and software consisting of computer
programs, documentation and other related materials necessary for
the video lottery system to be operated;

(2) The state may possess a proprietary interest in video
lottery game software, for purposes of this article, through
outright ownership or through an exclusive product license agreement
with a manufacturer whereby (A) the manufacturer retains copyrighted
ownership of the software, (B) the product license granted to the
state is nontransferable, and (C) the agreement authorizes the state
to run the software program, solely for its own use, on the state's
central equipment unit and electronic video terminals networked to
the central equipment unit; and

(3) The state can control and regulate a video lottery if the
state (A) restricts licensure to a limited number of video lottery
terminals at qualified locations, (B) extends strict and exclusive
state regulation to all persons, locations, practices and
associations related to the operation of licensed limited video lottery facilities, and (C) provides comprehensive law enforcement
supervision of limited video lottery activities.
§29-22B-203. Legislative finding; license to participate in limited
video lottery is a privilege.

The Legislature further finds and declares that:

(1) A person seeking a license or other affirmative lottery
commission approval has no right to a license or to the granting of
the approval sought. Any license issued or other commission
approval granted pursuant to the provisions of this article is a
revocable privilege;

(2) The licensing, control and regulation of limited video
lottery by the state does not create (A) any property right in a
license issued pursuant to this article, (B) any right to transfer
or encumber a license, (C) any vested right in a license, or (D) the
accrual of any value to the privilege of participation in any
limited video lottery activity; and

(3) That the privilege of participation in limited video
lottery operations is conditioned upon (A) the proper and continuing
individual qualification of an applicant or licensee, and (B) the
discharge of the affirmative responsibility of each licensee to
provide the regulatory and investigatory authorities with any
assistance and information necessary to assure that the policies
declared by this article are achieved.
Part 3. Definitions.
§29-22B-301. Applicability of definitions.

For the purposes of this article, the words or terms defined in
this part 3, and any variation of those words or terms required by
the context, have the meanings ascribed to them in this part 3.
These definitions are applicable unless a different meaning clearly
appears from the context.
§29-22B-302. Applicant defined.

"Applicant" means a person applying for a license required by
this article for lawful participation in limited video lottery.
§29-22B-303. Associated equipment defined.

"Associated equipment" means any hardware located on the
premises of a video lottery retailers, other than the video lottery
terminals themselves, that is connected to the video lottery
terminal or to the central computer for the purpose of performing
communication, validation or other functions. "Associated
equipment" does not include the communication equipment and
facilities of a regulated public utility.
§29-22B-304. Background investigation defined.

"Background investigation" means a security, criminal and
credit investigation of an applicant who has applied for the
issuance or renewal of a license pursuant to this article, or a
licensee who holds a current license.
§29-22B-305. Central computer, central control computer or central
site system defined.

"Central computer," "central control computer" or "central site
system" means any central site computer provided to and controlled
by the commission to which video lottery terminals communicate for
purposes of information retrieval and terminal activation and to
disable programs.
§29-22B-306. Commission or state lottery commission defined.

"Commission" or "state lottery commission" means the West
Virginia lottery commission created by article 22 of this chapter.
§29-22B-307. Control defined.

"Control" means the authority to direct the management and
policies of an applicant or a license holder.
§29-22B-308. Director defined.

"Director" means the individual appointed by the governor to
provide management and administration necessary to direct the state
lottery office.
§29-22B-309. Disable or terminal disable defined.

"Disable" or "terminal disable" means the process of executing
a shutdown command from the central control computer which causes
video lottery terminals to cease functioning.
§29-22B-310. Display defined.

"Display" means the visual presentation of video lottery game
features on the video display monitor or screen of a video lottery
§29-22B-311. EPROM and erasable programmable read-only memory chips defined.

"EPROM" and "erasable programmable read-only memory chips"
means the electronic storage medium on which the operation software
for all games playable on a video lottery terminal resides and which
can also be in the form of CD-ROM, flash RAM or other new technology
medium that the commission may from time to time approve for use in
video lottery terminals. All electronic storage media are
considered to be the property of the state of West Virginia.
§29-22B-312. Identification document defined.

"Identification document" means a document made or issued by or
under the authority of the United States government, a state, a
political subdivision of a state, a foreign government or a
political subdivision of a foreign government, which, when completed
with information concerning a particular individual, is of the type
intended or commonly accepted for the purpose of identifying
§29-22B-313. Indirect ownership defined.

"Indirect ownership" means an interest a person owns in an
entity or in property solely as a result of application of
constructive ownership rules without regard to any direct ownership
interest (or other beneficial interest) in the entity or property.
"Indirect ownership" shall be determined under the same rules
applicable to determining whether a gain or loss between related
parties is recognized for federal income tax purposes.
§29-22B-314. License defined.

"License" or "video lottery license" means authorization
granted by the commission pursuant to this article to a person
permitting that person to engage in the activity for which the
license was issued. "License used in this article" means a license
issued by the commission as provided in this article that has not
expired or been cancelled, revoked or suspended by the director or
the commission.
§29-22B-315. Location defined.

"Location" means a restricted access adult-only facility
located on premises in which the limited video lottery retailer
holds a license as provided in section 22B-501 of this article.
§29-22B-316. Limited video lottery retailer defined.

"Limited video lottery retailer" means a person who holds
either a valid license issued under article 60-7-1,
et seq., of this
code, to operate a private club, or who holds a valid Class A
license issued under article 11-16-1,
et seq., of this code, to
operate a business where nonintoxicating beer is sold for
consumption on the premises, or who holds both licenses, and the
person also holds a valid limited video lottery retailer's license
issued under this article.
§29-22B-317. Lottery defined.

"Lottery" means the public gaming systems or games regulated,
controlled, owned and operated by the state lottery commission as provided in this article and in articles 29-22-1,
et seq., 29-22A-1,
et seq., and article 29-25-1,
et seq.
§29-22B-318. Manufacturer defined.

"Manufacturer" means any person holding a license issued under
this article by the commission which allows the person to engage in
the business of designing, building, constructing, assembling or
manufacturing video lottery terminals, the electronic computer
components of the video lottery terminals, the random number
generator of the video lottery terminals, or the cabinet in which
the video lottery terminal is housed, and whose product is intended
for sale, lease or other assignment to a person who is issued a
permit under this under this article allowing the person to purchase
or lease video lottery terminals from a manufacturer.
§29-22B-319. National criminal history background check system

"National criminal history background check system" means the
criminal history record system maintained by the Federal Bureau of
Investigation based on fingerprint identification or any other
method of positive identification.
§29-22B-320. Net terminal income and gross terminal income

"Net terminal income" means the portion of gross terminal
income collected by the commission from the permittees determined to
be net terminal income as calculated under subsection 22B-1408(a) of this article. "Gross terminal income" means the total amount of
cash inserted into video lottery terminals operated by a licensee,
minus the total value of game credits which are cleared from the
video lottery terminals in exchange for winning redemption tickets.
A licensee may not deduct costs or expenses related to the operation
of video lottery games from net terminal income.
§29-22B-321. Operator defined.

"Operator" means a person holding an operator's license granted
under this article by the commission allowing the person to: (1)
Own or lease a specified number of video lottery terminals from one
or more manufacturers; (2) service and repair those video lottery
terminals; and (3) enter into contracts with limited video lottery
retailers for placement of those video lottery terminals in a
restricted access adult-only facility located on the premises of the
limited video lottery retailers.
§29-22B-322. Own defined.

"Own" means any beneficial or proprietary interest in any
property and includes, but is not limited to, any direct or indirect
beneficial or proprietary interest in any business of an applicant
or licensee.
§29-22B-323. Permit defined.

"Permit" means the authorization issued by the commission
allowing a person licensed as an permittee under this article to own
or lease a specified number of video lottery terminals.
§29-22B-324. Permittee defined.

"Permittee" means a licensed operator or a licensed limited
video lottery retailer who has a permit for video lottery terminals
issued under part 11 of this article.
§29-22B-325. Person defined.

"Person" means any natural person, and any corporation,
association, partnership, limited partnership, limited liability
company or other entity, regardless of its form, structure or
nature, other than a government agency or instrumentality.
§29-22B-326. Player defined.

"Player" means a person who plays a video lottery game on a
video lottery terminal at a restricted access adult-only facility.
§29-22B-327. Resident of this state defined.

"Resident of this state" means an individual who: (1)
Maintains a bona fide full time primary place of abode in this
state; (2) is not registered to vote in any other state; (3) if
licensed to drive, holds a valid driver's license in this state and
does not hold a current driver's license issued by any other state;
(4) timely filed personal income tax returns as a resident of this
state for the four preceding calendar years (determined by including
any authorized extension of time for filing the return); and (5)
does not claim to be a resident of any other state for any purpose
§29-22B-328. Restricted access adult-only facility defined.

"Restricted access adult-only facility" means:

(a)(1) A private club licensed under article 60-7-1,
et seq.,
of this code that is licensed under this article by the commission
to allow its members and their guests to play video lottery games:
Provided, That when the private club is frequented by minors and
their parents, video lottery terminals shall be located in a
separate room suitable for the location of video lottery terminals
with adult-only restricted access, the interior of which is not
visible to persons outside the room; and

(2) A place of business that: (A) Has a "Class A" license
issued under article 11-16-1,
et seq., of this code to sell
nonintoxicating beer for consumption on the premises; (B) derives at
least forty percent of its annual gross receipts at that location
from sales of nonintoxicating beer to consumers and of such sales,
at least eighty percent are sales of nonintoxicating beer for
consumption on the premises; (C) maintains a suitable kitchen and
dining facility and related equipment for serving meals for
on-premises consumption; (D) regularly prepares and sells meals for
consumption on the premises; (E) has a separate room suitable for
the location of video lottery terminals with adult-only restricted
access, the interior of which is not visible to persons outside the
room; and (F) after meeting any additional standards developed by
the commission to implement and apply this subdivision (2), is
licensed under this article by the commission to allow video lottery
games to be played in the restricted access adult-only separate room on the premises.

(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a) of this
section, it does not include a place of business that sells
petroleum products in conjunction with the sale of other retail
products which may include, but are not limited to, tobacco, alcohol
or food products; nor may such place of business establish a
separate room or building which is a part of, contiguous to, or
adjoining the place of business as a restricted access adult-only
§29-22B-329. Service technician defined.

"Service technician" means an individual who is licensed under
this article to service, maintain and repair video lottery terminals
that are registered under this article. A licensed service
technician may be a sole proprietor, partner, or an employee of a
person licensed under this article or an employee of a business not
licensed under this article that services, maintains and repairs
video lottery terminals owned or leased by a permittee through one
or more service technicians.
§29-22B-330. Video lottery defined.

"Video lottery" means a lottery that allows a game to be played
utilizing an electronic computer and an interactive terminal device,
equipped with a video screen and keys, a keyboard or other equipment
allowing input by an individual player, into which the player
inserts coins or currency as consideration in order for play to be
available, and through which terminal device, the player may receive free games or a voucher that can be redeemed for a cash or non-cash
prize, or nothing, determined wholly or predominantly by chance.
"Video lottery" does not include a lottery game that merely utilizes
an electronic computer and a video screen to operate a lottery game
and communicate the results of the game and which does not utilize
an interactive electronic terminal device allowing input by one or
more players.
§29-22B-331. Video gambling machine defined.

(a) "Video gambling machine" means a computerized device:

(1) That is not approved and registered by the commission under
the provisions of this article or used, possessed or operated
pursuant to and under the requirements of the provisions of articles
et seq., 29-22A-1,
et seq., 29-25-1,
et seq., 47-20-1,
seq., or 47-21-1,
et seq., or any reenactment thereof;

(2) That employs a monitor that has a display screen, software
programs, graphics board, graphics card or any other necessary
components that give the monitor graphics capabilities for
displaying and manipulating pictures, words, numbers or symbols;

(3) That has a storage medium containing the source language or
executable code of a computer program that cannot be reasonably
demonstrated to have any use other than, through the display of
pictures, words, numbers or symbols, simulating the play of such
games as poker, blackjack, roulette, baccarat, keno, craps, or any
other game of skill or chance of whatever name or kind;

(4) That allows a person, by inserting currency, coins, tokens or other similar objects into the machine, or by otherwise making
some payment of consideration, to make the machine available for the
person to play;

(5) That allows a person playing the machine an opportunity to
win (A) cash, (B) play credits, (C) tokens, tickets, vouchers or
other things that can be exchanged for cash or any other thing of
value, or (D) prizes, premiums, merchandise or any other thing of
value, whether by reason of the skill of the player or by the
application of the element of chance, or both; and

(6) That can result in a payoff to a winning player
automatically from the machine or in any other manner whatsoever.

(b) "Video gambling machine" does not include:

(1) Pin ball machines;

(2) Automatic weighing, measuring, musical, and vending
machines which are designed and constructed to give a uniform and
fair return in value for each coin deposited and in which there is
no element of chance; or

(3) Crane machines.

(c) A machine described in subsection (a) of this section is no
less a video gambling machine because it is not in working order or
because some mechanical act of manipulation or repair is required to
accomplish its adaptation, conversion or workability.
§29-22B-332. Video lottery game defined.

"Video lottery game" means an electronically simulated game of
chance that is approved, owned and controlled under this article by the commission, which is displayed on the screen or video monitor of
a video lottery terminal and that:

(1) Is connected to the commission's central control computer
by an on-line or dial-up communication system;

(2) Is initiated by a player's insertion of coins or currency
into a video lottery terminal, which causes game play credits to be
displayed on the video lottery terminal and, with respect to which,
each game play credit entitles a player to choose one or more
symbols or numbers or to cause the video lottery terminal to
randomly select symbols or numbers;

(3) Allows the player to win additional game play credits based
upon game rules which establish the random selection of winning
combinations of symbols or numbers or both and the number of
free-play credits to be awarded for each winning combination of
symbols or numbers or both;

(4) Is based upon computer-generated random selection of
winning combinations based totally or predominantly on chance;

(5) In the case of a video lottery game which allows the player
an option to select replacement symbols or numbers or additional
symbols or numbers after the game is initiated and in the course of
play, either: (A) Signals the player, prior to any optional
selection by the player of randomly generated replacement symbols or
numbers, as to which symbols or numbers should be retained by the
player to present the best chance, based upon probabilities, that
the player may select a winning combination; (B) signals the player, prior to any optional selection by the player of randomly generated
additional symbols or numbers, as to whether the additional
selection presents the best chance, based upon probabilities, that
the player may select a winning combination; or (C) randomly
generates additional or replacement symbols and numbers for the
player after automatically selecting the symbols and numbers which
should be retained to present the best chance, based upon
probabilities, for a winning combination, so that in any event, the
player is not permitted to benefit from any personal skill, based
upon a knowledge of probabilities, before deciding which optional
numbers or symbols to choose in the course of video lottery game

(6) Allows a player at any time to simultaneously clear all
game play credits and print a redemption ticket entitling the player
to receive the cash value of the free plays cleared from the video
lottery terminal; and

(7) Does not use game themes of roulette, dice or baccarat card
games commonly associated with casino gambling:
Provided, That
games having a video display depicting symbols that appear to roll
on drums to simulate a classic casino slot machine, game themes of
other card games and keno may be used.
§29-22B-333. Video lottery terminal defined.

"Video lottery terminal" means a commission-approved machine or
device that is compatible with the lottery commission's central
computer system, and that is used for the purpose of playing video lottery games authorized by the lottery commission by no more than
one player at a time.
§29-22B-334. Wager defined.

"Wager" means a sum of money or thing of value risked on an
uncertain occurrence.
Part 4. Administration of Limited video lottery.
§29-22B-401. General authority of state lottery commission and
director; conflicts.

(a) The lottery commission created by section 29-22-4 of this
code is authorized to implement and operate a system of limited
video lottery in accordance with the provisions of this article and
the applicable provisions of article 22 of this chapter.

(b) The state lottery commission and the director of the
commission shall exercise their respective powers and perform their
respective duties and functions as specified in this article.

(c) The provisions of article 22 of this chapter apply to this
article, except in the event of conflict or inconsistency between
any of the provisions of this article and the provisions of article
22 of this chapter. In that event, the provisions of this article
shall supersede any conflicting or inconsistent provisions contained
in article 22 of this chapter.
§29-22B-402. Powers and duties of the state lottery commission.

In addition to any other powers and duties set forth in this
article or article 22 of this chapter, the lottery commission has the following powers and duties:

(1) To propose legislative rules for promulgation by the
Legislature in accordance with the provisions of article 29A-3-1,
seq., of this code, governing the licensing, conduct, and operation
of limited video lottery that may be necessary to carry out the
purposes of this article. The director shall prepare and submit to
the lottery commission written recommendations concerning proposed
legislative rules for this purpose;

(2) To propose other rules for promulgation as provided in
article 29A-3-1,
et seq., of this code not inconsistent with this
article which the commission in its discretion believes to be
necessary. Authority to propose rules includes the authority to
propose amendments to rules and to propose repealing rules;

(3) Notwithstanding any other provision of this code to the
contrary, proposed legislative rules for this article filed in the
state register by the first day of August, 2001, may be filed as
emergency rules.

