Senate Bill No. 604
(By Senators Jackson, Bailey, Boley, Bowman, Caldwell, Edgell,
Helmick, Hunter, Minear, Redd and Unger)
[Originating in the Committee on Finance;
reported April 4, 2001.]
A BILL to repeal section two-b, article three-a, chapter eighteen-a
of the code of West Virginia, one thousand nine hundred
thirty-one, as amended; to amend article two, chapter eighteen
of said code by adding thereto a new section, designated
section thirty-five; to amend and reenact section five,
article two-e of said chapter; to further amend said article
by adding thereto two new sections, designated sections five-a
and five-b; to amend and reenact section two, article four of
said chapter; to amend and reenact section thirteen, article five of said chapter; to amend and reenact section one,
article one, chapter eighteen-a of said code; to amend and
reenact section three-a, article three of said chapter; to
amend and reenact sections one, two and three, article three-a
of said chapter; to amend and reenact sections seven-a, eight-
b and nineteen, article four of said chapter; and to amend and
reenact section eight, article five of said chapter, all
relating to public education generally; authority to intervene
in the operation of a school; removal of principal;
superintendent employment contract; principals' employment
contracts; first-class permits for superintendents; including
service personnel in job sharing provisions; eliminating
obsolete language; payment of tuition, registration or other
required fees for teachers; job postings for professional and
service personnel positions; preferred recall status;
rescinding a reduction in force; alteration of contract
changing employment term; transfer of aides; eliminating the
principals academy; and requiring training courses for
principals and assistant principals.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:

That section two-b, article three-a, chapter eighteen-a of the
code of West Virginia, one thousand nine hundred thirty-one, as
amended, be repealed; that article two, chapter eighteen of said code be amended by adding thereto a new section, designated section
thirty-five; that section five, article two-e of said chapter be
amended and reenacted; that said article be further amended by
adding thereto two new sections, designated sections five-a and
five-b; that section two, article four of said chapter be amended
and reenacted; that section thirteen, article five of said chapter
be amended and reenacted; that section one, article one, chapter
eighteen-a of said code be amended and reenacted; that section
three-a, article three of said chapter be amended and reenacted;
that sections one, two and three, article three-a of said chapter
be amended and reenacted; that sections seven-a, eight-b and
nineteen, article four of said chapter be amended and reenacted;
and that section eight, article five of said chapter be amended and
reenacted, all to read as follows:
§18-2-35. Leadership development for principals.

(a) The department of education, annually, shall sponsor and
conduct leadership development training courses for principals.
The duration of the courses shall be no more than three days. The
training format, location and content shall be determined by the
department of education. Each principal shall attend the training
courses annually during the school year.

(b) Additionally, the department of education, annually, shall
sponsor and conduct management development training courses for
assistant principals. The duration of the courses shall be for no
more than three days. The training format, location and content
will be determined by the department of education. Each assistant
principal shall attend the training courses annually during their
employment term.

(c) The training required by this section shall satisfy the
current annual requirement of eighteen hours of professional

(d) Nothing in this section shall be construed to limit the
right of a county school board or a county superintendent to
require a principal or assistant principal to attend other
professional development programs.

(e) The department of education shall conduct a study of the
role and responsibilities of principals. The department shall
report to the legislative oversight commission on education
accountability the findings and recommendations of the study prior
to the first day of December, two thousand one.
§18-2E-5. Process for improving education; office of education
performance audits; education standards; school
accreditation and school system approval;
intervention to correct impairments.
(a) Legislative intent. -- The purpose of this section is to
establish a process for improving education that includes
standards, assessment, accountability and capacity building to
provide assurances that a thorough and efficient system of schools
is being provided for all West Virginia public school students on
an equal education opportunity basis and that the high quality
standards are, at a minimum, being met.
(b) State board rules. -- The state board shall promulgate
rules in accordance with article three-b, chapter twenty-nine-a of
this code establishing a unified county improvement plan for each
county board and a unified school improvement plan for each public
school in this state. The state board is not required to
promulgate new rules if legislative rules meeting the requirements
of article three-b, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code have been
filed with the office of the secretary of state before the
effective date of this section.
(c) High quality education standards and efficiency standards.
-- The state board shall, in accordance with the provisions of
article three-b, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code, adopt and
periodically review and update high quality education standards for
student, school and school system performance and processes in the
following areas:
(1) Curriculum;
(2) Workplace readiness skills;
(3) Finance;
(4) Transportation;
(5) Special education;
(6) Facilities;
(7) Administrative practices;
(8) Training of county board members and administrators;
(9) Personnel qualifications;
(10) Professional development and evaluation;
(11) Student and school performance;
(12) A code of conduct for students and employees;
(13) Indicators of efficiency; and
(14) Any other such areas as determined by the state board.
(d) Performance measures. -- The standards shall assure that
all graduates are prepared for gainful employment or for continuing
postsecondary education and training and that schools and school
districts are making progress in achieving the education goals of
the state. 

The standards shall include measures of student performance to
indicate when a thorough and efficient system of schools is being
provided and of school and school system performance and processes
that enable student performance. The measures of student performance and school and school system performance and processes
shall include, but are not limited to, the following:
(1) The acquisition of student proficiencies as indicated by
student performance by grade level measured, where possible, by a
uniform statewide assessment program;
(2) School attendance rates;
(3) Student dropout rate;
(4) Percent of students promoted to the next grade;
(5) Graduation rate;
(6) Average class size;
(7) Pupil-teacher ratio and number of exceptions to ratio
requested by county boards and the number granted;
(8) Number of split-grade classrooms;
(9) Percentage of graduates who enrolled in college; the
percentage of graduates who enrolled in other postsecondary
education; and the percentage of graduates who become fully
employed within one year of high school graduation all as reported
by the graduates on the assessment form attached to their
individualized student transition plan, pursuant to section eight
of this article and the percentage of graduates reporting;
(10) Pupil-administrator ratio;
(11) Parent involvement;
(12) Parent, teacher and student satisfaction;
(13) Operating expenditures per pupil;
(14) Percentage of graduates who attain the minimum level of
performance in the basic skills recognized by the state board as
laying the foundation for further learning and skill development
for success in college, other postsecondary education and gainful
employment and the grade level distribution in which the minimum
level of performance was met;
(15) Percentage of graduates who received additional
certification of their skills, competence and readiness for
college, other postsecondary education or employment above the
minimum foundation level of basic skills; and
(16) Percentage of students in secondary and middle schools
who are enrolled in advanced placement or honors classes,
respectively. and

(17) (e) Indicators of efficiency. - The state board shall, in
accordance with the provisions of article three-b, chapter
twenty-nine-a of this code, adopt and periodically review and
update indicators of efficiency for student and school system
performance and processes in the following areas:
(A) Curriculum delivery including, but not limited to, the use
of distance learning;
(B) Transportation;
(C) Facilities;
(D) Administrative practices;
(E) Personnel;
(F) Utilization of regional educational service agency
programs and services, including programs and services that may be
established by their assigned regional educational service agency,
or other regional services that may be initiated between and among
participating county boards; and
(G) Any other indicators as determined by the state board.

(e) (f) Assessment and accountability of school and school
system performance and processes. -- The state board shall
establish by rule in accordance with the provisions of article
three-b, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code, a system of education
performance audits which measures the quality of education and the
preparation of students based on the standards and measures of
student, school and school system performance and processes,
including, but not limited to, the standards and measures set forth
in subsections (c) and (d) of this section. The system of
education performance audits shall assist the state board in
ensuring that the standards and measures established pursuant to
this section are, at a minimum, being met and that a thorough and
efficient system of schools is being provided. The system of
education performance audits shall include: (1) The assessment of
student, school and school system performance and the processes in place in schools and school systems which enable student
performance; (2) the review of school and school system unified
improvement plans; and (3) the periodic, random unannounced on-site
review of school and school system performance and compliance with
the standards.

(f) (g) Uses of school and school system assessment
information. -- The state board shall use information from the
system of education performance audits to assist it in ensuring
that a thorough and efficient system of schools is being provided
and to improve student, school and school system performance,
including, but not limited to, the following: (1) Determining
school accreditation and school system approval status; (2) holding
schools and school systems accountable for the efficient use of
existing resources to meet or exceed the standards; and (3)
targeting additional resources when necessary to improve
performance. Primary emphasis in determining school accreditation
and school system approval status will shall be based on student,
school and school system performance on measures selected by the
state board. The state board shall make accreditation information
available to the Legislature; the governor; and to the general
public and any individuals who request such the information,
subject to the provisions of any act or rule or regulation
restricting the release of information. Based on the assessment of student, school and school system performance, the state board
shall establish early detection and intervention programs to assist
underachieving schools and school systems in improving performance
before conditions become so grave as to warrant more substantive
state intervention, including, but not limited to, making
additional technical assistance, programmatic, monetary and
staffing resources available where appropriate.

