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There are 119 Bills pending in House Education




SB 290Requiring each county board of education hold public hearing on students wearing uniforms03/28/05
SB 589Relating to county boards of education sharing services of central office administrative personnel03/29/05
SB 701Eliminating requirement statewide assessment occur at specific grade levels03/28/05
HB 2017Increasing supplemental benefits to certain teacher retirement annuitants02/09/05
HB 2018Making armed assault or conspiracy to commit armed assault upon school property or school personnel or students a felony02/09/05
HB 2019Allowing spouses who are employed by the same county board of education to transfer unlimited accumulated sick leave to each other02/09/05
HB 2021Increasing school service personnel employees by one pay grade after ten years of employment02/09/05
HB 2023Providing for the use of neck braces by football players02/09/05
HB 2028Requiring schools to post and make available to the public the schedules of teachers and staff02/09/05
HB 2031Mandating guidelines for full-day and half-day cooks at schools02/09/05
HB 2037Relating to the rate of pay for substitute teachers02/09/05
HB 2053Providing West Virginia students with a partial PROMISE scholarship for schooling outside this state for the reason that no in-state institution offers a course for a major or a degree in the student's desired field02/09/05
HB 2061Directing the West Virginia secondary school activities commission to promulgate rules to provide oversight of secondary school athletic directors02/09/05
HB 2062Relating to giving the priority to teacher's aide applicants with college credits02/09/05
HB 2069Providing that a school levy election may be held during the primary election02/09/05
HB 2080Permitting the head of an at-risk family to accept school loans, grants and scholarships without losing assistance while in school02/09/05
HB 2081Providing that student residents of this state who commute to school in another state are eligible for the PROMISE scholarship program02/09/05
HB 2087Increasing salaries of principals and assistant principals and providing salary reduction procedures02/09/05
HB 2092Requirements for PROMISE scholarship02/09/05
HB 2123Authorizing an exemption from standardized testing for children receiving an exemption from compulsory school attendance and who attend church school02/09/05
HB 2134Providing a two-tiered personal income tax credit for parents who provide home schooling02/10/05
HB 2135Mandating that county boards of education establish personal leave banks which allow board employees to donate personal leave02/10/05
HB 2139Limiting the number of exceptional students in regular education classes02/10/05
HB 2140Increasing the foundation allowances for professional educators to fifty-five and service personnel to thirty-seven for each one thousand students02/10/05
HB 2149Requiring accumulation of certain historical instruction before high school graduation02/10/05
HB 2157Providing for safe schools through alternative education programs and providing certain juvenile justice records to public school officials02/10/05
HB 2197Exempting undergraduate students attending state colleges or universities and graduates of undergraduate programs of such state institutions for the first two tax years postgraduation from the payment of state income tax02/11/05
HB 2201Requiring county boards of education to establish the daily observance of a minute of silence in all county schools02/11/05
HB 2214Requiring the county school boards to train all school personnel in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and blood precaution02/11/05
HB 2215Banning the use and possession of tobacco products by minors on school property and restricting the use of tobacco by all persons on school property02/11/05
HB 2231Establishing a secure residential school for juvenile status offenders02/11/05
HB 2242Establishing the child internet protection act02/11/05
HB 2253Increasing salary increments paid to principals and assistant principals02/11/05
HB 2284Relating to the PROMISE scholarship and effective dates for increases in the objective standards applicable to eligibility02/11/05
HB 2293Revising mediation procedures and authorizing arbitration for education and public employee grievance procedures02/14/05
HB 2315Creating a framework to avoid imposition of policies and practices on the public schools that distract from a thorough and efficient education02/14/05
HB 2349Salary increases for school service employees based upon residential housing costs02/15/05
HB 2364Clarifying that certain community education programs support public education02/15/05
HB 2370Augmentation to any salary increase for any public employee, teacher or school service personnel02/15/05
HB 2395Prohibiting discrimination by a county school superintendent or school board member in the appointment, job placement or advancement of any applicant02/16/05
HB 2396Increasing the salary increments paid to principals and assistant principals02/16/05
HB 2461Requiring county superintendents of schools to provide names and addresses of dropouts to the State Superintendent of Schools and the Director of the Mountaineer Challenge Academy02/17/05