(4) To conduct hearings upon complaints charging violations of
this article or applicable rules, and to conduct other hearings as
may be required by this article or rules of the lottery commission;

(5) To enter into written agreements with the state police and
local law enforcement agencies for the conduct of identification and
investigation of applicants, licensees or employees in accordance
with the provisions of this article, including, but not limited to,
(A) performing background investigations and criminal records checks and (B) investigating possible violations that may be discovered as
a result of an investigatory process or discovered by the tax
commissioner, the alcohol beverage control commissioner or the
lottery commission in the course of conducting their respective
business. Disclosure to the state police or other law enforcement
officials of a possible violation of this article and material facts
related thereto shall not be deemed to be an unauthorized disclosure
of information under section 11-10-5d of this code. Nothing in this
section prevents or impairs the state police or local law
enforcement agencies from engaging in the activities set forth in
this subdivision on their own initiative;

(6) To conduct a continuous study and investigation of limited
video lottery throughout the state (A) to ascertain any defects in
this article or in legislative rules that may conflict with the
purposes of this article, (B) to discover any abuses in the
administration, control and oversight of limited video lottery or
(C) to discover any violation of this article or applicable
legislative rules;

(7) To formulate and recommend proposed legislation amending
this article or any applicable legislative rule so as to increase
the efficiency and effectiveness of this article;

(8) To report immediately to the governor, the speaker of the
house of delegates, the president of the senate, the minority
leaders of both houses, and such other state officers as the lottery
commission deems appropriate concerning any laws which it determines may require immediate amendment to prevent abuses and violations of
this article or any applicable rule or to remedy undesirable
conditions in connection with the administration or the operation of
limited video lottery;

(9) To require such special reports from the director as it
considers necessary;

(10) To issue licenses to those involved in the ownership,
participation, or conduct of limited video lottery;

(11) To delegate to the director the authority to issue or deny
licenses and renewals under criteria established by the commission;

(12) Upon complaint, or upon its own motion, to levy civil
penalties and to suspend or revoke licenses that the lottery
commission has issued for failure to comply with any applicable
provision of this article or rule of the commission;

(13) To establish and collect fees upon persons, licenses, and
gaming devices used in, or participating in, limited video lottery
as provided in this article or rule of the commission;

(14) To obtain all information from licensees and other persons
and agencies which the lottery commission deems necessary or
desirable in the conduct of its business;

(15) To issue subpoenas for the appearance or production of
persons, records, and things in connection with applications before
the lottery commission or in connection with disciplinary or
contested cases considered by the lottery commission;

(16) To apply for injunctive or declaratory relief to enforce the provisions of this article and any rules promulgated pursuant to
this article;

(17) To impose and collect civil penalties as provided for
under this article;

(18) To inspect and examine without notice all premises wherein
limited video lottery is conducted or devices or equipment used in
limited video lottery are located, manufactured, sold, or
distributed, and to summarily seize, remove, and impound, without
notice or hearing from such premises any equipment, devices,
supplies, books, or records for the purpose of examination or

(19) To exercise other incidental powers as may be necessary to
ensure the safe and orderly regulation of limited gaming and the
secure collection of all revenues, including but not limited to
taxes, fees, civil penalties and other monies due the commission;

(20) To establish internal control procedures for licensees,
including accounting procedures, reporting procedures, and personnel

(21) To establish and collect fees for performing background
checks on all applicants for licenses and on all persons with whom
the commission may agree with or contract with for the providing of
goods or services, as the commission deems appropriate;

(22) To establish and collect fees for performing, or having
performed, tests on equipment and devices to be used in limited
video lottery;

(23) To demand, at any time when business is being conducted,
access to and inspection, examination, photocopying, and auditing of
all papers, books, and records of applicants and licensees, on their
premises or elsewhere as practicable by authorized employees or
agents of the commission and in the presence of the licensee or his
agent, pertaining to the gross income produced by any licensed
gaming establishment and to require verification of income, and all
other matters affecting the enforcement of the policies of the
lottery commission or any provision of this article; and to impound
or remove all papers, books, and records of applicants and
licensees, without hearing, for inspection or examination; and

(24) To prescribe voluntary alternative methods for the making,
filing, signing, subscribing, verifying, transmitting, receiving, or
storing of returns, writings or other documents.
§29-22B-403. Powers and duties of the director.

In addition to the duties imposed upon the director elsewhere
in this article and article 22 of this chapter, the director shall:

(1) Supervise and administer the operation of licensed limited
video lottery in accordance with the provisions of this article and
the rules of the lottery commission;

(2) Issue licenses to manufacturers, operators, limited video
lottery retailers and service technicians, after approval by the
lottery commission;

(3) Register video lottery terminals and equipment and issue
registration decals;

(4) Collect and deposit license and registration fees due under
this article;

(5) Require the mandatory posting by limited video lottery
retailers of the rules of play and the odds or house percentage on
each video lottery game;

(6) Attend meetings of the lottery commission or appoint a
designee to attend in the director's place;

(7) Employ and direct such personnel as may be necessary to
carry out the purposes of this article, but no person shall be
employed who has been convicted of a felony or gambling-related

(8) With the approval of the lottery commission, enter into
agreements with any department, agency, or unit of state government
to secure services which the director deems necessary and to provide
for the payment for such services;

(9) Employ and compensate such consultants and technical
assistants as may be required and as otherwise permitted by law;

(10) Confer with the lottery commission as necessary or
desirable, with regard to the operation of the division;

(11) Make available for inspection by the lottery commission or
any member of the commission, upon request, all books, records,
files, and other information and documents in the director's office;

(12) Advise the lottery commission and recommend to the
commission such rules and other procedures as the director deems
necessary and advisable to improve the operation of limited video lottery;

(13) With the concurrence of the lottery commission or pursuant
to commission requirements and procedures, enter into contracts for
materials, equipment, and supplies;

(14) Make a continuous study and investigation of the operation
and the administration of similar laws which may be in effect in
other states or countries; of any literature on video gaming which
from time to time may be published or available; and of any federal
laws which may affect the conduct of limited video lottery in this
state with a view to recommending or effecting changes that would
serve the purposes of this article;

(15) Publish as a public document a monthly report that
contains a full and complete statement of the revenue and expenses
for each month from limited video lottery operations;

(16) Provide copies of the monthly revenue and expense
statement to the lottery commission, the secretary of the department
of tax and revenue, the governor, the speaker of the house of
delegates, the president of the senate, and the minority leaders of
both houses of the Legislature; and

(17) Perform any other acts that the lottery commission finds
are necessary or desirable in order to carry out the purposes of
this article.
29-22B-404. Advertising by commission or director prohibited.

Neither the commission nor the director may conduct video
lottery advertising or promotional activities to promote or advertise limited video lottery authorized by this article.
Part 5. Requirements and Qualifications for Licensure.
§29-22B-501. Types of licenses issued for participation in limited
video lottery activities.

(a) The lottery commission may issue four types of limited
video lottery licenses, as follows:

(1) A manufacturer's license;

(2) An operator's license;

(3) A limited video lottery retailer's license; and

(4) A service technician's license.

(b) A manufacturer's license is required for all persons who
act as a manufacturer as defined in section 22B-319 of this article.

(c) An operator's license is required for all persons who
engage in the business of placing and operating video gaming
machines on the premises of a retailer. A licensed operator and a
licensed limited video lottery retail who hold a permit issued under
part 11 of this article may obtain video lottery terminals only from
a licensed manufacturer.

(d) A video lottery retailer's license is required for all
persons conducting limited video lottery on their premises. Each
person licensed as a retailer shall have and maintain sole and
exclusive legal possession of the entire premises for which the
retail license is issued.

(e) Each license issued pursuant to this section expires one
year from the date of its issuance but may be successively renewed upon the filing and approval of an application for renewal, except
as otherwise provided in this article.
§29-22B-502. General qualifications for all types of limited video
lottery licenses.

No limited video lottery license or license renewal may be
granted unless the lottery commission has determined that the
applicant satisfies all of the following qualifications:

(1) The applicant is a person of good character, honesty and

(2) The applicant is a person whose background, criminal
record, if any, reputation, habits and associations, do not threaten
to (A) compromise the public interest of the citizens of the state,
(B) weaken the effective regulation and control of video gaming, (C)
breach the security and integrity of the lottery, or (D) introduce
corrupt, unfair, or illegal practices, methods and activities into
the operation of video gaming or the business or financial
transactions incidental to the operation of video gaming;

(3) The applicant has not been convicted of any violation of
this article, article 19-23-1,
et seq., of this code, articles 22,
22A or 25 of this chapter, or any felony related to theft, bribery,
gambling or involving moral turpitude in this or in any other state
or foreign country;

(4) The applicant has disclosed to the lottery commission the
identity of each person who has control of the applicant, as control
is described in section 22B-507, and those persons satisfy all qualifications required by this section and any applicable
qualifications required by sections 22B-503 through 22B-506;

(5) The applicant has provided a set of fingerprints and has
completed and signed the statement provided for in section 22B-602;

(6) The applicant has furnished all information, including
financial data and documents, certifications, consents, waivers,
individual history forms and other materials requested by the
lottery commission for purposes of determining qualifications for a
§29-22B-503. Additional qualifications for an applicant for an
operator's license.

(a) No operator's license or license renewal may be granted
unless the lottery commission has determined that, in addition to
the general requirements set forth in section 22B-502, the applicant
satisfies all of the following qualifications:

(1)(A) If the applicant is an individual, the applicant has
been a citizen of the United States and a resident of this state for
the four year period immediately preceding the application; or

(B) If the applicant is a corporation, partnership or other
business entity, the chief executive officer and the majority of the
officers, directors, members and partners (to the extent each of
these groups exists with respect to a particular business
organization), both in number and percentage of ownership interest,
have been citizens of the United States and residents of this state
for the four year period immediately preceding the application.

(2) The applicant has demonstrated the training, education,
business ability and experience necessary to establish, operate and
maintain the business for which the license application is made;

(3) The applicant has secured any necessary financing for the
business for which the license application is made, and the
financing (A) is from a source that meets the qualifications of this
section and (B) is adequate to support the successful performance of
the duties and responsibilities of the licensee. A licensee shall
request commission approval of any change in financing or leasing
arrangements at least thirty days before the effective date of the

(4) The applicant has disclosed all financing or refinancing
arrangements for the purchase, lease or other acquisition of video
lottery terminals and associated equipment in the degree of detail
requested by the lottery commission;

(5) The applicant has filed with the lottery commission a copy
of any current or proposed agreement between the applicant and any
manufacturer for the sale, lease or other assignment to the operator
of video lottery terminals, the electronic computer components of
the terminals, the random number generators of the terminals, or the
cabinets in which they are housed; and

(6) The applicant does not hold any other license under this
article, article 19-23-1,
et seq., of this code, or articles 22, 22A
or 25 of this chapter, except that an applicant may also be licensed
as a service technician.

(b)(1) A person or a member of his or her immediate family who
has an ownership interest in a business entity that submits an
application for an operator's license may not (A) submit an
application for another operator's license as an individual, (B)
serve as an officer, director, member or partner of a business
entity that submits an application for another operator's license,
or (C) have an ownership interest in any other business entity that
submits an application for an operator's license.

(2) Business entities that have common owners or common
officers, directors, members or partners may not hold more than one
operator's license.
§29-22B-504. Additional qualifications for an applicant for a
limited video lottery retailer's license.

No limited video lottery retailer's license or license renewal
may be granted unless the lottery commission has determined that, in
addition to the general requirements set forth in section 22B-502,
the applicant satisfies all of the following qualifications:

(1)(A) If the applicant is an individual, the applicant has
been a citizen of the United States and a resident of this state for
the four year period immediately preceding the application;

(B) If the applicant is a corporation, partnership or other
business entity, the chief executive officer and the majority of the
officers, directors, members and partners (to the extent each of
these groups exists with respect to a particular business
organization), both in number and percentage of ownership interest, have been citizens of the United States and residents of this state
for the four year period immediately preceding the application;

(2) The applicant has disclosed to the lottery commission the
identity of each person who has control of the applicant, as control
is described in section 22B-507;

(3) The applicant holds either (A) a valid license issued under
article 60-7-1,
et seq., of this code to operate a private club, (B)
a valid Class A license issued under article 11-16-1,
et seq., of
this code to operate a business where nonintoxicating beer is sold
for consumption on the premises, or (C) both licenses;

(4) The applicant has demonstrated the training, education,
business ability and experience necessary to establish, operate and
maintain the business for which the license application is made;

(5) The applicant has secured any necessary financing for the
business for which the license application is made, and the
financing (A) is from a source that meets the qualifications of this
section and (B) is adequate to support the successful performance of
the duties and responsibilities of the licensee;

(6) The applicant has disclosed all financing or refinancing
arrangements for placement on the applicant's premises of video
lottery terminals and associated equipment in the degree of detail
requested by the lottery commission;

(7) The applicant has filed with the lottery commission a copy
of any current or proposed agreement between the applicant and a
licensed operator for the placement on the applicant's premises of video lottery terminals;

(8) The applicant has filed with the lottery commission a copy
of any current or proposed agreement between the applicant and a
licensed operator or other person for the servicing and maintenance
of video lottery terminals by licensed service technicians; and

(9) The applicant does not hold any other license under this
article, article 19-23-1,
et seq., of this code, or articles 22, 22A
or 25 of this chapter, except that an applicant may also be licensed
as a service technician.
§29-22B-505. Additional qualification for an applicant for a
service technician's license.

No service technician's license or license renewal may be
granted unless the lottery commission has determined that, in
addition to the general requirements set forth in section 22B-502,
the applicant has passed a technical competence test administered or
approved by the lottery commission.
§29-22B-506. Additional qualifications for an applicant for a
manufacturer's license.

No manufacturer's license or license renewal may be granted
unless the lottery commission has determined that, in addition to
the general requirements set forth in section 22B-502, the applicant
satisfies all of the following qualifications:

(1) The applicant has obtained, or can obtain, certification of
compliance under the provisions of part 15 of the federal communications commission rules for all video lottery terminals
placed in this state;

(2) The applicant has demonstrated the capacity to manufacture
terminals and associated equipment for placement in this state in
accordance with the specifications and procedures set forth in part
9 of this article;

(3) The applicant has demonstrated the ability to maintain and
provide an inventory of spare parts so as to assure the timely
repair and continuous operation of licensed video lottery terminals
placed in this state; and

(4) The applicant has demonstrated the capacity to timely
deliver video lottery terminals and associated equipment to licensed
operators and licensed limited video lottery retailers who hold
permits issued under part 11 of this article to own or lease video
lottery terminals from licensed manufacturers.
§29-22B-507. Persons having control of an applicant for a limited
video lottery license.

The following persons are considered to have control of an

(1) Each person associated with a corporate applicant,
including any corporate holding company, parent company or
subsidiary company of the applicant, but not including a bank or
other licensed lending institution which holds a mortgage or other
lien acquired in the ordinary course of business, who has the
ability to control the activities of the corporate applicant or elect a majority of the board of directors of that corporation.

(2) Each person associated with a noncorporate applicant who
directly or indirectly holds any beneficial or proprietary interest
in the applicant or who the commission determines to have the
ability to control the applicant.

(3) Key personnel of an applicant, including any executive,
employee or agent, having the power to exercise significant
influence over decisions concerning any part of the applicant's
business operation.
§29-22B-508. Commission action on applications.

(a) The commission may not issue any license until after the
background investigations are concluded. This provision shall not
apply to an application for renewal of a license except to the
extent background investigations are required of an applicant for
renewal of a license in legislative rules of the commission.

(b) The commission shall make an affirmative determination that
the applicant is qualified and that the applicable license fees have
been paid prior to issuing any license.
§29-22B-509. Incomplete application not to be considered.

(a) The lottery commission shall notify the applicant in
writing if an application is incomplete and the notification shall
state the deficiencies in the application.

(b)The commission may not consider incomplete applications.
The commission may consider an application when the applicant has
completed and executed all forms and documents required by the commission and all application fees and costs have been paid.
§29-22B-510. Burden of proving qualification for license.

The burden of proving qualification for any limited video
lottery license or for renewal thereof is on the applicant.
§29-22B-511. Issuance of order refusing to issue or renew license,
or suspending or revoking same.

(a) The commission shall notify applicants and licensees in
writing of the denial, suspension or revocation of a license and the
reasons for the denial, suspension or revocation in accordance with
the provisions of section 22B-518.

(b) An applicant may request a hearing to review a license
denial, suspension or revocation in accordance with part 15 of this
§29-22B-512. Review of continuing eligibility for license.

The lottery commission shall determine on a continuing basis
the eligibility of licensees to hold a license. Notwithstanding any
other provision of this article, each operator and limited video
lottery retailer shall meet the residency requirements in sections
22B - 503 and 22B - 504 of this article and shall be a resident of
this state during the period in which the licensed issued for the
operator or limited video lottery retailer is in effect.
§29-22B-513. Application forms and other documents.

(a) The commission shall determine the forms of application to
be used.

(b) All application, registration and disclosure forms and
other documents submitted to the lottery commission by or on behalf
of the applicant for purposes of determining qualification for a
video lottery license shall be sworn to or affirmed before an
officer qualified to administer oaths.
§29-22B-514. Failure to reveal material fact; false or misleading

(a) An applicant who knowingly fails to reveal any fact that is
material to qualification or who knowingly submits false or
misleading material information is ineligible for a video lottery

(b) An applicant who is awarded a license or renewal of a
license shall give the commission written notification of any
material change in the information previously submitted in or with
the application for the license or for renewal thereof, whichever is
the most recent document filed with the commission, within thirty
days after the material change occurs or the licensee becomes aware
of the material change, whichever event occurs last.
§29-22B-515. Bonding requirements for operators and limited video
lottery retailers who are permittees.

Before any operator or limited video lottery retailer is
issued a permit under part 11 of this article to own or lease video
lottery terminals from a licensed manufacturer, the permittee shall
post a bond or irrevocable letter of credit in a manner and in an amount established by the commission. The bond must be issued by a
surety company authorized to transact business in West Virginia and
the company must be approved by the insurance commission of this
state as to solvency and responsibility. A permittee who is a video
lottery retailer that has permits for two or more restricted access
adult-only facilities may post a blanket bond.
§29-22B-516. Applicant bears the risk of adverse publicity.

Each applicant bears all risks of adverse public notice,
embarrassment, criticism, damages or financial loss which may result
from any disclosure or publication of any material or information
obtained by the lottery commission pursuant to action on an
application. The applicant shall, as a part of its application,
expressly waive any and all claims against the lottery commission,
the state of West Virginia and the employees of either for damages
as a result of any background investigation, disclosure or
publication relating to an application for a video lottery license
or permit.
§29-22B- 517. Renewal of licenses.

