H. B. 103
(By Delegate Michael)
[Introduced April 23, 2001]
A BILL expiring funds to the unappropriated surplus balance in the
state fund, general revenue, for the fiscal year ending the
thirtieth day of June, two thousand one, in the amount of one
million three hundred thousand dollars from the board of risk
and insurance management - premium tax savings fund, fund
2367, fiscal year 2001, organization 0218; in the amount of
three million dollars from the income tax reserve fund, fund
1313, fiscal year 2001, organization
; in the amount of
one million dollars from the public service commission, fund
8623, fiscal year 2001, organization 0926; and in the amount
of six hundred fifty thousand dollars from the
West Virginia
health care authority, fund 5375, fiscal year 2001,
organization 0507.

WHEREAS, The Legislature finds that the account balances in
the board of risk and insurance management - premium tax savings
fund, fund 2367, fiscal year 2001, organization 0218; in the income
tax reserve fund, fund 1313, fiscal year 2001, organization
in the public service commission, fund 8623, fiscal year 2001,
organization 0926; and in the
West Virginia health care authority,
fund 5375, fiscal year 2001, organization 0507
exceed that which is
necessary for the purposes for which the accounts were established;
Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:

That the amounts of one million three hundred thousand dollars
from the board of risk and insurance management - premium tax
savings fund, fund 2367, fiscal year 2001, organization 0218; three
million dollars from the income tax reserve fund, fund 1313, fiscal
year 2001, organization
; one million dollars from the public
service commission, fund 8623, fiscal year 2001, organization 0926;
and six hundred fifty thousand dollars from the West Virginia
health care authority, fund 5375, fiscal year 2001, organization
0507, be decreased by expiring the above amounts to the
unappropriated surplus balance of the state fund, general revenue,
to be available for appropriation during the fiscal year ending the
thirtieth day of June, two thousand one.

The purpose of this bill is to expire the sum of one million
three hundred thousand dollars from the board of risk and insurance
management - premium tax savings fund, fund 2367, fiscal year 2001,
organization 0218; three million dollars from the income tax
reserve fund, fund 1313, fiscal year 2001, organization
; one
million dollars from the public service commission, fund 8623,
fiscal year 2001, organization 0926; and six hundred fifty
thousand dollars from the
West Virginia health care authority, fund
5375, fiscal year 2001, organization 0507
, to the unappropriated
surplus balance in the state fund, general revenue, for the fiscal
year ending the thirtieth day of June, two thousand one, to be
available for appropriation during the fiscal year two thousand