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All Bills (House | Senate) All Resolutions Subject Short Title Sponsor Date Introduced Code Affected All Same As Pending In Committee Reported From Committee Passed One Chamber Fiscal Notes Completed Legislation Actions by Governor |
Bill | Title | Date |
SB 99 | Continuing authority to index license and stamp fees | 01/17/22 |
HB 2049 | Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program Fund | 01/12/22 |
HB 2050 | Establishing the West Virginia Healthy Food Crop Block Grant Program | 01/12/22 |
HB 2059 | Establishing a system for issuing permits for persons to provide rehabilitation of orphaned, sick and injured wildlife | 01/12/22 |
HB 2213 | Relating to the hunting of coyotes | 01/12/22 |
HB 2511 | Relating generally to hunting and fishing | 01/12/22 |
HB 2550 | Relating to the cultivation of medical cannabis | 01/12/22 |
HB 2568 | Relating to rules for hunting antlered deer | 01/12/22 |
HB 2685 | Relating to state certification of industrial hemp and medical cannabis seed | 01/12/22 |
HB 2860 | Requiring that open hunting season for big game begin on a Saturday | 01/12/22 |
HB 2999 | Relating to property ownership by Farmland Protection Board | 01/12/22 |
HB 3053 | Relating to requirements for a registered veterinary nurse | 01/12/22 |
HB 3140 | Allowing disabled persons to operate small electric vehicles on the Greenbrier Trail | 01/12/22 |
HB 3192 | Creating the West Virginia Farm Fresh Dairy Act | 01/12/22 |
HB 3224 | Establish food desert produce pilot program | 01/12/22 |
HB 3235 | To establish the Vegetable Garden Protection Act | 01/12/22 |
HB 4029 | To require the Division of Forestry to create an online renewal process no later than July 1, 2022 | 01/12/22 |
HB 4258 | To allow landowners to pay hunters to hunt their property | 01/19/22 |
HB 4302 | Conservation Districts Law of West Virginia | 01/20/22 |
HB 4332 | WV Farm Bill of 2022 | 01/21/22 |
HB 4387 | To allow honorably discharged veterans to have free lifetime hunting, fishing, and trapping license | 01/25/22 |
HB 4464 | Revising requirements for bear damage stamp for hunting license. | 01/31/22 |
HB 4486 | Required attire for deer hunters. | 02/01/22 |
HB 4548 | Create state veterinary blood bank | 02/03/22 |
HB 4554 | Farm Bill | 02/03/22 |
HB 4577 | Compassion for Community Cats Law | 02/08/22 |
HB 4681 | To establish a state animal abuse register | 02/15/22 |
HB 4685 | To create a VALU Guaranty program for West Virginia for a bank loan for livestock | 02/15/22 |
HB 4687 | Relating to wild and wonderful restoration Task Force | 02/15/22 |
HB 4722 | Banning of bee killing pesticides to protect agriculture | 02/15/22 |
HB 4801 | Creating a hunter access program for private landowners to enter an agreement with the state to allow hunters to use their property | 02/15/22 |
HB 4806 | Repeal breed specific legislation | 02/15/22 |
HB 4807 | Providing small grants to encourage the creation of large pollinator friendly gardening habitats | 02/15/22 |