WEST virginia legislature
2017 regular session
House Bill 2745
By Delegates Miller, R.,
Robinson, Lane and Rowe
[Introduced March 1, 2017: referred
to the Committee on Political
Subdivisions then Health and Human Resources.]
A BILL to amend and reenact §8-15-20A of the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended, relating to special examination for firefighter paramedic by adding the examination of Advanced Care Technician.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:
That §8-15-20A of the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended, be amended and reenacted to read as follows:
§8-15-20a. Special examination for firefighter paramedic and advance care technician.
(a) A municipality with a
firefighter's civil service commission providing an advanced life support
ambulance service licensed by the state health department may also administer a
special examination examinations for the position positions
of firefighter paramedic and advance care technician.
(b) An applicant for the position of firefighter paramedic shall: (1) Be a certified paramedic; (2) successfully pass the firefighter paramedic examination; and (3) meet the requirements of section seventeen of this article.
(c) An applicant for the position of advance care technician shall: (1) Be a certified advance care technician; (2) successfully pass the advance care technician examination; and (3) meet the requirements of section seventeen of this article.
(c) (d) Any person employed as a firefighter
paramedic or advance care technician under the provisions of this
section shall: (1) Maintain paramedic or advance care technician
certification; (2) complete all required fire service training; and (3) comply
with all other provisions of this article applicable to the continued
employment of firefighters.
(d) (e) Every position of firefighter paramedic or
advance care technician, unless filled by promotion, reinstatement,
reduction or a current firefighter, shall be filled only in the manner
specified in section twenty of this article.
NOTE: The purpose of this bill is to add provisions for the testing of applicants for the position of Advanced Care Technician for those municipalities which provide an advance life support ambulance service.
Strike-throughs indicate language that would be stricken from a heading or the present law and underscoring indicates new language that would be added.