The commission shall renew video lottery licenses annually
on a date set by the commission, if each person seeking license
renewal submits the applicable renewal fee, completes all renewal
forms provided by the commission, and continues to meet all
qualifications for a license.
§29-22B- 518. Annual license fees.

(a) The following license fees shall be paid annually by each licensed operator, manufacturer, service technician or limited video
lottery retailer:

(1) Operator: $10,000;

(2) Manufacturer: $10,000;

(3) Service technician: $100;

(4) Limited video lottery retailer: $500.

(b) The applicable fee shall be paid to the commission at the
time the application for a license is submitted to the commission
and upon the annual renewal date each year thereafter, at which time
the license may be renewed.

(c) A manufacturer who ceases supplying any additional video
lottery terminals to permittees in this state may continue to supply
repair parts and service for video lottery terminals previously
provided to permittees, if an annual renewal fee of one thousand
dollars is paid and the manufacturer is otherwise eligible for
licensure under this article.

(d) License fees collected under this section shall be
deposited in the fund established in section 29-22-18a.
Part 6. Background Investigations.
§29-22B-601. Establishment of procedures for background

(a) The lottery commission, through a cooperative agreement
with the state police, shall establish procedures for conducting
background investigations for the purpose of determining whether an
applicant has been charged with, indicted for, or convicted of a crime that may have bearing upon the applicant's fitness to hold a
license under this article.

(b) A background investigation must include, but not be limited
to, (1) accessing the national criminal history background check
system as defined in section 22B-319 and (2) reviewing any other
readily accessible state or federal criminal history records that
may be pertinent to the background investigation.

(c) The state police shall make a determination whether the
applicant has been convicted of, or is under pending indictment for,
a crime that bears upon the applicant's fitness to hold a license
under this article and shall convey that determination to the
lottery commission.
§29-22B-602. Responsibility of state police in conducting
background investigations.

The state police shall establish and maintain an adequate
system for background investigations that:

(1) Ensures that timely background investigations are conducted
on applicants for limited video lottery licenses, current licensees,
and other persons required to be investigated by the lottery
commission in accordance with the provisions of this article or by
legislative rules promulgated pursuant to this article;

(2) Provides for review and oversight of applicants, current
licensees, and other persons on an ongoing basis;

(3) Provides that upon receipt of a background check report
lacking disposition data, further research will be conducted in whatever state and local recordkeeping systems are available in
order to obtain complete data;

(4) Provides for prompt notification to the lottery commission
of the results of background investigations before the issuance or
renewal of any of license; and

(5) Clearly defines a standard whereby a person's prior
activities, criminal record, if any, or reputation, habits and
associations are such as to pose a threat to the public interest or
to the effective regulation of limited video lottery, or create or
enhance the dangers of unsuitable, unfair, or illegal practices and
methods and activities in the conduct of gaming, thereby rendering
that person ineligible for licensing.
§29-22B-603. Guidelines for background investigations.

The lottery commission may not request a background check of an
applicant under section 22B-601 of this article unless the applicant
first provides a set of fingerprints and completes and signs a
statement that:

(1) Contains the name, address, and date of birth appearing on
a valid identification document (as defined in section 22B-312 of
this article) of the applicant;

(2) Declares that the applicant has not been convicted of a
crime or, if the applicant has been convicted of a crime, contains
a description of the crime and the particulars of the conviction.
For the purposes of this section, an applicant has not been
convicted of a crime if he or she was convicted of a non-moving motor vehicle violation or a speeding violation that does not arise
in connection with a motor vehicle collision;

(3) Notifies the applicant that the lottery commission will
request a background check under section 22B-601 of this article;

(4) Notifies the applicant of the applicant's rights under
section 22B-604 of this article.
§29-22B-604. Applicant's rights regarding background

Each applicant who is the subject of a background check is
entitled to a copy of his or her background investigation report,
and has the right to challenge the accuracy and completeness of any
information contained in the report and to obtain a prompt
determination as to the validity of the challenge before a final
determination is made by the lottery commission that would deny
issuance of a license or renewal of a license.
Part 7. Duties and Responsibilities of Licensees.
§29-22B-701. General duties of all licensees.

All video lottery license holders shall:

(1) Promptly report to the commission any facts or
circumstances related to video lottery operations that constitute a
violation of state or federal law;

(2) Conduct all video lottery activities and functions in a
manner that does not pose a threat to the public health, safety or welfare of the citizens of this state, and which does not adversely
affect the security or integrity of the lottery;

(3) Hold the commission and this state harmless from and defend
and pay for the defense of any and all claims that may be asserted
against a license holder, this state or the commission and its
employees arising from the license holder's participation in the
video lottery system authorized by this article;

(4) Assist the commission in maximizing video lottery revenues;

(5) Maintain all records required by the commission;

(6) Upon request by the commission or any designated agent of
the commission, provide the commission access to all records and the
physical premises of the business or businesses where the license
holder's video lottery activities occur, for the purpose of
monitoring or inspecting the license holder's activities and the
video lottery games, video lottery terminals and associated

(7) Keep current in all payments and obligations to the
commission; and

(8) Notify the commission in writing of any proposed change of
ownership or control of the license holder and of all other
transactions or occurrences relevant to license qualification, and
receive commission approval prior to any change of ownership or
control of a licensed manufacturer, operator or limited video
lottery retailer.
§29-22B-702. Additional duties of limited video lottery retailers.

In addition to the general duties imposed on all licensees in
section 22B-701, a limited video lottery retailer shall:

(1) Attend all commission mandated meetings, seminars and
training sessions concerning operation of video lottery terminals,
the validation and redemption of video lottery winning tickets and
the operation of all ticket validation terminals and equipment;

(2) Maintain all skills necessary for the accurate validation
of video lottery tickets;

(3) Supervise video lottery operations and ticket validation
procedures at the applicable location;

(4) Permit no person to tamper with or interfere with the
operation of any video lottery terminal;

(5) Ensure that telephone lines from the commission's central
control computer to the video lottery terminals located at the
approved location are at all times connected, and prevent any person
from tampering or interfering with the operation of the telephone

(6) Ensure that video lottery terminals are within the sight
and control of designated employees of the limited video lottery

(7) Ensure that video lottery terminals are placed and remain
placed in the specific locations which have been approved by the
commission. A video lottery terminal in a restricted access adult-
only facility may not be relocated within the facility without the
prior written approval of the commission;

(8) Monitor video lottery terminals to prevent access to or
play by persons who are under the age of twenty-one years or who are
visibly intoxicated;

(9) Maintain at all times sufficient change and cash in the
denominations accepted by the video lottery terminals;

(10) Provide no access by a player to an automated teller
machine (ATM) in the restricted access adult-only facility where
video lottery games are played, accept no credit card or debit card
from a player for the exchange or purchase of video lottery game
credits or for an advance of coins or currency to be utilized by a
player to play video lottery games and extend no credit, in any
manner, to a player so as to enable the player to play a video
lottery game;

(11) Pay for all credits won upon presentment of a valid
winning video lottery ticket;

(12) Report promptly in writing to the operator and the
commission all video lottery terminal malfunctions and notify the
commission in writing of the failure of an operator or service
technician to provide prompt service and repair of the terminals and
associated equipment;

(13) Conduct no video lottery advertising or promotional

(14) Not use the words "video lottery" in the name of the
approved location, or in any directions or advertising visible from
outside the retailer's establishment;

(15) Install, post and display prominently within or about the
approved location signs, redemption information and other
promotional material as required by the commission;

(16) Permit video lottery to be played only during those hours
established and approved by the commission:
Provided, That the
limited video lottery retailer shall not permit video lottery to be
played beyond the hour during which liquor may be served;

(17) Contract with no more than one licensed operator for the
placement of video lottery terminals at the licensed location;

(18) Maintain insurance covering all losses as the result of
fire, theft or vandalism to video lottery terminals and associated
equipment; and

(19) Comply with all applicable provisions of this article and
rules and orders of the commission.
§29-22B-703. Additional duties of limited video lottery retailers
who are permittees.

In addition to the general duties imposed on all licensees in
section 22B-701 and the additional duties imposed on all limited
video lottery retailers in section 22B-702, a limited video lottery
retailer who is a permittee shall:

(1) Acquire video lottery terminals by purchase, lease or other
assignment only from licensed manufacturers;

(2) Acquire no video lottery terminals in excess of the number
he or she is authorized to operate in this state as stated in the
permit issued under part 11 of this article.;

(3) Pay for the installation and operation of commission
approved telephone lines to provide direct dial-up or on-line
communication between each video lottery terminal and the
commission's central control computer;

(4) Purchase or lease and install computer controller units and
other associated equipment required by the commission for video
lottery terminals owned or leased by the permittee;

(5) Ensure that telephone lines from the commission's central
control computer to the video lottery terminals located at the
approved location are at all times connected, and prevent any person
from tampering or interfering with the operation of the telephone

(6) Assume financial responsibility for proper and timely
payments of all credits awarded to players in accordance with
legislative rules promulgated by the commission;

(7) Enter into contracts with a licensed operator, licensed
manufacturer or other businesses to provide for the maintenance and
repair of video lottery terminals and associated equipment only by
individuals who are licensed service technicians or employ one or
more licensed service technicians, and to provide for the placement
of video lottery terminals pursuant to the provisions of this

(8) Promptly notify the commission in writing of any breaks or
tears to any logic unit seals;

(9) Assume liability for all amounts due to the commission in connection with any money lost or stolen from any video lottery
terminal; and

(10) Maintain a separate bank account into which the limited
video lottery retailer shall deposit the gross terminal income from
all of the limited video lottery retailer's video lottery terminals.
§29-22B-704. Duties of limited video lottery retailer regarding
payment of credits.

(a) A limited video lottery retailer shall not make payment for
credits awarded on a video lottery terminal unless the ticket meets
the following requirements:

(1) The ticket is fully legible and printed on paper approved
by the commission and the ticket contains all information required
by this article;

(2) The ticket is not mutilated, altered, unreadable or
tampered with in any manner;

(3) The ticket is not counterfeit, in whole or in part; and

(4) The ticket is presented by a person authorized to play
video lottery pursuant to this article.

(b) Each limited video lottery retailer shall redeem tickets
during the business hours of operation. Credits shall be
immediately paid in cash or by check when a player presents a valid
ticket for payment. No credits may be paid in tokens, chips or
merchandise. The limited video lottery retailer is responsible for
all income tax reporting of prize payments paid to players above the
threshold set by the United States Internal Revenue Service.

(1) A limited video lottery retailer may not redeem tickets for
credits awarded on a video lottery terminal that is not located on
its premises;

(2) A ticket must be presented for payment no later than ten
days after the date the ticket is printed. The commission is not
liable for the payment of any video lottery ticket credits.

(c) A limited video lottery retailer shall deface all redeemed
tickets in a manner that prevents any subsequent presentment and

(d) The commission is not responsible for any video lottery
terminal malfunction that causes a credit to be wrongfully awarded
or denied to players. The permittee is solely responsible for any
wrongful award or denial of credits.
§29-22B-705. Additional duties of manufacturers.

In addition to the general duties imposed on all licensees in
section 22B-701 of this article, a manufacturer shall:

(1) Manufacture terminals and associated equipment for
placement in this state in accordance with the specifications and
procedures specified in part 9 of this article;

(2) Manufacture terminals and associated equipment to ensure
timely delivery to licensed permittees;

(3) Maintain and provide an inventory of spare parts to assure
the timely repair and continuous operation of licensed video lottery
terminals intended for placement in this state;

(4) Pay no compensation of any kind to any limited video lottery retailer or give or transfer anything of value to any
limited video lottery retailer, beyond a nominal consideration of
one dollar per year;

(5) Provide to licensed permittees technical assistance and
training in the service and repair of video lottery terminals and
associated equipment so as to assure the continuous authorized
operation and play of the video lottery terminals;

(6) Obtain certification of compliance under the provisions of
part fifteen of the federal communication commission rules for all
video lottery terminals placed in this state;

(7) Comply with all applicable provisions of this article and
rules and orders of the commission; and

(8) Sell or lease video lottery terminals or associated
equipment to a permittee who is a limited lottery retailer under
terms and conditions that are no more favorable than the terms and
conditions under which similar terminals or equipment are generally
sold or leased to permittee who are licensed operators.
§29-22B-706. Additional duties of operators.

In addition to the general duties imposed on all licensees in
section 22B-701 of this article, an operator shall:

(1) Acquire video lottery terminals by purchase, lease or other
assignment only from licensed manufacturers;

(2) Acquire no video lottery terminals in excess of the number
they are authorized to operate in this state as stated in the permit
issued under part 11 of this article;

(3) Contract with limited video lottery retailers for a secure
location for the placement, operation and play of the video lottery

(4) Pay no compensation of any kind to any limited video
lottery retailer or give or transfer anything of value to any
limited video lottery retailer, that is in addition to the
consideration stated in the written agreement between the operator
and the limited video lottery retailer, which may be not less than
forty percent nor more than fifty percent of the amount of net
terminal income received by the operator in connection with the
video lottery terminals at that location;

(5) Pay for the installation and operation of commission
approved telephone lines to provide direct dial-up or on-line
communication between each video lottery terminal and the
commission's central control computer;

(6) Purchase or lease and install computer controller units and
other associated equipment required by the commission for video
lottery terminals owned or leased by the permittee;

(7) Permit no person to tamper with or interfere with the
operation of any video lottery terminal;

(8) Ensure that telephone lines from the commission's central
control computer to the video lottery terminals located at the
approved location are at all times connected, and prevent any person
from tampering or interfering with the operation of the telephone

(9) Ensure that video lottery terminals are placed and remain
placed in the specific places within the approved restricted access
adult-only facility that have been approved by the commission. No
video lottery terminal in a restricted access adult-only facility
may be relocated within the restricted access adult-only facility
without the prior written approval of the commission;

(10) Assume financial responsibility for proper and timely
payments by limited video lottery retailers of all credits awarded
to players in accordance with legislative rules promulgated by the

(11) Enter into contracts with limited video lottery retailers
to provide for the maintenance and repair of video lottery terminals
and associated equipment only by licensed service technicians, and
to provide for the placement of video lottery terminals pursuant to
the provisions of this article;

(12) Conduct no video lottery advertising and promotional

(13) Install, post and display prominently within or about the
approved location signs, redemption information and other material
as required by the commission;

(14) Maintain general liability insurance coverage for all
video lottery terminals in an amount of at least one million dollars
per claim;

(15) Promptly notify the commission in writing of any breaks or
tears to any logic unit seals;

(16) Assume liability for all amounts due to the commission in
connection with any money lost or stolen from any video lottery

(17) Comply with all applicable provisions of this article and
rules and orders of the commission; and

(18) Maintain a separate bank account into which the operator
shall deposit the gross terminal income from all of the operator's
video lottery terminals.
§29-22B-707. Additional duties of service technicians.

In addition to the general duties imposed on all licensees in
section 22B-701 of this article, a service technician shall:

(1) Maintain all skills necessary for the timely repair and
service of licensed video lottery terminals and associated equipment
so as to ensure the continued, approved operation of those

(2) Attend all commission mandated meetings, seminars and
training sessions concerning the repair and maintenance of licensed
video lottery terminals and associated equipment;

(3) Promptly notify the commission in writing of any electronic
or mechanical video lottery terminal malfunctions; and

(4) Comply with all applicable provisions of this article and
rules and orders of the commission.
Part 8. Approval of video lottery terminals and associated equipment.
§29-22B-801. Manufacturer seeking approval of terminal must be licensed; prohibition against placement of
unapproved terminal.

(a) Only licensed manufacturers may apply to the lottery
commission for approval of a video lottery terminal or associated

(b) A manufacturer may not sell or lease a video lottery
terminal for placement in a licensed facility in the state unless
the terminal has been approved by the lottery commission.
§29-22B-802. Testing of video lottery terminals and associated

(a) The manufacturer shall submit two copies of terminal
illustrations, schematics, block diagrams, circuit analysis,
technical and operation manuals, and any other information requested
by the commission for the purpose of analyzing and testing the video
lottery terminal or associated equipment.

(b) The lottery commission may require that the manufacturer
transport two working models of a video lottery terminal to the
location designated by the lottery commission for testing,
examination and analysis. When this is required:

(1) The manufacturer shall pay all costs of testing,
examination, analysis and transportation of the video lottery
terminal models. The testing, examination and analysis of any video
lottery terminal model may require dismantling of the terminal, and
some tests may result in damage or destruction to one or more electronic components of the terminal model. The lottery commission
may require that the manufacturer provide specialized equipment or
pay for the services of an independent technical expert to test the
terminal; and

(2) The manufacturer shall pay the cost of transportation of
two video lottery terminals to lottery headquarters. The lottery
commission shall conduct an acceptance test to determine terminal
functions and central system compatibility. If the video lottery
terminal fails the commission conducted acceptance test, the
manufacturer shall make all modifications required by the
§29-22B-803. Reporting of testing results.

After each test has been completed, the commission shall
provide the terminal manufacturer with a report containing findings,
conclusions and pass/fail results. The report may contain
recommendations for video lottery terminal modification to bring the
terminal into compliance with the provisions of this article.
Part 9. Video lottery hardware and software.
§29-22B-901. Hardware specifications.

Video lottery terminals licensed for placement in this state
must meet the hardware specifications set forth in this part 9.
§29-22B-902. Control of electrical power.

(a) A surge protector shall be installed on the electrical
power supply line to each video lottery terminal. A battery or equivalent power back-up for the electronic meters shall be capable
of maintaining accuracy of all accounting records and terminal
status reports for a period of ninety days after power is
disconnected from the terminal. The power back-up device shall be
located within the locked logic board compartment of the video
lottery terminal.