(g) (h) Office of education performance audits. -- To assist
the state board in the operation of the system of education
performance audits and in making determinations regarding the
accreditation status of schools and the approval status of school
systems, the state board shall establish an office of education
performance audits which shall be operated under the direction of
the state board independently of the functions and supervision of
the state department of education and state superintendent. The
office of education performance audits shall report directly to and
be responsible to the state board in carrying out its duties under
the provisions of this section. The office shall be headed by a
director who shall be appointed by the state board and shall serve
at the will and pleasure of the state board. The salary of the
director shall not exceed the salary of the state superintendent of
schools. The state board shall organize and sufficiently staff the
office to fulfill the duties assigned to it by this section and the state board. Employees of the state department of education who
are transferred to the office of education performance audits shall
retain their benefit and seniority status with the department of
education. Under the direction of the state board, the office of
education performance audits shall receive from the West Virginia
education information system staff research and analysis data on
the performance of students, schools and school systems, and shall
receive assistance from staff at the state department of education
and the state school building authority to carry out the duties
assigned to the office. In addition to other duties which may be
assigned to it by the state board or by statute, the office of
education performance audits also shall:
(1) Assure that all statewide assessments of student
performance are secure as required in section one-a of this
(2) Administer all accountability measures as assigned by the
state board, including, but not limited to, processes for the
accreditation of schools and the approval of school systems, and
recommend to the state board appropriate action, including, but not
limited to, accreditation and approval action;
(3) Determine, in conjunction with the assessment and
accountability processes, what capacity may be needed by schools
and school systems to meet the standards established by the Legislature and the state board, and recommend to the school,
school system and state board, plans to establish those needed
(4) Determine, in conjunction with the assessment and
accountability processes, whether statewide system deficiencies
exist in the capacity to establish and maintain a thorough and
efficient system of schools, including the identification of
trends and the need for continuing improvements in education, and
report those deficiencies and trends to the state board;
(5) Determine, in conjunction with the assessment and
accountability processes, staff development needs of schools and
school systems to meet the standards established by the Legislature
and the state board, and make recommendations to the state board,
the center for professional development, regional educational
service agencies, higher education governing boards and county
boards; and
(6) Identify, in conjunction with the assessment and
accountability processes, exemplary schools and school systems and
best practices that improve student, school and school system
performance, and make recommendations to the state board for
recognizing and rewarding exemplary schools and school systems and
promoting the use of best practices. The state board shall provide
information on best practices to county school systems and shall use information identified through the assessment and
accountability processes to select schools of excellence.

(h) (i) On-site reviews. -- At the direction of the state
board or by weighted, random selection by the office of education
performance audits, an unannounced on-site review shall be
conducted by the office of education performance audits of any
school or school system for purposes, including, but not limited
to, the following: (1) Verifying data reported by the school or
county board; (2) documenting compliance with policies and laws;
(3) evaluating the effectiveness and implementation status of
school and school system unified improvement plans; (4)
investigating official complaints submitted to the state board that
allege serious impairments in the quality of education in schools
or school systems; and (5) investigating official complaints
submitted to the state board that allege that a school or county
board is in violation of policies or laws under which schools and
county boards operate. The random selection of schools and school
systems for an on-site review shall use a weighted random sample so
that those with lower performance indicators and those that have
not had a recent on-site review have a greater likelihood of being
selected. Under the direction of the state board, the office of
education performance audits shall appoint an education standards
compliance review team to assist it in conducting on-site reviews. The teams shall be composed of an adequate number of persons who
possess the necessary knowledge, skills and experience to make an
accurate assessment of education programs and who are drawn from a
trained cadre established by the office of education performance
audits. The state board shall have discretion in determining the
number of persons to serve on a standards compliance review team
based on the size of the school or school system as applicable.
The teams shall be led by a member of the office of education
performance audits. County boards shall be reimbursed The state
board shall reimburse a county board for the costs of substitutes
required to replace county board employees while they are serving
on an education standards compliance review team. The office of
education performance audits shall report the findings of the
on-site reviews to the state board for inclusion in the evaluation
and determination of a school's or county board's accreditation or
approval status as applicable.

(i) (j) School accreditation. -- The state board annually
shall review the information from the system of education
performance audits submitted for each school and shall issue to
every school: Exemplary accreditation status, full accreditation
status, temporary accreditation status, conditional accreditation
status, or shall declare the education programs at the school to be
seriously impaired.
(1) Full accreditation status shall be given to a school when
the school's performance on the standards adopted by the state
board pursuant to subsections (c) and (d) of this section is at a
level which would be expected when all of the high quality
education standards are being met.
(2) Temporary accreditation status shall be given to a school
when the measure of the school's performance is below the level
required for full accreditation status. Whenever a school is given
temporary accreditation status, the county board shall ensure that
the school's unified improvement plan is revised to increase the
performance of the school to a full accreditation status level.
The revised unified school improvement plan shall include
objectives, a time line, a plan for evaluation of the success of
the improvements, cost estimates, and a date certain for achieving
full accreditation. The revised plan shall be submitted to the
state board for approval.
(3) Conditional accreditation status shall be given to a
school when the school's performance on the standards adopted by
the state board is below the level required for full accreditation,
but the school's unified improvement plan has been revised to
achieve full accreditation status by a date certain, the plan has
been approved by the state board and the school is meeting the
objectives and time line specified in the revised plan.
(4) Exemplary accreditation status shall be given to a school
when the school's performance on the standards adopted by the state
board pursuant to subsections (c) and (d) of this section
substantially exceeds the minimal level which would be expected
when all of the high quality education standards are being met.
The state board shall propose legislative rules in accordance with
the provisions of article three-b, chapter twenty-nine-a,
designated to establish standards of performance to identify
exemplary schools.
(5) The state board shall establish and adopt standards of
performance to identify seriously impaired schools and the state
board may declare a school seriously impaired whenever
extraordinary circumstances exist as defined by the state board.
(A) These circumstances shall include, but are not limited to,
(i) the failure of a school on temporary accreditation status to
obtain approval of its revised unified school improvement plan
within a reasonable time period as defined by the state board; (ii)
the failure of a school on conditional accreditation status to meet
the objectives and time line of its revised unified school
improvement plan; or (iii) the failure to achieve full
accreditation by the date specified in the revised plan.
(B) Whenever the state board determines that the quality of
education in a school is seriously impaired, the state board shall appoint a team of improvement consultants to make recommendations
within sixty days of appointment for correction of the impairment.
Upon approval of the recommendations by the state board, the
recommendations shall be made to the county board. If progress in
correcting the impairment as determined by the state board is not
made within six months from the time the county board receives the
recommendations, the state board shall place the county board on
temporary approval status and provide consultation and assistance
to the county board to: (i) Improve personnel management; (ii)
establish more efficient financial management practices; (iii)
improve instructional programs and rules; or (iv) make such any
other improvements as may be that are necessary to correct the
(C) If the impairment is not corrected by a date certain set
by the state board, the county board shall be given nonapproval
(D) In addition to any other remedy provided in this
subsection, if the impairment is not corrected by the date certain
set by the state board, the state board may intervene in the
operation of the school to cause improvements to be made that will
provide assurances that a thorough and efficient system of schools
will be provided. This intervention may include, but is not
limited to, the following: (i) The establishment of instructional programs; (ii) taking such direct action as may be necessary to
correct the impairments; (iii) declaring that the position of
principal is vacant; and (iv) assigning a principal for the school
who shall serve at the will and pleasure and the sole supervision
of the state board.
(E) The county board shall take no action or refuse any action
which would have the effect of further impairing the school in
which the state board has intervened.
(F) If the principal who was removed elects not to remain an
employee of the county board, then the principal assigned by the
state board shall be paid by the county board.
(G) If the principal who was removed elects to remain an
employee of the county board, then the following applies: (i) The
principal assigned by the state board shall be paid by the state
board until the next school term, at which time the principal
assigned by the state board shall be paid by the county board; (ii)
the principal who was removed shall be placed on the preferred
recall list, as defined in section seven, article four of this
chapter; and (iii) the principal who was removed shall be paid by
the county board and may be assigned to administrative duties,
without the duty of the county board to post that position until
the end of the school term.

(j) (k) Transfers from seriously impaired schools. -- Whenever a school is determined to be seriously impaired and fails to
improve its status within one year, any student attending such the
school may transfer once to the nearest fully accredited school,
subject to approval of the fully accredited school and at the
expense of the school from which the student transferred.

