Senate Bill No. 103
(By Senators Hunter, Kessler, Edgell, Bowman, Love, Rowe,
Burnette, Redd, McKenzie, Bailey, Chafin, Craigo, Jackson,
Plymale, Snyder, Prezioso, McCabe, Unger, Anderson, Helmick,
Minard, Sharpe, Ross, Mitchell, Caldwell and Tomblin, Mr

[Introduced February 15, 2001; referred to the
Committee on Small Business; and then to the Committee on
A BILL to amend chapter twenty-one of the code of West Virginia,
one thousand nine hundred thirty-one, as amended, by adding
thereto a new article, designated article one-c, relating to
creating the "West Virginia Jobs Act"; defining terms;
setting forth legislative findings and policy; setting forth
the applicability of the act; requiring employment of West
Virginia residents for certain jobs under certain conditions; allowing waiver certificates to employers under
certain conditions; providing criminal penalties; and
establishing an effective date for the employment
requirements by grandfathering in certain existing
Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:

That chapter twenty-one of the code of West Virginia, one
thousand nine hundred thirty-one, as amended, be amended by
adding thereto a new article, designated article one-c, to read
as follows:
§21-1C-1. Short title.

This article may be cited as the "West Virginia Jobs Act."
§21-1C-2. Definitions.

As used in this article:

(1) The term "construction project" means any construction,
reconstruction, improvement, enlargement, painting, decorating or
repair of any public improvement let to contract in an amount
equal to or greater than twenty-five thousand dollars. The term
"construction project" does not include temporary or emergency

(2)(A) The term "employee" means any person hired or
permitted to perform hourly work for wages by a person, firm or
corporation in the construction industry;

(B) The term "employee" does not include:

(i) Bona fide employees of a public authority or individuals
engaged in making temporary or emergency repairs;

(ii) Bona fide independent contractors; or

(iii) Salaried supervisory personnel necessary to assure
efficient execution of the employee's work;

(3) The term "employer" means any person, firm or
corporation employing one or more employees on any public

(4) The term "labor market" means that labor market area
designated by the West Virginia division of highways for
Appalachian regional commission projects and includes every
county in West Virginia;

(5) The term "public authority" means any officer, board or
commission or other agency of the state of West Virginia, or any
political subdivision of the state, authorized by law to enter
into a contract for the construction of a public improvement,
including any institution supported, in whole or in part, by public funds of the state of West Virginia or its political
subdivisions, or any economic development authority of the state
or any of its political subdivisions authorized to issue economic
development bonds as a means of financing private construction
projects; and

(6) The term "public improvement" includes all buildings,
roads, highways, bridges, streets, alleys, sewers, ditches,
sewage disposal plants, waterworks, airports and all other
structures or works on which a construction project may be let to
contract by:

(A) Any public authority;

(B) Any private person, corporation, partnership, or any
other business entity receiving the benefit of state tax
incentives or credits; or

(C) Any private person, corporation, partnership or any
other business entity receiving the benefit of economic
development bonds authorized or issued by any public economic
development authority or economic development board in connection
with construction projects in this state whether the construction
project is public or private.
§21-1C-3. Legislative findings; statement of policy.

The Legislature finds that the rate of unemployment in this
state is significantly higher than that of most other states, and
that a majority of West Virginia counties are designated as labor
surplus areas by the United States department of labor.

The Legislature finds that economic development bonds, tax
incentives, tax credits and other taxpayer-guaranteed or funded
benefits are issued periodically to private persons,
corporations, partnerships and other entities to subsidize public
improvement construction projects, and that these incentives and
benefits are made by the state in an effort to combat
unemployment in the state and its political subdivisions.

The Legislature finds that the employment of persons from
outside the local labor market on public improvement construction
projects contracted for and subsidized by the taxpayers of the
state contributes significantly to the rate of unemployment and
the low per capita income among qualified state residents who
would otherwise be hired for these jobs.

Therefore, the Legislature declares that, as a policy,
residents of local labor markets, as defined in section two of
this article, should be employed and be given preference in
hiring for the construction of all public improvement and private construction projects which depend, in whole or in part, on
taxpayer funding, economic development bonds or other incentives
for which state taxpayers are responsible, either through taxes
or guarantees.
§21-1C-4. Local employee quota on certain construction projects;

exceptions; waiver certificate issued in certain


(a) In hiring employees for any and all construction
projects as defined in section two of this article, at least
ninety percent of each employer's employees shall be individuals
who are West Virginia residents and who have resided in the
relevant labor market for at least six months preceding their
application for employment.

(b) Any employer not able to employ the minimum quota of
West Virginia residents shall inform the nearest office of the
bureau of employment programs' division of employment services of
the employer's employment needs. If within one week following
the placing of a job order, the division is unable to refer any
qualified job applicants to the employer, or refers less
qualified job applicants than the number requested, the division
shall grant a waiver certificate to the contractor indicating the unavailability of applicants and setting a new quota for the
project. The waiver certificate shall be made a part of the
contractor's permanent project records. Upon receipt of the
waiver certificate, the contractor may employ non-West Virginia
residents to fill any positions covered by the waiver
§21-1C-5. Applicability of article; mandatory requirements to be

set forth in contracts.

(a) This article applies to expenditures by any public
authority made, in whole or in part, from public funds for a
construction project, including, but not limited to:

(1) Any construction project, whether public or private
funded, in whole or in part, by any bonds issued by any economic
development board or agency authorized to issue economic
development bonds for public or private construction projects;

(2) Any private construction project resulting, in whole or
in part, from the issuance of tax incentives, tax credits or
other benefits granted by the state or any of its political
subdivisions to induce or encourage the undertaking of any
construction project by any private person, corporation or any other entity.

(b) Every public improvement contract let shall contain a
provision conforming to the requirements of this article. Every
subcontract for a public improvement which is, or reasonably may
be, done as on-site work shall contain a provision conforming to
the requirements of this article.
§21-1C-6. Penalties for violation of article.

(a) Any employer who violates any provision of this article
is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be
fined not less than two hundred fifty nor more than one thousand

(b) Any potential employee who applies for work and, but for
a violation of this article, would have been employed on a public
improvement, may recover from the employer those wages and
benefits which he or she would have received had he or she been
hired in accordance with this article, as well as reasonable
attorney's fees and expenses. Any employer who engages in a
knowing and willful violation of this article is also liable, as
a penalty, for an additional amount equal to the individual's
lost wages and benefits.
§21-1C-7. Existing contracts not subject to the requirements of 
this article.

This article applies only to contracts let after the
effective date of this article.

NOTE: The purpose of this bill is to mandate the hiring of
workers from the local labor market in public improvement
projects in West Virginia before out-of-state labor is hired.

This article is new; therefore, strike-throughs and
underscoring have been omitted.