(b) An on/off switch that controls the electrical current used
in the operation of the terminal shall be located in an accessible
place within the interior of the video lottery terminal.

(c) The operation of each video lottery terminal may not be
adversely affected by any static discharge or other electromagnetic
§29-22B-903. Coin or bill acceptors.

(a) A minimum of one electronic or mechanical coin acceptor or
other means by which to accurately and efficiently establish credits
must be installed on each video lottery terminal. Each video
lottery terminal may also contain bill acceptors for one or more of
the following: One-dollar bills, five-dollar bills, ten-dollar
bills and twenty-dollar bills.

(b) The lottery commission shall approve all coin and bill
acceptors prior to use on any video lottery terminal in this state.

(c) A video lottery terminal shall not allow more than two
dollars to be wagered on a single game.
§29-22B-904. Security; access to the interior of video lottery

(a) Access to the interior of video lottery terminals shall be
controlled through a series of locks and seals.

(b) The main logic boards and all erasable programmable
read-only memory chips (EPROMS) are considered to be owned by the
lottery commission and shall be located in a separate locked and
sealed area within the video lottery terminal.

(c) The cash compartment shall be located in a separate locked
area within or attached to the video lottery terminal.

(d) No hardware switches, jumpers, wire posts or any other
means of manipulation may be installed which alter the pay tables or
payout percentages in the operation of a game. Hardware switches on
a video lottery terminal intended to control the terminal's graphic
routines, speed of play, sound and other purely cosmetic features
may not be used without the written approval of the commission.

(e) All video lottery terminals shall have a security system
which will temporarily disable the gaming function of the terminal
while opened.
§29-22B-905. Printing mechanism.

Each video lottery terminal must contain a single printing
mechanism capable of printing an original ticket and retaining an
exact legible copy within the video lottery terminal, or other means
of capturing and retaining an electronic copy of the ticket data as
approved by the lottery commission. The following information must
be recorded on the ticket when credits accrued on a video lottery
terminal are redeemed for cash:

(1) The number of credits accrued;

(2) The value of the credits in dollars and cents displayed in
both numeric and written form;

(3) The time of day and date;

(4) The validation number; and

(5) Any other information required by the commission.
§29-22B-906. Identification plate.

A permanently installed and affixed identification plate shall
appear on the exterior of each video lottery terminal and the
following information shall be on the plate:

(1) The manufacturer of the video lottery terminal;

(2) The serial number of the terminal; and

(3) The model number of the terminal.
§29-22B-907. Display of information on terminal face or screen.

All information required by this section must be displayed
under glass or another transparent substance.

(1) The rules of play for each game shall be displayed on the
video lottery terminal face or screen. The commission may reject
any rules of play that are incomplete, confusing, misleading or
inconsistent with game rules approved by the commission.

(2) For each video lottery game, there shall be a display
detailing the credits awarded for the occurrence of each possible
winning combination of numbers or symbols.

(3) No stickers or other removable devices shall be placed on
the video lottery terminal screen or face without the prior written approval of the commission.

(4) A label prominently displaying information on how to locate
and contact persons or organizations available for help, assistance
or treatment for persons who may have a gambling addiction, together
with the telephone number "1-800-GAMBLER."
§29-22B-908. Communication with central computer system.

Communication equipment and devices shall be installed to
enable each video lottery terminal to communicate with the lottery
commission's central computer system. The commission shall provide
to licensed manufacturers, or applicants applying for a
manufacturer's license, the protocol documentation data necessary to
enable the respective manufacturer's video lottery terminals to
communicate with the commission's central computer for transmitting
auditing program information and for activation and disabling of
video lottery terminals.
§29-22B-909. Random number generator required.

Each video lottery terminal shall have a random number
generator to determine randomly the occurrence of each specific
symbol or number used in video lottery games. A selection process
is random if it meets the following statistical criteria:

Chi square test. -- Each symbol or number shall satisfy the
ninety-nine percent confidence limit using the standard chi-square
statistical analysis of the difference between the expected result
and the observed result;

Runs test. -- Each symbol or number may not produce a significant statistic with regard to producing patterns of
occurrences. Each symbol or number is random if it meets the
ninety-nine percent confidence level with regard to the "runs test"
for the existence of recurring patterns within a set of data;

Correlation test. -- Each pair of symbols or numbers is
random if it meets the ninety-nine percent confidence level using
standard correlation analysis to determine whether each symbol or
number is independently chosen without regard to another symbol or
number within a single game play; and

Serial correlation test. -- Each symbol or number is random
if it meets the ninety-nine percent confidence level using standard
serial correlation analysis to determine whether each symbol or
number is independently chosen without reference to the same symbol
or number in a previous game.
§29-22B-910. Payout standards.

Each video lottery terminal shall meet the following maximum
and minimum theoretical percentage payout during the expected
lifetime of the terminal:

(1) Video lottery games shall pay out no less than eighty
percent and no more than ninety-five percent of the amount wagered.
The theoretical payout percentage shall be determined using standard
methods of probability theory;

(2) Manufacturers shall file a request and receive written
approval from the commission prior to manufacturing for placement in
this state video lottery games programmed for a payout greater than ninety-two percent of the amount wagered. Commission approval shall
be obtained prior to applying for testing of the high payout
terminals; and

(3) Each game shall have a probability greater than one in
seventeen million of obtaining the maximum payout for each play.
§29-22B-911. Continuation of current game after malfunction.

Each video lottery terminal shall be capable of continuing the
current game with all current game features after a video lottery
terminal malfunction is cleared. If a video lottery terminal is
rendered totally inoperable during game play, the limited video
lottery retailer shall return the current wager and all credits
appearing on the video lottery terminal screen prior to the
malfunction to the player.
§29-22B-912. Electronic accounting required.

(a) Each video lottery terminal shall at all times maintain
electronic accounting regardless of whether the terminal is being
supplied with electrical power. Each meter shall be capable of
maintaining a total of no less than eight digits in length for each
type of data required. The electronic meters shall record the
following information:

(1) The number of coins inserted by players or the coin
equivalent if a bill acceptor is being used;

(2) The number of credits wagered;

(3) The number of credits won;

(4) The number of credits paid out by a printed ticket;

(5) The number of times the logic area was accessed;

(6) The number of times the cash door was accessed;

(7) The number of credits wagered in the current game;

(8) The number of credits won in the last complete video
lottery game; and

(9) The number of cumulative credits representing money
inserted by a player and credits for video lottery games won but not

(b) No video lottery terminal may have any mechanism that would
allow the electronic accounting meters to clear automatically.
Electronic accounting meters may not be cleared without the prior
approval of the commission. Both before and after any electronic
accounting meter is cleared, the limited video lottery retailer
shall record all meter readings in the presence of a commission
Part 10. Conditions for Sale or Lease of Video Lottery Terminals.
§29-22B-1001. Manufacturer must be licensed.

A manufacturer of video lottery terminals may not sell or lease
video lottery terminals to any person for use in this state unless
the manufacturer possesses a current manufacturer's license issued
by the lottery commission as provided in this article.
§29-22B-1002. Manufacturers may sell or lease only to permittees.

A licensed manufacturer of video lottery terminals may only
sell or lease video lottery terminals for use in this state to a
person who possesses at the time of delivery a valid permit to own or lease one or more video lottery terminals and a valid operator's
license or a valid limited video lottery retailer's license issued
by the lottery commission as provided in this article.
§29-22B-1003. Terminals must be approved.

A licensed manufacturer may not sell or lease a video lottery
terminal for placement by a permittee in this state unless the
terminal has been approved by the lottery commission as provided in
this article.
§29-22B-1004. Purchase or lease by permittees.

Only permittees may purchase or lease video lottery terminals
from a licensed manufacturer.
Part 11. Allocation and Distribution of Video Lottery Terminals.
§29-22B-1101. Limitation on number and location of video lottery

(a) The lottery commission may not authorize the placement of
more than nine thousand video lottery terminals in restricted access
adult-only facilities in this state.

(b) No person may directly or indirectly operate more than
seven and one-half percent of the number of video lottery terminals
authorized in this section, which shall be located only in
restricted access adult-only facilities.

(c) No licensed limited video lottery retailer may be
authorized to have on the premises for which the license was issued
more than five video lottery terminals except that a fraternal society or veteran's organization that is (A) a fraternal
beneficiary society that is exempt from federal income tax under
section 501(c)(8) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended,
(B) a domestic fraternal society that is exempt from federal income
tax under section 501(c)(10), or (C) a veterans' organization that
is exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(19) of the
Internal Revenue Code may be authorized to have on the premises for
which the license was issued not more than ten video lottery
§29-22B-1102. Permits to operate video lottery terminals
expiration date; annual fee to be paid by May 1st.

(a) The lottery commission shall establish forms for an
operator's permit to own or lease and operate video lottery
terminals and a permit for a limited video lottery retailer that
allows the holder to own or lease video lottery terminals from a
licensed manufacturer. The number of video lottery terminals that
a person may own or lease or have on a limited video lottery
retailer premises shall be stated in the license or permit issued by
the commission as provided in this article.

(b) Permits shall be issued by the commission for a period of
ten years, except that all permits expire on the thirtieth day of
June, 2011, unless they are sooner surrendered, modified, suspended
or revoked as provided in this article:
Provided, That the annual
fee imposed by this part for each video lottery terminal authorized
in the permit shall be paid on or before the first day of May each year.
§29-22B-1103. Permit fee.

For the privilege of holding a permit that authorizes the
licensee to own or lease video lottery terminals from a licensed
manufacturer, the person shall pay an annual fee of one thousand
dollars per video lottery terminal for which the permit is issued.
This fee shall initially be paid at the time the permit is issued
for the number of video lottery terminals a person is authorized to
own or lease without going through the bid process. Thereafter,
this fee shall be due and payable each first day of May while the
person holds the permit and the amount of the fee shall be
determined by the number of video lottery terminals the person is
permitted to own or lease video lottery terminals from a licensed
§29-22B-1104. Reservation of authority to have video lottery
terminals on or before August 1, 2001

(a) On or before the first day of August, 2001, every person
who held on the first day of January, 2001, a private club license
issued as provided in article 60-7-1
et seq. of this code, or a
class "A" nonintoxicating beer license issued as provided in article
et seq. of this code, and wants to offer video lottery
terminals, as defined in this article, for the enjoyment of the
licensee's customers after the effective date of this article shall
file an application to be licensed as a limited video lottery retailer under this article.

(b) The applications described in subsection (a) of this
section shall be in the form prescribed by the lottery commission,
be signed by the applicant or a person authorized to sign an
application filed for a person who is not an individual, and provide
all of the information requested by the lottery commission. The
commission shall not consider any application that is incomplete in
any material respect and the incomplete application shall be
returned to the applicant for completion and refiling. An
incomplete application submitted for a limited video lottery
retailer's license shall be returned to the applicant for completion
and refiling by the first day of August, 2001.

(c)(1) An application filed on or before the first day of
August, 2001 for a limited video lottery retailer's license shall
state the number of video lottery terminals to be located on the
premise of the applicant and state whether the applicant will own or
lease the video lottery terminals or obtain them from an operator.

(2) The number of video lottery terminals a limited video
lottery retail licensee is authorized to have on its premises shall
be stated in the limited video lottery retailer's license issued to
the licensee. The number of video lottery terminals a limited video
lottery retailer is authorized to own or lease from a manufacturer
shall be stated in the permit issued to the licensee. Once the
permit is issued, the permittee may purchase or lease the number of
video lottery terminals authorized in the permit. A limited video lottery retailer who elects to obtain video lottery terminals from
an operator may contract with an operator for the number of video
lottery terminals stated in the license.

(d) Authorization to have a video lottery terminal on the
premises of a video lottery retailer expires on the thirtieth day of
June, 2011, and every ten years thereafter unless during the fiscal
year of the state ending the thirtieth day of June, 2011, and each
ten years thereafter, the video lottery retailer files an
application as provided in this section for the next ensuing ten
year period.
§29-22B-1105. Determination of authorizations to be issued without
bid and number of authorizations to be bid.

(a) When the applications provided for in section 22B-1104 of
this part are received by the commission on or before the first day
of August, 2001, the commission shall reserve for each applicant
authorizations to have no more than two video lottery terminals on
the premises for which the private club license issued under article
60-7-1 et seq., of this code, or a class "A" nonintoxicating beer
license was issued prior to the first day of January, 2001, except
that a fraternal society or veteran's organization that is (A) a
fraternal beneficiary society that is exempt from federal income tax
under section 501(c)(8) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as
amended, (B) a domestic fraternal society that is exempt from
federal income tax under section 501(c)(10), or (C) a veterans'
organization that is exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(19) of the Internal Revenue Code may be authorized to have on
the premises for which the license was issued not more than seven
video lottery terminals.

(b) The commission shall then determine the total number of
authorizations to have video lottery terminals reserved under
subsection (a) of this section and subtract that number from the
total number of video lottery terminals authorized for the state in
section 22B-1101 of this part. This establishes the number of
authorizations available for bid as provided in section 22B-1106.

(c) If an application for a limited video lottery retailer's
license is received after the first day of August, 2001, whether
from an applicant who on the first day of January, 2001, held a
private club license issued under article 60-7-1,
et seq., of this
code or a class "A" nonintoxicating beer license issued under
article 11-16-1, et seq., of this code, or from an applicant who is
issued a private club license or a class "A" nonintoxicating beer
license after the first day of January, 2001, no authorization to
have video lottery terminals may be reserved for that applicant
under this section. The applicant may contract with a licensed
operator to furnish video lottery terminals or may submit a bid for
authorization to own video lottery terminals as provided in section
22B-1106 of this part.

(d) As used in this section the term "received" means
physically received in the office of the state lottery by 4:30 p.m.
on the first day of August, 2001.
§29-22B-1106. Allocation of permits to own or lease video lottery
terminals by sealed bid.

(a) Any video lottery terminals not authorized by the
commission under section 1105 of this article shall be allocated
under the provisions of this section by sealed competitive bid.

(b) Bids for permits to own or lease video lottery terminals
shall be governed by the provisions of this part 11.

(c) A permit to own or lease one or more video lottery
terminals, as defined in this article, may only be issued to a
person who is licensed as an operator or a limited video lottery
retailer under this article.

(d) All permits issued under this section shall be based on
sealed competitive bids in accordance with the provisions of this

(e) The commission may set a single uniform minimum bid for
each video lottery terminal for which bids are sought. Each time
before the first publication of a legal notice soliciting bids, the
commission may set a new minimum bid.
§29-22B-1107. Bidding process.

(a) Bids for issuance of permits shall be obtained by public
notice published as a Class II-0 legal advertisement in compliance
with the provisions of article 59-3-1, et seq of this code;

(b) The second publication of the notice shall appear more than
sixty days next preceding the final day for submitting bids;

(c) Each bid shall indicate the number of video lottery terminals for which the permit is sought. The bid shall state the
amount bid for each video lottery terminal for which the permit is

(d) No bid may be altered or withdrawn after the appointed hour
for the opening of the bids;

(e) Subject to the provisions of subsection (f) of this
section, permits shall be awarded to the persons submitting the
highest per terminal bids, except that no person may be authorized
to directly or indirectly own or lease more than seven and one-half
percent of the total number of video lottery terminals authorized in
section 22B-1101 of this article. If a high bidder already holds a
permit issued under this section, the bid shall be awarded to that
bidder, but only to the extent the total number of video lottery
terminals the operator or limited video lottery retailer is
authorized to directly or indirectly own or lease does not exceed
seven and one-half percent of the number of video lottery terminals
authorized for the entire state specified in section 22B-1101 of
this article;

(f) No bid shall be considered unless the bond required by
section 22B-1109 of this article accompanies the bid or was
submitted to the state treasurer before the time designated for
opening of the bid;

(g) No bid shall be considered unless the amount of the bid
equals or exceeds the minimum bid amount for a video lottery
terminal specified by the commission;

(h) All bids for a permit may be rejected by the commission if
the commission determines that the bids are inadequate. In this
event, the director shall begin anew the bidding process for the

(i) Whenever there are two or more bids of the same dollar
amount and the number of authorizations for which the bids were
submitted exceeds the number of authorizations still available to
fill the bids, the director shall award the permit based upon the
drawing of lots among the bidders.

(j) A person submitting a bid under this article shall deliver
one copy to the director of purchasing, West Virginia department of
administration and deliver a second or duplicate copy to the state
auditor. Both copies must be received at the respective offices
prior to the specified date and time of the bid opening;

(k) The failure to deliver or the nonreceipt of these bid forms
at either of these offices prior to the appointed date and hour are
grounds for rejection of the bids. In the event of any deviation
between the copies submitted to the purchasing division and the
state auditor, the bids as to which there is a deviation shall be

(l) After the award of a permit, the director of the lottery
shall indicate upon the successful bid that it was the successful
bid and the number of video lottery terminals for which a permit is
awarded to the bidder. This shall be the number of video lottery
terminals for which the bid was submitted, or the remaining number of video lottery terminals to be awarded when the number of video
lottery terminals remaining is less than the number of terminals for
which the bid was submitted. Thereafter, a copy of the bid and the
bidder's application for an operator's license or a limited video
lottery retailer license shall be maintained as a public record at
the commissions' offices and shall be open to public inspection
during its normal business hours. These documents may not be
destroyed without the prior written consent of the legislative

(m) Prior to issuing a permit to a successful bidder, the bid
price for the number of video lottery terminals authorized in the
permit plus the amount of the operator's annual license fee or the
limited video lottery retailer's annual license fee for the first
license year, as specified in section 518 of this article, shall be
paid to the commission by money order, certified check or cashier's
check. If the operator's annual license fee or the limited video
lottery retailer's license fee was paid for the current license year
before the due date of the bid amount, the license fee shall not be
collected a second time for the same license year. The amount paid
shall be deposited into the fund established in section eighteen-a,
article twenty-two of this chapter;

(n) All permits shall be signed by the director of the lottery
in the name of the state;

(o) If the successful bidder fails to pay to the commission the
bid price and the operator's annual license fee or the limited video lottery retailer's license fee for the first license year, at the
time specified by the commission, the bond provided for in section
1109 of this article shall be forfeited and the bidder shall not be
issued the permit;

(p) In the event of a default, as provided in subsection (h) of
this section, the commission shall then issue the permit to the next
highest bidder for video lottery terminals, or reject all remaining
bids and start anew the bidding procedure for the remaining number
of video lottery terminals;

(q) If after a permit is awarded, an operator or limited video
lottery retailer surrenders the permit, in whole or in part, or the
permit is revoked or canceled by operation of law, the commission
may seek bids for video lottery terminals for which authorization
was surrendered or revoked, subject to the limitations and
requirements of this article; and

(r) During the fiscal year of the state ending the thirtieth
day of June, 2011, the commission shall seek bids for the ten-year
period beginning the first day of July, 2011 and ending the
thirtieth day of June, 2021.
§29-22B-1108. Preference for current permit holders.

