Senate Bill No. 568
(By Senators Wooton, Burnette, Caldwell, Fanning, Hunter,
Kessler, Minard, Mitchell, Oliverio, Redd, Ross, Rowe,
Snyder, Deem, Facemyer and McKenzie)
[Originating in the Committee on the Judiciary;
reported March 22, 2001.]
A BILL to amend and reenact section seven, article ten, chapter
eighteen-b of the code of West Virginia, one thousand nine
hundred thirty-one, as amended, relating to requiring state
institutions of higher education to permit spouses and
children of probation officers and parole officers killed in
the line of duty to attend classes without payment of
tuition and fees.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:

That section seven, article ten, chapter eighteen-b of the
code of West Virginia, one thousand nine hundred thirty-one, as
amended, be amended and reenacted, to read as follows:

§18B-10-7. Tuition and fee waivers for children and spouses of
certain officers and firefighters killed in the line of

Each state institution of higher education shall permit any
person to attend its undergraduate courses and classes if
classroom space is available without charging such person any
tuition or any fees, including those provided in sections two and
three of this article, if such person is the child or spouse of a
law-enforcement officer as defined in section one, article
twenty-nine, chapter thirty of this code, a correctional officer
at a state penal institution, a conservation officer
, a parole
officer, a probation officer or a registered firefighter, and
such officer or firefighter was killed in the line of duty while
employed by the state or any political subdivision thereof, or
such firefighter was a member of a volunteer fire department
serving a political subdivision of this state:
Provided, That
the state institution of higher education may require such person
to pay special fees, including any laboratory fees, if such fees
are required of all other students taking a single or the
particular course and may also require such person to pay for
parking. The governing boards may promulgate rules for determining the availability of classroom space and other rules
as it considers necessary to implement this section, including
rules regarding qualifications for attendance, which shall not
exceed the qualifications required of other persons.

The governing boards may also extend to persons attending
courses and classes under this section any rights, privileges or
benefits extended to other students which it considers

(NOTE: The purpose of this bill is to include the spouses
and children of officers killed in the line of duty among those
eligible for free tuition at state colleges.)