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Delegate Marple sponsored 32 bills:


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HB 4213 Authorizing adjustment from federal adjusted gross income for certain law enforcement pension benefit payments Pending  House Pensions and Retirement Committee  01/10/24 
HB 4427 To require voters to include either their West Virginia driver’s license number or any alternative identification information authorized by the West Virginia Secretary of State on their absentee ballot applications. Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/10/24 
HB 4428 Requiring candidates to live in the state or local election district for the office for which they are seeking. Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  01/23/24 
HB 4435 To create emergency stations at West Virginia rest areas. Pending  House T&I Committee  01/10/24 
HB 4802 To amend the law regarding sewer systems. Pending  House Government Organization Committee  01/16/24 
HB 4803 Relating to the hiring requirements of West Virginia law enforcement employees Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/07/24 
HB 4804 Including all state correctional classifications in the Deputy Sheriff’s Retirement System (DSRS) Pending  House Pensions and Retirement Committee  01/16/24 
HB 4805 To create a division of election crimes and security within the office of the Secretary of State and give the Secretary of State the authority to recommend prosecution to the appropriate judicial jurisdiction. Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/16/24 
HB 5043 Relating to requirements, prohibitions and regulation of foreign principals or agents of foreign principals, lobbying by or on behalf of such foreign principals or their agents Pending  Senate Economic Development Committee  02/29/24 
HB 5055 To ensure that West Virginia law enforcement entities are not compelled or commandeered by federal authorities to conduct activities that violate our citizens’ Constitutional rights Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/23/24 
HB 5078 To include Salem University in programs wherein the Promise Scholarship is accepted Pending  House Finance Committee  02/02/24 
HB 5084 Require retailers to verify identification and age upon purchase of vape products Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 7, 2024)
HB 5098 Requiring Federal law enforcement to coordinate with Attorney General and County Sheriffs Pending  House Veterans Affairs and Homeland Security Committee  01/25/24 
HB 5138 Relating to federal involvement in elections Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/25/24 
HB 5259 To promote the security of West Virginia motorists to account for increased costs of property damages, healthcare, and inflation. Pending  House Banking and Insurance Committee  01/29/24 
HB 5263 Relating to the Consolidated Public Retirement Board and requiring participating public employers to remit retirement contributions and fees by electronic funds transfer Pending    2nd Reading  02/12/24 
HB 5267 Relating to the Deputy Sheriff Retirement System Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (May 19, 2024)
HB 5269 Relating to the Municipal Police Officers and Firefighters Retirement System Pending    2nd Reading  02/12/24 
HB 5270 Relating to the Natural Resources Police Officers Retirement System Pending    2nd Reading  02/12/24 
HB 5273 Relating to the Emergency Medical Services Retirement System and clarifying payment upon death of member with less than 10 years of contributory service Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (May 19, 2024)
HB 5295 Authorizing a private outdoor designated area to simultaneously host multiple qualified permit holders Signed  Effective from passage - (March 4, 2024)
HB 5383 To move the election of Supreme Court Justices to the general election Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/31/24 
HB 5384 To change the election dates for intermediate court of appeals judges to the genreal elections Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/31/24 
HB 5415 Relating to procedures regarding illegal entry into the state Pending  House Veterans Affairs and Homeland Security Committee  02/01/24 
HB 5418 To give County Sheriffs overall approval in requirements for the position of Bailiff Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/01/24 
HB 5482 Patrolman Cassie Marie Johnson Organ Donor Act Pending  House T&I Committee  02/06/24 
HB 5509 Provide for a special driver’s license for those with physical disabilities Pending  House T&I Committee  02/07/24 
HB 5511 Relating generally to medical cannabis Pending  House Health and Human Resources Committee  02/07/24 
HB 5513 To create the Great Expectations Pilot Program Pending  House Education Committee  02/07/24 
HB 5633 Requiring a person to be a member of a respective political party 12 months before they can run for office in that party Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/12/24 
HB 5634 Empowering the Homeland Security Inspector General to oversee/investigate all County Metro 911 Agencies. Pending  House Government Organization Committee  02/12/24 
HB 5664 To automatically start a Smart 529 account for every newborn in West Virginia. Pending  House Education Committee  02/13/24 
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