Senate Bill No. 103
(Senators Hunter, Kessler, Edgell, Bowman, Love, Rowe, Burnette, Redd,
McKenzie, Bailey, Chafin, Craigo, Jackson, Plymale, Snyder, Prezioso,
McCabe, Unger, Anderson, Helmick, Minard, Sharpe, Ross, Mitchell, Caldwell
and Tomblin, Mr President, original sponsors)
[Passed April 14, 2001; in effect ninety days from passage.]
AN ACT to amend chapter twenty-one of the code of West Virginia,
one thousand nine hundred thirty-one, as amended, by adding
thereto a new article, designated article one-c, relating to
the West Virginia jobs act; requiring a certain percentage
of employment from the local labor market for construction
projects let by certain public authorities; requiring public
authorities to submit information for a legislative audit;
providing civil penalties; and establishing effective dates
for the article.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:

That chapter twenty-one of the code of West Virginia, one
thousand nine hundred thirty-one, as amended, be amended by
adding thereto a new article, designated article one-c, to read
as follows:
§21-1C-1. Short title.

This article shall be called the "West Virginia Jobs Act".
§21-1C-2. Definitions.

As used in this article:

(1) The term "construction project" means any construction,
reconstruction, improvement, enlargement, painting, decorating or
repair of any public improvement let to contract in an amount
equal to or greater than five hundred thousand dollars. The term
"construction project" does not include temporary or emergency

(2)(A) The term "employee" means any person hired or
permitted to perform hourly work for wages by a person, firm or
corporation in the construction industry;

(B) The term "employee" does not include:

(i) Bona fide employees of a public authority or individuals
engaged in making temporary or emergency repairs;

(ii) Bona fide independent contractors; or

(iii) Salaried supervisory personnel necessary to assure
efficient execution of the employee's work;

(3) The term "employer" means any person, firm or
corporation employing one or more employees on any public
improvement and includes all contractors and subcontractors;

(4) The term "local labor market" means every county in West
Virginia and all counties bordering West Virginia that fall
within seventy-five miles of the border of West Virginia;

(5) The term "public authority" means any officer, board,
commission or agency of the state of West Virginia, excluding
counties and municipalities. Further, the economic development
authority, infrastructure and jobs development council and school
building authority shall be required to comply with the
provisions of this article for loans, grants or bonds provided
for public improvement construction projects:
Provided, That any
project initiated by a county or local economic development
authority and which is under the effective management of the
county or local economic development authority shall not be
included in this requirement;
(6) The term "public improvement" includes the construction
of all buildings, roads, highways, bridges, streets, alleys, sewers, ditches, sewage disposal plants, waterworks, airports and
all other structures that may be let to contract by a public
authority, excluding improvements funded, in whole or in part, by
federal funds.
§21-1C-3. Legislative findings; statement of policy.
The Legislature finds that the rate of unemployment in this
state is significantly higher than that of most other states and
that a majority of West Virginia counties are designated as labor
surplus areas by the United States department of labor.
The Legislature finds that the employment of persons from
outside the local labor market on public improvement construction
projects contracted for and subsidized by the taxpayers of the
state contributes significantly to the rate of unemployment and
the low per capita income among qualified state residents who
would otherwise be hired for these jobs.
Therefore, the Legislature declares that residents of local
labor markets should be employed and given preference in hiring
for the construction of public improvement projects which depend,
in whole or in part, on state taxpayer funding.
§21-1C-4. Local labor market quota on public improvement
construction projects; waiver certificates.
(a) Employers shall hire at least seventy-five percent of employees for public improvement construction projects from the
local labor market, to be rounded off, with at least two
employees from outside the local labor market permissible for
each employer per project. Employees shall have resided in the
local labor market for at least six months prior to their
application for employment.
(b) Any employer unable to employ the minimum number of
employees from the local labor market shall inform the nearest
office of the bureau of employment programs' division of
employment services of the number of qualified employees needed
and provide a job description of the positions to be filled.
(c) If, within three business days following the placing of
a job order, the division is unable to refer any qualified job
applicants to the employer or refers less qualified job
applicants than the number requested, then the division shall
issue a waiver to the employer stating the unavailability of
applicant and shall
permit the employer to fill any positions
covered by the waiver from outside the local labor market.
waiver shall be either oral or in writing and shall be issued
within the prescribed three days.
A waiver certificate shall be
sent to both the employer for its permanent project records and
to the public authority.
§21-1C-5. Applicability and scope of article; reporting
(a) This article applies to expenditures for construction
projects by any public authority for public improvements as
defined by this article.
(b) For public improvement projects let pursuant to this
article, the public authority shall file with the division of
labor copies of the waiver certificates and certified payrolls,
pursuant to article five-a of this chapter, or other comparable
documents that include the number of employees, the county and
state wherein the employees reside and their occupation
(c) The division of labor shall compile the information
required by this section and submit it to the joint committee on
government and finance by the fifteenth day of October, two
thousand two, for a legislative audit to be prepared for the
December, two thousand two, interim session.
(d) Each public authority has the duty to implement the
reporting requirements of this article.
Every public improvement
contract or subcontract let by a public authority shall contain
provisions conforming to the requirements of this article.
(e) The division of labor is authorized to establish
procedures for the efficient collection of data, collection of civil penalties prescribed in section six and transmittal of data
to the
joint committee on government and finance
§21-1C-6. Penalties for violation of article.
Any employer who violates any provision of this article is
subject to a civil penalty of one hundred dollars per day of
§21-1C-7. Effective date.
This article is effective from the first day of September,
two thousand one, though the fifteenth day of March, two thousand