(k) (l) School system approval. -- The state board annually
shall review the information submitted for each school system from
the system of education performance audits and issue one of the
following approval levels to each county board: Full approval,
temporary approval, conditional approval, or nonapproval.
(1) Full approval shall be given to a county board whose
education system meets or exceeds all of the high quality standards
for student, school and school system performance and processes
adopted by the state board and whose schools have all been given
full, temporary or conditional accreditation status.
(2) Temporary approval shall be given to a county board whose
education system is below the level required for full approval.
Whenever a county board is given temporary approval status, the
county board shall revise its unified county improvement plan to
increase the performance of the school system to a full approval
status level. The revised plan shall include objectives, a time
line, a plan for evaluation of the success of the improvements, a
cost estimate, and a date certain for achieving full approval. The revised plan shall be submitted to the state board for approval.
(3) Conditional approval shall be given to a county board
whose education system is below the level required for full
approval, but whose unified county improvement plan meets the
following criteria: (i) The plan has been revised to achieve full
approval status by a date certain; (ii) the plan has been approved
by the state board; and (iii) the county board is meeting the
objectives and time line specified in the revised plan.
(4) Nonapproval status shall be given to a county board which
fails to submit and gain approval for its unified county
improvement plan or revised unified county improvement plan within
a reasonable time period as defined by the state board or fails to
meet the objectives and time line of its revised unified county
improvement plan or fails to achieve full approval by the date
specified in the revised plan. The state board shall establish and
adopt additional standards to identify school systems in which the
program may be nonapproved and the state board may issue
nonapproval status whenever extraordinary circumstances exist as
defined by the state board. Furthermore, whenever a county board
has more than a casual deficit, as defined in section one, article
one of this chapter, the county board shall submit a plan to the
state board specifying the county board's strategy for eliminating
the casual deficit. The state board either shall approve or reject the plan. If the plan is rejected, the state board shall
communicate to the county board the reason or reasons for the
rejection of the plan. The county board may resubmit the plan any
number of times. However, any county board that fails to submit a
plan and gain approval for the plan from the state board before the
end of the fiscal year after a deficit greater than a casual
deficit occurred or any county board which, in the opinion of the
state board, fails to comply with an approved plan may be
designated as having nonapproval status. Whenever nonapproval
status is given to a school system, the state board shall declare
a state of emergency in the school system and shall appoint a team
of improvement consultants to make recommendations within sixty
days of appointment for correcting the emergency. Upon approval of
the recommendations by the state board, the recommendations shall
be made to the county board. If progress in correcting the
emergency, as determined by the state board, is not made within six
months from the time the county board receives the recommendations,
the state board shall intervene in the operation of the school
system to cause improvements to be made that will provide
assurances that a thorough and efficient system of schools will be
provided. This intervention may include, but is not limited to,
the following: (i) Limiting the authority of the county
superintendent and county board as to the expenditure of funds, the employment and dismissal of personnel, the establishment and
operation of the school calendar, the establishment of
instructional programs and rules and such any other areas as may be
designated by the state board by rule; (ii) taking such any direct
action as may be necessary to correct the emergency; and (iii)
declaring that the office of the county superintendent is vacant.

(l) (m) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section,
the state board may intervene immediately in the operation of the
county school system with all the powers, duties and
responsibilities contained in subsection (k) of this section, if
the state board finds the following:
(1) That the conditions precedent to intervention exist as
provided in this section; and
(2) That delaying intervention for any period of time would
not be in the best interests of the students of the county school

(m) (n) Capacity. -- The process for improving education
includes a process for targeting resources strategically to improve
the teaching and learning process. Development of unified school
and school system improvement plans, pursuant to subsection (b) of
this section, is intended, in part, to provide mechanisms to target
resources strategically to the teaching and learning process to
improve student, school and school system performance. When deficiencies are detected through the assessment and accountability
processes, the revision and approval of school and school system
unified improvement plans shall ensure that schools and school
systems are efficiently using existing resources to correct the
deficiencies. When the state board determines that schools and
school systems do not have the capacity to correct deficiencies,
the state board shall work with the county board to develop or
secure the resources necessary to increase the capacity of schools
and school systems to meet the standards and, when necessary, seek
additional resources in consultation with the Legislature and the
The state board shall recommend to the appropriate body
including, but not limited to, the Legislature, county boards,
schools and communities, methods for targeting resources
strategically to eliminate deficiencies identified in the
assessment and accountability processes by:
(1) Examining reports and unified improvement plans regarding
the performance of students, schools and school systems relative to
the standards and identifying the areas in which improvement is
(2) Determining the areas of weakness and of ineffectiveness
that appear to have contributed to the substandard performance of
students or the deficiencies of the school or school system;
(3) Determining the areas of strength that appear to have
contributed to exceptional student, school and school system
performance and promoting their emulation throughout the system;
(4) Requesting technical assistance from the school building
authority in assessing or designing comprehensive educational
facilities plans;
(5) Recommending priority funding from the school building
authority based on identified needs;
(6) Requesting special staff development programs from the
center for professional development, higher education, regional
educational service agencies and county boards based on identified
(7) Submitting requests to the Legislature for appropriations
to meet the identified needs for improving education;
(8) Directing county boards to target their funds
strategically toward alleviating deficiencies;
(9) Ensuring that the need for facilities in counties with
increased enrollment are appropriately reflected and recommended
for funding;
(10) Ensuring that the appropriate person or entity is held
accountable for eliminating deficiencies; and
(11) Ensuring that the needed capacity is available from the
state and local level to assist the school or school system in achieving the standards and alleviating the deficiencies.

(n) Review of accountability system.

(1) The Legislature finds that the effective implementation of
a standards based accountability system is an important issue for
the state's public education system. In order for the state to
make improvements in its standards based accountability system, it
is essential to review the standards based accountability system
currently in place to identify areas of possible improvements that
may exist. It is the intent of the Legislature that each area of
the standards based accountability system be reviewed in accordance
with nationally recognized standards.

(2) The state board shall conduct a comprehensive review of
the current standards based accountability system and report the
findings to the legislative oversight commission on education
accountability with recommendations for improvements on or before
the first day of January, two thousand one. The review shall
include, but not be limited to, the following:

(A) The extent to which accountability goals and strategies
focus on academic performance, and the extent that other purposes
are clarified in terms of coherent, specific goals to be achieved;

(B) The extent to which designated authorities are charged
with the efficient governance of the accountability system;

(C) The extent to which specific responsibilities for student learning and performance are assigned to designated agents;

(D) The extent to which accountability is based on accurate
measures of performance as informed by assessments that are
administered equitably to all students;

(E) The extent to which those responsible for governing
accountability regularly report student and school performance
information in useful terms and on a timely basis to school staff,
students and their families, and local policymakers, and the news

(F) The extent to which incentives are established that
effectively motivate agents to improve student learning, and the
extent that consequences, which could include rewards,
interventions or sanctions, are predictably applied in response to
performance results;

(G) The extent to which agents are provided sufficient support
and assistance to ensure they have the capacity necessary to help
students achieve high performance standards;

(H) The extent to which policy makers work to ensure that
education policies, mandated programs, financial resources, and the
accountability system are well aligned so that consistent messages
are communicated about education goals and priorities;

(I) The extent to which the accountability system has
widespread support; and

(J) The extent to which various established partnerships work
together to support districts, schools and teachers in their
efforts to improve student achievement.
§18-2E-5a. County superintendent employment contract.

(a) The Legislature previously granted authority to the state
board to intervene in the operation of a county school system in
section five, article two-e of this chapter. Part of the authority
given is the authority of the state board to declare that the
office of the county superintendent is vacant. County boards enter
into contracts to employ persons as superintendents for a term of
years which creates substantial rights and obligations. Although
the statute provides that the state board may declare the office of
the county superintendent vacant, the statute did not specifically
give the state board authority to void the contract of the county
superintendent. The intent of this section is to clarify what
contractual obligations continue after removal.

(b) Whenever the state board intervenes in the operation of a
school system and the office of the county superintendent is
declared vacant pursuant to section five, article two-e of this
chapter, the state board may, for any intervention which is
instituted after the effective date of this section, void any
existing employment contract between the county board and the
county superintendent.

(c) Whenever a county board elects a county superintendent and
enters into a written contract of employment with the
superintendent, the county board shall include within the contract
a conspicuous clause that informs the superintendent that if the
state board intervenes in the operation of the county school system
pursuant to section five, article two-e of this chapter, the state
board has the authority to may vacate the office and void the
employment contract.
§18-2E-5b. Principal's contract.

