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There are 67 Bills pending in House Pensions and Retirement




SB 262Relating to State Police Retirement System03/18/05
SB 264Relating to Teachers Defined Contribution Retirement System03/18/05
SB 425Relating to Deputy Sheriff Retirement System03/18/05
HB 2006Increasing benefits of retired state personnel and retired teachers02/09/05
HB 2025Allowing members that participate in the teachers' defined contribution retirement system to borrow only against the total amount that the member has contributed02/09/05
HB 2051Increasing the multiplier for a retirement annuity in the public employees retirement system02/09/05
HB 2055Giving certain annuitants of the public employees and teachers retirement systems a one-time supplement02/09/05
HB 2159Increasing the multiplier for a retirement annuity in the public employees retirement system02/10/05
HB 2166Authorizing lateral transfers for deputy sheriffs02/10/05
HB 2175Providing dedication of a portion of pari-mutuel proceeds be utilized to fund employee retirement plans at certain racing facilities02/10/05
HB 2188Providing a cost-of-living increase for certain persons retired under the teacher retirement system02/10/05
HB 2222Providing retirement service credit to teachers at private colleges and universities02/11/05
HB 2232Authorizing service credit under public employees retirement for federal employment service02/11/05
HB 2255Crediting a deceased teacher's sick leave toward continued insurance coverage for a surviving spouse and other dependents02/11/05
HB 2259Providing a one-time supplement to certain public employee retirement system annuitants02/11/05
HB 2260Preventing a reduction in the annuity of a person who retires with disability retirement at age sixty-five02/11/05
HB 2288Including conservation officers in the deputy sheriff retirement system02/14/05
HB 2297Allowing a state employer or other public employer to contribute to deferred compensation plans to match employee contributions02/14/05
HB 2305Providing for the continuance of medical coverage for the spouse of a deceased retired public employee for any period previously purchased with accumulated leave02/14/05
HB 2319Providing the option for teachers who withdrew from the state teachers retirement system to return to the system02/14/05
HB 2320Allowing a retired member of the teachers retirement system to be reemployed on a contract basis02/14/05
HB 2321Providing a cost-of-living provision for certain persons retired under the teachers retirement system02/14/05
HB 2323Increasing retirement benefits of teachers and public employees02/14/05
HB 2348Allowing retiring state employees to use accrued annual and sick leave days to meet early retirement eligibility criteria02/15/05
HB 2373Increasing the multiplier for a retirement annuity in the public employees retirement system02/16/05
HB 2374Providing service credits for service in the West Virginia national guard and reserve for public employees retirement system and civil service examinations02/16/05
HB 2382Providing the option for teachers who withdrew from the state teachers retirement system in favor of the defined contribution retirement system the option to return to the state teachers retirement system02/16/05
HB 2384Including education service personnel eligibility for the five hundred dollar early retirement notification bonus02/16/05
HB 2390Removing language which might reduce a public employee's disability benefits upon reaching age 6502/16/05
HB 2391Increasing retirement pensions for police and firefighters02/16/05
HB 2451Making additional funds available for the fire and police pension system and for volunteer and part volunteer fire departments by increasing premium tax on insurance02/17/05
HB 2499Relating to increasing supplemental benefits to certain teacher retirement annuitants02/18/05
HB 2505Enacting a retirement system for Emergency Medical Services Personnel02/18/05
HB 2513Increasing a surviving spouse's death benefit under a municipal police officer's or firefighter's pension02/21/05
HB 2537Raising the allowable earnings limit of higher education personnel who retired under the severance plan02/21/05
HB 2564Enacting a retirement system for Emergency Services Personnel02/21/05
HB 2568Increasing the retirement pensions for police and firefighters02/21/05
HB 2571Changing the final average salary calculation in determining the benefit of a deputy sheriff retirement system member02/21/05
HB 2587Granting various county agencies authority to enter into intergovernmental agreements with other county levying bodies02/21/05
HB 2588Giving service credit for persons employed by the West Virginia University extension services for the purposes of the state teachers retirement system02/22/05
HB 2589Relating to service credit for unused personal leave days for teachers02/22/05
HB 2616Removing the time restriction under which persons retiring under the teachers defined benefit retirement system are allowed to become employed by an institution of higher education02/23/05
HB 2624Effecting technical corrections to the deputy sheriff retirement system02/24/05
HB 2625Changing how the accrued retirement benefit of a deputy sheriff retirement system member is calculated02/24/05
HB 2647Relating to acquiring retirement credited service through member's use of accrued annual or sick leave days02/24/05
HB 2651Relating to Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System02/24/05
HB 2659Giving certain annuitants of the Public Employees Retirement System and the Teachers Retirement System who are over the age of 60 years a one-time supplement02/24/05
HB 2828Eliminating a gap in employment for certain employees participating in the Public Employees Insurance Plan03/02/05
HB 2841Relating to the Deputy Sheriff Retirement System03/02/05
HB 2844Enacting comprehensive changes to the West Virginia State Police Death, Disability and Retirement System03/02/05
HB 2909Clarifying the service credit for certain Public Employee Retirement System employees03/07/05
HB 2985Discontinuing the loan program of deputy sheriffs who become members of the Deputy Sheriff Retirement System on or after July 1, 200503/10/05
HB 3007Relating to the merger and consolidation of the Teachers' Defined Contribution Retirement System and the State Teachers Retirement System03/11/05
HB 3029Allowing citizens of West Virginia that work out of state for public employment to accrue credited service towards eligibility or vesting in the retirement system03/15/05
HB 3059Lowering the normal retirement age for State Police officers, specifying starting date of annuity, and eliminating any reduction in the benefit of a State Police officer who is disabled on the job03/16/05
HB 3085Providing the option for new public school employees to transfer deposits from the Defined Contribution Retirement System and opt into the State Teachers Retirement System03/17/05
HB 3099Providing that interest be included in terminal benefits payable to retired member's named beneficiary, clarifying max loan amount and establishing the limited use of qualifying military service03/18/05
HB 3100Enacting comprehensive changes to the West Virginia State Police Death, Disability and Retirement System03/18/05
HB 3116Relating to municipal police and firemen pension plans and providing that where a member 's service has been interrupted by military service, that member may receive retirement benefits immediately upon retirement03/21/05
HB 3127Providing teacher retirement eligibility, with full pension rights, when a member's age plus years of total service equals or exceeds eighty03/22/05
HB 3139Allowing service credit under the Public Employees Retirement System for up to five years of other public service03/22/05
HB 3154Providing for a study of the option for teachers who withdrew from the State Teachers Retirement System in favor of the Defined Contribution Retirement System, to return to the State Teachers Retirement System03/23/05
HB 3156Providing for the withdrawal of Jobs for West Virginia's Graduates from PERS 03/23/05
HB 3161Providing for a potential subsidy of employer share of PEIA payments by certain small government related entities that are required to pay for retirees eligible for PEIA coverage03/23/05
HB 3209Allowing those members of the Teachers Retirement System who have been called to active duty since September 11, 2001, to repurchase the time by making payments03/24/05
HB 3263Providing a third actuarial option for determining a municipality's annual contribution to its municipal policemen's or firemen's retirement fund03/25/05
HB 3279Excluding certain taxes imposed on certain utilities and extractive activities from those that municipality must cease to impose before being authorized to impose a municipal sales and service tax and a municipal use tax03/25/05
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