Introduced Version
Senate Bill 287 History
Committee Substitute (1)
Enrolled Version - Final Version
Engrossed Version
Key: Green = existing Code. Red = new code to be enacted

Senate Bill No. 287
(By Senators Ross, Minard,
Snyder, Boley and Minear)
[Introduced January 24, 2003; referred to the
Committee on Banking and Insurance;
and then to the Committee on the Judiciary.]
A BILL to amend and reenact section two, article seven, chapter
sixty-four of the code of West Virginia, one thousand nine
hundred thirty-one, as amended, relating to authorizing the
insurance commissioner to promulgate a legislative rule
relating to examiners' compensation, qualifications and
Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:
That section two, article seven, chapter sixty-four of the
code of West Virginia, one thousand nine hundred thirty-one, as
amended, be amended and reenacted to read as follows:
§64-7-2. Insurance commissioner.

(a) The legislative rule filed in the state register on the
twenty-fifth day of July, two thousand one, authorized under the
authority of section ten, article two and section six-a, article
seventy-b, chapter thirty-three of this code, relating to the
insurance commissioner (medical malpractice loss experience and
loss expense annual reporting requirements, 114 CSR 23), is

(b) The legislative rule filed in the state register on the
twenty-fifth day of July, two thousand one, authorized under the
authority of section ten, article two, section one, article six-f,
and section four, article eleven-a, chapter thirty-three of this
code, modified by the insurance commissioner to meet the objections
of the legislative rule-making review committee and refiled in the
state register on the twenty-first day of December, two thousand
one, relating to the insurance commissioner (privacy of consumer
financial and health information, 114 CSR 57), is authorized.

(c) The legislative rule filed in the state register on the
twenty-fifth day of July, two thousand one, authorized under the
authority of section ten, article two and sections six and nine,
article twenty-five-c, chapter thirty-three of this code, modified
by the insurance commissioner to meet the objections of the
legislative rule-making review committee and refiled in the state
register on the twenty-first day of December, two thousand one,
relating to the insurance commissioner (external review of coverage
denials, 114 CSR 58), is authorized with the following amendments:

On page seven, Section 5.2.b., in the second sentence
following the words "numbers of two" by inserting the words
"randomly selected" and following the words "external review
organizations" by inserting the words "which have been approved
pursuant to section 8 and which do not have a conflict of interest
as described in subdivision (d) of subsection 9.1.,";

On page seven, by striking all of section 5.5., and
renumbering the subsequent sections accordingly;

On page fourteen, section 7.3., after the word "Code" by
striking out "§33-25A-6" and inserting in lieu thereof "§33-25C-6";


On page fourteen, section 8.1., after the word "Code" by
striking out "§33-25A-6" and inserting in lieu thereof "§33-25C-6".
(d) The legislative rule filed in the state register on the twenty-sixth day of July, two thousand two, authorized under the
authority of section ten, article two, chapter thirty-three, of
this code, modified by the insurance commissioner to meet the
objections of the legislative rule-making review committee and
refiled in the state register on the fourth day of November, two
thousand two, relating to the insurance commissioner (examiners'
compensation, qualifications and classification, 114 CSR 15), is
NOTE: The purpose of this bill is to authorize the Insurance
Commissioner to promulgate a legislative rule relating to
Examiners' Compensation, Qualifications and Classification.
Strike-throughs indicate language that would be stricken from
the present law, and underscoring indicates new language that would
be added.