(a) Section five of this article grants authority to the state
board to intervene in the operation of a school. Part of the
authority given is the authority of the state board to declare that
the position of principal is vacant. County boards enter into
contracts to employ persons as principals which creates substantial
rights and obligations. The intent of this section is to clarify
what contractual obligations continue after removal.

(b) Whenever the state board intervenes in the operation of a
school and the position of principal is declared vacant pursuant to
section five, article two-e of this chapter, the state board may,
for any intervention which is instituted after the effective date
of this section, void any existing provision in an employment
contract which relates to being a principal.

(c) Whenever a county board employs a principal and enters into a written contract of employment with the principal, the
county board shall include within the contract a conspicuous clause
that informs the principal that if the state board intervenes in
the operation of the school pursuant to section five, article two-e
of this chapter, the state board may vacate the position and void
any provision in the employment contract that relates to being a
§18-4-2. Qualifications; health certificate; disability; acting

Superintendents employed prior to the twenty-eighth day of
June, one thousand nine hundred eighty-eight shall hold a
certificate valid in West Virginia and an approved master's degree
including at least twelve semester hours in school administration
and supervision, and at least five years experience in public
school teaching and/or supervision.

(a) Any superintendent appointed as superintendent after the
twenty-seventh day of June, one thousand nine hundred eighty-eight,
shall meet the requirements for the professional administrative or
first class permit certificate endorsed for superintendent by the
first day of July, one thousand nine hundred ninety-three two
thousand one: Any new superintendent appointed as of the thirtieth
day of August, one thousand nine hundred ninety, shall hold a professional administrative certificate endorsed for
superintendent: Provided, That any candidate for superintendent
who possesses an earned doctorate from an accredited institution of
higher education, has completed three successful years of teaching
in public education and has the equivalent of three years of
experience in management or supervision, upon employment by the
county board of education shall be granted a permanent
administrative certificate and shall be a licensed county
superintendent. Any person employed as assistant superintendent or
educational administrator prior to the twenty-seventh day of June,
one thousand nine hundred eighty-eight, and who was previously
employed as superintendent shall is not be required to hold the
professional administrative certificate endorsed for
(b) Before entering upon the discharge of his or her duties
the superintendent shall file with the president of the board a
health certificate from a reputable physician, on a form prescribed
by the state department of education, certifying that he or she is
physically fit for the duties of his or her office and that he or
she has no infectious or contagious disease; and if the
superintendent, due to accident or illness, should become becomes
incapacitated to an extent that could lead to a prolonged absence,
the board, upon unanimous vote, has the authority to may enter an order declaring the incapacity and it shall appoint an acting
superintendent until such time as a majority of the members of the
board determine that the incapacity no longer exists. However, an
acting superintendent shall not serve as such acting superintendent
for more than one year, or later than the expiration date of the
superintendent's term, whichever is less, without being reappointed
by the board of education.
§18-5-13. Authority of boards generally.

The boards, subject to the provisions of this chapter and the
rules of the state board, have authority may:

(1) To Control and manage all of the schools and school
interests for all school activities and upon all school property,
whether owned or leased by the county, including the authority to
require that records be kept of all receipts and disbursements of
all funds collected or received by any principal, teacher, student
or other person in connection with the schools and school
interests, any programs, activities or other endeavors of any
nature operated or carried on by or in the name of the school, or
any organization or body directly connected with the school, to
audit the records and to conserve the funds, which shall be
considered quasi-public moneys, including securing surety bonds by
expenditure of board moneys;

(2) To Establish schools, from preschool through high school,
inclusive of vocational schools; and to establish schools and
programs, or both, for post high school instruction, subject to
approval of the state board of education;

(3) To Close any school which is unnecessary and to assign the
pupils of the school to other schools: Provided, That the closing
shall be officially acted upon and teachers and service personnel
involved notified on or before the first Monday in April, in the
same manner as provided in section four of this article, except in
an emergency, subject to the approval of the state superintendent,
or under subdivision (5) of this section;

(4) To Consolidate schools;

(5) To Close any elementary school whose average daily
attendance falls below twenty pupils for two months in succession
and send the pupils to other schools in the district or to schools
in adjoining districts. If the teachers in the closed school are
not transferred or reassigned to other schools, they shall receive
one month's salary;

(6) (a) To Provide at public expense adequate means of
transportation, including transportation across county lines, for
all children of school age who live more than two miles distance
from school by the nearest available road; to provide at public
expense and according to such rules as established by the board, may establish, adequate means of transportation for school children
participating in board-approved curricular and extracurricular
activities; and to provide in addition thereto at public expense,
by rules and within the available revenues, transportation for
those within two miles distance; to provide in addition thereto, at
no cost to the board and according to rules established by the
board, transportation for participants in projects operated,
financed, sponsored or approved by the commission on aging:
Provided, That all costs and expenses incident in any way to
transportation for projects connected with the commission on aging
shall be borne by the commission, or the local or county chapter of
the commission: Provided, however, That in all cases the school
buses owned by the board of education shall be driven or operated
only by drivers regularly employed by the board of education:
Provided further, That the county board may provide, under rules
established by the state board, for the certification of
professional employees as drivers of board-owned vehicles with a
seating capacity of less than ten passengers used for the
transportation of pupils for school-sponsored activities other than
transporting students between school and home: And provided
further, That the use of the vehicles shall be limited to one for
each school-sponsored activity: And provided further, That buses
shall be used for extracurricular activities as provided in this section only when the insurance provided for by this section is in

(b) To Enter into agreements with one another to provide, on
a cooperative basis, adequate means of transportation across county
lines for children of school age subject to the conditions and
restrictions of subdivisions (6) and (8) of this section;

(7) (a) To Lease school buses operated only by drivers
regularly employed by the board to public and private nonprofit
organizations or private corporations to transport school-age
children to and from camps or educational activities in accordance
with rules established by the board. All costs and expenses
incurred by or incidental to the transportation of the children
shall be borne by the lessee;

(b) To Contract with any college or university or officially
recognized campus organizations to provide transportation for
college or university students, faculty or staff to and from the
college or university: Provided, That only college and university
students, faculty and staff are being transported. The contract
shall include consideration and compensation for bus operators,
repairs and other costs of service, insurance and any rules
concerning student behavior;

(8) To Provide at public expense for insurance against the
negligence of the drivers of school buses, trucks or other vehicles operated by the board; and if the transportation of pupils is
contracted, then the contract for the transportation shall provide
that the contractor shall carry insurance against negligence in an
amount specified by the board;

(9) To Provide solely from county funds for all regular full-
time employees of the board all or any part of the cost of a group
plan or plans of insurance coverage not provided or available under
the West Virginia public employees insurance act;

(10) To Employ teacher aides, to provide in-service training
for teacher aides, the training to be in accordance with rules of
the state board and, in the case of service personnel assuming
duties as teacher aides in exceptional children programs, to
provide a four-clock-hour program of training prior to the
assignment which shall, in accordance with rules of the state
board, consist of training in areas specifically related to the
education of exceptional children;

(11) To Establish and conduct a self-supporting dormitory for
the accommodation of the pupils attending a high school or
participating in a post high school program and of persons employed
to teach in the high school or post high school program;

(12) To Employ legal counsel;

(13) To Provide appropriate uniforms for school service

(14) To Provide at public expense and under rules as
established by any county board of education for the payment of
traveling expenses incurred by any person invited to appear to be
interviewed concerning possible employment by the county board of

(15) To Allow or disallow their designated employees to use
publicly provided carriage to travel from their residences to their
workplace and return: Provided, That the usage is subject to the
supervision of the board and is directly connected with and
required by the nature and in the performance of the employee's
duties and responsibilities;

(16) To Provide, at public expense, adequate public liability
insurance, including professional liability insurance for board

(17) To Enter into agreements with one another to provide, on
a cooperative basis, improvements to the instructional needs of
each county. The cooperative agreements may be used to employ
specialists in a field of academic study or support functions or
services, for the academic study. The agreements are subject to
approval by the state board of education;

(18) To Provide information about vocational or higher
education opportunities to students with handicapping conditions.
The board shall provide in writing to the students and their parents or guardians information relating to programs of vocational
education and to programs available at state funded institutions of
higher education. The information may include sources of available
funding, including grants, mentorships and loans for students who
wish to attend classes at institutions of higher education;

(19) To Enter into agreements with one another, with the
approval of the state board, for the transfer and receipt of any
and all funds determined to be fair when students are permitted or
required to attend school in a county other than the county of
their residence; and

(20) To Enter into job-sharing arrangements, as defined in
section one, article one, chapter eighteen-a of this code, with its
professional employees and service personnel: Provided, That a job
sharing arrangement shall meet all the requirements relating to
posting, qualifications and seniority, as provided for in article
four, chapter eighteen-a of this code: Provided, however, That,
notwithstanding any provisions of this code to the contrary, a
county board which enters into a job-sharing arrangement wherein in
which two or more professional employees or two or more service
personnel voluntarily share an authorized full-time position shall
provide the mutually agreed upon employee coverage but shall not
offer insurance coverage to more than one of the job sharing
employees, including any group plan or group plans available under the state public employees insurance act: Provided further, That
all employees involved in the job-sharing agreement meet the
requirements of subdivision (4), section two, article sixteen,
chapter five of this code.

