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Bill Status - 2005 Regular Session

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There are 32 Bills pending in House Agriculture and Natural Resources




SB 29Relating to law-enforcement powers and duties of conservation officers03/28/05
SB 121Allowing renewal of hunting license or stamp without actual certificate of training document03/18/05
SB 277Creating Animal Regulation Act03/31/05
HB 2039Exempting the retrieval of a dog turned loose on Sunday from offense of hunting on Sunday02/09/05
HB 2045Modifying and updating auctioneer licensing requirements, fees and continuing education02/09/05
HB 2071Clarifying the procedure for tagging bear, bobcats, deer and wild turkey taken while hunting02/09/05
HB 2076Providing salary parity for conservation officers relative to members of the West Virginia state police02/09/05
HB 2147Permitting persons with certain disabilities to use a crossbow during archery season02/10/05
HB 2243Removing the seasonal restriction concerning when cultivated ginseng may be harvested02/11/05
HB 2264Establishing a special sidelock black powder rifle deer hunting season02/11/05
HB 2300Making the senior citizens discount on campground rental fees at state parks available year-round02/14/05
HB 2314Providing a ten percent discount to residents at state parks and forests02/14/05
HB 2356Authorizing county commissions to enact ordinances prohibiting cats from running at large02/15/05
HB 2389Including persons diagnosed with disability of a major body system with an accompanying degree of severity for the purpose of determining eligibility to obtain a Class Q special resident hunting permit for disabled persons02/16/05
HB 2454Establishing the performance based permitting act02/17/05
HB 2455Extending throughout the year state campsite discounts for disabled persons02/17/05
HB 2498Requiring areas subject to surface mining to be reclaimed by planting hardwood saplings after providing eight feet of topsoil02/18/05
HB 2538West Virginia Wild Game Breeder's and Dealer's Licensing Act02/21/05
HB 2560Relating to requiring that dogs and cats be vaccinated every three years with rabies vaccines that last three years02/21/05
HB 2635Creating the Exotic Animal Regulation Board and Technical Advisory Committee02/24/05
HB 2880Relating to the Board of Veterinary Medicine to support low-cost animal spay and neuter programs03/04/05
HB 2959Making it unlawful to hunt, trap, shoot, destroy, attempt to destroy or possess an albino deer, and to provide penalties and fines for such violations03/10/05
HB 3022Establishing a volunteer litter reporting program03/14/05
HB 3061Authorizing crossbow hunting for disabled persons03/16/05
HB 3119Providing that the Division of Natural Resources may not reduce the habitat land acreage available for hunting and shooting03/21/05
HB 3120Providing the same protection from animal fighting to all animals and extending the application of criminal penalties03/21/05
HB 3158Allowing handicapped persons who have lost a hand, or are otherwise incapacitated from using an arm or a hand to hunt with a bow, to hunt with the use of a crossbow03/23/05
HB 3159Allowing hunting on public lands on Sunday03/23/05
HB 3268Relating to discounts at state parks for elderly and disabled persons03/25/05
HB 3269Establishing a system for issuing permits for the rehabilitation of orphaned, sick and injured wildlife03/25/05
HB 3270Limiting liability for volunteers and Division of Forestry employees for damages caused when fighting forest fighters 03/25/05
HB 3272Requiring an upland game bird conservation stamp03/25/05
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