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Delegate Bridges sponsored 26 bills:


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HB 5675 To increase the Deputy Sheriff retirement multiplier from 2.75 to 3.0. Pending  House Pensions and Retirement Committee  02/13/24 
HB 5674 Matching the Deputy Sheriff’s retirement to corrections at 20 years of service. Pending  House Pensions and Retirement Committee  02/13/24 
HB 5619 To increase the pay for retired state employees by 5% over three years beginning in 2025 Pending  House Pensions and Retirement Committee  02/12/24 
HB 5584 To require bag limits to be set by biologists at the DNR and not the commission Pending  House ANR Committee  02/12/24 
HB 5563 Adding a proviso that any county will open attendance zones and an existing transportaion Arrangement shall not be permitted to close the open attendance zone reestablish closed boarders or modify existing transportation routes or arrangements for any current or future students who chooose to utilize these options Pending  House Education Committee  02/12/24 
HB 5559 Authorizing sheriffs who are members of the public retirement system to retire upon attaining the age of sixty-two with eight or more years of services Pending  House Pensions and Retirement Committee  02/12/24 
HB 5554 Modifying the Occupational Pneumoconiois award categories for Worker’s Compensation Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/09/24 
HB 5537 Relating to sheriff’s commission for collection of taxes Pending  House Finance Committee  02/09/24 
HB 5535 Tobacco Products Excise Tax Act Pending  House Finance Committee  02/09/24 
HB 5527 To allow those with a concealed carry license to carry a concealed handgun in public school property and buildings. Pending  House Education Committee  02/08/24 
HB 5371 Relating to renewal of registration Pending  House T&I Committee  01/30/24 
HB 5335 Relating to compulsory immunizations Pending  House Health and Human Resources Committee  01/29/24 
HB 5235 To double the criminal penalty for anyone found guilty of sexual assault on a minor Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/24/24 
HB 5223 To create the Southern Coalfield Resiliency and Revitalization Program Pending    Concurrence  03/09/24 
HB 5218 Relating to placing a cap on insurance copays Pending  House Banking and Insurance Committee  01/26/24 
HB 5200 Requiring that school counselors serving students in preschool through the 12th grade participate in the School Counselors Conference at least once every two years Pending  Senate Education Committee  02/08/24 
HB 5196 To require all West Virginia high school students to pass a Civics examination and the United States Naturalization Examination Pending  House Education Committee  01/25/24 
HB 5035 To require voter ID cards to come with a photograph of the individual Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/23/24 
HB 5034 To provide a reduction of the tax for companies who have 75% or more of their workforce as West Virginia residents Pending  House Finance Committee  01/23/24 
HB 5033 Allowing the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources to stock “F1” fingerling bass, otherwise known as tiger bass, into West Virginia public lakes Pending  House ANR Committee  01/23/24 
HB 4988 To ensure that classroom sizes are equal without losing a teachers aide Pending  House Education Committee  01/22/24 
HB 4917 To provide an optional pop up window to sign up for NRA or USCCA firearms safety classes when purchasing a hunting or fishing license online. Pending  House ANR Committee  01/18/24 
HB 4871 To allow youth and handicapped hunters to harvest a buck deer or doe during youth/handicapped special hunts Pending  House ANR Committee  01/17/24 
HB 4793 Relating to distilled liquor Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (June 7, 2024)
HB 4788 Relating to when Mail In Ballots are Due Pending  House Judiciary Committee  01/16/24 
HB 4722 Create a credit against the severance tax to encourage private companies to make infrastructure improvements to highways, roads and bridges in this state Pending  Senate Finance Committee  03/04/24 
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