(a) When seeking bids for the ten-year period beginning the
first day of July, 2011 and ending the thirtieth day of June, 2021,
and for each subsequent ten-year period, the commission shall, in
determining the amount a current holder of a permit issued under
section 1106 of this article shall pay for authorization to place additional video lottery terminals in this state, afford the bidder
an additional preference, if the bidder submitted at least the
minimum bid amount prescribed by the commission, the amount of which
shall be determined as provided in subsection (b) of this section.

(b) The preference allowed by this section shall be computed by
adding five percent of the bid price submitted by the current permit
holder to the amount of the bid submitted by that holder.

(c) Where the commission determines that it has not issued
permits for the number of video lottery terminals allowed to be
placed in this state, as provided in section 1101 of this article,
the commission shall allow current permit holders to bid on the
remaining video lottery terminals before opening up the bidding to
other persons. If the highest bid meets or exceeds the minimum bid,
the commission shall determine whether, at the time of the bid, the
bidder held a permit for the period ending the thirtieth day of
June, 2011, or for any ten-year period thereafter, on the thirtieth
day of June preceding the expiration of the permit. If the current
permit holder submitted a bid that was not less than the minimum
bid, the commission shall notify the bidder that upon paying the
amount of the highest bid, that the permit for the ten-year period
beginning the first day of July, 2011, or for any ten-year period
thereafter, shall be issued to the current permit holder. If,
within the time determined by the commissioner, the current permit
holder pays the amount to the commission and complies with all other
requirements imposed by the provisions of this article for the issuance of the permit, the permit for the ten-year period beginning
the first day of July, 2011, or for any ten-year period thereafter,
shall be issued to the current permit holder.
§29-22B-1109. Bid bond required.

(a) Each person submitting a bid under section 22B-1107 of this
article shall furnish to the commission a bond at the time of
bidding, which shall guarantee the payment of one hundred percent of
the price bid for the permit sought by the bidder.

(b) The bond required by this section shall be furnished in
cash or negotiable securities or shall be a surety bond issued by a
surety company authorized to do business with the state or an
irrevocable letter of credit issued by a financial institution
acceptable to the commission.

(c) If the bid bond is furnished in cash or negotiable
securities, the principal shall be deposited without restriction in
the state treasurer's office and credited to the commission, but any
income shall inure to the benefit of the bidder.

(d) The bond shall be returned to the bidder following the
bidding if the bidder is not a successful bidder for authorization
to place video lottery terminals in this state, as provided in this

(e) If the bidder is a successful bidder, the bid bond shall be
released after the permit is issued, as provided in section 1106 of
this article.

(f) If a successful bidder defaults in paying the amount due by the date specified by the commission, as provided in section 1106 of
this article, the bid bond shall be forfeited to the state.

(g) If the defaulting bidder was successful only in part
because the bid submitted was for authorization to place more video
lottery terminals than were awarded to the bidder, the amount of the
bid bond shall be prorated and the portion of the bid bond
attributable to video lottery terminals not awarded to the
defaulting bidder shall be returned to the bidder and the rest shall
be forfeited to the state.
§29-22B-1110. Operator permit.

(a) An operator who holds a permit issued under this section
may operate the number of video lottery terminals specified in the

(b) The number of video lottery terminals authorized in the
permit shall be the sum of the number of authorizations for which
the operator is the successful bidder under this section plus the
number of authorizations reserved under section 22B-1104 of this
article for video lottery retailers that elect to obtain video
lottery terminals from the operator. If after the permit is issued,
the operator enters into additional contracts with limited video
lottery retailers with authorizations issued under section 22B-1104
or obtains additional authorizations though the bidding process, the
operator shall apply to the commission for a supplemental permit to
operate the number of video lottery terminals set forth in the
application. Attached to the application shall be a true copy of all contracts the applicant has entered into with persons who hold
a limited video lottery retailer's license issued under this article
for placement of video lottery terminals in the premises of the
limited video lottery retailer for whom authorizations were reserved
under section 22B-1104 of this article and a true copy of the
certificate of reservation issued by the commission to that video
lottery retailer.

(c) The contract between the operator and the limited video
lottery retailer shall be in writing and be signed by the parties,
or their duly authorized representative when the party is a person
who is not an individual.
§29-22B-1111. Reduction of video lottery terminals authorized in a
retailer's license.

If after a limited video lottery license is issued or a permit
is issued, a retailer surrenders the license in whole or in part, or
the license is modified, revoked or canceled by operation of law,
the lottery commission shall then allocate authorizations to operate
those video lottery terminals through the bid process described in
section 1107 of this part 11, subject to the limitations and
requirements of this article.
§29-22B-1112. Reduction of gambling.

Each limited video lottery retailer shall conspicuously post in
the restricted access adult-only facility and disseminate the
telephone numbers of state approved providers of problem gambling
information, treatment and referral support services and further conspicuously post the following: "CAUTION Gambling and playing
this machine can be hazardous to your health, your finances, and
your future."
§29-22B-1113. Operation of authorized video lottery terminals;
forfeiture of authorization for failure to operate.

(a) A person who holds a permit or license to operate video
lottery terminals shall place the video lottery terminals authorized
by the license or permit in operation within six months after
receiving the license or permit in which the terminals are first
authorized. After January 1, 2001, a person who holds a permit or
license to operate video lottery terminals shall place the video
lottery terminals authorized by the license or permit in operation
within ninety days after receiving the license or permit.

(b) After a video lottery terminal is connected to the
commission's central site system of monitoring lottery terminals,
the terminal may not be off-line for more than five consecutive
days, unless the terminal is off-line due to fire, flood, or other
act beyond the control of the operator. If the terminal is off-line
due to fire, flood, or other act beyond the control of the operator,
the terminal shall be reconnected to the commission's central site
by the date ordered by the commission. The commission shall propose
a legislative rule for promulgation in accordance with the
provisions of article 29A-3-1,
et seq., of this code, defining the
term "other act beyond the control of the operator" and providing
for application of this subsection (b).

(c) Except as otherwise provided in this section, authorization
to operate a video lottery terminal that is not connected to the
commission's central site system of monitoring lottery terminals
shall be forfeited to the commission on the first day after
expiration of the applicable period specified in this subsection (a)
or (b) of this section.
Part 12. Placement and transportation of Video Lottery Terminals.
§29-22B-1201. Placement of video lottery terminals.

(a) Video lottery terminals allowed by this article may be
placed only in licensed limited video lottery locations approved by
the commission.

(b) All video lottery terminals in approved locations shall be
physically located as follows:

(1) The video lottery terminals shall be continuously monitored
through the use of a closed circuit television system capable of
identifying players and terminal faces and of recording activity for
a continuous twenty-four hour period. All video tapes or other
recording medium approved in writing by the commission shall be
retained for a period of at least sixty days and be available for
viewing by an authorized representative of the commission or the
commissioner of alcohol beverage control. The cost of monitoring
shall be paid by the limited video lottery retailer;

(2) Access to video lottery terminal locations shall be
restricted to persons legally entitled by age to play video lottery

(3) The permittee shall submit for commission approval a floor
plan of the area or areas where video lottery terminals are to be
operated showing terminal locations and security camera mount
location; and

(4) No video lottery terminal or video lottery camera may be
relocated without prior written approval from the commission.

(c) Personnel of the limited video lottery retailer shall be
present during all hours of operation at each video lottery terminal
location. These personnel shall make periodic inspections of the
restricted access adult-only facility in order to provide for the
safe and approved operation of the video lottery terminals and the
safety and well-being of the players.

(d) Security personnel of the commission and investigators of
the alcohol beverage control commissioner shall have unrestricted
access to video lottery terminal locations.

(e) Notwithstanding any other provision of this article to the
contrary, the commission may not approve the placement of a video
lottery terminal in a state park.
§29-22B-1202. No limited video lottery retailer license for
premises within 150 feet of another licensed premises; no two
license retailer locations within a common structure.

(a) A limited video lottery retailer license may not be granted
for operation of video lottery terminals on a premises if, at the
time of application for the license, the applicant's premises are
within one hundred fifty feet of, or has an external structural connection not amounting to a common internal wall to, a premises
that already has a license for video lottery terminals.

(1) A measurement of the distance between two premises must be
taken between the nearest exterior wall of each premises.

(2) When determining common ownership, the commission shall
consider direct as well as indirect ownership.

(b) A premises for which a private club license to dispense
alcoholic liquors, under provisions of article seven, chapter sixty
of this code, or a Class A nonintoxicating beer license, under the
provisions of article sixteen, chapter eleven of this code, was
granted, was applied for, or the transfer of which was validly
contracted for prior to the first day of January, two thousand one,
is not subject to subsection (a) and (c) of this section.

(c) No more than one restricted access adult-only facility
shall hold a limited video lottery retailer license to offer video
lottery terminals in any single structure under one roof.
§29-22B-1203. Registration decals.

(a) Each video lottery terminal placed in operation in this
state shall have a commission registration decal permanently
affixed, with a video lottery terminal registration control number
placed on the video lottery terminal.

(b) No person other than authorized commission personnel shall
affix or remove a registration control number. The affixing of the
commission decal on a video lottery terminal evidences that the
terminal has been registered, inspected, and approved for operation in this state.

(c) No terminal shall be transported out of this state until
authorized commission personnel have removed the commission
registration control number, except when the transportation of the
terminal both begins and ends in this state.
§29-22B-1204. Installation of approved lottery terminals.

(a) The video lottery terminal manufacturer and licensed
permittee are jointly responsible for the assembly and installation
of all video lottery terminals and associated equipment.

(b) The manufacturer and licensed permittee may not change the
assembly or operational functions of a terminal licensed for
placement in West Virginia unless a request for modification of an
existing video terminal prototype is approved in writing by the

(c) The request for modification shall contain a detailed
description of the type of change, the reasons for the change and
technical documentation of the change.

(d) Each video lottery terminal approved for placement at a
licensed location shall conform to the exact specifications of the
video lottery terminal prototype tested and approved by the

(e) If any video lottery terminal or any video lottery terminal
modification which has not been approved by the commission is
supplied by a manufacturer and operated by a licensed permittee, the
video lottery terminal shall be prima facie determined to be contraband. The commission or any law-enforcement officer having
jurisdiction shall seize and destroy all of the licensed permittee's
and manufacturer's noncomplying video lottery terminals, as provided
in part 18 of this article.

(f) In addition, the commission shall suspend the licenses of
the licensed permittee and the licensed manufacturer for the period
of time the commission considers to be appropriate under the
circumstances and may impose a civil penalty, as provided in part 16
of this article.
§29-22B-1205. Transportation from manufacturer and registration of
video lottery terminals.

(a) A manufacturer transporting or arranging for the
transportation of one or more video lottery terminals into this
state shall, prior to shipment, provide the commission with the
following information on forms prescribed by the commission:

(1) The full name and address of the person shipping the video
lottery terminals;

(2) The method of shipment and the name of the carrier;

(3) The full name and address of the permittee to which the
video lottery terminals are being sent and the destination of the
terminals if different from the address of the permittee;

(4) The number of video lottery terminals in the shipment;

(5) The serial number of each video lottery terminal in the

(6) The model number and description of each video lottery terminal in the shipment; and

(7) The expected arrival date of the video lottery terminals at
their respective destination within this state.

(b) A permittee that purchases or leases a video lottery
terminal shall, upon receipt of the terminal, provide the commission
with the following information on forms prescribed by the

(1) The full name and address of the limited video lottery
retailer who will receive the video lottery terminal;

(2) The full name and address of the manufacturer from whom the
video lottery terminal was received;

(3) The serial number of each video lottery terminal received;

(4) The model number and description of each video lottery
terminal received;

(5) The date and time of video lottery terminal arrival; and

(6) The expected date and time of video lottery terminal

(c) If a video lottery terminal is not placed in operation, the
permittee shall notify the commission in writing of the location
where the terminal is stored.
§29-22B-1206. Any other transportation of video lottery terminals.

(a) Any person who transports a video lottery terminal from one
location to another in this state, other than for repair or
servicing purposes, shall notify the commission in writing prior to
the transportation of the terminal and provide the following information on forms required by the commission:

(1) The full name and address of the person or entity
transporting the video lottery terminal;

(2) The reason for transporting the video lottery terminal;

(3) The full name and address of the person or entity to whom
the terminal is being sent and the destination of the video lottery
terminal if it is different from the address;

(4) The serial and model number of the video lottery terminal;

(5) The video lottery terminal license number, if affixed;

(6) The manufacturer of the video lottery terminal; and

(7) The expected date and time of video lottery terminal
installation or reinstallation.

(b) Any person shipping video lottery terminals to a
destination outside of this state shall, prior to the shipment,
provide the commission with the following information on forms
prescribed by the commission:

(1) The full name and address of the person shipping the video
lottery terminals;

(2) The method of shipment and the name of the carrier;

(3) The full name and address of the person to whom the video
lottery terminals are being sent and the destination of the video
lottery terminals if different from the address;

(4) The serial number of each video lottery terminal being

(5) The model number and description of the video lottery terminal being shipped;

(6) The video lottery terminal control number, if affixed;

(7) The manufacturer of the video lottery terminal being
shipped; and

(8) The expected date and time of the shipment.
Part 13. Maintenance and repair of Video Lottery Terminals.
§29-22B-1301. Maintenance of video lottery terminals.

(a) No video lottery terminal may be placed in operation in
this state until the manufacturer provides training in the service
and repair of each approved video lottery terminal model and service
technicians complete the training.

(b) Manufacturers shall submit to the commission the following
information on each training program conducted:

(1) An outline of the training curriculum;

(2) A list of the instructors and their qualifications;

(3) Instructional materials; and

(4) The time, dates and location of the training programs.

(c) Manufacturers shall notify all licensed permittees who have
purchased or leased that manufacturer's video lottery terminals of
all scheduled training programs.

(d) The manufacturers shall schedule training programs at
convenient locations within this state to facilitate attendance by
service technicians.

(e) Manufacturers shall inform licensed permittees of any new
developments in the service and repair of video lottery terminals and provide appropriate subsequent training programs.

(f) The manufacturers shall issue a training certificate to
each person upon successful completion of a video lottery training

(g) The certificate shall include the name of the person who
completed the training program and the date and the location of the
training program.

(h) A person who successfully completes training is eligible
for a service technician's license.

(i) No person may conduct maintenance (other than clearing
paper ticket jams or clearing coin and bill acceptor jams) on any
video lottery terminal or associated equipment unless the commission
has issued a service technician license to that person.

(j) Each manufacturer shall file with the commission the
following information within two weeks after the completion of a
training program:

(1) The name of each person who attended and completed the
training program;

(2) The name of the manufacturer offering the course;

(3) The manufacturer's video lottery terminal models on which
training for service and repair was provided;

(4) The date and location of the training program; and

(5) Copies of all certificates of completion.
§29-22B-1302. Maintenance log.

A written maintenance log shall be kept within the main cabinet access area in each video lottery terminal. Every person, including
lottery personnel, who gains entry into any internal space of a
video lottery terminal shall sign the log, record the time and date
of entry, record the mechanical meter readings and list the areas
inspected or repaired. The maintenance log forms shall be retained
by permittees for a period of three years from the date of the last
entry. The maintenance logs shall be available upon request for
inspection by the commission.
§29-22B-1303. Master keys.

Permittees shall provide the commission with a master key for
access into the main cabinet door of each video lottery terminal
placed in operation. The commission shall provide a logic box seal.
The seal shall be affixed by commission personnel to prevent
unauthorized access to the video lottery terminal logic unit.
§29-22B-1304. Repairs to logic board or circuitry.

(a) No repairs to, or replacement of, the logic board or
circuitry within the logic area shall occur unless authorized
commission personnel are present and observe the repairs or

(b) The logic area seal shall not be broken by anyone other
than authorized commission personnel.

(c) Each service technician shall submit a written report to
the commission within twenty-four hours after the repairs or
replacement are completed and the report shall include the serial
number of any replacement board and the new logic area seal number.

(d) The commission shall test the software EPROMS on the logic
board of each video lottery terminal prior to sealing the logic

(e) License holders shall promptly notify the commission in
writing of any discovered damage, tears or breaks in the logic area
seal. This written notification shall be delivered electronically
or by telephone facsimile machine whenever possible. Upon receipt
of that notice, the commission shall disable the video lottery
terminal. The video lottery terminal shall remain disabled until
completion by the commission of an investigation of the seal damage.
Part 14. Net Terminal Income and Distribution of Revenues.
§29-22B-1401. Accounting for the state's share of gross terminal

(a) The gross terminal income from all operating video lottery
terminals of a permittee shall be calculated periodically by the

(b) Each licensed permittee shall maintain in its bank account
an amount equal to or greater than the lottery commission's share of
the gross terminal income from its operation of video lottery
machines, to be electronically transferred by the lottery commission
on dates established by the commission.