"Quasi-public funds" as used in this section means any money
received by any principal, teacher, student or other person for the
benefit of the school system as a result of curricular or
noncurricular activities.

The board of each county shall expend under rules it
establishes for each child an amount not to exceed the proportion
of all school funds of the district that each child would be
entitled to receive if all the funds were distributed equally among
all the children of school age in the district upon a per capita
§18A-1-1. Definitions.

The definitions contained in section one, article one, chapter
eighteen of this code apply to this chapter. In addition, the
following words used in this chapter and in any proceedings
thereto to this chapter shall, unless the context clearly
indicates a different meaning, be construed as follows:

(a) "School personnel" means all personnel employed by a county board of education whether employed on a regular full-time
basis, an hourly basis or otherwise. School personnel
shall be are
comprised of two categories: Professional personnel and service

(b) "Professional personnel" means persons who meet the
certification and/or licensing requirements of the state, and
includes the professional educator and other professional

(c) "Professional educator" is synonymous with and has the
same meaning as "teacher" as defined in section one, article one,
chapter eighteen of this code. Professional educators
shall be are
classified as:

"Classroom teacher". -- The professional educator who has
direct instructional or counseling relationship with pupils,
spending the majority of his or her time in this capacity.

"Principal". -- The professional educator who as agent of
the board has responsibility for the supervision, management and
control of a school or schools within the guidelines established by
said the board. The major area of
such responsibility
shall be is
the general supervision of all the schools and all school
activities involving pupils, teachers and other school personnel.

"Supervisor". -- The professional educator who, whether by
this or other appropriate title, is responsible for working primarily in the field with professional and/or other personnel in
instructional and other school improvement.

"Central office administrator". -- The superintendent,
associate superintendent, assistant superintendent and other
professional educators, whether by these or other appropriate
titles, who are charged with the administering and supervising of
the whole or some assigned part of the total program of the county-
wide school system.

(d) "Other professional employee" means that person from
another profession who is properly licensed and is employed to
serve the public schools and includes a registered professional
nurse, licensed by the West Virginia board of examiners for
registered professional nurses and employed by a county board of
education, who has completed either a two-year (sixty-four semester
hours) or a three-year (ninety-six semester hours) nursing program.

(e) "Service personnel" means those
persons who serve the
school or schools as a whole, in a nonprofessional capacity,
including such areas as secretarial, custodial, maintenance,
transportation, school lunch and as aides.

(f) "Principals academy" or "academy" means the academy
created pursuant to section two-b, article three-a of this chapter.

(g) "Center for professional development" means the center
created pursuant to section one, article three-a of this chapter.

(h) "Job-sharing arrangement" means a formal, written
agreement voluntarily entered into by a county board with two or
more of its professional employees
or two or more service personnel
who wish to divide between them the duties and responsibilities of
one authorized full-time position.

(i) "Prospective employable professional personnel" means
certified professional educators who:

(1) Have been recruited on a reserve list of a county board;

(2) Have been recruited at a job fair or as a result of
contact made at a job fair;

(3) Have not obtained regular employee status through the job
posting process provided for in section seven-a, article four of
this chapter; and

(4) Have obtained a baccalaureate degree from an accredited
institution of higher education within the past year.
§18A-3-3a. Payment of tuition, registration and other fees for
teachers; maximum payment per teacher.
(a) As used in this section, "teacher" has the meaning as
defined in section one, article one, chapter eighteen of this
(b) The West Virginia department of education shall establish in its annual budget a separate line item and shall pay from the
appropriations therefor, to the extent that appropriations are
provided, the tuition, registration and other
required fees of
teachers as provided in subsections (e) and (f) of this section.
the teachers, as defined in section one, article one, chapter
eighteen of this code, with continuing contracts who have completed
any courses meeting the requirements of the department for renewal
of certification as required in section three of this article in
any college or university within the state.

(c) A teacher may enroll for
such courses in a college or
university outside the state and, upon receiving prior approval
from the department, be reimbursed for tuition, registration and
required fees upon completion
thereof of the cause.
(d) However Payment for any single fee made by the department
pursuant to the provisions of this section
shall may not exceed the
amount of the highest corresponding fee charged at a West Virginia
state-supported college or university.
Provided, That: the

(e) Payment for tuition, registration or other
required fees
under this section
shall be limited to payment of such fees for up
to a maximum of fifteen semester hours per teacher and may only be
(1) To a teacher who has completed any course meeting the
requirements of the department for additional endorsement as required in section three of this article in any college or
university within the state;
(2) To a teacher who holds a valid West Virginia professional
or provisional professional teaching service or administrative
certificate, or its equivalent;
(3) To a teacher who has completed coursework toward an
additional endorsement in a shortage area, as defined by state
board policy; and
(4) In accordance with rules
and regulations promulgated by
the department pursuant to this section.
(f) Payment may not be made to any teacher who:
(1) Is employed as a teacher in another state;
(2) Is employed as a teacher in a private school in this
state; or
(3) Resides in another state and is not employed regularly
for instructional purposes in a public school in this state.
§18A-3A-1. Center for professional development continued; intent;
advisory council.
(a) Teaching is a profession that directly correlates to the
social and economic well-being of a society and its citizens.
Superior teaching is essential to a well educated and productive
populace. Strong academic leadership provided by principals and administrators skilled in modern management principles is also
essential. The intent of this article is to recognize the value of
professional involvement by experienced educators principals and
administrators in building and maintaining a superior force of
professional educators and to establish avenues for applying such
The general mission of the center is to study matters
relating to the quality of teaching and management in the schools
of West Virginia and to promote the implementation primarily of
statewide programs and practices as recommended by the state board
to assure the highest quality in teaching. and management. The
center also may implement local programs if the state board, in its
agenda set pursuant to section twenty-three-a, article two, chapter
eighteen of this code, determines that there is a specific local
need for the programs. Additionally, the center shall perform such
duties as are assigned to it by law.
Nothing in this article shall be construed to require any
specific level of funding by the Legislature.
(b) The center board shall consist of eleven persons as
follows: The secretary of education and the arts, ex officio, and
the state superintendent of schools, ex officio, both of whom shall
be entitled to vote; three members of the state board, elected by
the state board; three experienced educators, of whom two shall be working classroom teachers and one of whom shall be a school or
county administrator, appointed by the governor by and with the
advice and consent of the Senate; and three citizens of the state
who are knowledgeable in matters relevant to the issues addressed
by the center, including, but not limited to, professional
development and management principles, appointed by the governor by
and with the advice and consent of the Senate. Not more than two
appointees shall be residents within the same congressional
district. The center board shall elect a board chair.
Of the initial members from the state board, one shall be
elected for a term of one year and two shall be elected for terms
of two years. All successive elections shall be for two-year
terms. The state board shall elect another member to fill the
unexpired term of any person so elected who subsequently vacates
state board membership. Of the initial appointed members, three
shall be appointed for one-year terms and three shall be appointed
for two-year terms. All successive appointments shall be for two-
year terms. The governor shall appoint a new member to fill the
unexpired term of any vacancy in the appointed membership.
The center for professional development board shall meet at
least quarterly and the appointed members shall be reimbursed for
reasonable and necessary expenses actually incurred in the
performance of their official duties from funds appropriated or otherwise made available for such purposes upon submission of an
itemized statement therefor.
The board chair, with the advice of the center board, from
appropriations to the center for professional development, may
employ and fix the compensation of an executive director with
knowledge and experience in professional development and management
principles and such other persons as may be necessary to carry out
the mission and duties of the center. When practical, personnel
employed by state higher education agencies and state, regional and
county public education agencies shall be made available to the
center to assist in the operation of projects of limited duration.
The center shall assist in the delivery of programs and
activities pursuant to this article to meet statewide, and if
needed as determined by the goals set by the state board pursuant
to section twenty-three-a, article two, chapter eighteen of this
code, the local professional development needs of teachers,
principals and administrators and may contract with existing
agencies or agencies created after the effective date of this
section or others to provide training programs in the most
efficient manner. Existing programs currently based in agencies of
the state shall be continued in the agency of their origin unless
the center establishes a compelling need to transfer or cancel the
existing program. The center shall recommend to the governor the transfer of funds to the providing agency, if needed, to provide
programs approved by the center.
Pursuant to the provisions of article ten, chapter four of
this code, the center for professional development board shall
continue to exist until the first day of July, two thousand one.