HB 2462Providing that the assignment and transfer of real property for research and development at institutions of higher education for economic development purposes includes housing projects02/17/05
HB 2463Allowing the State Superintendent of Schools to designate certain geographical areas as a "School Choice Zone"02/17/05
HB 2464Changing the paygrade of "sanitation plant operator" from "f" to "g"02/17/05
HB 2507Creating incentives for encouraging West Virginia workers to obtain the GED02/21/05
HB 2511Allowing HEAPS funds to be used for the costs of taking a GED exam02/21/05
HB 2516Pay incentives for teachers who teach in their core field degree02/21/05
HB 2520Providing that county school boards may spend authority moneys on any school that has been included in an approved comprehensive education facilities plan02/21/05
HB 2535Verifiable Science Act02/21/05
HB 2536Providing county boards of education may study the economic feasibility of exercising an option of engaging in cooperative agreements with local public or regional transit authorities to transport students02/21/05
HB 2548The Diabetes Care Plan Act03/03/05
HB 2549Authorizing colleges and universities to charge county boards of education for remedial education courses attended by West Virginia high school graduates02/21/05
HB 2550Creating the institute for increased postsecondary education participation02/21/05
HB 2561Relating to providing seniority rights are preserved for teachers and other professional employees that transfer to employment in another county02/21/05
HB 2584Providing for reimbursement to institutions of higher education of qualifying noncapital expenditures incurred in providing services to students with physical, learning or severe sensory disabilities02/21/05
HB 2604Requiring county school boards to employ one school nurse for every one thousand pupils02/23/05
HB 2605Relating to the eligibility of faculty members at state institutions of higher education for certain incremental pay02/23/05
HB 2606Prohibiting state institutions of higher education from requiring students to purchase bundled textbook packages02/23/05
HB 2654Prohibiting cloning of human embryos in state medical schools, colleges or universities02/24/05
HB 2660Relating to setting standards for assignment of high school athletic directors02/24/05
HB 2784Allowing comparable credit at trade or vocational schools approved by the State Board to count towards service personnel pay rates03/01/05
HB 2800Formulating a process in which to project the net enrollment in growth counties03/01/05
HB 2803Relating to hiring assistant principals and the minimum employment terms for principals, assistant principals and secretaries03/01/05
HB 2804Requiring county boards of education to employ one school nurse for every one thousand five hundred pupils based upon net enrollment in all grades03/01/05
HB 2805Relating to substitute service personnel seniority03/01/05
HB 2806Providing for increased compensation for aides and paraprofessionals with large numbers of pupils in kindergarten and grades one through six03/01/05
HB 2819Changing the phrase " It is, therefore, the desire of the Legislature" to "It is, therefore the intent of the Legislature"03/01/05
HB 2833Creating the "Better Sight for Better Learning Act"03/02/05
HB 2865Providing that rehabilitation counselors employed by the Division of Rehabilitative Services shall be paid at an equivalent rate to public school counselors03/04/05
HB 2867Instituting a "Celebrate Freedom Week" and requiring the instruction in the study of American historical documents03/04/05
HB 2894Authorizing rules of the Higher Education Policy Commission and the Council for Community and Technical College Education03/07/05
HB 2897Changing compulsory school attendance until age eighteen or until the student graduates03/07/05
HB 2910Relating to salaries, wages and other benefits of school service personnel03/07/05
HB 2919Changing the required ratio of school nurses to one nurse per every 1,500 students in grades kindergarten through twelve03/07/05
HB 2920Changing the ratio of school nurses to students in each county from one nurse per 1,500 students in grades kindergarten through seven, to one nurse per 750 students in pre-school through twelve03/07/05
HB 2956Relating to the eligibility of faculty members at state institutions of higher education to receive the annual experience increment paid to state employees03/09/05
HB 2968Providing health insurance coverage under PEIA for long-term substitute teachers and granting permanently employed professional personnel status for filling vacancies03/10/05
HB 2976Relating to requiring all middle schools and high schools to teach fetal development, and providing that nothing contained in the section can be construed as approving of abortion03/10/05
HB 2978Redefining school counseling and institute annual professional development for school counselors03/10/05
HB 2979Providing up to four days flexibility for the dates of commencement and termination of instructional school year term03/10/05
HB 2994Providing that the foundation allowance for regional education service agencies is established by the Legislature03/11/05
