H. B. 4077
(By Delegate Perdue, Hatfield, Lawrence, Marshall, Moye, Poore, Staggers, Ferns, Ellington, J. Miller and Rowan)
[Introduced January 16, 2012; referred to the
Committee on Health and Human Resources then Finance.]
A BILL to amend §30-4-17 of the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended, relating to activities that may be performed by a dental hygienist without a prior exam by a dentist.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:
That §30-4-17 of the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended, be amended and reenacted to read as follows:
§30-4-17. Scope of practice; dental hygienist.
The practice of dental hygiene includes the following:
(1) Performing a complete prophylaxis, including the removal of any deposit, accretion or stain from the surface of a tooth or a restoration;
(2) Applying a medicinal agent to a tooth for a prophylactic purpose;
(3) Taking a dental X-ray;
(4) Instructing a patient on proper oral hygiene practice;
(5) Placing sealants on a patient’s teeth without a prior examination by a licensed dentist;
(5) (6) Performing all delegated procedures of a dental hygienist specified by rule by the board; and
(6) (7) Performing all delegated procedures of a dental assistant specified by rule by the board.
NOTE: The purpose of this bill is allow a dental hygienist to place dental sealants on a patient’s teeth without first having to have a dental examination by a licensed dentist.
Strike-throughs indicate language that is to be stricken from the present law and underscoring indicates mew language that would be added.
This bill was recommended for passage during the 2012 Regular Session of the Legislature by the Joint Committee on Health.