(c) On or before the first day of January, one thousand nine
hundred ninety-eight, the center for professional development shall
develop and communicate to the state board a curriculum for the
principals academy. The curriculum shall be based upon the minimum
qualities, proficiencies and skills necessary for principals and
recommended by the state board, pursuant to the terms of section
two-c, article three of this chapter.

(d) In accordance with section two-c, article three of this
chapter, the center shall be responsible for paying reasonable and
necessary expenses for persons attending the principals academy:
Provided, That nothing in this section shall be construed to
require any specific level of funding by the Legislature.

(e) (c) Persons attending the professional development
offerings of the center and such other courses as shall be offered
by the center for professional development except the principals
academy shall be assessed fees which shall be less than the full
cost of attendance. There is hereby created in the state treasury
a special revenue account known as the "center for professional development fund". All moneys collected by the center shall be
deposited in the fund for expenditure by the center board for the
purposes specified in this section. Moneys remaining in the fund
at the end of the fiscal year are subject to reappropriation by the
§18A-3A-2. Professional development project.
Subject to the provisions of section twenty-three-a, article
two, chapter eighteen of this code, through this project the center
(1) Identify, coordinate, arrange and otherwise assist in the
delivery of professional development programs and activities that
help professional educators acquire the knowledge, skills,
attitudes, practices and other such pertinent complements deemed
essential for an individual to demonstrate appropriate performance
as a professional personnel in the public schools of West Virginia.
The basis for such performance shall be the laws, policies and
regulations adopted for the public schools of West Virginia, and
amendments thereto. The center also may permit and encourage
school personnel such as classroom aides, higher education teacher
education faculty and higher education faculty in programs such as
articulated tech prep associate degree and other programs to
participate in appropriate professional development programs and
activities with public school professional educators;

(2) Identify, coordinate, arrange and otherwise assist in the
delivery of professional development programs and activities that
help principals and administrators acquire knowledge, skills,
attitudes and practices in academic leadership and management
principles for principals and administrators and such other
pertinent complements deemed essential for principals and
administrators to demonstrate appropriate performance in the public
schools of West Virginia. The basis for such performance shall be
the laws, policies and regulations adopted for the public schools
of West Virginia, and amendments thereto;

(3) (2) Serve in a coordinating capacity to assure that the
knowledge, skills, attitude and other pertinent complements of
appropriate professional performance which evolve over time in the
public school environment are appropriately reflected in the
programs approved for the education of professional personnel,
including, but not limited to, advising the teacher education
programs of major statutory and policy changes in the public
schools which affect the job performance requirements of
professional educators; including principals and administrators;

(4) (3) Provide for the routine updating of professional
skills of professional educators including principals and
administrators through in-service and other programs. Such routine
updating may be provided by the center through statewide or regional institutes which may require a registration fee; and

(5) (4) Provide consultation and assistance to county staff
development councils established under the provisions of section
eight, article three of this chapter in planning, designing,
coordinating, arranging for and delivering professional development
programs to meet the needs of the professional educators of their
district. From legislative appropriations to the center for
professional development exclusive of such amounts required for the
expenses of the principals academy the center shall, unless
otherwise directed by the Legislature, provide assistance in the
delivery of programs and activities to meet the expressed needs of
the school districts for professional development to help teachers
principals and administrators demonstrate appropriate performance
based on the laws, policies and regulations adopted for the public
schools of West Virginia
§18A-3A-3. Professional personnel evaluation project.
Subject to the provisions of section twenty-three-a, article
two, chapter eighteen of this code, through this project the center

(1) Establish programs that provide education and training in
evaluation skills to administrative personnel who will evaluate the
employment performance of professional personnel pursuant to the
provisions of section twelve, article two of this chapter; and

Establish establish programs that provide instruction to
classroom teachers who will serve as beginning teacher mentors in
accordance with the provisions of section two-b, article three of
this chapter.
§18A-4-7a. Employment, promotion and transfer of professional
personnel; seniority.
(a) A county board of education shall make decisions affecting
the hiring of professional personnel other than classroom teachers
on the basis of the applicant with the highest qualifications.
(b) Further, the The county board shall make decisions
affecting the hiring of new classroom teachers on the basis of the
applicant with the highest qualifications.
(c) In judging qualifications for hiring new employees
pursuant to subsections (a) and (b) of this section, consideration
shall be given to each of the following:
(1) Appropriate certification and/or licensure;
(2) amount Amount of experience relevant to the position; or,
in the case of a classroom teaching position, the amount of
teaching experience in the subject area;
(3) the The amount of course work and/or degree level in the
relevant field and degree level generally;
(4) academic Academic achievement;
(5) relevant Relevant specialized training;
(6) past Past performance evaluations conducted pursuant to
section twelve, article two of this chapter; and
(7) other Other measures or indicators upon which the relative
qualifications of the applicant may fairly be judged.
(d) If one or more permanently employed instructional
personnel apply for a classroom teaching position and meet the
standards set forth in the job posting, the county board of
education shall make decisions affecting the filling of such the
positions on the basis of the following criteria:
(1) Appropriate certification and/or licensure;
(2) total Total amount of teaching experience;
(3) the The existence of teaching experience in the required
certification area;
(4) degree Degree level in the required certification area;
(5) specialized Specialized training directly related to the
performance of the job as stated in the job description;
(6) receiving Receiving an overall rating of satisfactory in
evaluations over the previous two years;
(7) seniority Seniority;
(8) Consideration shall be given to each criterion with each
criterion being given equal weight; and
(9) If the applicant with the most seniority is not selected for the position, upon the request of the applicant a written
statement of reasons shall be given to the applicant with
suggestions for improving the applicant's qualifications.
(e) The seniority of classroom teachers, as defined in section
one, article one of this chapter, with the exception of guidance
counselors, shall be determined on the basis of the length of time
the employee has been employed as a regular full-time certified
and/or licensed professional educator by the county board of
education and shall be granted in all areas that the employee is
certified and/or licensed.
(f) Upon completion of one hundred thirty-three days of
employment in any one school year, substitute teachers shall accrue
seniority exclusively for the purpose of applying for employment as
a permanent, full-time professional employee. One hundred
thirty-three days or more of said employment shall be prorated and
shall vest as a fraction of the school year worked by the
permanent, full-time teacher.
(g) Guidance counselors and all other professional employees,
as defined in section one, article one of this chapter, except
classroom teachers, shall gain seniority in their nonteaching area
of professional employment on the basis of the length of time the
employee has been employed by the county board of education in that
area: Provided, That if an employee is certified as a classroom teacher, the employee accrues classroom teaching seniority for the
time that that employee is employed in another professional area.
For the purposes of accruing seniority under this paragraph,
employment as principal, supervisor or central office
administrator, as defined in section one, article one of this
chapter, shall be considered one area of employment.
(h) Employment for a full employment term shall equal one year
of seniority, but no employee may accrue more than one year of
seniority during any given fiscal year. Employment for less than
the full employment term shall be prorated. A random selection
system established by the employees and approved by the board shall
be used to determine the priority if two or more employees
accumulate identical seniority: Provided, That when two or more
principals have accumulated identical seniority, decisions on
reductions in force shall be based on qualifications.
(i) Whenever a county board is required to reduce the number
of professional personnel in its employment, the employee with the
least amount of seniority shall be properly notified and released
from employment pursuant to the provisions of section two, article
two of this chapter. The provisions of this subsection are subject
to the following:
(1) Provided, That all All persons employed in a certification
area to be reduced who are employed under a temporary permit shall be properly notified and released before a fully certified employee
in such a position is subject to release;
(2) Provided, however, That an An employee subject to release
shall be employed in any other professional position where such the
employee is certified and was previously employed or to any lateral
area for which such the employee is certified and/or licensed, if
such the employee's seniority is greater than the seniority of any
other employee in that area of certification and/or licensure; and