(c) Upon a permittee's failure to maintain the bank account
balance required in subsection (b) of this section, the commission
may disable all of a permittee's video lottery terminals until full
payment of all amounts due is made.

(d) Interest shall accrue on any unpaid balance due the
commission at the rates charged for state income tax delinquency
under chapter eleven of this code. The interest shall begin to
accrue on the date payment is due to the commission and shall
continue to accrue until the amount due, including applicable
interest, is paid. Payments shall be applied first to interest and
then to the balance of the amount due the commission.
§29-22B-1402. Resolution of discrepancies.

(a) The commission's central control computer shall keep
accurate records of all income generated by each video lottery
terminal. The commission shall prepare and send to the permittee a
statement by mail, facsimile or internet e-mail reflecting the gross
terminal income generated by the licensee's video lottery terminals.
Each permittee shall report to the commission any discrepancies
between the commission's statement and each terminal's mechanical
and electronic meter readings.

(b) The permittee is solely responsible for resolving income
discrepancies between actual money collected and the amount shown on
the accounting meters or on the commission's billing statement.

(c) The licensed operator is solely responsible for paying the
negotiated share of net terminal income, to each limited video
lottery retailer to whom it has supplied video lottery terminals
under the provisions of this article.

(d) Each limited video lottery retailer's periodic distribution
from the appropriate operator shall be paid by check or by electronic funds transfer to the limited video lottery retailer's
designated bank account.

(e) Until an accounting discrepancy is resolved in favor of the
permittee, the commission may make no credit adjustments.

(f) For any video lottery terminal reflecting a discrepancy,
the permittee shall submit to the commission the maintenance log
which includes current mechanical meter readings and the audit
ticket which contains electronic meter readings generated by the
terminal's software.

(g) If the meter readings and the commission's records cannot
be reconciled, final disposition of the matter shall be determined
by the commission.

(h) Any accounting discrepancies that cannot be otherwise
resolved shall be resolved in favor of the commission.
§29-22B-1403. Payover of state's share of gross terminal income.

(a) The commission shall periodically transfer from each
permittee's bank account described in subsection 22B-1401(b) of this
article, the state's share of gross terminal income as calculated
under section 22B-1408 of this article.

(b) The permittee shall remit payment by mail and submit the
report required by subsection (c) of this section if the electronic
transfer of funds is not operational or the commission notifies the
permittee that remittance by this method is required.

(c) If the remittance is by mail, the permittee shall report an
amount equal to the total amount of cash inserted into each video lottery terminal operated by a licensee, minus the total value of
game credits which are cleared from the video lottery terminal in
exchange for winning redemption tickets, and remit the state's share
of the amount generated from its terminals during the reporting
period. The remittance shall be sealed in a properly addressed and
stamped envelope and deposited in the United States mail no later
than noon on the day when the payment would otherwise be completed
through electronic funds transfer.

(d) A permittee may, upon request, receive additional reports
of play transactions for their respective video lottery terminals
and other marketing information not considered confidential by the
commission. The commission may charge a reasonable fee for the cost
of producing and mailing any report other than the billing
§29-22B-1404. Permittees to furnish bank authorizations.

(a) Each permittee shall furnish to the commission all
information and bank authorizations required to facilitate the
timely transfer of moneys to the commission and from the commission
to each permittee.

(b) Each permittee shall provide the commission thirty days'
advance notice of any proposed account changes in order to assure
the uninterrupted electronic transfer of funds.
§29-22B-1405. State's share of gross terminal income held in trust.

The amount of gross terminal income required to be paid over to
the commission, shall be deemed to be moneys held in trust for the state of West Virginia while in the possession or constructive
possession of any operator or limited video lottery retailer and
until the state's share of gross terminal income is paid over to the
§29-22B-1406. Examination of permittee books and records.

The commission has the right to examine all accounts, bank
accounts, financial statements and records in a permittee's
possession, under its control or in which it has an interest and the
licensed permittee shall authorize all third parties in possession
or in control of the accounts or records to allow examination of any
of those accounts or records by the commission.
§29-22B-1407. Civil penalty for failure to pay over state's share
of gross terminal income.

(a) Any person required by law or contract to collect,
truthfully account for, and pay over any of the state's share of
gross terminal income who willfully fails to truthfully account for
and pay over the net terminal income, or willfully attempts in any
manner to evade or defeat any payment thereof, shall, in addition to
other penalties provided by law, be liable for payment of a civil
money penalty equal to the total amount of the state's share of
gross terminal income not paid over to the commission.

(b)(1) No penalty may be imposed under subsection (a) unless
the director notifies the person in writing, delivered in person or
by mail sent to the last known address of the operator or limited
video lottery retailer, that he or she is subject to an assessment of this penalty.

(2) The mailing of the notice described in subdivision (1) (or,
in the case of notice delivered in person, the delivery) shall
precede any notice and demand for payment of any penalty under
subsection (a)of this section, by at least sixty days.

(3) If a notice described in subdivision (1) of this subsection
(b) with respect to any penalty is mailed or delivered in person
before the expiration of the three-year period for the assessment of
the penalty (determined without regard to this subdivision), the
three-year period provided for the assessment of a penalty shall not
expire before the later of:

(A) The date ninety days after the date on which such notice
was mailed, or delivered in person, or

(B) If there is a timely protest of the proposed assessment,
the date thirty days after the director makes a final administrative
determination with respect to the protest.

(4) The requirement that preliminary notice be given shall not
apply if the director finds that the collection of the penalty is in

(c) This penalty may be collected by civil action instituted
within three years after the date the state's share of gross
terminal income not paid over to the commission should have been
paid over to the commission, except as provided in subsection (b) of
this section.

(d) If more than one person is liable for the penalty under subsection (a) with respect to any payment of the state's share of
gross terminal income, each person who paid the penalty shall be
entitled to recover from other persons who are liable for the
penalty an amount equal to the excess of the amount paid by the
person over that person's proportionate share of the penalty. Any
claim for such a recovery may be made only in a proceeding which is
separate from, and is not joined or consolidated with, an action for
collection of such penalty brought by the state of West Virginia.

(e) No penalty shall be imposed by subsection (a) on any
unpaid, volunteer member of any board of trustees or directors of an
organization exempt from tax under section 501 of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, if such member:

(1) Is solely serving in an honorary capacity;

(2) Does not participate in the day-to-day or financial
operations of the organization; and

(3) Does not have actual knowledge of the failure on which the
penalty is imposed.

This subsection (e) shall not apply if it results in no person
being liable for the penalty imposed by subsection (a) of this
§29-22B-1408. Distribution of state's share of gross terminal

(a) The state's share of gross terminal income is calculated as

(1) The commission shall deposit two percent of gross terminal income into the state lottery fund for the commission's costs and
expenses incurred in administering this article. From this amount,
not less than one hundred fifty thousand dollars nor more than one
million dollars per fiscal year, as determined by the commission
each year, shall be transferred to the compulsive gambling treatment
fund created in section 29-22A-19 of this chapter. In the event
that the percentage allotted under this subsection for the
commission's costs and expenses incurred in administering this
article generates a surplus, the surplus shall be allowed to
accumulate to an amount not to exceed two hundred fifty thousand
dollars. On a monthly basis, the director shall report to the joint
committee on government and finance of the Legislature any surplus
in excess of two hundred fifty thousand dollars and remit to the
state treasurer the entire amount of those surplus funds in excess
of two hundred fifty thousand dollars to be deposited in the fund
established in section 29-22-18a of this chapter.

(2) Gross profits are determined by deducting the percentage
described in subdivision (1) of this subsection, from gross terminal

(3) The commission shall receive thirty percent of gross
profits as defined in subdivision (2) of this subsection except as
otherwise provided in this subdivision. On the first day of June,
2001, the commission shall calculate the aggregate average daily
gross terminal income for all operating video lottery terminal
during the preceding three month period. Thereafter, the commission shall make the calculation on the first day of the month preceding
the months of October, January, April and July of each year. So
long as the aggregate average gross terminal income per day for the
operating video lottery terminals does not exceed sixty dollars, the
commission's share of gross profits shall continue to be thirty
percent for the succeeding quarter of the year beginning the first
day of July. Beginning on the first day of July, 2001 and the first
days of October, January, April and July in 2001 and thereafter, if
the commission's calculation of aggregate average daily gross
terminal income per video lottery terminal yields an amount greater
than sixty dollars, one of the following schedules apply: If the
amount is greater than sixty dollars per day but not greater than
eighty dollars per day, the commission's share of gross profits for
the ensuing quarter beginning the first day of the quarter of the
year described in this subdivision shall be thirty-four percent; if
the amount is greater than eighty dollars per day but not greater
than one hundred dollars per day, the commission's share of gross
profits for the ensuing quarter beginning the first day of the
quarter of the year described in this subdivision shall be thirty-
eight percent; if the amount is greater than one hundred dollars
per day but not greater than one hundred twenty dollars per day, the
commission's share of gross profits for the ensuing quarter
beginning the first day of the quarter of the year described in this
subdivision shall be forty-two percent; if the amount is greater
than one hundred twenty dollars per day but not greater than one hundred forty dollars per day, the commission's share of gross
profits for the ensuing quarter beginning the first day of the
quarter of the year described in this subdivision shall be forty-six
percent; if the amount is greater than one hundred forty dollars
per day, the commission's share of gross profits for the ensuing
quarter beginning the first day of the quarter of the year described
in this subdivision shall be fifty percent. This amount shall be
known as net terminal income.

(b) Net terminal income shall be distributed by the commission
as follows:

(1)(A) Beginning the first day of July, 2001, a county and the
incorporated municipalities within that county shall receive two
percent of the net terminal income generated by limited video
lottery terminals located within the county;

(B) From this two percent of net terminal income, each
municipality shall receive a share that bears the same proportion to
the total two percent of net terminal income as the population of
the municipality bears to the total population of the county as
determined by the most recent decennial United States census of
population, and the county shall receive the remaining portion of
the two percent of net terminal income; and

(2) Any remaining funds shall be deposited into the state
excess lottery revenue fund established in section eighteen-a,
article twenty-two of this chapter.

(c) The licensed operators and limited video lottery retailers shall receive the balance of gross terminal income remaining after
deduction of the state's share as calculated pursuant to this
Part 15. Appeal of Order of the Commission.
§29-22B-1501. Appeal of order.

(a) Any applicant or license holder adversely affected by an
order issued under this article has the right to a hearing on the
order before the commission or a person designated as hearing
examiner, if a petition in writing requesting a hearing is served
upon the commission within ten days following the receipt of the
order by the applicant, or license holder.

(b) A petition for hearing shall be served on the commission by
delivery in person at the primary office of the commission or by
certified mail. By procedural rule, the commission may allow other
methods of service.

(c) The service of a petition for hearing upon the commission
shall not operate to suspend the execution of any suspension or
revocation of a video lottery license or any other order of the
commission with respect to which a hearing is being demanded.

(d) The commission shall set a date for any hearing demanded
and notify the person demanding the hearing not later than ten days
before the hearing date of the date, time and place of the hearing.
The hearing shall be held within thirty days after receipt of the
§29-22B-1502. Contents of petition for hearing; security.

(a) A petition for a hearing shall be in writing and shall
include an original and one copy. The petition shall contain the

(1) A clear and concise statement of each error which the
petitioner alleges to have been committed by the commission in
refusing to issue a license, or suspending or revoking a license,
with each assignment of error being shown in separately numbered

(2) A clear and concise statement of fact upon which the
petitioner relies as sustaining each assignment of error;

(3) A prayer setting forth the relief sought;

(4) The signature of the petitioner; and

(5) Verification by the petitioner.

(b) The person demanding a hearing shall give security for the
cost of the hearing in the amount of three hundred dollars in the
form of a certified check, cashier's check or money order, which
shall accompany the petition demanding a hearing.
§29-22B-1503. Hearing procedures.

(a) Hearings held under this article shall be subject to the
provisions of article 29A-5-1,
et seq., of this code except to the
extent otherwise provided in this article. In case of any conflict,
the provisions of this article shall control.

(b) In all hearings held under this article, oral and
documentary evidence may be required through the use of subpoenas
and subpoenas duces tecum. The subpoenas or subpoenas duces tecum may be issued by either the commission or its duly appointed hearing
examiner, and the following provisions shall govern and control:

(1) Every subpoena or subpoena duces tecum shall be served at
least five days before the return date thereof, either by personal
service made by any person eighteen years of age or older, or by
registered or certified mail, but a return acknowledgment signed by
the person to whom the subpoena or subpoena duces tecum is directed
is required to prove service by registered or certified mail;

(2) All subpoenas and subpoenas duces tecum shall be issued in
the name of the commission. Service of subpoenas and subpoenas
duces tecum issued at the insistence of the commission is the
responsibility of the commission, but any party requesting issuance
is responsible for service. Any person who serves any subpoena or
subpoena duces tecum is entitled to the same fee as sheriffs who
serve witness subpoenas for the circuit courts of this state, and
fees for the attendance and travel of witnesses shall be the same as
for witnesses before the circuit courts of this state;

(3) All fees shall be paid by the commission if the subpoena or
subpoena duces tecum is issued, without the request of an interested
party, at the insistence of the commission;

(4) All fees related to any subpoenas or subpoena duces tecum
issued at the insistence of an interested party shall be paid by the
interested party;

(5) All requests by an interested party for a subpoena and
subpoena duces tecum shall be in writing and shall contain a statement acknowledging that the requesting party agrees to pay the
fees; and

(6) Any person receiving a subpoena or subpoena duces tecum
issued under this section shall honor the subpoena or subpoena duces
tecum as though it were issued by a circuit court of this state, and
shall appear as a witness or produce such books, records or papers
in response to the subpoena or subpoena duces tecum. In case of
disobedience or neglect of any subpoena or subpoena duces tecum
served on any person or the refusal of any witness to testify to any
matter regarding which he or she may be lawfully interrogated, the
circuit court of the county in which the hearing is being held, or
the judge thereof in vacation, shall, upon application by the
commission, compel obedience by contempt proceedings as in the case
of disobedience of the requirements of a subpoena or subpoena duces
tecum issued from the circuit court or a refusal to testify in the
circuit court.

(c) Hearings may not be delayed by a motion for continuance
made less than seven days before the date set for the hearing.

(d) The commission may designate a hearing examiner to conduct
the hearing.

(e) The petitioner may appear individually, or by legal

(f) The petitioner, or his or her duly authorized
representative, may, with the approval of the commission, waive the
right to a hearing and agree to submit the case for decision upon the petition and record, with or without a written brief. The
waivers and agreements shall be in writing or upon the record.

(g) The petitioner shall be given an opportunity for argument
within the time limits fixed by the commission following submission
of evidence. The commission, upon request of the petitioner, shall
accept briefs in addition to or in lieu of argument. Briefs shall
be filed within ten days after the hearing date.

(h) The commission may admit any relevant evidence, except that
it shall observe the rules of privilege recognized by law. A
finding is to be supported by the kind of evidence commonly relied
upon by reasonably prudent men in the conduct of their affairs,
whether or not the evidence would be admissible before a jury. The
commission may exclude any evidence which is irrelevant, unduly
repetitious, or lacking in substantial probative effect.

(i) A record shall be made of all hearings held pursuant to
this article. Testimony may be recorded electronically or by a
court reporter.

(j) After the conclusion of the hearing and within ten days of
receipt of the transcript of the hearing, and receipt of any briefs,
the person designated by the commission as hearing examiner shall
prepare a recommended decision, supported by findings of fact and
conclusions of law, affirming, modifying or vacating the earlier
order of the commission. Thereafter, the commission, within ten
days of receipt of the recommended decision, shall either accept or
reject the recommended decision, and if it accepts the decision, it shall cause the director to sign and acknowledge the decision as its
own, after having reviewed the transcript and all exhibits attached
and affixed to the decision; if the commission rejects the decision,
it shall within ten days of receipt of the recommended decision
prepare a decision setting forth its own findings of fact and
conclusions of law. In either event, the decision is final unless
vacated or modified upon judicial review of the decision. A copy of
the decision shall be served upon each party to the hearing and
their attorney of record, if any, in person or by registered or
certified mail.
§29-22B-1504. Judicial review.

The applicant or license holder who filed the petition for
administrative review may appeal the decision of the commission
issued under section 22B-1503 to the circuit court of Kanawha
County, West Virginia, if the petition for appeal is filed no later
than thirty days after the date upon which the petitioner receives
written notice of the final decision of the commission.
Part 16. Civil Penalties.
§29-22B-1601. Imposition of civil penalties by the commission.

The commission may impose the civil penalties provided for in
this part 16. These civil penalties may be imposed in conjunction
with one or more other civil penalties provided in this part 16 and
in conjunction with a license suspension or revocation or other
administrative action taken against a licensee, or as a result of an
action or inaction by a licensee for which the commission is also seeking criminal prosecution.
§29-22B-1602. Civil penalties applicable to limited video lottery

(a) For allowing persons under age twenty-one years to play
video lottery games, the limited video lottery retailer shall be

(1) Two hundred dollars for a first violation;

(2) One thousand dollars for a second violation; and

(3) Five thousand dollars for a third violation.

For each subsequent violation, the fine imposed by the
commission shall increase by five thousand dollars.

(b) For allowing persons under age twenty-one years to be
present at a video lottery terminal or in the immediate area where
video lottery terminals are present, the limited video lottery
retailer may be fined:

(1) One hundred dollars for a first violation;

(2) Two hundred dollars for a second violation; and

(3) Three hundred dollars for a third violation.

For each subsequent violation, the fine imposed by the
commission shall increase by one hundred dollars.

(c) For allowing a person or persons to tamper in any way with,
or disconnect, any data line or feature that allows the state's
central control computer to communicate with each video lottery
terminal in the premises, the limited video lottery retailer may be

(1) One thousand dollars for a first violation;

(2) Five thousand dollars for a second violation; and

(3) Ten thousand dollars for a third violation.

