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The search returned 37 bills introduced on 02/24/17:


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HB 2689 Educational Savings Account Program Pending  House Education Committee  02/24/17 
HB 2690 Terminating the West Virginia Board of Registration of Foresters while preserving essential protections against misrepresentation Pending  House Judiciary Committee  03/06/17 
HB 2691 Allowing a person who is qualified by training to be a barber and a cosmetologist to elect to practice solely as a barber Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (July 5, 2017)
HB 2692 Allowing licensed professionals to donate time to the care of indigent and needy Pending  House Health and Human Resources Committee  02/24/17 
HB 2693 Relating to state ownership of wildlife Pending  House Judiciary Committee  03/07/17 
HB 2694 Relating to the development and implementation of a program to facilitate commercial sponsorship of rest areas Pending    3rd Reading  04/08/17 
HB 2695 Creating a pilot program for expansion of school-based mental health and school-based diversion Pending  House Education Committee  02/24/17 
HB 2696 Relating to crossbow hunting Pending  House Judiciary Committee  03/07/17 
HB 2697 Establishing regional recreation authorities and areas Pending  House Political Subdivisions Committee  02/24/17 
HB 2698 Providing certain notice to civil service exempt employees dismissed from employment due to change in administration Pending  House Judiciary Committee  03/16/17 
HB 2699 Making information about Division of Natural Resources licensees exempt from the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act Pending  House Judiciary Committee  03/07/17 
HB 2700 Exempting industrial hemp from being a Schedule I drug Pending  House Health and Human Resources Committee  02/24/17 
HB 2701 Prohibiting recipients of public assistance to return items for cash Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/24/17 
HB 2702 Relating to excused absences for personal illness from school Signed  Effective July 1, 2017
HB 2703 Providing that the court allocate time equally between parents Pending  House Judiciary Committee  02/24/17 
HB 2704 Prohibiting persons convicted of sexual offenses against children with whom they hold positions of trust from holding certification or license valid in public schools Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (July 7, 2017)
HB 2705 Eliminating obsolete, duplicate or unnecessary code language as it relates to higher education Pending  House Education Committee  02/24/17 
HB 2706 Authorizing legislative rules regarding higher education Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (July 3, 2017)
HB 2707 Relating to the collection, possession and sale of naturally shed deer antlers Pending  House Judiciary Committee  03/08/17 
HB 2708 Relating to a lawful method for a developmentally disabled person to purchase a base hunting license Pending    RECD  04/08/17 
HB 2709 Authorizing the City of South Charleston to levy a special district excise tax Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (July 5, 2017)
SB 426 Repealing DNR legislative rule on litter control grant program Pending  House Judiciary Committee  03/01/17 
SB 427 Relating to special revenue funds administered by DEP Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  02/24/17 
SB 428 Relating to partial filling of prescriptions Pending  House Judiciary Committee  03/31/17 
SB 429 Relating to monitoring inmate communications Pending  House Judiciary Committee  03/07/17 
SB 430 Relating to hospital open meetings Pending  Senate Health and Human Resources Committee  02/24/17 
SB 431 Providing ratio of pupils to licensed school psychologist Pending  Senate Education Committee  02/24/17 
SB 432 Requiring proficiency in civics as condition of receiving high school diploma Pending  Senate Education Committee  02/24/17 
SB 433 Permitting counties increase excise tax on privilege of transferring real property Signed  Effective Ninety Days from Passage - (July 6, 2017)
SB 434 Relating to WV Insurance Guaranty Association Act Pending  Senate Judiciary Committee  03/14/17 
SB 435 Relating to Youth Mental Health Protection Act Pending  Senate Health and Human Resources Committee  03/23/17 
SB 436 Permitting investigators from Attorney General's office carry firearms Pending  House Judiciary Committee  03/07/17 
SB 437 Discontinuing WV Greyhound Breeding Development Fund Vetoed  Vetoed
SB 438 Relating generally to Uniform Unclaimed Property Act Pending  Senate Banking and Insurance Committee  02/24/17 
SB 439 Relating to venue for civil and criminal actions at Salem Correctional Center Pending  House Judiciary Committee  03/06/17 
SB 440 Relating to use of Regional Jail and Correctional Facility Authority funds Pending    Concurrence  04/07/17 
SB 441 Establishing Municipal Home Rule Pilot Program Vetoed  Vetoed
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