(3) Provided further, That if If an employee subject to
release holds certification and/or licensure in more than one
lateral area and if such the employee's seniority is greater than
the seniority of any other employee in one or more of those areas
of certification and/or licensure, the employee subject to release
shall be employed in the professional position held by the employee
with the least seniority in any of those areas of certification
and/or licensure; and
(4) If, prior to the first day of August of the year a
reduction in force is approved, the reason for any particular
reduction in force no longer exists as determined by the county
board in its sole and exclusive judgment, the board shall rescind
the reduction in force and shall notify the released employee in
writing of his or her right to be restored to his or her position
of employment. Within five days of being so notified, the released employee shall notify the board, in writing, of his or her intent
to resume his or her position of employment or the right to be
restored shall terminate. Notwithstanding any other provision of
this subdivision, if there is another employee on the preferred
recall list with proper certification and higher seniority, that
person shall be placed in the position restored as a result of the
reduction in force being rescinded.
(j) For the purpose of this article, all positions which meet
the definition of classroom teacher as defined in section one,
article one of this chapter, shall be are lateral positions. For
all other professional positions the county board of education
shall adopt a policy, by the thirty-first day of October, one
thousand nine hundred ninety-three, and may modify said the policy
thereafter as necessary, which defines which positions shall be are
lateral positions. The board shall submit a copy of its policy to
the state board within thirty days of adoption or any modification,
and the state board shall compile a report and submit same the
report to the legislative oversight commission on education
accountability by the thirty-first day of December, one thousand
nine hundred ninety-three, and by such date in any succeeding year
in which any county board submits a modification of its policy
relating to lateral positions. In adopting such a policy, the
board shall give consideration to the rank of each position in terms of title, nature of responsibilities, salary level,
certification and/or licensure, and days in the period of
(k) After the fifth day prior to the beginning of the
instructional term, or after the first day of the second half of
the instructional term, no person employed and assigned to a
professional position may transfer to another professional position
in the county during that half of the instructional term. The
provisions of this subsection are subject to the following:
(1) Provided, That such The person may apply for any posted,
vacant positions with the successful applicant assuming the
position at the beginning of the next half of the instructional
(2) Provided, however, That professional Professional
personnel who have been on an approved leave of absence may fill
these vacancies prior to the next semester; and
(3) The superintendent may fill a position before the next
instructional term when it is determined to be in the best interest
of the students.
(l) All professional personnel whose seniority with the county
board is insufficient to allow their retention by the county board
during a reduction in work force shall be placed upon a preferred
recall list. As to any professional position opening within the area where they had previously been employed or to any lateral area
for which they have certification and/or licensure, such the
employee shall be recalled on the basis of seniority if no regular,
full-time professional personnel, or those returning from leaves of
absence with greater seniority, are qualified, apply for and accept
such the position.
(m) Before position openings that are known or expected to
extend for twenty consecutive employment days or longer for
professional personnel may be filled by the board, the board shall
be required to notify all qualified professional personnel on the
preferred list and give them an opportunity to apply, but failure
to apply shall not cause such the employee to forfeit any right to
recall. The notice shall be sent by certified mail to the last
known address of the employee, and it shall be the duty of each
professional personnel to shall notify the board of continued
availability annually, of any change in address or of any change in
certification and/or licensure.
(n) Openings in established, existing or newly created
positions shall be processed as follows:
(1) Boards shall be required to post and date notices of all
openings in established, existing or newly created positions which
are subject to the following:
(A) The notices shall be posted in conspicuous working places for all professional personnel to observe for at least five working
(B) The notice shall be posted within twenty working days of
such the position openings and shall include the job description;
(C) Any special criteria or skills that are required by the
position shall be specifically stated in the job description and
directly related to the performance of the job;
(D) Postings for vacancies made pursuant to this section shall
be written so as to insure that the largest possible pool of
qualified applicants may apply; and
(E) Job postings may not require criteria which are not
necessary for the successful performance of the job and may not be
written with the intent to favor a specific applicant;
(2) No vacancy shall be filled until after the five-day
minimum posting period;
(3) If one or more applicants meets the qualifications listed
in the job posting, the successful applicant to fill the vacancy
shall be selected by the board within thirty working days of the
end of the posting period;
(4) Provided, That a A position held by a certified and/or
licensed teacher who has been issued a permit for full-time
employment and is working toward certification in the permit area
shall is not be subject to posting if the certificate is awarded within five years; and
(5) Nothing provided herein in this section shall prevent the
county board of education from eliminating a position due to lack
of need.
(o) Notwithstanding any other provision of the code to the
contrary, where the total number of classroom teaching positions in
an elementary school does not increase from one school year to the
next, but there exists in that school a need to realign the number
of teachers in one or more grade levels, kindergarten through six,
teachers at the school may be reassigned to grade levels for which
they are certified without that position being posted: Provided,
That the employee and the county board of education mutually agree
to the reassignment.
(p) Reductions in classroom teaching positions in elementary
schools shall be processed as follows:
(1) When the total number of classroom teaching positions in
an elementary school needs to be reduced, such the reduction shall
be made on the basis of seniority with the least senior classroom
teacher being recommended for transfer; and
(2) Provided, That a When a specified grade level needs to be
reduced and the least senior employee in the school is not in that
grade level, the least senior classroom teacher in the grade level
that needs to be reduced shall be reassigned to the position made vacant by the transfer of the least senior classroom teacher in the
school without that position being posted: Provided, however, That
the employee is certified and/or licensed and agrees to the
(q) Any board failing to comply with the provisions of this
article may be compelled to do so by mandamus and shall be is
liable to any party prevailing against the board for court costs
and reasonable attorney fees as determined and established by the
court. Further, employees denied promotion or employment in
violation of this section shall be awarded the job, pay and any
applicable benefits retroactive to the date of the violation and
payable entirely from local funds. Further, the board shall be is
liable to any party prevailing against the board for any court
reporter costs including copies of transcripts.
§18A-4-8b. Seniority rights for school service personnel.
(a) A county board shall make decisions affecting promotions
and the filling of any service personnel positions of employment or
jobs occurring throughout the school year that are to be performed
by service personnel as provided in section eight of this article,
on the basis of seniority, qualifications and evaluation of past
(b) Qualifications shall mean that the applicant holds a
classification title in his or her category of employment as provided in this section and must shall be given first opportunity
for promotion and filling vacancies. Other employees then must
shall be considered and shall qualify by meeting the definition of
the job title as defined in section eight of this article, that
relates to the promotion or vacancy. If requested by the employee,
the board must shall show valid cause why an employee with the most
seniority is not promoted or employed in the position for which he
or she applies. Applicants shall be considered in the following
(1) Regularly employed service personnel;
(2) Service personnel whose employment has been discontinued
in accordance with this section;
(3) Professional personnel who held temporary service
personnel jobs or positions prior to the ninth day of June, one
thousand nine hundred eighty-two, and who apply only for such the
temporary jobs or positions;
(4) Substitute service personnel; and
(5) New service personnel.
(c) The county board may not prohibit a service employee from
retaining or continuing his or her employment in any positions or
jobs held prior to the effective date of this section and
(d) A promotion shall be defined as means any change in his or her employment that the employee deems considers to improve his or
her working circumstance within his or her classification category
of employment and shall include includes a transfer to another
classification category or place of employment if the position is
not filled by an employee who holds a title within that
classification category of employment. Each class title listed in
section eight of this article shall be considered a separate
classification category of employment for service personnel, except
for those class titles having Roman numeral designations, which
shall be considered a single classification of employment. The
cafeteria manager class title shall be included in the same
classification category as cooks. The executive secretary class
title shall be included in the same classification category as
secretaries. Paraprofessional, autism mentor and braille or sign
language specialist class titles shall be included in the same
classification category as aides.
(e) For purposes of determining seniority under this section
an employee's seniority begins on the date that he or she enters
into his or her assigned duties.
(f) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter to
the contrary, decisions affecting service personnel with respect to
extra-duty assignments shall be made in the following manner: An
employee with the greatest length of service time in a particular category of employment shall be given priority in accepting extra
duty assignments, followed by other fellow employees on a rotating
basis according to the length of their service time until all such
employees have had an opportunity to perform similar assignments.
The cycle then shall be repeated: Provided, That an alternative
procedure for making extra-duty assignments within a particular
classification category of employment may be utilized if the
alternative procedure is approved both by the county board and by
an affirmative vote of two thirds of the employees within that
classification category of employment. For the purpose of this
section, "extra-duty assignments" are defined as irregular jobs
that occur periodically or occasionally such as, but not limited
to, field trips, athletic events, proms, banquets and band festival
(g) Boards shall be required to post and date notices of all
job vacancies of established existing or newly created positions in
conspicuous working places for all school service employees to
observe for at least five working days. The notice of the job
vacancies shall include the job description, the period of
employment, the amount of pay and any benefits and other
information that is helpful to the employees to understand the
particulars of the job. Postings for vacancies shall be written so
as to insure that the largest possible pool of qualified applicants may apply. Job postings may not require criteria which are not
necessary for the successful performance of the job and may not be
written with the intent to favor a specific applicant. After the
five day minimum posting period all vacancies shall be filled
within twenty working days from the posting date notice of any job
vacancies of established existing or newly created positions.
(h) All decisions by county boards concerning reduction in
work force of service personnel shall be made on the basis of
seniority, as provided in this section.
(i) The seniority of any service personnel shall be determined
on the basis of the length of time the employee has been employed
by the county board within a particular job classification. For
the purpose of establishing seniority for a preferred recall list
as provided in this section, when an employee has been employed in
one or more classifications, the seniority accrued in each previous
classification shall be retained by the employee.
(j) If a county board is required to reduce the number of
employees within a particular job classification, the employee with
the least amount of seniority within that classification or grades
of classification shall be properly released and employed in a
different grade of that classification if there is a job vacancy
subject to the following:
(1) Provided, That if If there is no job vacancy for employment within the classification or grades of classification,
he or she shall be employed in any other job classification which
he or she previously held with the county board if there is a
vacancy and shall retain any seniority accrued in the job
classification or grade of classification;
(2) An employee released from employment for lack of need as
provided in sections eight-a or six, article two of this chapter
shall be accorded preferred recall status on July first of the
succeeding school year if the employee has not been reemployed as
a regular employee; and
(3) If, prior to the first day of August after a reduction in
force or transfer is approved, the reason for any particular
reduction in force or transfer no longer exists as determined by
the county board in its sole and exclusive judgment, the board
shall rescind the reduction in force or the transfer and shall
notify the affected employee in writing of his or her right to be
restored to his or her former position of employment. Within five
days of being notified, the affected employee shall notify the
board, in writing, of his or her intent to return to his or her
former position of employment or the right of restoration to the
former position terminates. Provided, That the board shall not
rescind the reduction in force of an employee until all employees
with more seniority in the classification category on the preferred recall list have been offered the opportunity for recall to regular
employment as provided in this section. If there are insufficient
vacant positions to permit reemployment of all more senior
employees on the preferred recall list within the classification
category of the reduced in force employee, the position of the
released employee shall be posted and filled in accordance with
provisions of this section.
(k) If two or more employees accumulate identical seniority,
the priority shall be determined by a random selection system
established by the employees and approved by the county board.
(l) All employees whose seniority with the county board is
insufficient to allow their retention by the county board during a
reduction in work force shall be placed upon a preferred recall
list and shall be recalled to employment by the county board on the
basis of seniority.
(m) Employees placed upon the preferred list shall be recalled
to any position openings by the county board within the
classifications, where they had previously been employed, or to any
lateral position for which the employee is qualified or to a
lateral area for which an employee has certification and/or
(n) Employees on the preferred recall list shall not forfeit
their right to recall by the county board if compelling reasons require an employee to refuse an offer of reemployment by the
county board.
(o) The county board shall notify all employees on the
preferred recall list of all position openings that from time to
time exist. The notice shall be sent by certified mail to the last
known address of the employee; it is the duty of each such employee
to notify the county board of any change in the address of the
(p) No position openings may be filled by the county board,
whether temporary or permanent, until all employees on the
preferred recall list have been properly notified of existing
vacancies and have been given an opportunity to accept
(q) Any board failing to comply with the provisions of this
article may be compelled to do so by mandamus and is liable to any
party prevailing against the board for court costs and the
prevailing party's reasonable attorney fee, as determined and
established by the court. Further, employees denied promotion or
employment in violation of this section shall be awarded the job,
pay and any applicable benefits retroactively to the date of the
violation and shall be paid entirely from local funds. Further,
the board is liable to any party prevailing against the board for
any court reporter costs including copies of transcripts.
§18A-4-19. Alteration of contract.
(a) Notwithstanding the provisions of section seven-a of this
article relating to professional personnel or any other section of
this code to the contrary, any alteration of an employment contract
of a professional educator who is employed for more than two
hundred days, which alteration changes the number of days in the
employment term, shall not be deemed considered a creation of a new
position, nor shall such the alteration require the posting of the
Notwithstanding the provisions of section seven-a of this
article relating to professional personnel or any other section of
this code to the contrary, any alteration of an employment contract
of a professional educator which reduces or eliminates the local
salary supplement or the benefits provided to such the employee due
to a defeat of a special levy, or a loss in assessed values or
events over which it has no control and for which the county board
has received approval from the state board prior to making such the
reduction or elimination in accordance with section five-a of this
article, shall not require termination of the employment contract
as set forth in section two and eight-a, article two of this
chapter, nor shall not it be deemed considered a creation of a new
position, nor shall such alteration require the posting of the
(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of section eight-b of this
article relating to school service personnel or any other section
of this code to the contrary, any alteration of an employment
contract of a service personnel employee who is employed for more
than two hundred days, which alteration changes the number of days
in the employment term, shall not be deemed considered a creation
of a new position, nor shall such alteration require the posting of
the position.
Notwithstanding the provisions of section eight-b of this
article relating to school service personnel or any other section
of this code to the contrary, any alteration of an employment
contract of a service personnel employee which reduces or
eliminates the local salary supplement or the benefits provided to
such the employee due to a defeat of a special levy, or a loss in
assessed values or events over which it has no control and for
which the county board has received approval from the state board
prior to making such the reduction or elimination in accordance
with section five-b of this article, shall not require termination
of employment contract as set forth in section six and eight-a,
article two of this chapter, nor shall not it be deemed considered
a creation of a new position, nor shall such the alteration require
the posting of the position.
§18A-5-8. Authority of certain aides to exercise control over