For each subsequent violation, the fine imposed by the
commission shall increase by ten thousand dollars.

(d) For entering the logic area of a video lottery terminal or
allowing an unauthorized person or persons to enter the logic area
of a video lottery terminal, or tampering in any way with the
lottery security seal, any EPROM or other chip or memory device
installed in the logic area, whether or not any tampering would
alter any characteristic of the video lottery terminal, the limited
video lottery retailer may be fined:

(1) One thousand dollars for a first violation;

(2) Five thousand dollars for a second violation; and

(3) Ten thousand dollars for a third violation.

For each subsequent violation, the fine imposed by the
commission shall increase by ten thousand dollars.

(e) For failure to aim or focus a closed circuit television
camera on all video lottery terminals in the premises or for failure
to record all video lottery terminals during the hours of operation
of the limited access adults-only facility, the limited video
lottery retailer shall be fined:

(1) One hundred dollars for a first violation;

(2) One thousand dollars for a second violation; and

(3) Five thousand dollars for a third violation.

For each subsequent violation, the fine imposed by the
commission shall increase by five thousand dollars.

(f) For violating the provisions of subdivision (10),
subdivision (13) or subdivision (14) of section 29-22B-702 of this
article, the limited video lottery retailer shall be fined:

(1) One hundred dollars for a first violation:

(2) One thousand dollars for a second violation;

(3) Five thousand dollars for a third violation.

For each subsequent violation the fine imposed by the
commission shall increase by an additional five thousand dollars.
§29-22B-1603. Civil penalties applicable to service technicians.

(a) For entering the logic area of any video lottery terminal
at any time when a representative of the West Virginia Lottery
Commission is not present and observing the process, the service
technician shall be fined:

(1) One hundred dollars for a first violation;

(2) One thousand dollars for a second violation; and

(3) Three thousand dollars for a third violation.

(b) For each subsequent violation, the fine imposed by the
commission shall increase by one thousand dollars. If two or more
service technicians participate in violation of this section, each
service technician shall be fined according to this schedule.
§29-22B-1604. Civil penalties applicable to permittees.

(a) For employing or contracting with persons, other than
service technicians licensed by the commission, to repair video lottery terminals, the permittee shall be fined:

(1) One thousand dollars for a first violation;

(2) Five thousand dollars for a second violation; and

(3) Ten thousand dollars for a third violation.

For each subsequent violation, the fine imposed by the
commission shall increase by ten thousand dollars.

(b) For acquiring, or installing in licensed premises, any
video lottery terminal that has not been manufactured and supplied
by a licensed manufacturer, that has not also been tested and
approved by the commission's independent testing laboratory, and
that has not been approved for use in this state by the commission,
the permittee shall be fined:

(1) Five thousand dollars for a first violation;

(2) Ten thousand dollars for a second violation.

(c) For each subsequent violation, the fine imposed by the
commission shall increase by ten thousand dollars.
§29-22B-1605. Civil penalties applicable to manufacturers.

(a) For shipping a video lottery terminal into this state to a
person who does not have a permit issued by the commission under
this article, the manufacturer shall be fined:

(1) One thousand dollars for a first violation;

(2) Five thousand dollars for a second violation; and

(3) Ten thousand dollars for a third violation.

(b) For each subsequent violation, the fine imposed by the
commission shall increase by ten thousand dollars.

(c) For shipping a video lottery terminal into this state that
is not identical to a video lottery terminal make and model approved
by the commission, including the electronic computer components, the
random number generator, the coin acceptor, the bill acceptor, and
the cabinet in which the video lottery terminal is housed, the
manufacturer shall be fined:

(1) One thousand dollars for a first violation;

(2) Five thousand dollars for a second violation; and

(3) Ten thousand dollars for a third violation.

(d) For each subsequent violation, the fine imposed by the
commission shall increase by ten thousand dollars.
§29-22B-1606. Civil penalties for failure of licensees to perform

A person who fails to perform any of the duties or obligations
created and imposed upon them by the provisions of this article or
legislative rule of the commission is subject to a civil penalty as
may be determined by the commission in an amount not to exceed ten
thousand dollars.
§29-22B-1607. Civil action to collect penalty.

(a) The commission may collect any money penalty imposed
pursuant to this article by instituting civil action in any court of
this state having jurisdiction over the named defendant.

(b) Collection shall be barred unless the civil action is
commenced within six years after the later of (1) the date on which
the prohibited conduct establishing the cause of action occurred, or (2) the date on which the commission first knew or should reasonably
have known the prohibited conduct had occurred.
Part 17. Criminal Offenses.
§29-22B-1701. Financial interest of director, etc.; receiving
reward from interested party; criminal penalty;
application of bribery statute.

(a) Neither the director of the commission, nor any member or
employee of the commission, may be financially interested, or have
any beneficial personal interest, direct or indirect, in any person
furnishing video lottery terminals or video lottery games, or in any
person who is a bidder for video lottery terminals, or who is a
holder of a license issued under this article.

(b) Neither the director of the commission, nor any member or
employee of the commission, may accept or receive, directly or
indirectly, from any person known by the director, commission member
or employee of the commission to be interested in any bid, contract
or licensee under this article, by rebate, gift or otherwise, any
money or other thing of value whatsoever, or any promise, obligation
or contract for future reward, or compensation.

(c) A person who violates this section shall be guilty of a
misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be confined in jail
not less than three months nor more than one year, or fined not less
than fifty nor more than one thousand dollars, or both, in the
discretion of the court:
Provided, That any person who violates any of the provisions of subsection (b) of this section under
circumstances constituting the crime of bribery under the provisions
of section 61-5A-3 of this code, shall, upon conviction of bribery,
be punished as provided in article 61-5A-1,
et seq., of this code.
§29-22B-1702. Criminal penalties for unlawful inducement.

(a) Any person who gives another person any thing of value to
induce the other to refrain from bidding for a video lottery permit
is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be fined not
more than ten thousand dollars and, in addition, shall be subject to
a civil penalty payable to the commission of five hundred thousand

(b) Any person who gives a person any thing of value to induce
the other to refrain from placing a video lottery terminal at a
restricted access adult-only facility is guilty of a misdemeanor
and, upon conviction, shall be fined not more than ten thousand
dollars and, in addition, shall be subject to a civil penalty
payable to the commission of five hundred thousand dollars.
§29-22B-1703. Criminal penalty for unauthorized game on authorized
video lottery terminal.

(a) A licensee who places a video lottery game on a video
lottery terminal that is allowed under this article without
authority of the commission to do so is guilty of a misdemeanor and,
upon conviction thereof, shall for a first conviction be confined in
a county or regional jail for a term of not more than one year, and fined not more than five thousand dollars, except that, in the case
of a person other than an individual, the amount of the fine imposed
may be not more than twenty-five thousand dollars.

(b) A second and each subsequent offense under this section
shall be a felony and, upon conviction thereof, the person shall be
confined in a state correctional facility for a term of not less
than one year nor more than three years and fined not less than five
thousand dollars nor more than ten thousand dollars, except that in
the case of a person other than an individual, the fine may not be
less than twenty-five thousand dollars nor more than fifty thousand
§29-22B-1704. Criminal penalty for unauthorized video lottery

(a) A licensee who places a video gambling machine into play is
guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall for a
first conviction be confined in a county or regional jail for a term
of not more than one year, and fined not less than five thousand
dollars nor more than ten thousand dollars, except that, in the case
of a person other than an individual, the fine may not be less than
twenty thousand dollars nor more than thirty thousand dollars.

(b) A second and each subsequent offense under this section
shall be a felony and, upon conviction thereof, the person shall be
confined in a state correctional facility for a term of not less
than one year nor more than three years and fined not less than ten
thousand dollars nor more than twenty thousand dollars, except that in the case of a person other than an individual, the fine may not
be less than twenty-five thousand dollars nor more than fifty
thousand dollars.
§29-22B-1705. Criminal penalty for possession of video gambling

(a) After December 31, 2001, any person who has a video
gambling machine in their actual or constructive possession in this
state is guilty of a felony and, upon conviction thereof, shall for
a first conviction be confined in a state correctional facility for
a term of not less than one year nor more than three years, and
fined not less than fifty thousand dollars nor more than one hundred
thousand dollars, for each video gambling machine in the person's
actual or constructive possession in this state, except that, in the
case of a person other than an individual, the fine may not be less
than one hundred thousand dollars nor more than five hundred
thousand dollars for each video gambling machine in the person's
actual or constructive possession in this state.

(b) For any second or subsequent conviction under this section
the person shall be confined in a state correctional facility for a
term of not less than two years nor more than five years, and fined
not less than one hundred thousand dollars nor more than five
hundred thousand dollars, for each video gambling machine in their
actual or constructive possession in this state, except that, in the
case of a person other than an individual, the fine may not be less
than five hundred thousand dollars nor more than one million dollars for each video gambling machine in the person's actual or
constructive possession in this state.
§29-22B-1706. Criminal penalty for expired operator or limited video
lottery retailer's license.

(a) A person who operates, carries on or exposes for play a
video lottery game or video lottery terminal after the person's
license has expired and prior to the actual renewal of the license
is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall for
a first conviction be confined in a county or regional jail for not
more than one year or fined not less than one thousand dollars nor
more than five thousand dollars, except that, in the case of a
person other than an individual, the amount of the fine imposed may
not be less than ten thousand dollars nor more than twenty-five
thousand dollars.

(b) A second and each subsequent offense under this section
shall be a felony and, upon conviction thereof, the person shall be
confined in a state correctional facility for a term of not less
than one year nor more than three years and fined not less than ten
thousand dollars nor more than twenty thousand dollars, except that
in the case of a person other than an individual, the fine may not
be less than twenty-five thousand dollars nor more than fifty
thousand dollars.
§29-22B-1707. Criminal penalty for possession of altered or
nonconforming video lottery terminal, device or related material.

(a) A person who possesses any video lottery terminal that is
not a video gambling machine or possesses any other device,
equipment or material which the person knows has been manufactured,
distributed, sold, tampered with or serviced in violation of the
provisions of this article is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon
conviction thereof, shall for a first conviction be confined in a
county or regional jail not more than one year and fined not less
than one thousand dollars nor more than five thousand dollars,
except that, in the case of a person other than an individual, the
amount of the fine imposed may be not less than five thousand
dollars nor more than twenty-five thousand dollars.

(b) A second and each subsequent offense under this section
shall be a felony and, upon conviction thereof, the person shall be
confined in a state correctional facility for a term of not less
than one year nor more than three years and fined not less than five
thousand dollars nor more than twenty-five thousand dollars, except
that in the case of a person other than an individual, the fine may
not be less than fifty thousand dollars nor more than one hundred
thousand dollars.
§29-22B-1708. Criminal penalty for tampered game, terminal, device
or other equipment.

(a) A person who knowingly conducts, carries on, operates or
exposes for play, or allows to be conducted, carried on, operated or
exposed for play, any video lottery game, video lottery terminal or other device, equipment or material which has in any manner been
tampered with or placed in a condition or operated in a manner the
result of which tends to deceive the public or tends to alter the
normal random selection of characteristics or the normal chance of
the video lottery game which could determine or alter the result of
the game is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof,
shall for a first conviction be confined in a county or regional
jail not more than one year and fined not less than one thousand
dollars nor more than five thousand dollars, except that, in the
case of a person other than an individual, the amount of the fine
imposed may be not less than twenty-five thousand dollars nor more
than fifty thousand dollars.

(b) A second and each subsequent offense under this section
shall be a felony and, upon conviction thereof, the person shall be
confined in a state correctional facility for a term of not less
than one year nor more than three years and fined not less than five
thousand dollars nor more than twenty-five thousand dollars, except
that in the case of a person other than an individual, the fine may
be not less than fifty thousand dollars nor more than one hundred
thousand dollars.
§29-22B-1709. Criminal penalty for deceptive practices.

(a) A person who knowingly conducts, carries on, operates or
exposes for play, or allows to be conducted, carried on, operated or
exposed for play, any video lottery game, video lottery terminal,
data line connection with the central control computer, or other device, equipment or material which has in any manner been tampered
with or placed in a condition or operated in a manner the result of
which tends to deceive the state lottery commission or tends to
alter the accurate recording of credits played and credits won by
the commission's central control computer, or the central control
computer's ability to disable and cause not to operate any or all
video lottery terminals of a licensed limited video lottery
retailer, for the first offense is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon
conviction thereof, shall be confined in a county or regional jail
not more than one year and fined not more than five thousand
dollars, except that, in the case of a person other than an
individual, the amount of the fine imposed may be not more than
fifty thousand dollars.

(b) A second and each subsequent offense under this section
shall be a felony and, upon conviction thereof, the person shall be
confined in a state correctional facility for at least one year but
not more than five years, and fined not less than one thousand
dollars nor more than five thousand dollars, except that when the
person is not an individual, the amount of the fine imposed may be
not less than five thousand dollars nor more than fifty thousand
§29-22B-1710. Employment of unlicenced person who is required to be

(a) A person who employs or continues to employ an individual
not issued a license under the provisions of this article in a position with duties which would require a license under the
provisions of this article is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon
conviction thereof, shall for a first offense be confined in a
county or regional jail for not more than one year and fined not
more than five thousand dollars, except that, in the case of a
person other than an individual, the amount of the fine imposed may
be not more than twenty-five thousand dollars.

(b) A second and each subsequent offense under this section
shall be a felony and, upon conviction thereof, the person shall be
confined in a state correctional facility for a term of not less
than one year nor more than three years, and fined not less than
five thousand dollars nor more than twenty-five thousand dollars,
except that, in the case of a person other than an individual, the
fine may not be less than fifty thousand dollars nor more than one
hundred thousand dollars.
§29-22B-1711. Criminal penalty for unlicenced person to work in a
position for which license is required.

(a) An individual who is required by this article to obtain a
license from the commission to work as a limited video lottery
retailer or service technician but who works as a limited video
lottery retailer or service technician without obtaining the
requisite license, as provided for in this article, or is employed
in a position with duties which would require a license under the
provisions of this article is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon
conviction thereof, shall be confined in a county or regional jail not more than one year and fined not more than ten thousand dollars.

(b) A second and each subsequent offense under this section
shall be a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, the person
shall be confined in a county or regional jail for a term not to
exceed one year and fined not less than five thousand dollars nor
more than twenty thousand dollars.
§29-22B-1712. Criminal penalty for use of device that gives player
an unauthorized advantage.

(a) A person who, while a video lottery game is being played,
uses, or assists another person in the use of, an electronic,
electrical or mechanical device which is designed, constructed or
programmed specifically for use in obtaining an advantage at playing
any video lottery game is guilty of a felony and, upon conviction
thereof, shall for a first offense be confined in a state
correctional facility for at least one year but not more than five
years, or shall be fined not less than one thousand dollars nor more
than five thousand dollars, or both.

(b) A second and each subsequent offense under this section
shall be a felony and, upon conviction thereof, the person shall be
confined in a state correctional facility for a term of not less
than one year nor more than three years, and fined not less than
five thousand dollars nor more than twenty-five thousand dollars,
except that, in the case of a person other than an individual, the
fine may be not less than fifty thousand dollars nor more than one
hundred thousand dollars.
§29-22B-1713. Criminal penalty for violation of rules of play.

A person who knowingly violates a provision of this article or
the rules of play or game rules of a video lottery game, and who
profits thereby in an amount equal to one thousand dollars or more,
is guilty of a felony and, upon conviction thereof, shall be
imprisoned in the state correctional facility not less than one nor
more than ten years or, in the discretion of the court, be confined
in jail for not more than one year and be fined not less than two
thousand dollars nor more than five thousand dollars. If the person
profits thereby in an amount less than one thousand dollars, that
person is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof,
shall be confined in a county or regional jail for a term not to
exceed one year or fined an amount not less than one thousand
dollars nor more than two thousand five hundred dollars, or both.
§29-22B-1714. Criminal penalty for corrupt combinations, collusions
or conspiracies prohibited.

It shall be unlawful for any person to corruptly combine,
collude or conspire with one or more other persons with respect to
the purchasing or leasing of video lottery terminals or associated
equipment, or the provisions of services, or the bidding of
authorizations to own or lease video lottery terminals. Any person
who violates any provision of this section shall be guilty of a
felony, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be confined in a state
correctional facility for a term of not less than one year nor more
than five years, and be fined not less than ten thousand dollars nor more than twenty-five thousand dollars.
Part 18. Seizure and Destruction of Contraband; Forfeitures.
§29-22B-1801. Video gambling machines declared contraband.

Effective January 1, 2001, and thereafter, video gambling
machines are per se illegal gambling devices which may be seized and
destroyed as illegal contraband by any law-enforcement agency having
jurisdiction over the political subdivision in which the device is
found, and the owner or owners of the device have no right to
compensation for the seizure and destruction of any video gambling
§29-22B-1802. Legislative findings regarding seizure and sale of
video gambling machines and other property.

The Legislature hereby finds and declares that the seizure and
sale of items under the provisions of this part 18 is not
contemplated to be a forfeiture as the same is used in article 12,
section 5 of the West Virginia Constitution and, to the extent that
a seizure and sale may be found to be such a forfeiture, the
Legislature hereby finds and declares that the proceeds from a
seizure and sale under this article is not part of net proceeds as
the same is contemplated by such article 12, section 5 of the West
Virginia Constitution.
§29-22B-1803. Items subject to forfeiture.