HB 3020Authorizing private campus police officers at private institutions of higher education in this state03/14/05
HB 3041Relating to restoring ten full faculty senate days during instructional days, one each month03/15/05
HB 3042Clarifying the Legislature's goals with respect to financing higher education03/15/05
HB 3054Dedicating funding for both the counties with an increased enrollment and those with a net enrollment of one thousand four hundred or fewer students03/16/05
HB 3055Requiring two classes of competition in all end-of-year interscholastic athletic tournaments 03/16/05
HB 3069Providing for adoption or transfer of orders, resolutions, policies, rules and obligations of the institutional governing boards of New River Community and Technical College and the Community and Technical College of Shepherd03/16/05
HB 3075Allowing schools to use the off-months provided for instructional support and enhancement to be used for additional instructional support for continuing education and staff development to meet the requirements of "No Child Left Behind" 03/17/05
HB 3076Changing the PROMISE Scholarship Program to the PROMISE Forgivable Student Loan Program and establishing deferment and forgiveness conditions03/17/05
HB 3077Relating to requiring schools to maintain an alternative learning classroom apart from the regular classroom, designed to address students' disruptive behavior03/17/05
HB 3078Eliminating the need for children with learning disabilities or psychological or behavioral disorders from having to be sent out of state in order to receive treatment for their disability or problem03/17/05
HB 3079Providing for the creation of appropriate alternative facilities at each developmental level for children with serious emotional and psychological disorders03/17/05
HB 3080Relating to dedicating funding for both the counties with increased enrollment and those with a net enrollment of one thousand four hundred or fewer students03/17/05
HB 3101Relating to the creation and term of the West Virginia University rifle team special revenue fund03/18/05
HB 3103Providing teachers with a fifteen percent salary increase over the next three years03/18/05
HB 3114Granting the faculty senate authority to make decisions on new programs and curriculum03/21/05
HB 3121Providing flexibility measures for West Virginia University and Marshall University03/21/05
HB 3124Requiring that fetus models be displayed in schools and providing a fine for failure to comply with this section03/22/05
HB 3129Excluding income to contractors for work done for public schools from municipal business and occupation taxes03/22/05
HB 3131Allowing a school service mechanic to have experience, training and certifications considered towards his or her pay rate 03/22/05
HB 3132Consolidating purchasing by county boards of education through the regional education service agency serving their areas03/22/05
HB 3133Establishing school service personnel class title and pay grade for the positions of "Administrative Assistant" and "Legal Secretary"03/22/05
HB 3147Providing a $100.00 per month pay raise to service personnel beginning July 1, 200503/22/05
HB 3189Relating to allowing bus operators for county school systems to carry-over years of experience operating buses for purposes of determining seniority03/24/05
HB 3210Permitting employees of the State Board of Education or any county board to educate, counsel or assist any student who seeks information regarding sex education, social expectations or birth control03/24/05
HB 3238Providing an exemption from mandatory immunizations for school children on the basis of conscientious or religious belief03/25/05
HB 3239Removing the requirement that a State Superintendent master's degree has to be in educational administration03/25/05
HB 3240Rectifying inequities in the salary schedule and pay grades for service personnel by upgrading the pay grade of cooks and custodians03/25/05
HB 3241Relating to salary increases for teachers based upon residential housing costs03/25/05
HB 3242Relating to prohibiting fighting by juveniles on school grounds 03/25/05
HB 3243Including children of deceased members of the armed forces called to active duty for the purposes of entering into armed combat in the educational opportunities appropriation and removing requirement that the children attend a state institution03/25/05
HB 3244Requiring the State Board of Education to implement a program to teach religion in the public schools03/25/05
HB 3290Relating to providing additional state minimum salary for certain teachers03/25/05
HB 3303Financing the West Virginia University rifle team with the support of the student body03/25/05
HB 3330Protecting academic freedom in higher education03/25/05
HB 3349Changing the cut-off date for attaining the age of five prior to being eligible to attend kindergarten03/25/05
HB 3350Deleting the requirement that school personnel with five or more years experience, who have not received an unsatisfactory rating, recieve evaluations, except at the discretion of the principal03/25/05
HB 3351Creating the West Virginia Byrd Scholarship Program03/25/05
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