pupils; compensation; transfers.
(a) Within the limitations provided herein in this section,
any aide who agrees to do so shall stand in the place of the parent
or guardian and shall exercise such authority and control over
pupils as is required of a teacher as defined and provided in
section one of this article. The principal shall designate aides
in the school who agree to exercise that authority on the basis of
seniority as an aide and shall enumerate the instances in which the
authority shall be exercised by an aide when requested by the
principal, assistant principal or professional employee to whom the
aide is assigned: Provided, That the authority does not extend to
suspending or expelling any pupil, participating in the
administration of corporal punishment or performing instructional
duties as a teacher or substitute teacher.
(b) An aide designated by the principal under this subsection
shall receive a salary not less than one pay grade above the
highest pay grade held by the employee under section eight-a,
article four of this chapter, and any county salary schedule in
excess of the minimum requirements of this article.

(b) (c) An aide may not be required by the operation of this
section to perform noninstructional duties for an amount of time
which exceeds that required under the aide's contract of employment or that required of other aides in the same school, unless the
assignment of such the duties is mutually agreed upon by the aide
and the county superintendent, or the superintendent's designated
representative, subject to board approval. The terms and
conditions of the agreement shall be in writing, signed by both
parties, and may include additional benefits. The agreement shall
be uniform as to aides assigned similar duties for similar amounts
of time within the same school. Aides shall have the option of
agreeing to supervise students and of renewing related assignments
annually: Provided, That should an aide elect not to renew the
previous agreement to supervise students, the minimum salary of
the aide shall revert to the pay grade specified in section
eight-a, article four of this chapter for the classification title
held by the aide and any county salary schedule in excess of the
minimum requirements of this article.

(c) (d) For the purposes of this section, aide shall mean
means and include includes any aide class title as defined in
section eight, article four of this chapter, regardless of numeric
(e) Notwithstanding any provision of this code to the
contrary, no aide may be transferred from one job position to
another position within a school or to a position in another school
unless the aide is the successful applicant of a posted position as provided in section eight-b, article four of this chapter and no
aide may be transferred from a job position unless the aide's
classroom job is abolished. If it is necessary to reduce the
number of aides in a school for the ensuing school year by
eliminating their positions, the affected aides shall be notified
of their being recommended for transfer and subsequent assignment
in compliance with the requirements of section seven, article two
of this chapter. An aide shall not be required as a condition of
accepting a position to waive any right to which the employee is
entitled under section seven, article two of this chapter or
section eight-b, article four of this chapter nor shall any
designation or title applied to an aide position negate compliance
with these provisions.

(d) (f) An aide may transfer to another position of employment
one time only during any one half of a school term, unless
otherwise mutually agreed upon by the aide and the county
superintendent, or the superintendent's designee, subject to board
approval: Provided, That during the first year of employment as an
aide, an aide may not transfer to another position of employment
during the first one-half school term of employment, unless
mutually agreed upon by the aide and county superintendent, subject
to board approval.

(e) (g) Regular service personnel employed in a category of employment other than aide who seek employment as an aide shall
hold a high school diploma or shall have received a general
educational development certificate and shall have the opportunity
to receive appropriate training pursuant to subsection (10),
section thirteen, article five, chapter eighteen of this code and
section two, article twenty of said chapter.