(a) The following items are subject to forfeiture:

(1) Any video gambling machine present in this state after January 1, 2001;

(2) All property found with the video gambling machine that in
any way facilitates its operation for any purpose;

(3) Any video lottery terminal registered under this article
that is found on the premises where a video gambling machine is

(4) All conveyances, including aircraft, vehicles or vessels,
which are used, have been used, or are intended for use, to
transport, or in any manner to facilitate the transportation, sale,
receipt, possession or concealment of a video gambling machine,
except as follows:

(A) No conveyance used by any person as a common carrier in the
transaction of business as a common carrier shall be forfeited under
this section unless it appears that the person owning such
conveyance is a consenting party or privy to a violation of this

(B) No conveyance shall be forfeited under the provisions of
this article if the person owning the conveyance establishes that he
or she neither knew, nor had reason to know, that the conveyance was
being employed or was likely to be employed in a violation of this
article; and

(C) No bona fide security interest or other valid lien in any
conveyance shall be forfeited under the provisions of this article,
unless the state proves by a preponderance of the evidence that the
holder of such security interest or lien either knew, or had reason to know, that such conveyance was being used or was likely to be
used in a violation of this article.

(5) All books, records and materials, including microfilm,
tapes and data which are used, or have been used, or are intended
for use with a gray gambling device;

(6) All moneys, negotiable instruments, securities or other
things of value furnished or intended to be furnished in violation
of this article by any person in exchange for a gray gambling device
or in exchange for playing or operating a gray gambling device, all
proceeds traceable to such an exchange, and all moneys, negotiable
instruments and securities used, or which have been used, or which
are intended to be used to facilitate any violation of this article:
Provided, That no property may be forfeited under this subdivision,
to the extent of the interest of an owner, by reason of any act or
omission established by that owner to have been committed or omitted
without his knowledge or consent; and

(7) All real property, including any right, title and interest
in any lot or tract of land, and any appurtenances or improvements,
which are used, or have been used, or are intended to be used, in
any manner or part, to commit, or to facilitate the commission of a
violation of this article punishable by more than one year
Provided, That no property may be forfeited under
this subdivision, to the extent of an interest of an owner, by
reason of any act or omission established by that owner to have been
committed or omitted without his knowledge or consent.

(b) The requirements of this section pertaining to the removal
of seized property are not mandatory in the case of real property
and the appurtenances thereto.

(c) Property subject to forfeiture under this section may be
seized by any person granted law-enforcement powers (hereinafter
referred to as the "appropriate person" in section 22B-1804).
§29-22B-1804. Procedure for seizure of forfeitable property.

(a) Seizure of property made subject to forfeiture by the
provisions of sections 22B-1802 and 22B-1803 may be made upon
process issued by any court of record having jurisdiction over the

(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a) of this
section, seizure of property subject to forfeiture by the provisions
of this article may be made without process if:

(1) The seizure is incident to a lawful arrest or pursuant to
a search under a search warrant or an inspection warrant;

(2) The property subject to seizure has been the subject of a
prior judgment in favor of the state in a forfeiture proceeding
based upon this section; or

(3) The appropriate person has probable cause to believe that
the property was used or intended for use in violation of this

(c) In the event of seizure pursuant to subsection (b) of this
section, forfeiture proceedings shall be instituted within ninety
days of the seizure thereof.

(d) Property taken or detained under this section shall not be
subject to replevin, but is deemed to be in the custody of the
appropriate person, subject only to the orders and decrees of the
court having jurisdiction over the forfeiture proceedings. When
property is seized under this article, the appropriate person may:

(1) Place the property under seal;

(2) Remove the property to a place designated by him or her;

(3) Require the appropriate law-enforcement agency to take
custody of the property and remove it to an appropriate location for
disposition in accordance with law; or

(4) In the case of seized moneys, securities or other
negotiable instruments, place the assets in any interest-bearing
depository insured by an agency of the federal government.

The requirements of this subsection (d), pertaining to the
removal of seized property, are not mandatory in the case of real
property and appurtenances thereto.
§29-22B-1805. Procedures for forfeiture.

(a) The following procedures for forfeiture shall be followed:

(1) Any proceeding wherein the state seeks forfeiture of
property subject to forfeiture under this section shall be a civil
proceeding. A petition for forfeiture may be filed on behalf of the
state and any law-enforcement agency making a seizure under this
article by the prosecuting attorney of a county, or duly appointed
special prosecutor;

(2) A petition for forfeiture may be filed and proceedings held thereon in the circuit court of the county wherein the seizure was
made or the circuit court of the county wherein any owner of the
property subject to forfeiture may reside;

(3) Any civil trial stemming from a petition for forfeiture
brought under this part 18 at the demand of either party shall be by

(4) A petition for forfeiture of the seized property shall be
filed within ninety days after the seizure of the property in
question. The petition shall be verified by oath or affirmation of
a law-enforcement officer representing the law-enforcement agency
responsible for the seizure or the prosecuting attorney and shall
contain the following:

(A) A description of the property seized;

(B) A statement as to who is responsible for the seizure;

(C) A statement of the time and place of seizure;

(D) The identity of the owner or owners of the property, if

(E) The identity of the person or persons in possession of the
property at the time seized, if known;

(F) A statement of facts upon which probable cause for belief
that the seized property is subject to forfeiture pursuant to the
provisions of this article is based;

(G) The identity of all persons or corporations having a
perfected security interest or lien in the subject property, as well
as the identity of all persons or corporations known to the affiant who may be holding a possessory or statutory lien against such
property; and

(H) A prayer for an order directing forfeiture of the seized
property to the state, and vesting ownership of such property in the

(b) At the time of filing or as soon as practicable thereafter,
a copy of the petition for forfeiture shall be served upon the owner
or owners of the seized property, as well as all holders of a
perfected security interest or lien or of a possessory or statutory
lien in the same class, if known. Should diligent efforts fail to
disclose the lawful owner or owners of the seized property, a copy
of the petition for forfeiture shall be served upon any person who
was in possession or alleged to be in possession of the property at
the time of seizure, where such person's identity is known. The
above service shall be made pursuant to the provisions of the West
Virginia Rules of Civil Procedure. Any copy of the petition for
forfeiture so served shall include a notice substantially as

"To any claimant to the within described property: You have
the right to file an answer to this petition setting forth your
title in, and right to possession of, the property within thirty
days from the service hereof. If you fail to file an answer, a
final order forfeiting the property to the state will be entered,
and such order is not subject to appeal."

If no owner or possessors, lienholders or holders of a security interest be found, then such service may be made by Class II legal
publication in accordance with the provisions of article 59-3-1,
seq., of this code, and the publication area shall be the county
wherein such property was located at the time of seizure and the
county wherein the petition for forfeiture is filed.

(c) In addition to the requirements of subsection (b) of this
section, the prosecuting attorney or law-enforcement officer upon
whose oath or affirmation the petition for forfeiture is based,
shall be responsible for the publication of a further notice. Such
further notice that a petition for forfeiture has been filed shall
be published by Class II legal advertisement in accordance with
article 59-3-1,
et seq., of this code. The publication area shall
be the county wherein the property was seized and the county wherein
the petition for forfeiture is filed. The notice shall advise any
claimant to the property of their right to file a claim on or before
the date set forth in the notice, which date shall not be less than
thirty days from the date of the first publication. The notice
shall specify that any claim must clearly state the identity of the
claimant and an address where legal process can be served upon that
person. In addition, such notice shall contain the following

(1) A description of the property seized;

(2) A statement as to who is responsible for the seizure;

(3) A statement of the time and place of seizure;

(4) The identity of the owner or owners of the property, if known;

(5) The identity of the person or persons in possession of the
property at the time of seizure, if known; and

(6) A statement that prayer for an order directing forfeiture
of the seized property to the state, and vesting ownership of such
property in the state, shall be requested of the court.

(d) If no answer or claim is filed within thirty days of the
date of service of the petition pursuant to subsection (b) of this
section, or within thirty days of the first publication pursuant to
subsection (b) of this section, the court shall enter an order
forfeiting the seized property to the state. If any claim to the
seized property is timely filed, a time and place shall be set for
a hearing upon such claim. The claimant or claimants shall be given
notice of such hearing not less than ten days prior to the date set
for the hearing.

(e) At the hearing upon the claim or claims, the state shall
have the burden of proving by a preponderance of the evidence that
the seized property is subject to forfeiture pursuant to the
provisions of this part 18.

(f) Any order forfeiting property to the state and entered
pursuant to this section perfects the state's right, title and
interest in the forfeited property and relates back to the date of
Provided, That in any proceeding under this article the
circuit court shall in its final order make specific findings with
respect to whether or not probable cause to seize such property existed at the time of such seizure.

(g) During the pendency of a forfeiture proceeding, it is
unlawful for any property owner or holder of a bona fide security
interest or other valid lien-holder to transfer or attempt to
transfer any ownership interest or security interest in seized
property with the intent to defeat the purpose of this article, and
the court wherein the petition for forfeiture is filed may enjoin a
property owner or holder of a security interest or other lien-holder
from making such a transfer should one come to its attention. Any
such transfer, that is made in violation of the provisions of this
subsection, shall have no effect upon an order of the court
forfeiting seized property to the state if a notice of lis pendens
is filed prior to the recording of the instrument of transfer.

(h) The court may void any transfer of property made before or
after a forfeiture proceeding has been commenced, which is subject
to forfeiture, if the transfer was not to a bona fide purchaser
without notice for value.

(i) An appeal of a decision of the circuit court concerning a
forfeiture proceeding brought pursuant to this part 18 must be filed
within one hundred twenty days of the date of entry of the final
appealable order. The appellant shall be required to give notice of
intent to appeal within thirty days of the entry of such appealable
§29-22B-1806. Disposition of forfeited moneys, securities or other
negotiable instruments.

(a) Whenever moneys, securities or other negotiable instruments
are forfeited under the provisions of this part 18, such proceeds
shall be distributed as follows:

(1) Ten percent of the proceeds shall be tendered to the office
of the prosecuting attorney which initiated the forfeiture
proceeding; and

(2) The balance shall be deposited in a special law-enforcement
investigation fund. The fund may be placed in any interest-bearing
depository insured by an agency of the federal government. The fund
shall be administered by the chief of the law-enforcement agency
that seized the forfeited property.

(b) No funds shall be expended from the special law-enforcement
investigation fund except as follows:

(1) In the case of the funds belonging to the West Virginia
state police, the funds shall only be expended at the direction of
the superintendent and in accordance with the provisions of section
5A-2-15 and subsection 12-2-2(j) of this code;

(2) In the case of funds belonging to the office of either the
sheriff or prosecuting attorney of any county in which the special
fund has been created, the funds therein may only be expended in the
manner provided in sections 7-5-4 and 5 of this code; and

(3) In the case of funds belonging to the police department of
any municipality in which the special fund has been created, the
funds therein may only be expended in the manner provided in section
8-13-22 of this code.
§29-22B-1807. Disposition of other forfeited property; distribution
of proceeds.

(a) When property other than that referred to in section 22B-
1806 of this part is forfeited under this section, the circuit court
ordering the forfeiture, upon application by the prosecuting
attorney or the chief of the law-enforcement agency that seized said
forfeited property, may direct that:

(1) Title to the forfeited property be vested in the
law-enforcement agency so petitioning; or

(2) The law-enforcement
agency responsible for the seizure retain the property for official
use; or

(3) The forfeited property shall be offered at public auction
to the highest bidder for cash. Notice of such public auction shall
be published as a Class III legal advertisement in accordance with
article 59-3-1,
et seq., of this code. The publication area shall
be the county where the public auction will be held.

(b) When a law-enforcement agency receives property pursuant to
this section, the court may, upon request of the prosecuting
attorney initiating the forfeiture proceeding, require the
law-enforcement agency to pay unto the office of said prosecuting
attorney a sum not to exceed ten percent of the value of the
property received to compensate said office for actual costs and
expenses incurred.

(c) The proceeds of every public sale conducted pursuant to
this section shall be paid and applied as follows: First, to the balance due on any security interest preserved by the court; second,
to the costs incurred in the storage, maintenance and security of
the property; third, to the costs incurred in selling the property.

(d) Any proceeds of a public sale remaining after distribution
pursuant to this section shall be distributed as follows:

(1) Ten percent of such proceeds shall be tendered to the
office of the prosecuting attorney who initiated the forfeiture
proceeding; and

(2) The balance shall be deposited in a special law-enforcement
investigation fund. Such fund shall be administered by the chief of
the law-enforcement agency that seized the forfeited property sold
and shall take the form of an interest-bearing account with any
interest earned to be compounded to the fund. Any funds deposited
in the special law-enforcement investigative fund pursuant to this
article shall be expended only to defray the costs of protracted or
complex investigations, to provide additional technical equipment or
expertise, to provide matching funds to obtain federal grants or for
such other law-enforcement purposes as the chief of the
law-enforcement agency may deem appropriate; however, these funds
may not be utilized for regular operating needs.

(e) If more than one law-enforcement agency was substantially
involved in effecting the seizure and forfeiture of property, the
court wherein the petition for forfeiture was filed shall equitably
distribute the forfeited property among the law-enforcement
agencies. In the event of a public sale of such property pursuant to subsection (a) of this section, the court shall equitably
distribute any proceeds remaining after distribution pursuant to
subsection (c) and subdivision (1), subsection (d) of this section,
among such law-enforcement agencies for deposit into their
individual special law-enforcement investigative fund. Equitable
distribution shall be based upon the overall contribution of the
individual law-enforcement agency to the investigation which led to
the seizure.

(f) Upon the sale of any forfeited property for which title or
registration is required by law, the state shall issue a title or
registration certificate to any bona fide purchaser at a public sale
of the property conducted pursuant to this section. Upon the
request of the law-enforcement agency receiving, pursuant to the
order of the court, or electing to retain, pursuant to this section,
any forfeited property for which title or registration is required
by law, the state shall issue a title or registration certificate to
the appropriate governmental body.

(g) Any funds expended pursuant to the provisions of this
section, shall only be expended in the manner provided in subsection
60A-7-705(b), of this code.

(h) Every prosecuting attorney or law-enforcement agency
receiving forfeited property or proceeds from the sale of forfeited
property pursuant to this part 18 shall submit an annual report to
the body which has budgetary authority over such agency. Such
report shall specify the type and approximate value of all forfeited property and the amount of proceeds from the sale of forfeited
property received in the preceding year. No county or municipality
may use anticipated receipts of forfeited property in their
budgetary process.

(i) In lieu of the sale of any forfeited property subject to a
bona fide security interest preserved by an order of the court, the
law-enforcement agency receiving the forfeited property may pay the
balance due on any security interest preserved by the court from
funds budgeted to the office or department or from the special fund
and retain possession of the forfeited property for official use
pursuant to this section.

(j) In every case where property is forfeited, disposition of
the forfeited property, in accordance with this part 18, shall be
made within six months of the date upon which the court of
jurisdiction orders forfeiture. Should the office or agency
receiving the property fail either to place the property in official
use or dispose of the property in accordance with law, the court of
jurisdiction shall cause disposition of the property to be made with
any proceeds therefrom to be awarded to the state.

(k) No disposition shall occur until all applicable periods for
filing a notice of intent to appeal has expired and no party in
interest shall have filed such notice. The filing of the notice of
intent to appeal shall stay any such disposition until the appeal
has been finally adjudicated or until the appeal period of one
hundred eighty days has expired without an appeal having actually been taken or filed, unless a valid extension of the appeal has been
granted by the circuit court under the provisions of section 58-4-7
of this code.

(l) The special law-enforcement investigative funds of each
law-enforcement agency may be placed in an interest-bearing
depository insured by the federal government.
Part 19. Miscellaneous provisions.
§29-22B-1901. Effect of this article on certain taxes.

(a) Notwithstanding any provision of this code to the contrary,
effective the first day of July, 2001, persons who hold a current
operator's license or a current limited video lottery retailer's
license issued under this article shall be exempt from paying the
taxes imposed by articles 11-15-1,
et seq., and 11-15A-1,
et seq.,
of this code on their purchases of video lottery terminals and video
lottery games.

(b) Notwithstanding any provision of this code to the contrary,
effective the first day of July, 2001, the consideration paid by a
patron of a restricted access adult-only facility to play of video
lottery games shall be exempt from the tax imposed by article 11-15-
et seq., of this code.

(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 8-13-4 of this
code to the contrary, effective the first day of July, 2001,
municipalities may not impose the license fees imposed by this
article on manufacturers, operators, limited video lottery retailers
and service technicians. Municipalities may continue to impose any other license fees they are allowed to impose under this code.

(d) Notwithstanding any provision of this code to the contrary,
effective the first day of July, 2001, municipalities may not impose
the municipal business and occupation taxes imposed pursuant to
section 8-13-5 of this code, or an amusement tax imposed pursuant to
section 8-13-6 of this code on the income of an permittee of video
lottery terminals from income derived directly from activities
conducted pursuant to the provisions of this article.

(e) Notwithstanding any provision of this code to the contrary,
effective the first day of July, 2001, municipalities may not impose
the municipal business and occupation taxes imposed pursuant to
section 8-13-5 of this code on payments a limited video lottery
retailer receives from an operator of video lottery terminals for
activities conducted pursuant to the provisions of this article.
§29-22B-1902. Preemption of state laws or local regulation.

(a) No state or local law or regulation providing any penalty,
disability, restriction, regulation or prohibition for the
manufacture, transportation, storage, distribution, advertising,
possession or sale of any lottery video lottery terminal, games or
materials or for the operation of any lottery shall apply to
operations by the lottery commission or persons licensed pursuant to
this article or operations or activities that are authorized in this

(b) The provisions of this article preempt all regulations,
rules, ordinances and laws of any county or municipality in conflict herewith:
Provided, That nothing herein shall invalidate any zoning
law, or Sunday closing law under article 61-10-1,
et seq., of this

(c) Nothing in this article shall be deemed to permit the
operation of any lottery otherwise prohibited by the laws of this
state, not owned and operated by this state and permitted by this
§29-22B-1903. Timing of implementation.

The Legislature finds and declares that the success of this
state's implementation of video lottery operations under this
article requires that the operations be phased in over a manageable
transition period designed to allow careful regulation and control
of the implementation of operations under this article and also to
allow persons possessing devices that are declared by this article
to be contraband gambling devices a reasonable opportunity to remove
any existing devices from this state.